
Last Paladin

Darkness rules the land since the sacred order of the Paladin vanished for to the point their tales are now but legends and none now live who’ve seen a Paladin let alone known someone who has. Maybe they never really existed but if they do the people of Arcadia Nine could really use their help. This is the tale of a young man who chooses that weather they are real or not he was done being pushed around and would from this point forward stand up against the darkness.

ShadowFoxx89 · Fantaisie
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167 Chs

The Truth, The Full Truth, Nothing But The Truth

"Lucy is that true?" questioned Marcus turning to face her.

"Yes." replied Lucy as she pulled back part of her armor revealing the collar.

"Then me and Buki will be having a little discussion about that next time we talk that's for dam sure." huffed Marcus before turning back towards the sheriff before asking, "Can we please come into your town to set up a base camp to work out of as we try to figure out what is causing this weird storm and why?"

"Well, sugar I might be able to negotiate some kind of deal with the inn keeper for a set price that is." called the otter with a obvious seductive grin and a wink that made Lucy and the golden lab roll their eyes at the such open seduction.

"Ma'am as nice as your offer sounds I'm a married fox and I'd rather not anger the divine over breaking my sacred vows to my beloved wife." charmingly replied Marcus with a polite and respectful bow.