She fell into a world of beasts and ruin. She must learn to survive in this new world. Will she find her way home, or will other things keep her from returning. Full of love and romance and drama. the world has changed but is dying once more and she may be the key to saving it.
"I still don't understand why they let him keep me away!" She sobbed.
The past few days were so hard to get through. They had come up with a play to help Cyro but lost precious time thanks to Vilen. He insisted that if they went to see Cyro they would try to free him. The Bark tribe and the Mountain tribe agreed to keep her away for three days. She was hoping and begging that they would keep their word and let her see him tomorrow. She also became sick as well, constant nausea no matter what she ate. She didn't know what it was, but she knew she wasn't contagious. Indigo tried to make her see a doctor, but she refused. She was certain it had to have been caused by the anxiety and the nonstop crying. Even so, that wouldn't explain why she kept craving fish. Indigo said they weren't close enough to a river to get fish, so she was out of luck there.
"Mira, I need you to calm down." Ingido was holding her in his arms trying his best to calm her. "Look even your scent seems to have changed a bit. I really think that you're sick."
"I don't care!" She shoved him away and started for the door. "I won't see anyone until its him!"
She was miserable and couldn't bring herself to go much anywhere. If Indigo and Kylo hadn't been forcing her out of room, she probably would have become one with the bed. Indigo cut her off from leaving the room, her rage boiling up with fear. The last person to do that was Cyro and now here was this black wolf doing the same. She did grow frantic this time. She just growled and went to the window. She left Cyro on bad terms, what if he thinks she hates him. Or thinks she left to go home, or worse what if he thinks she's moved on. Everyone has seen the way Indigo and Kylo guard her and sat at her side nonstop. Right now, Kylo was getting food for them so she wouldn't have to run into Vilen. She's never wanted to murder someone so bad in her life. Indigo, now standing behind her, began massaging her shoulders. There was so much tension in them that she didn't mind one bit. It felt nice and she couldn't remember the last time she had a massage. She could hear Kylo walk in and immediately began to feel nausea when she smelled the eggs. Inidgo tried to make her go eat, but she nearly vomited as she got closer.
"That's it. Tomorrow, after your visit with Cyro, Kylo and I are taking you to a doctor." He was grabbing the food and giving it back to Kylo.
"We should have already taken her to a doctor." Kylo was softer and gentler than Indigo, but stricter as well.
"I told yall, it's just the anxiety and stress." She grumbled.
Not wanting to listen to them anymore, she climbed into bed and pulled the covers over her head. She could feel the bed dip as both wolves sat down. They had made pallets in the floor with blankets taken from their own rooms. They had been spending the night with her in order to be sure she was okay and protected. She actually didn't mind them, though she knew they did mind her. There's been multiple times where a pillow was thrown because she was snoring too loud. She rolled over and peeked out of the covers. Kylo was already laying down, but Indigo was still sitting on her bed. His head was down, eyes fixed on his paws which were clasped together. He seemed to be deep in concentration. She slowly moved her foot closer to him. Then when she was four inches away, kicked him to get his attention. He jerked up so fast, she almost laughed. He threw his own pillow at her in vengeance.
"Do yall have like um…" She didn't know how to ask if they would have chocolate or milk.
"What is it that you want?" He sat down running a hand up and down her back.
"I want chocolate milk, but I doubt yall have it." She really wanted some as it was her go to comfort drink.
"We can get milk from another tribe, but I don't know what chocolate is." The look of confusion was enough to make her realize how futile it was.
"That's ok I'll just drink water." She rolled back over covering her head again.
"I'll leave once I know your well and get you the milk and fish you want." With that he moved off of her bed and onto the ground with Kylo.
She couldn't help but feel bad. He shouldn't do that for her. There was no way she could repay him for it. Plus, they will still need his help with Cyro. She tried to go to sleep but found she was too uncomfortable. She quietly got up and moved to the window again. The sound of the wind howling as it blew in her room was enough to make her shiver. She paused as a faint familiar sound echoed outside. She moved closer to the window trying to hear it better. She jumped when she felt Indigo brush against her. She looked up at him as he stared intently outside. Whatever the faint sound was, it must have not been good from the look on his face. She stilled and concentrated as she heard it again. Faint screech like howls were coming from just behind the walls. Those creatures from the forest!
"Groundlings," he whispered.
She shivered as the thought of hundreds of those climb over the wall entered her mind. She never got over the first time seeing one and knowing that they seemed especially attracted to her scent. She moved away from the window and looked around the room for something to put in front of it. Kylo must have heard them too as he walked over to her. He kneeled in front of her, placing both hands on her shoulder.
"It's alright they can't get over the wall." He sounded sure, but the look on his face when he met Indigo's gaze said something else.
"Kylo, don't lie." Indigo shook his head. "Groundlings have never been that close to the wall before."
They all sat on her bed in silence listening to them. No one spoke a word, nor slept a wink. She was too scared the groundlings would come through the window or get Cyro. As soon as the sun came up, she did her best to make herself presentable. She was practically running to go see Cyro. She didn't care that everyone was staring at them as they passed by. She just wanted to finally hug her Cyro. Just as she tried to enter the building, she hit something hard and fell. Thankfully Kylo was able to catch her. She rubbed her nose as it ached from the impact.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see your pet insect." The annoyingly familiar voice was enough to ruin her day.
"What are you doing here Heili?" She glared at her, not caring that others may judge her for it.
"Well, I just thought Cyro should know he wouldn't have to worry about you anymore." She looked over at both wolves standing behind Mira. "Seeing as you already found some new owners."
Before she could say a word Indigo began pushing her around Heili and through the door. She felt very small when she saw all the male foxes in the guards' hut. She hadn't expected to see so many of them in there.