
Chapter 7

"Alright, Taiga marked the client's house, his family members and leave behind a clone, if something happens we can come back fast enough", said Genma

"Sensei, What's the point...That Zabuza guy does not seem to come any time soon"

"You don't get it, Kakashi damage on his body should be healed by now...He will attack soon enough"


It was as Genma expected when they arrived, there were countless people lying on the ground. All of them were workers that were building the bridge, they were not dead, but they clearly were attacked. There were multiple cut wounds, but that's all.

"Wha-what is this?" Tazuna asked while staring at the view in front of him with a shocked expression. All ninjas seeing this also got alert and extended their sense and awareness. Tazuna then walked to one of the workers and asked him what happened.


That was the only thing he muttered before he passed out due to pain.

It was then the mist around them suddenly became thicker, seeing this everyone gathered together and covered all sides of Tazuna's position.

"This is..." Sakura muttered.

"Kirigakure no Jutsu... (Hidden in the Mist Technique)," Kakashi said grimly as he recognized the technique from his previous battle.

"Well, well... We met again, Kakashi..." Zabuza voice echoed in the mist "And you brought reinforcements with you... extra brats? And... Ah, I think I am familiar with those two... Genma Shiranui, one of Yondaime Hokage guard platoon. and Kurenai Yuhi the Genjutsu Mistress of Konoha You really brought some reinforcement with you, eh? well not bad even I bought reinforcement"

"So they really did get the reinforcement", Hned Sasuke

There are 7 people in total, 4 jonins 2 chunins, and one hunter-nin

"That Gato guy must be terribly rich", muttered Kai

"Listen, Here's what we going to do, Naruto, Sasuke deal with the masked hunter-nin, Taiga deal with demon brothers, sakura protect the client while rest deal with 1 jonin, I will take Zabuza", said Kakashi whispering

"W-Wait, you want us all to deal with a jonin", asked Kiba quite fearfully

"Yea, wouldn't it be better for Taiga to deal with a jonin and we deal with chunins", Said Ken

Genma shook his head

"You guys are weak and definitely cannot take jonin or chunins for that matter, but fighting one opponent rather than 2 is better for you guys, and while Taiga may look like it but he can not defeat jonins yet, if he takes on jonin and you guys take on chunin, you may last longer but in long term you will lose, here the best option for us is to let him fight two chunins defeat them and you guys together deal with jonin together, besides he is fast and the fight will be over before you know it"

"Well, I'm not that idiot, Zabuza..." Kakashi plainly replied to Zabuza to keep him out of their battle strategy

"Hahaha, then this will be more interesting." Zabuza chuckled before he paused and slight killing intent filled the area "Don't you agree?"

As soon he said that six water clones of Zabuza immediately emerged from the mist, surrounding the whole groups making everyone tensed as their battle stance tightened.

Taiga: O_O

"OH OH OH", Taiga was waiving his hand all around waiting for his group to notice him

'Notice me senpai'

Everyone sweat drop at this

"Yes Taiga", Asked Genma smirking

"Can I be the opening please, please Can I"

"Go on..." Genma said with amusement.

"Alright, here I go", Taiga grin

He put some chakra on Kunai using his flow of time so that it can travel faster and then-

*Woosh* He throws the kunai


And with that, the Kunai immediately was gone as if it was never there. All who was seeing this had wide eyes

A Tri-fang silver Kunai made its way towards Zabuza water clones, it was extremely fast as it hits one clone in the chest creating the hole in it because of it's great speed before the clone could even begin to react; kunai disappeared and come out of no-where from the back of another clone damaging it's leg before it could move; disappeared again, comes out from the side of another Zabuza clone damaging its arm before disappearing again

A Tri-fang kunai which flew among the group of six water clones but before they could do anything or even move they all got cut down

A single Kunai appeared and disappeared defeating a group of six clones, it was terrifyingly fast and extremely lethal which makes everyone mouth wide open

After cutting down a bunch of clones, The Kunai re-appeared in Taiga's hand as he was holding a kunai in each of his hand




Everyone stood still...well all except the ones who already saw it before

Genma smirked slightly, "Yakumo!" He barked.

"Fūton: Daitoppa! (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!)" Yakumo yelled as she finished her hand seals and summoned gale of wind.

The wind appeared and immediately blew away the mist that surrounded them

"Well, well. Interesting, How did you do that brat?", asked Zabuza being Interested in something he never saw before

*Taiga shrugged

'So that man is really Zabuza's ally...' Kakashi thought "Wearing a mask like that... Who does he think he is!"

'You are the one to talk, you are wearing a mask the whole time!' Everyone from Konoha though in deadpan tone in their minds.

"Why don't we cut the chit chat and move to the fun part?" Zabuza asked with glee as his hand moved to the hilt of Kubikiribōchō.

"Heh...I like these brats make me wants to torture them before really killing them now come at me", said a Lady voice before she jumped into the water...All 5 genins jumped into the water after her

"Good-Luck", said the demon brothers before jumping into the water as well, Taiga jumped into the water as well

"Well... Everyone picked their enemy..." Zabuza said aloud "Let's the party began!" He shouted as he dashed with Haku following behind him.

"Here they come! Stand back Sakura, Tazuna-san!" Kakashi barked as he pulled out kunai.

The battle in Wave begins!



At the entrance of the disoriented forest stood Taiga huffing greatly tired because of creating a new jutsu

"God, I can't believe you did it, and all of this in just a month, Kid you are talented I can say for Certain, Your's Talent surpass fourth's by quite a lot"

*Huff*Huff "It's not that Sensei but for some reason, I have Something, that Fourth never had"

"Really? and what's that?

"Sorry Sensei, Grandma says not to tell anyone about this, no matter how Important they are, Even Hinata does not know about it"

Genma nodded his head at that, 'Mysterious Grandma again Huh? this is gonna be Interesting Teaching him' Thought Genma with a smirk


Taiga and Demon Brother's were standing against each other

"Tch, to think we get a Single mere kid as an opponent, Give up brat, you can't win this will be easier for you and for us we have other things to do"

*He said nothing

"Heh an Arrogant one, Your arrogance is going to be your Downfall brat"

"Stop talking we have to finish things here, take care of this little brat so that we can help Zabuza take care of Kakashi of Sharingan"

Just when they were about to attack they saw the brat in question moving

'The kid finally moved', were their thoughts before they facepalmed at seeing the kids actions

Taiga slashed to his right side to the thin air, and it looks like the kid used some strength in there for god knows reason

"Flying Raijin: Heavenly Substitution"

Meizu and Taiga flashed at the same time changing their position in an instant

The slash that already swung; hit right into Gozu chest, there was no time to do a thing, the slash was already swung before the flash happened in the first place.

GAK', he coughed blood, but he didn't lose his composer and swung his claw towards Taiga


The Claw hit Gauntlet, but still, manage to draw some blood as the person took few steps back from the force


But the one got hit is Meizu, at the last moment Taiga and Meizu exchanged their position, the one got hit by Gozu claw is Meizu while Taiga was just standing at his original Position


"WHY YOU LITTL-", Meizu eyes wide open

*His blade appeared between Gozu and Meizu. But it was already being expected by Gozu. Blocking Gozu's claw with one kunai, he reversed his grip of another Kunai and stabbed into Meizu behind him, doing triple thrust. While hitting him, he flashed behind Meizu and stabbed into his back, and then again. Another strike stabbed through his shoulder towards Gozu. A triple thrust pierced through Meizu and towards Gozu but was blocked by his gauntlet. He flashed around the front of Gozu, unleashing his thrust attacks, quickly overwhelming him, the moment they fail to follow him, he becomes untouchable

He flashed, again and again, stabbing slashing those two, although those two were not killed, it would have been better for those two to be dead, their clothes were in tattered and they were bleeding from all over the place

They were hurt, they were in pain and the worst thing they couldn't even make a single scratch on their opponent

They fell, unconscious and beaten by a Genin

[Flying Thunder God is just practically Over-Powered, Such a move should be just banned from ever existing]