
Last Fortress of Humanity

When the Crack of Elon appeared in numerous location in Earth, monsters started to pour into the world crowded with humans. Under the attack from the monsters from the Crack of Elon, humanity perished. Against the monsters that come in different shape, sizes, and intelligence, humanity fall. They sent explosive, tanks, jet fighters, and even nuclear missiles against their opponents, but nothing works. In the end, only a primitive weapon like sword and spear works against them. But that was too late. The remaining survivors escaped. Remain on the run, they move from one continent to another, witnessing the changes brought by the monsters from Crack of Elon. Unknown of how long has passed, humanity stands on their two feet once more. They constructed the Dominus Fortress, the last stronghold for humanity in an attempt to retaliate and retook the right to rule over the New Earth. The story begins with Technos, the main protagonist that born with the lowest social status inside of the Dominus Fortress. To survive and climb up the ladder of upper society, Technos first needed to make sure he obtained the lowest qualification before starting to dream. Qualified Hunter And out of all possible luck, he found a lost technology that was meant to give humanity a chance to retaliates. But the issue is, Although that amazing technology work miraculously, seven hundred years still passed. How can it be possible for someone with no Ancient Language Proficiency learn how to utilize this lost technology instead? [Author's Note] This piece of a novel is my first attempt to see how good I fare in the Monster Hunting Writing Prompts. Hopefully, the quality of my story is satisfactory and enjoyable for my readers. If you feel that it worth your time, please spam me with your comments, support, and critics, and if it doesn't, you may bash me or anything. Thank you again!

yungsern87 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
15 Chs

Red Ruby Lizard (2)

The moment the Test Mission begins, the thirty students scattered. Instead of choosing to trust a companion or a partner, a majority of them selected to proceed with the test on their own. The reason for this is because of the distrust between classmates and social differences.

By hunting alone, the percentage they remain alive is higher in comparison to hunting in groups. With all of them scattered and entered the forest, the gathering spot turned empty. Following from their departure, another group of experienced hunters came in to erect a temporary camp for them to help the students in case they met with misfortune.

But lesser than half an hour later, three students returned to the camp suffering grave injuries. Two of them lost one of their limbs because they disturbed a nest filled with Red Ruby Lizards, and another failed to escape as quickly as the others and end up getting a bite on his waist.

"Stupid! Didn't your teacher teaches you to apply for the medicine first before escaping? With your condition like now, what miracle you expect all of us to do?" one of the hunters proficient with medicine lectured the students. Feeling shame, the three of them did not reply to his words.

They did not mention the remaining student left behind when they're escaping. Not too long after, the one with a part of missing flesh fell and succumb to death. It just half hour pass from the initial two days to hunt five Red Ruby Lizard, and already two casualties.

Meanwhile, Technos is heading towards his usual location to hunt for the Red Ruby Lizards. But for the first few hours, he did not find a single Red Ruby Lizard at all. Of course, with such a large number of students coming into the forest outside the Dominus Fortress, the sudden decrease of Red Ruby Lizards is normal.

Plus, this time wasn't wasted for idling due to the lack of Red Ruby Lizards. Technos took this opportunity to search for something he did not manage to get because he wasn't properly equipped. But today, this was the best chances for him to do so.

Entering somewhere deep inside the forest, Technos located remains of a building. Guessing that there might be something hidden inside of the building, he decided to take a look. Void of any Red Ruby Lizards running all over the place, this is the best chance for him to try and achieve something here!

Swiftly, he sneaks into the building with light steps. Before entering the door into the building, he throws a piece of stone against the wall, intending to lure anything inside the building out or making a reaction. But after a moment of silence, he assumes that the building is free from any monsters.

Of course, based on the size of this building's door, only the newborn Red Ruby Lizard can fit inside. Except for becoming a place for them to play, he can safely assume that no Red Ruby Lizard will waste their time to try occupied this building.

On the top floor, nothing was worthy enough for him to salvage. There's a weird kind of seats that stuffed with whipped plastics inside and except this, he found nothing precious. Searching through every corner, he did not find any valuables except a box with something like encased bullets.

Perhaps the wood flooring is decayed even before he's here, a wrong step brings Technos crashing down to the lower floor. It is actually the top of some buildings that did not get covered by the soil after the Doomsday Century arrived.

When he was on his feet, he found something different. It was a mechanical thing that comes in the form of two wrist guards. He thought of keeping the whole thing along with the stands, but he did not know that except the wrist guard and a tiny card with some gold bits on a side, nothing remained undecayed.

A simple touch on that wooden stand is all it takes for them to shatters. Sensing that only this two wrist guards and the card is usable, he climbed out from the bottom floor and returned to where he came from. When he was out, it was then he found out that instead of going in from the main entrance on the lower floor, he went into the building through the window in the attic instead.

As he escapes, some footsteps belonged to the monsters is heard. Six Red Ruby Lizards is bringing their newborn here to have fun. Luckily, he left in haste because not long after, a few young Red Ruby Lizards followed his scent and went into the foliage. But he was already too far from that spot whey they came over.

Questioning what this Wrist Guard can do, Technos notices a gap with the size of that small card in his pocket. Anxious about what this thing is going to do, he inserts the card into that gap. A dim blue light flashes through the Wrist Guard.

The Left Wrist Guard soon spreads a pulse of vibration away from where he stands before few images appeared inside of his mind. The inner plate in his wrist came out with the number of 1 / 1 / 2 / 3.

"This... the images suddenly shown in my mind, do the number indicates how many of them are near me?" he thought. According to how much what he knows, the four images are respectively the Medan Stone, the Red Ruby Lizard, the Ruby Fruit, and the Green Crystal Herb.

Medan Stone is a rare material found only closer to the mountain range. Because their composition is similar to metal, they become the replacement for the metal used by the human. Since they're rarely seen in the wild, some experience hunters usually went out two hours far from the Dominus Fortress to collect them.

He moved forward a little. Feeling a slight vibration on the Wrist Guard in his hand, he moved closer to a place he suspects the Green Crystal Herb grows. The closer he went to the location, the more constant in the vibration. Once it stops, he combs the area and found a stalk of the Green Crystal Herb.

Excited with a new toy in his hand, Technos use this item to assist him in searching for the materials and also locating the Red Ruby Lizards. As he was prepared to strike the idling lizard at any moment, Technos just grab a surprise opportunity to attack and kill the opponent instantly.

Because he was struggling with the Red Ruby Lizard in his fight, the moment the Red Ruby Lizard is dead, the corpses vanished from his hug like it wasn't there in the first place. Even the blood that seeps into the ground is gone.

"What happened?" such an incident shocked Technos. Wiping away the sweat of worry, he tried to put the stalk of Green Crystal Herb closer to the Left Wrist Guard and staring at how the herb disappeared. Knowing that the two treasures are within the Wrist Guard now, he tried to knock, pointed, and swipe on the surface of his Wrist-Guard.

A few different rows of selection appeared before him, with one of them came with a drawing of a piece of meat. Without wasting his time, he swiped on that drawing. In that instant, a loading bar appeared on his Wrist Guard with the number counting from 1%, 2%, 6%, and increases steadily.

When the counting bar is completed at 100%, the Left Wrist Guard stopped flashing and replaced by the Right Wrist Guard. Looking at the Inner plate on his right, Technos noticed a rack of properly butchered meat belonged to the Red Ruby Lizard, and also six pellets of Ruby Lizard Paste.

After the processing is complete, the Right Wrist Guard dropped the unused skull aside, which Technos kept it in his back because they will be his proof in killing five Red Ruby Lizards before returning to the temporary erected camp. This will also mean he passed the test mission and able to study for another year.

Later on the evening, Technos finally caught and killed the last Red Ruby Lizard he needs to complete the mission. As a student associated with the Outer Fortress Society, his success is passing the test bring back much honor for those living in the Outer Dominus Fortress.

Handling the five heads belonged to the Red Ruby Lizard, a tent card was given to Technos to enjoy the privilege of somebody that passes his exam. As for those that failed, injured, or dead, they're treated not more than a group of trash. If they're killed in the exam, only a pot of their ashes will be delivered home.

Resting in the room as he got nothing to do, he kept the information about his two Wrist Guards as a secret. With his capability now, one treasure more in his pocket is one additional life threat he will need to face. And for him, it is already tiring to handle the issue with monster hunting, so one problem less is a little more time for him to rest.

Feel stuffy in his room, Technos left his personal tent for a breath of fresh air. But the moment he unzips the thick layer of hemp curtain, Technos noticed a woman standing just outside of his tent. The weather is quite cold, but because she was here for a different reason, she hardly dressed on the inside.

"This future hunter, won't you consider feeding this sister? It is cold outside, plus the time is too late for me to return to the Dominus Fortress," she said and slowly untied the knot wrapping her body with the outer cloth. When it was all undone, a layer of skin is wide exposed just before him.

As a man himself, how can he subdue the urge to copulate, especially when the opposite sex is just standing before him offering her body for the price of a while Red Ruby Lizard? Trying to stay strong, he listened to the tent beside him.

The panting sound echoes inside the tent with a few moaning came out from inside. In another tent, three women put on their clothing as they exit the tent. Inside, a guy is asleep due to exhaustion. If he were to die because of over-exhaustion, then it will be too wasteful.

Since the others surrounding him is entertaining themselves with what was provided by their fellow hunters, it will be foolish to not enjoying himself. Agreeing to pay her for her service, Technos enjoyed his first and best night filled with panting, moaning, and filled with bodily fluid exchanging until he falls asleep.

In the next morning, Technos followed his teacher along with the others and returned to the Dominus Fortress. After completing the registration to become a qualified hunter, each of them was issued with a special made Medan-Material Short Sword. This material is what differentiates them from unqualified hunters.

While everyone is entertaining themselves with their activities, Technos at the other side, returned to hunting once again. Especially when he got a better Medan-Material Short Sword in his hand. By using the weapon to replace his own Toothed Dagger, the speed of his hunting become faster.

At an extent, a simple swing from his sword allowed him to cut the lizard's head without any problem. Additionally, by following the vibration of the Left Wrist Guard, the time spent to look for the collectible materials reduces by a lot.

With all the material collected, he get himself ready to leave. But at that moment, ground-shaking steps stops him from moving further away. Turning around to take a look, Technos is greeted with the sight of a Red Ruby Champion standing two meters tall looking at him.

"Oh, shit. For the first day of my happy hunting, I have to face against a Red Ruby Champion?" Technos took the other tooth dagger out in his other hand and prepared to fight.






[Author's Note]

The Whipped Plastic means Foam blocks used in sofa and bed. The reason I'm using the foam/styrofoam in my story is due to their unbiodegradable condition no matter how long the civilization passes.

If you have a question regarding the Red Ruby Champion, let us take it as a bigger, matured version of the Red Ruby Lizard. It would be nice to see some suggestion related to what monsters I should put in next, and please, nothing OP.

And yes, I am including some random adult contents within, but trust me, it is to enhance the depth of my story which going to carry the tag [Survival] [Team-Building] [Lost Technology] [Monster Hunting] [Crafting] [Male Lead]

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If its possible, I will try to update another chap in a few more hours.

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