

Bliss_Aiwuyo · Fantaisie
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2 Chs


A period of war, where swords clash and blood spills a man , a woman , black and white known as sworn enemies dance to the same tune to create ...

Run! my love run ! Adam yells worriedly , looking down at her big round stomach , he kisses it with one could see both love and sadness in his eyes perhaps he won't get to see this child. NO! the ugly cries of a woman is heard , every Adam has his Eve and ours doesn't lack. with tears in her eyes the struggles to lift her heavy feets , sound of swords clashing , women screaming and men yelling pollutes the once known peace in that kingdom. Ahh!!! my wa.t...er ju.st bro..ahh!! we hear our Eve cry in pain , with the sudden cry lover boy heart stops beating for a moment , quickly regaining his composure he helps his wife unskillfully. Not long after the cry of a baby can be heard , despite their situation a smile find its way on Adam's lips but that smile quickly disappears as Adam finds Eve not moving despite the baby's cry , looking up at the dark sky with the child in his hands for the first time he lets his tears fall staining his cheeks like the blood of a virgin maiden.

Screaming he lets the earth know of his pain with a heavy heart he made a promise he never kept, to never let his daughter know the pain he had known.

Born through the death of another, born on a dark night , born of a man and woman of opposing sides , born on the last days , she Maya is indeed something special.