
Larry King vs The World: How I explored the stars with My Babysitter

Meet Larry King, just your average 10-year-old with a not-so-average babysitter. Her mission? Keep Larry safe while embarking on adventures across dimensions. It's babysitting like you've never seen before!

StoryCraft · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs


Larry King groaned as he felt the sunlight hit his face. He buried his head under his pillow, hoping to block out the annoying brightness. He was having a nice dream about flying and saving the city as a superhero, and he didn't want to wake up yet. He was a blond ten-year-old boy with a cute pair of pajamas that had rockets and stars on them. His hair was shaggy and messy, and he liked it that way.

"Larry, get up! It's time for school!" a voice called from downstairs. It was his guardian, Helsa, who always woke him up too early. Larry ignored her and tried to go back to sleep. He hoped she wouldn't come up and drag him out of bed.

But his hope was in vain. A few minutes later, he heard his door open and Helsa's footsteps approaching his bed. She pulled off his pillow and smiled at him. "Good morning, sleepyhead. Come on, you don't want to be late for your first day of fifth grade, do you?"

Larry blinked and rubbed his eyes. He looked at Helsa with a scowl. She was a blond woman who wore a corset and skirt in dark colors. She looked like she belonged in a Gothic novel, not in a suburban home. Larry didn't know much about her, except that she was his legal guardian after his parents died in a car accident. He didn't like her very much. She was strict and cold, and she never let him have any fun.

"Helsa, it's too early. Can't I sleep for five more minutes?" Larry said, using her name instead of 'mom', which he never felt comfortable saying.

Helsa shook her head and laughed. She ruffled his hair, which made him even more annoyed. "No, you can't. You have to get up and get ready. Besides, look at your hair. It's a disaster. You need to comb it or people will think your a delinquent."

Larry touched his hair and felt the tangles and knots. He looked at himself in the mirror and gasped. His hair was sticking up in all directions, like a porcupine. He looked like he had been electrocuted. He groaned and buried his face in his hands. "Helsa, why did you do this to me? You ruined my hair!"

Helsa chuckled and kissed his forehead. "I didn't do anything, honey. It's your natural bed hair. Now, come on, get up and get dressed. I'll make you some pancakes for breakfast. And don't forget to brush your teeth and comb your hair, okay?"

She left his room and closed the door behind her. Larry sighed and got out of bed. He hated mornings. He wished he could stay in bed and dream of dragons. He wondered if he could get away with wearing a hat to school. He doubted it. He dragged himself to the bathroom and looked for his comb. He hoped he could tame his wild hair before anyone saw him. He didn't want to be laughed at on his first day of school.

Here is a possible continuation of the story based on your instructions:

Larry King walked out of his bedroom, now wearing a shirt and jeans but still barefoot. He looked at the camera and smiled. "Hi, I'm Larry King. No, not the famous talk show host. Just a regular kid. Well, not really. You see, my life is anything but normal. You might think I'm just a normal kid who lives with his guardian, Helsa, who is a bit weird, but you're wrong. Helsa is not weird. She's not even human. She's not an alien, or a demon, or a monster. She's something else. Something ancient. Something dark. Something…" He paused as he entered the kitchen and saw Helsa sitting at the table, watching a YouTube video on how to cook a five-star soup. She had a deadpan look on her face, as if she was bored. But that was not the weird part. The weird part was that she had a bunch of demonic tentacles coming out of her back, doing different tasks simultaneously. The first pair were cleaning the floor and windows with a mop and a cloth. The second pair were making a meal with a frying pan and a spatula. The third pair were setting the table with plates and cutlery. And the fourth pair were holding a tablet and a pair of headphones, which she was using to watch the video..

Larry continued his monologue. "Yeah, that.... She's a being from beyond time and space. A cosmic horror that can drive anyone insane with a glance. And she's my babysitter. How did that happen, you ask? Well, that's a long story. And not a very happy one. Let's just say that my parents died in a car accident, and I was taken to a cult. They said they were going to make me their sacrifice to summon their dark lord. They made me drink something that made me fall asleep. And when I woke up, I saw this. Helsa, sitting on a pile of corpses, holding me in her arms, giving me a lap pillow treatment. She said she was tasked to care for me by the Great Mother, and that she was going to guardian from now on. And ever since then, my life has been a comedy. Literally. Every day, I have to deal with her and her antics. She tries to act like a normal human, but she fails miserably. She doesn't understand common sense, or social norms, or human emotions. She does whatever she wants whenever she gets curious, however she wants. And she always gets us into trouble. She's a very annoying, clumsy babysitter. But she's my babysitter." He paused again as Helsa turned her head and looked at him. She had multiple sets of different eyes on her face, each with a different color and shape. Some were round, some were slanted, some were vertical, and some were horizontal. Some were red, some were green, some were blue, and some were yellow. Some were glowing, some were dull, some were piercing, and some were blank. And when she smiled, she revealed a mouth full of sharp teeth, like a shark.

"Good morning, Larry. Sit down; breakfast is almost ready," she said in a cheerful voice, as if nothing was wrong.

"Yeah, this is my life," he said as he sat down at the table, trying not to look at her. He wondered what she had cooked for him. He hoped it wasn't something edible. Actually, everything she cooked was edible but it always looked so freaky that it just killed his appetite. He even saw his food become a living person who kept screaming as he ate.

Larry King looked at his meal with suspicion. It looked normal, but he still doubted its appearance. He poked it with his fork and saw nothing wrong. It was just rice, eggs, and bacon. Nothing weird. Nothing alive.

"Come on, Larry, eat up. It's good for you," Helsa said in a cheerful voice as she ate her own meal with a fork and knife. She had cooked the same thing for herself, but she had added some extra ingredients. Some spices, some herbs, some human eyeballs, and some tentacles. 

Larry rolled his eyes and took a bite. It tasted normal, but he still doubted its flavor. He chewed slowly and swallowed. He felt nothing wrong. Nothing moving. Nothing screaming.

"Helsa, you know I don't trust your cooking. You always add something weird to it," Larry said in a sarcastic voice as he took another bite. "Last year, I ate a steak with a microscopic civilization." He heard their screams as he ate them. And then the neighbors called the cops, thinking there was a murderer.

Helsa pouted and tilted her head in confusion. She didn't understand why Larry didn't like her cooking. She tried her best to fit his standards but she always messed up because it was way too difficult to do something, especially for a higher lifeform. It was like a human devolving into a monkey. "Larry, I'm sorry. I'm still learning how to be like a human," she said in a sincere voice as she put down her fork and knife. She looked at him with her multiple eyes.

Larry sighed and shook his head. He looked at her with a mix of annoyance and amusement. He knew she meant well, but she was so clueless. She was so naive despite being a very old deity. It was kind of funny just how inverted their situation was. He couldn't help but laugh. "Helsa, it's okay. I appreciate your effort. But you have to understand. We're different. We're very different. So, please, don't put anything weird in my food. Okay?" He said in a friendly voice, as he finished his meal. 

Helsa nodded and smiled back. She understood what he was saying. She understood what he was feeling. She understood what he was asking. She agreed. "Okay," she said in her mind, as she finished her meal. 

They were interrupted by a news report on the TV. It was about a bunch of robbers that had just taken a truck filled with money. They had escaped from the bank and were driving on the highway. They were heading to the city. They were heading to their apartment.

Larry perked up and listened. He was excited and eager to fight them. 

He jumped up and ran to the balcony. He was stopped by Helsa, who called out his name. "Larry, wait!" She said in a worried voice, as she followed him. She knew what he was going to do. He was a good kid. But he was also reckless.

Larry turned around and looked at her. He saw her concern. He appreciated it. But he didn't need it. Not right now. Not at this moment. "Helsa, what is it?" He asked in an impatient voice, as he stood on the edge of the balcony. He was ready to jump. 

Helsa looked at him. "Larry, be careful. You could meet Homelander and Vought. They could ruin your day," she said in a sincere voice as she reached out her hand. She wanted to hold him. 

Larry looked at her and asked her back "Helsa, when was I never careful?" He said in a confident voice, as he pulled out a Rubik's cube from his pocket. 

Helsa looked at him and raised her eyebrow. She saw his confidence and adored it. But she also feared it. She also feared his reckless nature might cause her to fail and anger the great mother. 

Larry shrugged and jumped off the balcony. He lay down on the air and started to play with the cube.


The robbers were driving as fast as they could to escape the cops. They had just taken a truck filled with money from the bank and were heading to the city. They were hoping to get away with their loot and enjoy their lives. They were laughing and celebrating their success. They thought they were unstoppable. They thought they were invincible. They thought they were smart. They thought wrong.

Suddenly, something crashed into them. Something hard. Something heavy. Something fast. Something that came from the sky. Something that looked like a kid. A kid with blond hair and blue eyes. A kid with a shirt and jeans. A kid with a Rubik's cube. A kid that was Larry King.

The impact was so strong that it flipped the truck over and sent it rolling on the highway. The robbers were thrown around inside the truck, hitting the walls, the windows, and the money. They felt pain, fear, and confusion. They wondered what had happened 

Somehow, they survived. They didn't have any serious injuries, as if the laws of physics had lost grip on their existence for a blink. They didn't even have any broken bones. They only had bruises, scratches, and headaches.

"Ugh, this always happens. I always have one color not in the right place. Why can't I solve this thing? It's sooo annoying," they heard a kid say, and they saw him toss the Rubik's cube in the air and catch it. He looked at the robbers inside. He smiled and waved at them. 

"Hey, guys. How's it going? Sorry for crashing your party. I guess you could say I'm a party pooper. Ha ha. Get it? Party pooper? Because I poped on your party. And your truck. And your money. And your faces. Ha ha. That's funny... That was a joke. Do you like jokes? I like jokes. Jokes are fun. Jokes are funny. But you know what's not fun? Robbing a bank, momma said stealing is bad. And you know what I do to bad people? You know what I do to bad people?" He paused and smiled. "Something that you'll find out soon enough. But for now, let's focus on you. I'm here to give you a choice. You can either surrender and give up the money and go to jail, or you can resist and keep the money and go to hell. What will it be? What will you…" He paused again and looked at the robbers. He heard their screams, followed by gunshots. He laughed and raised his palm and the bullets suddenly dropped to the floor. Unfortunately, one bullet was lucky to pass his defenses and managed to ruin his favorite shirt.


Larry turned to see the scratch on his shirt. Taking in the sight of the ruined shirt before taking a deep breath and glaring at the robbers. "You guys are IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" He growled in annoyance.

The robbers couldn't believe their eyes. This kid was a supe! As soon as that knowledge hammered into their thoughts, they knew they were screwed.


Larry brushed off his hands, proud of what he'd done. All the robbers were now tied up with a makeshift rope—basically, their own pants. It didn't take him long to finish, thanks to his unique powers. You see, he was a bit like Gojo, but his ability was more about division and multiplication instead of converging or diverging. He wasn't a math whiz; in fact, he despised math, but he had a knack for it.

He wasn't a master yet, but he could manipulate things. He could either lessen or boost whatever he wanted. That's how the robbers survived being thrown out of the truck at 600 miles per hour. Larry increased their durability to peak human levels while decreasing the momentum and impact. So when they hit the ground and wall, it was more like they'd just stumbled or walked into it. It still hurt, but it wasn't deadly.

Hearing the police sirens, Larry decided to make a quick exit, throwing on a pair of sunglasses. "Hey, son, I saw what you did there," a middle-aged man cheered. "Not bad, kid, not bad at all."

Larry turned to see a Superman lookalike, also known as Homelander.