
Uncontrollable newfound power.

Uncontrollable power.

Chapter: 20

The night was coming to an end and Richard and Sniffy slept a bit longer than usual. They used to wake up at about 5 in the morning, but after what happened last night, they were now sleeping longer to recharge their strength.

Kyle had also planned to not come to get them before 9 am, because he did not know their sleeping habits and did not want to wait for them. When they would not be awake after he got to the hotel.

"Ahhhhhhh…what a good sleep, I haven't slept this soundly in months." Could be heard when Richard woke up and began to stretch his limbs.

He was the first one to wake up and he needed a bit of time to come to realize that his meditation session last night did not go exactly like he had planned.

Leaning back into the bed he began to think of last night and to shuddered at the memory of all the pain he lived through and thought. 'Whoa what a strange night, it's like I can feel the pain all over my body that I had to endure last night. From the looks of it, I don´t have taking any long lasting injuries from this.'

Sighing in relief after he searched his whole body for any injuries but finding none. Richard then thought back to how easy it was and in how much detail he could recall his memories.

'All it took to recall what had happened last night, was only a little thought on my behalf. That's something new, normally I need much more time to clearly recall something, but right now it is so much easier.

I need to research that more in depth later and what exactly did happen to me? I feel much stronger and much more energetic than yesterday.

It feels like I am completely stuffed with energy and could run a marathon right away and I have the feeling that I would not feel too tired after it. My body never felt this comfortable.'

Richard thought this and then took a closer look at his own body. He sat back up on the bed and his black hair was now hanging all over his face.

'It looks like more changed besides other than my memory capacity. My black hair is now a lot longer than it was yesterday and my skin seems to be much clearer. It feels completely new and fresh.'

Thought Richard as he looked through his hair, that he then began combing behind his head with his left hand. After that he examined his skin on his hands.


He proceeded to have a look at his whole body and tried to stand up, but when he was putting a bit of force inside his feet to stand up, he was throwing himself out of the bed and landed on the wall with a boom.

"Shit what the hell."

He cursed and tried to get back up to his feet, only to lose his footing once more and crashed onto the floor. Laying there sprawled onto the bedroom floor and feeling completely out of sync with his own body, he tried to figure out the cause of his troubles.

'Seems like I need to do this a lot more carefully. From this 2 fails I can conclude that my body should have become much stronger last night and I can´t control this newfound power. I just need to put in as little strength as I can into my feet and hope that that will work.'

Richard thought while he was lying on the floor. He then used minimal strength and got up on his feet somehow after stumbling around for quite some time.

If someone would see him right now, then they would think that he forgot how to walk or even stand properly. He was swaying from side to side and as he was trying to move his feet, they got up a few millimeters after some tries and jerked around most of the time.

Trying to get used to his new found strength, he was completely focused on himself and did not see Sniffy waking up at all.

Sniffy had just had the best nights of her entire live. Her dreams were perfect and she had dreamed about a beautiful life alongside other beings that lived in the nature alongside nature inside the forest. They were calling themselves Elves and lived peacefully with each other. The most amazing was the fact that they could somehow connect with nature and feel through it the whole forest. That was an amazing thing.

Sniffy really loved this dream and did not want to wake up at all, but some loud crash shook her out of it.

She opened her eyes instantly and fury was seen inside them. 'Who the hell creates such a loud noise in the morning? Pulling me out of the best dream that I have ever had.' Were her thoughts at this exact moment. Fury was seen on her face when she looked around the room in search of the reason for her awakening.

Sniffy noticed a stark difference in her view. She now saw things now much clearer than before and it was like her eyesight had improved a lot. She always thought that she had great eyes and had never had any troubles seeing, but right now she could only think back and it was like she was comparing a one-year old tree with a 10-year-old tree.

She could now see many times better and the all of the colors were much more brilliant than before. Sniffy could see the dust flying around inside the room and could view it floating around without having the need to concentrate too much. She would even be able to count it, if she wanted to.

Looking around the room, she now found the source of her rude awakening and looked at Richard with a funny and confused expression on her face. He was right in front of the bed and kept constantly falling down onto the floor with shaking legs. It was an amusing sight.

'What the hell is he doing? Did he forget how to stand up and walk properly? What happened to him? Could this be one of his new training techniques?'

Sniffy watched Richard as he stood up slowly and tried to move forward, with a completely shaking body, that did not seem to be to react to his own commands.

Then there appeared another new feeling inside her body. Becoming used to her improved eyesight, she now found something odd on her head and moved her hands on top of it. There she felt a new addition that was not there yesterday, she felt sleek hair.

She could not think that it could be true and that house-elfs never had any hair on their heads. She then grabbed some loose skin on her arms and twisted a bit. There was pain and now she was sure that she did not dream anymore. After her test was done and knowing that she did not dream all that, she snipped her fingers and conjured a mirror to have a look at herself.

Sniffy was shocked by what she saw in the mirror.

She looked at a more than good looking face, that could only be described by one word and that was, beautiful. Right back at her looked a girl which looked about 9 years old with raven black hair and pure white skin.

Sniffy instantly knew that it was her whom she viewed inside the mirror when she saw her crystal blue eyes.

She had loved her eyes forever and would be able to identify them everywhere. Although they were now smaller than they used to be.

Thy were a bit bigger than seen on normal humans but not too much bigger. Her black hair flowed down to her shoulders and stopped a bit under her shoulder blades. It had natural looking locks and its dark color was shiny. She used her left hand to let it flow through her hair and she instantly began to love the feeling of her new gained hair. She loved the feeling when her hand brushed through it.

After that, Sniffy played around with her hair and after she had enough for the time being, she then looked back at the mirror.

She then turned her head a bit and saw her now normal looking ears that had a cute pointy end, which looked just like the ears of the elves that appeared in her dream, that she just woke up from.

'I cannot believe it, why did I turn into this form? I am not complaining and love the looks of my new body but I don't understand how any of that had happened. Maybe Richard knows something about this. I will ask him and it seems likely that something similar to this happen to him too.'

The little elf concluded her thoughts, while she turned her face to see Richard walking around the room completely awkward, he was cursing at no one in particular, every few steps.

"Damn, how hard can it be to walk normally or even to just take on step at a time? I hope I will get used to it fast. I don't want to be in a new city and not be able to see anything in it, because I cannot even walk properly." Richard said and proceeded to get the hang of this new body of his while he walked around the room.

He needed a few tens of minutes but eventually he got used to the strength he now needed and could walk without falling to the ground every few steps. At least he did not fall down anymore and wobbled around a lot less. Sniffy was looking at him with an amusing expression all over her face, for the whole duration.

"Congratulation, it seems like you can now walk again, although it really looked nice, seeing you stumbling around the room."

Sniffy said while she was giggling and that in a now beautiful and much more girlish voice than ever before. House-elfs were not the kind of creatures with a beautiful voice and they were much more monotone sounding.

Sniffy was stunned after she said these few words and marveled at how nice and how much cleaner her voice sounded now.

Richard turned around when he heard this unknown voice and was immediately stunned when he found a beautiful girl sitting on the bed. He recalled all details of yesterday and could not seem to recall who that might be, but after he saw her amazing looking crystal clear and blue eyes, he was almost sure that they belonged to Sniffy.

"Richard do you like my new look?" Said Sniffy after she stood up on the bed and swirled her body one time while standing on the bed.

"I was quite shocked myself when I realized how I look now. At first, I thought that I was still asleep, but I think I should now be considered an Elf and I am not a house-elf any longer."

Richard woke up of his stunned stupor and said to Sniffy." You do really look beautiful right now. It looks like we had quite the changing night yesterday. Both of us were strangely affected by some unknown magic. Now, my whole body feels much stronger, therefore I cannot control it anymore. I am trying my best right now, but I should need a lot more time to be able to move around without any trouble again."

Sniffys cheeks blushed a little when she heard the compliment Richard gave her and then answered to him. "You should also take a look at the mirror. It looks I am not the only one who gained a new body."

Hearing this Richard used his telekinesis, to move the mirror that stood on the table in the bedroom.

He grabbed the mirror with his magic and willed it to move to him, but the mirror shot towards him with a speed that he could only glimpse at, with his eyes.

Not able to do anything, other than to look, Richard saw the mirror shoot into the wall right next to himself and trough it into the living room, where it stopped in the next wall. The impact of it burst the wall apart. The first wall was sliced through without any problems. And the mirror was now embedded into a crater in the second wall.

Scared for his live, because that could have killed himself, if it had been a little bit of course and cursed out loud.

"Dammmn, Holy Jesus. What the hell was that, I cannot control my body and now it looks like my magical power also increased for so much that it can kill me now. It will take a lot of time to get my magic under complete control again. Fuuuuu….I was really proud of my control and there is also my physical problem. It seems that God wants to let me train for the whole time, before entering Hogwarts.

I guess my magic will be a lot easier to regain my control of, because the problem should just be the amount of magical power that I use subconsciously. If I can adjust the output of my magic, then it should be a lot easier to control."

"Whoa, that looked really scary. Let me clean up the mess for you. I don't think it would be a good idea if you tried to clean it up yourself. I don't think we want to handle the bill, we would get, if we destroyed this whole hotel room."

Sniffy said and then snipped her fingers but things did not repair itself like she ought it to happen.


There was a loud boom and all the broken pieces of the wall and the mirror exploded alongside the hole in the wall and there were broken pieces flying around everywhere.

Richard and Sniffy just stood there in complete stupor and watched the broken pieces fly around the room. The pieces who would have hit them, got deflected by one of their protective amulets that they had on them at all times.

After the dust settled down, Richard could not help it and looked at Sniffy with a face full of smiles and glee. He was laughing at her misfortune, he found comfort that he was not alone in this demise.

"Hahahaha, Sniffy it looks like you also have some troubles by using your own magic, I would say that we will not use our magic for the time being and learn how to control it."

After he calmed down a bit, he then remembered what Sniffy had said about his changes and looked at his body. He stood there in front of the bed while wearing the pajama he had put on yesterday. It was a mystery how it outlived last night.

He was completely focused earlier, on how to properly stand up and walk around that he only noticed now that his hair was a lot longer than he expected. Looking at the mirror that was lying on the bed he was stunned yet again.

His muscles looked now a lot more defined than yesterday and he also grew a bit taller during his transformation. He now stood at the height of about 150 centimeters. He grew 15 centimeters taller which he measured on the window, he now looked out of it at a higher point than the day before and could somehow acutely sense of how much he had grown.

Richard then wanted to get his pajama top of him, but ripped it apart instead and then proceeded to look at his naked torso.

Richards skin got a bit more flawless and it felt really smooth to the touch. On his stomach he could see a six packs forming which looked not too out of the picture, because he looked more like a 12-year-old than a 9-year-old.

His muscles were only more defined and looked not burly. He loved the looks of them. Richard was never a fan of body builders and hated how their big muscles looked. They just got in the way all the time and they did not look good to him, in any possible way. He just wanted to have a few more muscles and a defined body but never wanted to look like to brawny.

He loved how his body turned out and wondered how much better he would look when he would be 19 years old. Right now, he was able to tell, that he would be much more handsome than he had ever looked in his last life. Richard was quite happy at this.

In his last life, he had a completely common look and he wanted to look a bit more handsome. He thanked who ever was responsible for these changes and could not stop to marvel at his own body.

Sniffy could only nod awkwardly when she heard that they shared this problem somewhat, but it made her also really happy. She now would also need to learn how to control her magic, while she was processing what just happened a moment ago.

She never had had any trouble using her magic before last night. It came completely natural to her and she also never had to learn how to use spells, or to control her magic. She just knew what she was able to do and not able to do.

It was like the magic was imprinted inside her own mind and she never had much to do, other than to think of what magic she wanted to use and in which way.

Right after she used her repairing magic, or tried to use it. She felt her magic inside her flow towards her fingers and then out into the world to do her bidding. She never had felt this feeling before and it was completely new to her.

She thought back of how it felt and came to the conclusion that she had used to much of her magic and henceforth it had blown up. The followed explosion was what happened because of too much uncontrolled magic.

Sniffy then thought back to what was different before, when she had conjured the mirror, because that did work. She remembered that she did not think of what magic she wanted to use, it came instinctively to her and she just let it happen. It was more like a subconscious way of using her magic, in comparison to the way she wanted to repair the damage that Richard had done to the room.

"It seems like we will be busy the next few weeks on learning how to control our own magic again and you also have your bodily problems to worry about."

Sniffy was jumping around the room while she got used to how her own new body felt, after she said this.

Richard looked at the excited Sniffy jumping and running around the room with her new gained body and he knew that it would take them a long time to get used to these sudden changes.

'I just hope that we will be able to control ourselves good enough to be able to defend ourselves. We should start right now.'

"Knock, Knock."

After he thought this and was getting ready to learn how to use his own body a bit more, they heard a knock on the door.

"Its me, Kyle. Can I come in? And what was the commotion just now?".

A bit ago, Kyle was coming up to where his friends were staying and wanted to knock on their door. At the moment his hand almost knocked on the door, he heard a loud crashing sound and soon after that a boom of an explosion.

He waited a bit to process what just happened and was quite concerned about the wellbeing of his friends, but soon after that he heard Richards laugh and knew that it could not be something life threatening and calmed down. He then proceeded to recollect himself and knocked on the door and asked if he could come in.

Richard and Sniffy could only stand there in shock at the realization, that they were in their normal forms and both of them looked quite different then yesterday.

"Just one moment." Said Richard and then he fell into his thoughts, which were processed a lot faster.

'What should we do now? After only one day of knowing Kyle, can we really trust him? He knows how we will look in the future, or how I will look in the future because of our aging spell. But that should have also changed after yesterday.

And Sniffy changed quite a lot and looks now completely different than from her illusion self. Our looks are not the real problem. Its more like, how can we explain our changes? I don't want to let out too much of our secrets and I don't even know what exactly happened to us two.

So, what should we do? Hm let's just go with the story that we both had a breakthrough in our magic yesterday night and that we are now needing a bit of time to adjust ourselves to the changes the breakthrough brought. This also should explain somehow about our changed looks.

Hmmmm about Sniffys change. I just will tell him that she is of a different race, which is true, and therefore the change in her looks.

About our age .... I will just tell him the truth. It's not likely that he will abandon us for this little lie.'

Another day, another chapter, I hope you all enjoyed it because I had a great time at writing it.

Have a wonderful evening.

Vinciniacreators' thoughts