
Land of Hell and Heaven

The UNE is stuck in an endless war against their survival's threat. So they built a vessel, one that lurks amidst and hunt preys by devouring its entirety. However, what should've been a mere research became an entirely different situation upon realizing that the ship had transported to an unknown place. A place where hell and heaven meet.

KittyKatKat · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

Alone I

Somewhere within the space border of UNE.

A single vessel remain afloat amidst the pure darkness of its surrounding. Due to the lack of lighting, the vessel is hardly visible to the naked eye.

But, that's not only the case.

It has been numerous encounters that has passed since this vessel remain in such position. Enemy of different kind that passed through this hyperpath now floats in the surrounding of the vessel, but in debris.

The vessel had experience countless battles as well, and yet, upon looking it very closely, no scratch can even be seen... Nor even a single energy reading can be detected.

[Fortress Seraphim - Prototype IV] was its name.

Earthlings have this weird idea, painting the names of their ship through either side of it. Enemies may find it confusing since it's quite evident for a ship to be analyze based on its name.

This also had caused casualties among higher class ships such as the Washington Class and Moscow Class battle-dreadnought.

However, not even those can cause human's pride to fall.


A new prototype of the experimental OFF (One-Fleet Fortress) designed to act as vanguard in offensive, while at the same time, can act as defensive Outpost.

A technology built upon the wonders of human mind. And a terrifying one at that.

Within this ship, only one crew member can be seen sitting within its bridge. He wore a pure white, traditionally tailored uniform. His badge was the same of that officers within the UNSN displaying just at his arm.

His rank is visible on his shoulder. A three golden star, signifying his high rank and importance.

However, he's no military personnel, nor a naval officer. He's neither an admiralty nor someone who can command a ship.

His name is Leone Von Ashworth. A member of European nobility that existed way back the victorian era. 

Although he possess such noble name, he doesn't have some sort of privilege that landed him into this job. A job that requires not of name, but skills and dedication. 

Leone was the embodiment of determination, the physical evidence of dedication meets talent. He was a prodigy in his own right and gave himself an honor of even exchanging technologies to other spacefaring species.

He was considered a national treasure for some many, while some find him a threat due to his limitless ability.

Thus, his current position.

He's the acting captain of this ship, an experimental vessel designed by various human scientists of different field. 

Something akin to manhattan project that resulted to a deadly weapon. But in this case, it was meant to be used, not against their kind, but the enemy. An entirely different sentient.

Currently, he's at the 2nd year of the ongoing experiment. He's conducting a research of infinite energy loop while at the same time, fighting enemy lost within the deep territory of UNE. 

Although its called an infinite energy loop (IEL), its neither infinite nor a loop of energy. Instead, it was a multidimensional reactor that sucks energy across the multiverse's plane. It boast immense energy production that resulted for a suspicion to arise among scientists due to its potency. 

The IEL reactor was of course with its flaw. Due to the lack of technological knowledge regarding this device, humans are unable to solve its simplest issue, waste. 

If in nuclear fission reactor, a nuclear waste are kept hidden from the public and contained in highly secrecy, IEL reactor produce energy while the waste, which is the impure type of elements found in these dimension, return to its original plane. 

The issue on this regard is its process. Energy of different dimensions comes in different form. Although they all function similarly-produce heat to power certain object- their energy output differs from each other.

It is unstable, in simple term.

Much like the nuclear fusion when it was first introduced just at the midst of cold war. It was highly controversial at that time, that it's commercialization was postponed until 2050.

His mission is simple, with the help of a artificial superintelligence, he was tasked to analyze the origin of the energies and solve the revolving issue of the IEL reactor. 

But it was easier said than done. 

Leone had already something in his mind about the solution, but applying it means basically breaking the law of physics. 

For it to maintain its energy production stability, it need to have a stable waste tube that dispose impure elements from the energy. 

A stable waste tube means a wormhole the size of his index finger that can exist in a constant state despite the unstable movement of things which is proven difficult due to the recent discovery in physics.

[The universe is in a uniform movement]

"Why do they even have to discover it. Guugh... It's as if I was also blaming newton for discovering gravity."

Wormhole is possible, but has nearly 0% of successing and transporting an object within even a millisecond long. The moment a wormhole opens, it crumbles as fast as light. 

The IEL only managed to kept intact due to his innovative and resourceful mindset. By using the energy output, exploiting it to constantly creates a wormhole each time one broke.

It was the product of his research for the past 2 years and the people back on the research planet may find it intuitive, but to him, it was a failure of an attempt, proving nothing of his progress.