
Land Above Heaven

A mysterious man in black walks in the mortal land carrying the name of Luke and with his companion Brute a wolf, he teaches he’s students both in the art of arcane magic’s and weapons. Not much is known of his capabilities but one thing is for sortian that his powerful in some way or shape. He’s students named Toru and Cecilia, are taught to harness their skills and talents as well as giving them knowledge unlike any other. They fought many battles together and learned on their adventurers together. Discovering past relics and cursed objects. A long yet steady journey is a head of them with many mystery to cross, but what will they find? What land will they stand? What strange material will they hold? Just what will happen? May they’re journey come to an end? Or will it go further from end? What will happen to their future endeavors? We shall wait and see. For time is not something that I lack.

OPPAIN · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Start of a New Quest

"I will take my leave, teaching reasons."

"Ah yeah, go on."

"Cecilia, Toru Come with me."

Cecilia and Toru then went Luke and went out of the throne room.

Luke left the room in silence.

"Let's continue."


A tap of order then cover the atmosphere of the room and calmness took over.

"I'll shall take upon in Luke's advice."

Merlin then ruse his hand and all looked at him.

"I would like to add on something if you don't mind."

"What is it Merlin."

Asked Arthur.

"For the pride of our country and its great history, I believe offering peace is still a spineless cravin act."


"I do agree that we should make peace or at least stop their aggression, but a treaty is too kind."

"They we're the one who threaten us, so I believe that they should apologize to is first then we agree to make peace and not a treaty."

The Nobles looked at each other and while Arthur thought about it.

One of the noble's then spoke.

"But what about their king?"

"As we know, their king is not too… civilized."

"Yes, some of us along with the king have met king Buthward and he is… a bit of a child."

The Nobles nod.

"He has a advisor to control him."

"But what if he still acts like a child?"

"Then that means war."

The Nobles nods in agreement.

Arthur then stood up on his chair.

"Then that's settled it then."

After the talk about how this war should go, Arthur then went out of the back and went to Nichole and Lee room.

As Arthur walls towards the room the girls are in, he saw Brute guarding the front of the doorstep as Brute lifted his head towards Arthur to see who is walking towards the room.

"Worried for the two, Brute?"

Brute then began to scratch on the door softly as to tell Arthur that he wants to go inside.

Arthur opened the door and Brute then slowly walks on Nichole's bed.

Brute sniffs Nichole's chick and then goes to Lee's bed to do the same to Lee and walks towards the corner and starts pacing back and forth for a moment and layed down to sleep.

"I guess you can stay there."

Arthur spoke as he walked towards Nichole.


Nichole then woke up from the noise.

"Did I wake you up? Sorry."

"*yawns* where's Luke?"

"He's out with sister and Toru."

"What? I want to join."

"No no, right now you sleep."


"No buts, go sleep, Brute is guarding the both of you"


Nichole once again sleeps on her blanket.

Lee was unbothered by them, she is a heavy sleeper almost in par with a comatose sleep.

Arthur smiles and then leaves the two to rest while Brute sleep besides them.

It is now nightfall, and the three is standing in front of a establishment, there are on a inn close to the adventurers guild.

They stood in front of the door arguing with Luke to why they would sleep in such a place.

"This is the place."

"I see, a inn… I should have seen this coming…"

"Well, you did say a place to stay in, you have the money to stay right?"

"I suppose, yes."

"Great! I'll see you guys later, meet me in the café tomorrow Okay!"

Laura then left the three standing in front of an ragged inn.

"A inn? Seriously?"

"This is the best she can offer to us, it's better to take than leave."

"But we can just go back in the castle and sleep."

"And we even have delicious foods there, why are we staying here?"

"Because you two are no longer knights and are now deemed adventurers."

"I would gladly walk back in the castle and get tired than sleeping in this disgusting building."

"Sticking on your princess side? What about you Toru?"

"I don't mind, I use to sleep in inn when I was younger, as long the there's food then I'll sleep here."

"I see."

"Why would I sleep here?"

"*sign* I you want to become a warrior like your grandfather, you most adapt in a harsh environment… this is even hardly a bad environment."

"hey Cecilia, why don't you like here anyway?"

"It stinks here and there's insects in this everywhere… cockroaches…"

"In the past, your grandfather did not have luxury to sleep in a bed but on leaves on the forest floor along with he's friends."

"Fine! But I will sleep in the bed!"

"Is that good for you Toru?"

"I've been sleeping in floors even in our house, so I good with that."

"I believe the problems are now talked out, let's get in."

They then went inside the inn.

Inside was drunkard men on the table and discarded chairs on the floor.

'Hmm… humans with their disgraceful acts again.'

Then then moved the chairs aside and went in front on the inn keeper.

"Hello and welcome, which room will you stay in?"

"We'll have the room with two bed."

"Two beds? I'll check if we a room with two beds, please wait a moment."

"Thank you."

"Why only two? Is Toru really going to sleep on the floor?"

"No no, you two can take the beds, I can…sleep with out it…"

"Sleep without it?"

"Never mind, you two can sleep on the beds."

"If you say so."

"Here sir, that will be 2 gold coins and 4 silvers."

"2 gold coins and 4 silvers? But that's expensiv-."

"We'll take it, here."

Luke then puts 2 gold coins and 4 silver coins on the counter."

"Thank you for you're cooperation, here's your keys, the room is 2-KR"

"Thank you."

Luke then took the keys.

"Well, let's go to that room shall we."

As look about to walk pass, the chair was pushed over and blocks the way of Luke.

Luke then look over to where to chair came from and saw five full grown men.

They starts to chuckles and grind while looking on Cecilia.

"Hey lady, wanna hangout with us instead? We got drinks here."

"Your Cecilia and Toru, looks like you two are in the same level as us now ha?"

"Same level? The only level you stood is a cat drench in water."

"Ha? Is that supposed to be a Noble insult?"

"Hey, are you shit heads trying to pick a fight?"

"Big man Toru here, what chuu ganna do? Throw hands? Hahahah!"

"I'll throw you out if you want to!"


Two of them then brought out their weapons.

A one handed axe and a sword.

"You better shut your mouth and this edge will make your lips turn more red."

"Why don't you come and do that then!"

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation, but we must get going now."

"Who's this guy?"

"You look like a wimp."

"Sorry but this wimp is now in a hurry and has no time talking with adults that has an mind the same as a candle."

The others begun to chuckles.

"This snotty got some guts."

"Let's go."

"We're not talking with you yet, punk!"

A sword then flew right in front of Luke's face.

Cecilia and Toru and reached to this action and Cecilia brought out her sword while Toru with his knuckles.

"You cunts want to fight?"

"Bring it on!"

The men suddenly was blown away by an unknown force and slammed on the wall.

The men grunts in pain a little and gut up and looked back at Luke.

The men saw the their weapons floating in mid air and got terrified.

The men then looked on Luke was saw his right hand point at them like he controlled the levitating weapons.

Luke then let out a little smile and a hmm and put his hand back on his side.

When put his hand back, the weapons drops and sounds of metal clacks hitting each other and along with the wooden floor.

"Let's go."

"What about-?"

"Ignore them."


They head up the stairs and went to look for the room they are searching..

Finally, they found the room the we're searching and opened it.

In the room, a ragged two old bed and the blankets made in rat fur stitch together with no pillows.

The is dusty and the ceiling is covers with spider web and silk while having a broken window.

"What the hell is this place?!"


"All that money, for this shit?!"

"Not to worry, I'll fix this little problem of yours."

"How can you fix this?!"


A bright light then appeared and Cecilia and Toru covered their eyes from the light.

The light disappeared and they opened their eyes once more.

They saw a brand new room with the beds as clean as a newly bought expensive bed.

The dusty floor turns clean and with the smell of lavender.

The ceiling clean as you can imagine with glow stone on the top that acts as a light source. And lastly, the window is fixed.

"Woah! Amazing!"

"I didn't know you can do stuff like this as well."

"Haha, feeling amaze? This is only temporary, the reality of what you see will soon vanish."

"Is all of this just a illusion?"

"No no, this is real but I just want to take back my magic's back, I don't want this to be wasted when a deferent sleep on this bed."

Luke then began to cough and he covered his mouth with his hand and starts coughing even more.

As the two enjoy themselves from the new scenery, Luke then unfurls his hand and found a spits of blood.

Luke clumps his bloody palm and exited the room.

"Where's Luke going?"

"He'll be back, don't worry. What's that thing over there?"

In the other side of the door, Luke is resting on the door and sweating.

"I've been using to much of my Mana, I should hold back for now on."

Luke then once again look at his palm and still the blood was there.

He turned his hand to back and found his ring with a crack.

A packet dimension then opens in the side and Luke reaches on.

He then pulls out a new that looks in par with the ring on his hand.

Luke then took a deep breath and pulled the ring on his hand.

His eyes turns bright and cracks starts to show on the eye sockets.

He took the ring out and puts the new one on his finger.

His eyes turn back to normal and opens the door again and entered.

There, he found Cecilia looking out the window and Toru jumping up and down on the bed.

Luke waved his hand to the corner and created a round wooden table with three wooden chairs.

Luke say the chair and looked at the two's reaction to the room.

The two notice Luke and went over to him to talk.

"Where will you be sleeping, Luke?"

"Yeah, you only made two beds."

"Like I've said, I will not sleep, it's a sort of a… god thing, I should say."

"Ah, yeah… I've been thinking lately…"

"Hmmm? What is it you thought of?"

"You said before that you're immortal… and you even said your 60.000 years old"

"Somewhere around that age, but carry on."

"So if you're so old, then how come you become one of the students of Death? Is the 10 also somewhere around 60.000 years old or more?"

The room then became completely silent with realization and curiosity.

"Ahh… that…is an interesting question."

"Yeah… that weird, how didn't I realized this sooner."


Luke gave in and answered the question.

"I lied on some part… of that story."


"Why would you do that?"

"I didn't trust you people enough to tell you the whole truth."

"Then what's the whole truth then?"

"Yeah I want to know!"

"The truth is… I am not one of the students of Death."


"Why would you lie like that?!"

"However, like what I've said, I only lied to some part of it."

"Then tell us the whole truth!"

"I am not one of the students of Death."

"I am Death, or at least that's what the name 10 gave to me."

"What do you mean?"

"I am Death, I am the one who thought the students of Death."



"Yes way, indeed."

"Are you serious?!"

"Keep you voices down, we don't want my identity to spears like wild fire do we?"


"You? The teacher of the Ten."

"Haha, however I was not the one who named them to this so called Students of Death, they themselves named this."

"I don't recall myself named as Death but I guess I'm close to him."

"I can't believe it, the one who taught the Ten is the one who'll teach us."

"Yeah, holy shit!"

"This is a little secret between the three of us, you shall not speak with another soul about this."


"We won't tell."

" Great then, you two should rest for now, tomorrow will be a prosperous day."

"Why's that?"

"What are we going to do?"

"We shall start with our first quest tomorrow and I want both of you to be ready."



"Don't get too excited, you two might now sleep do to excitement. But first, we'll visit the café to say thank you."


"Rest well."

The lights them deem and Luke went out of the room.

'I hope that I will not regret telling them truth just them.'

In the kingdom of Rhuth, king Buthward is own his bedroom have sex went his maid.

The maid face is covered in blunts and black spot do to the cause of fist created by Buthward.

"You like that bitch, you like that that?"

He continues to punch the poor woman to the face and finally got tired and stops punching.

He pats for air and then played with his breast.

The door suddenly opens and his butler enters.

"Sir, Clark wants to speak with you."

"Later, can't you see I'm busy."

"I shall tell him."

He then starts to have sex with his unconscious body.

Suddenly, the door bust opens and Buthward butler ragdoll flew over to the other side and hits the shelf.

"What's going on?!"

Clark then enter with a bloody sword on his hand and looked at Buthward with murderous eyes.


The next morning comes and the two is still sleeping like a bunch of babies.

The door opens slowly and comes enters Luke.

A strong gust of wind then hits the two and knocks then of their bed.

"Good morning, had a great sleep?"

"Ahh… what the hell?"

"What the hell what the…?"

"We have a big day now, get up and get dressed, you slobs."


"Shit, I slept too much!"

"In the end of the hall way, there's a bathroom for men and women, go, I'll be waiting down."

"But what about our clothes."

Luke then looks at the closet.

"Has that closet always been there?"

"Go already."


Luke then left the room and head down to the tables beneath.

As Luke got out, Cecilia and Toru looked at each other as they saw only one towel handing on the side of the door.

Cecilia then smiled at Toru then suddenly kicked Toru to his knees and made him fell over and she quickly runs and grabs the towel.

As she grab the towel and opens the door, her leg was took hold by Toru's hand.

Toru pulled her and got up as she falls down.

Toru then grabs the towel and open the door then starts running to the hall.

He runs and starts laughing and cheers in victory, he then opens his joyful eyes and saw the a sign and hits his head.

He falls down and Cecilia then quickly grabs the towel runs again.

As she runs, a with a large belly suddenly came out of the corner and blocked her way.

She was to close to react and she the stomach of the man and falls over.

"Sorry there lady."


As she slowly got up, loud footsteps began to echo, she turned around and saw Toru charging towards her.

He grabs the towel but Cecilia is also grabbing the other end of the towel.

"Give it!"

"No! I need this!

"No you don't!"

"I'm a woman! I need a towel to cover myself!"

"Like I give a damn if I see butt naked!"

Like dog fighting over a bone, they fight over a white towel.

The man then interrupts their fight.

"Excuse me but… why are you guys fighting over a towel?"

"Because I need it!"

"Because I need it!"

"The towels here is free, you can get one on your own in the showers."

The two then stops fight and looked at each other and let's go of the towel.


"We have free towel?"

"Yeah, are you two new here?"


"This place is Bathhouse, that why the towels are free. Of course you leave the towels here."

They then looked at the shredded and torn towel and drops it on the ground.

"You…can have it…"

"I think it too late."

In the bottom floor, Luke gently sips his cup of tea and looked relax as he waits for the two.

"Hmmm… maybe I should have given them two towels…"

A hour and a half pass, the two is now done with bathing and changing and went down to find Luke.

They saw Luke sitting with women watching him in the distance talking about him.

"Ah, I see that the two of you are finished."

"Yeah, thanks for the new clothes by the way."

"Yeah thanks.

"No problem, now before we leave you two need a weapon."


They then notice the something on the table, a rug covering something beneath.

"Come, this are yours."

They then went closer and Toru open the rug.

There they found The Horded Taurus that once used by Toru and The blazing sword that Cecilia once used to fight Luke.

"This is ours?"

"Are you sure?"

"I trust you two to not use it in evil, take good care of it."

They glitters like stars in the night sky and then they grabbed the weapon on the table.

"You two should eat, just to the next building, there is a food court there, mainly used by adventurers."

"Let's go then!"

"I am feeling a bit hungry."

"Then let's not waste anytime now, let's go."

They left the bathhouse and went to the food court that Luke spoke of.

There they find many adventures eating.

That look at the top and the sign says "Adventurous Cook" and there they knew they found to what they are looking for.

They went inside and sat down on four empty sits.

"What will you two order?"

"I'll have anything on the table."

"I see, how about you Cecilia?"

"This place looks disgusting."

"Now now, we only come here to eat not to say a bad word."

"Then I'll have just a chicken leg."

"Okay then, Hello there miss."

A girl then came over to them.

"A hello, what will be your order?"

"I'll have two rice and two chicken leg, please."

"Yes handso- yes sir."

She then left to take their order.

"She totally about say handsome there."


"Don't go hitting on other girls, okay."

"Haha, yes miss, as you say."

A minute pass and see came back with the order.

"Here you go, darli- sir. Have a great meal."

"Thank you."

The two then realized that the food is there to feed them but Luke has nothing in him.

"Your not eating, Luke?"

"Hmmm? Don't worry about me, I don't need food to supplement my daily needs."

"What about water?"

"I don't need that as well, eat, we still have much to do."

Half a hour later they finished eating and head to the adventurers guild.

They got to the adventurers guild the two stood close to Luke.

Luke then went over to the receptionist and asked for a big quest for them.

A minute past and she came back.

"This is good for copper ranked adventures, this is a job to kill slimes on the lake side of the kingdom of Rhuth."

They two then entered the scene.

"Excuse miss, but we are former knights, we requested a much harder quest please."

"I'm sorry but Sir, but all three of you are copper rank, but if you build or join a party, then I can give you a harder quest."

"Then what does it takes to make a party?"

"First you most pay 5 gold coins to file a party but joining a party is free, as long you accept it of course."

"Ohh… I see, that disappointing…"

The three the hurls each other to talk about having no money.

"You don't have gold?"

"But you said back then that you keep a lot on your pockets?"

"That…was also a lie…sorry."

"I've seen you create thing out of thin air, why can't you just make gold?"

"*sign*… I used to create gold and more out of thin air, now I can only create thing that are made of wood, cheap clothing, some stones, copper and silver."


"What do we do now?"

A girl took notice to their conversation and enters.

"Hello… you can join my party of you want…"

A shy girl with elven ear with a blue hair, a large witch hat and staff offers to Luke to join her party.

"You…can join my party…"