
Land Above Heaven

A mysterious man in black walks in the mortal land carrying the name of Luke and with his companion Brute a wolf, he teaches he’s students both in the art of arcane magic’s and weapons. Not much is known of his capabilities but one thing is for sortian that his powerful in some way or shape. He’s students named Toru and Cecilia, are taught to harness their skills and talents as well as giving them knowledge unlike any other. They fought many battles together and learned on their adventurers together. Discovering past relics and cursed objects. A long yet steady journey is a head of them with many mystery to cross, but what will they find? What land will they stand? What strange material will they hold? Just what will happen? May they’re journey come to an end? Or will it go further from end? What will happen to their future endeavors? We shall wait and see. For time is not something that I lack.

OPPAIN · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Mystery Behind Me

Luke stood tall and Brute stood high.

The Dragons looked down like seeing insects on the ground.

Luke lift's his right hand a light red ray came out and flowing towards Brute.

Brute growls in anger and with eyes turning blood red.

"This was not part of the plan. But most defeat them to now."

'These attacks are not in the Dragons alone. Someone is manipulating them, and I have to stopped it'

One of the Dragon's walked slowly to Luke and Brute.

"Do it Brute."

Brute's red eyes shines brightly and began to stand to his hind legs, he's body slowly grows, he's hands extend long with his paws resembling a furry hand.

Brute's body continued to grow rapidly until he turned into a giant wolf and standing as tall as the Dragon's itself.

The dragon then run towards Brute with an alarming speed and Brute also follows.

The two Titans clashed together and Brute overpowered the earth dragon and starts pushing back to dragon.

The momentum of the push keeps on going until it got faster and faster and pushed the dragon towards the other dragon.

Brute hugged both dragons tightly and lift them up of the ground and throwing them to the ground.

The Dragons where not damage at all but got intimidated by the sheer strength of Brute.

The Dragons then starts digging in the ground but got immediately stopped by something.

The earth beneath the Dragons has turned into a crystal-like structure and burst a out a pillar of shining crystals.

"For many years of experience of handling Dragons like yourselves, fighting both of you is a flawless victory."

The Luke slowly walked towards the knocked over dragon as they also slowly getting on their feet.

"Even with your mass destruction over this village, I'll help you… for being a parent, you're merely protecting your own offspring."

As Luke was slowly walking, the tail of the dragon then swung at Luke.

Luke was blown away by the tail reaching far over the village.

Brute watches his master got blown away and went in a furious state then rushed at the Dragons.

The Dragons got up and this time, both of them we're running together like a stampeding buffalo.

Brute was caught the attack by catching their heads with bare hands but got overpowered by there strength and got lifted of the ground and trashed away.

Meanwhile, at Luke's location.

Luke was in a small dress shop and slowly got up on his feet.

"Aaa…it's been a while since that happened to me…"

Luke got up with his head facing backwards and his whole body facing forward.

"A twisted neck? A slight problem…"

Luke puts his hands to his head and twisted this head forward with a crackles of tendons noises.

Luke heard a voice in the corner looked over.

He saw a little boy and girl holding hands and hugging each other with fear.

Luke went closer to them.

"Hey now…"

"Don't come any closer, demon!"


"Your head..."

"My head? Don't worry it all fine… I can still move it."


"Now now… don't scream… here."

Luke showed his hand to the kids and his hand starts to glow and, in a few moments, a teddy bear came out.

"Here, you can have it… of I go now."

Luke walked over to the huge hole of the wall and turned into a ball of lightning and starts flying in lightning speed back towards to fight.

Luke went back to the fight and saw a Brute covered with blood and scratches and a severed arm on the ground and slowly backing away while the Dragons walks towards Brute.

Luke touched the ground and a burst of crystals spikes went off and heads towards the Brute and curved over to block the approaching Dragons.

Brute saw Luke and starts running towards Luke and grabbed his arm on the way.

Brute then hide at the back of Luke and puts his severed arm back to its original place and smokes starts appearing to wound and healed back to normal.

The Dragons turned around and starts running towards Luke and the crystals curved again forming a circle.

The Dragons starts digging but ground has already turned into a crystal sheet.

The walls of crystals then burst up and curve forming a half sphere.

The Dragons starts to struggle and made the crystals even thicker.

The ground burst again with crystals and starts attaching to the crystals, made the walls even more thick.

The Dragons continued to struggle and for a few seconds, the struggling stops.

"I do not wish to kill you nor to harm you… however, in order to protect to what left to this village… I'll just imprison you both."

"Now then, the reason why you two came here is that your egg is somewhere here."

Luke puts his hand again to the ground.

"Sign's of Life"

In Luke prospective, a flash of bright yellow light appeared and red dots of pulsing hearts.

Luke continued to look over and saw a dim of red dot of light.

"There you are…"

'I'll help these people once I'm over…for now, getting rid of this Dragons are my first priority.'

Brute slowly turned back to his normal self.

"Brute, fetch me the egg."

Brute starts running forward looking the Dragon's egg.

"Now then… what shall I'll do to these people?


"What happened? Where are the Dragons?"

"I've defeated them and locked them inside to that."

"Inside what?"

The two looked at where Luke was pointing and saw a massive crystal structure erupting in the ground.

"What the hell is that!?"


"No more talk, we most deal with our current situation swiftly."


"Search to whoever still breath and put them in the open…and as for the dead…you can do the same. Just don't miss arrange them."

"You got it."

"Got it Luke."

"I should probably do the same…"

Luke used his magic again and found a kid stuck under a pile of debris.

The plank of woods and stones floats in the wave of Luke's hand and moved over a side.

As the pile of debris moved over, lay upon Luke's eyes was an unconscious child with a blunt and blood on his head and three dead men piled together close holding golden coins and silver.

Luke came in for a closer look to the kid and lift him up the ground and went to a open area.

He puts the child down and head to find another survivor.

As they look for survivors, Brute found the egg piled over some wood.

He tossed over the pieces of wood across.

There was no single scratch on the egg. Brute then used the tock over rug of the egg and wrapped it over then lift it up with his mouth.

Then he went back to Luke.

Meanwhile, Luke and the others we're finding survivors and dead one's.

Suddenly, a portal with bright yellow light appeared out of nowhere in the center of the village and came out large crusade of knight and priest came out and started helping them.

"Where did these guys came from?"

"Appearing out of thin air. No matter, the more hands means more help."

The priest then helped the injured and healed them back while the knights help for the search.

One knight came to Luke a present himself.

"I am the Honorary Knight of the holy land Rechmurn. We came as opportunity to honor the one who saved our kingdom from long ago."

"Long ago? Do you mean Alexburth?"

"Yes sir!"

"How did you even know we we're under attacked?"

"I'll happily tell you. However, we are in a crisis in our hand."

"Sir! There's a wolf coming straight to us!"

"Kill it if yo-"

"No no… that wolf is my companion."

"Companion…? So be it, let the wolf get through!"

The knights hesitate for a moment but kept there shields up and let Brute came through.

Brute head to Luke hands over Luke the egg and sat down next to Luke.

"Good job Brute… let's get back now. You said you came to help, then let's start our search."

"Yes sir! Men! Continue our mission and get going!"


Arthur came to Luke with Cecilia lifting his right shoulder.

"Arthur, you should be resting."

"No no… I can still…"


With wave of Luke's hand, the rubbish on the ground then float and made a chair.

"Sit here…"

Cecilia then went to the chair with Arthur and Arthur sat.

Luke then lift his hand over Arthur and a flash of light appeared.


"I'm healed?"


"Just like Merlin…"

"Where is Merlin anyways?"

"He's there getting healed by priest…"

The knight that talked to Luke them came and puts his hand forming a knuckle on his chest and lowered his head.

"King Arthur!"

"Your crest… you're from the Knights of Rechmurn."

"Yes sir, we came to help you with your crisis."

"Then… do what you came for…I'll just…sit here…"

Arthur fell asleep on the chair.

Luke wave his hand and the chair began to deform into a bad with wheels with Arthur laying down.

"Take him in the carriage Cecilia."

Cecilia nods his head and starts to stroll the bed to the carriage.

"That's one less problem to deal with…now then. Let's take care of the Dragons that I impression."


Luke turns and walked to the sphere of crystals and the Knight was shock at the massive structure.

"What is this?!"

"It's a little cage, the Dragons are inside."

"Inside?! Are you saying the threat is still here!?"

"Fear not, I can handle this. You and your men may hide if you want to."


"Toru, good timing. Now hold this for me.

What this?"

"It's a little surprise for you."

"A gift?"

"Not really but hold it for me."

"Okay then."

"Follow me."

The two walked towards the sphere with Toru holding the egg on his both hands and stopped at the front of the sphere.

"Hold on… didn't you said that this is where you trapped the Dragons?"

"Just stay calm"

The middle of the sphere began to split in half reveling both of the Dragons sleeping.

"What th-"

"Don't panic… stay calm…"

"How can I?"

"If you wake up the dragons with a scream you might anger them."


"What in the world!? Men!"

"Don't shout… stay calm…now then."

the knights then began to whisper.

"What is he doing?"

"His ganna get himself killed."

Luke then lift his hand and the ground beneath the dragons starts to warm up.

The Dragons slowly opened their eyes and let out a massive gust of air to their noises.

They got close, looked down at Luke and Toru.

"I can't do this…"

"Stay calm… now lift the egg."

"Egg? This was their egg? Why did yo-"

"Don't panic… just lift it up."

Toru looked up as saw the one of the dragons looking at him.

Toru looked away with his eyes close and proceed to lift the egg above slowly.

As he finished lifting the egg above, the dragon took one step closer and ground shake and lower it head down towards Toru.


"Don't drop it…"

It's finished lowering its head and starts to smell with strong gust of wind repeatedly hitting him.

Toru stand his ground and then the dragon let out a final gust of wind to its nose and gently grabs the egg with its mouth.


"Good… now what?"

"You can move back now…do it slowly."

Toru then began to slowly move back towards Luke and hid in Luke's back.

"You did well…"

The dragon then moved back and the other dragon then moved closer.

Then then lowered its head little and looked at Luke again and so as Luke.

The dragon opened its mouth and began to speak.

It spoke with a deep raspy voice and with a weird language.

They spoke together with a weird language and when Luke began to speak. His voice change that match the voice of the dragon.

As he finished talking, the dragon opened its eyes wide and closed and then proceeds to bow to Luke.

The other dragon puts down the egg and went to Luke and bowed his as well.

In disbelief, the knights whispered loudly with shock as they something majestic.

"What the?"

'What the hell did Luke do?'

"Are the Dragons doing?"

"Are they prostrating on him?"

Luke spoke again and the dragon lift up their heads.

Luke and the dragons spoke to each other for a few moments and stopped.

The dragon then went back to the egg picked it up.

The Dragons then starts dig and head straight towards mount Vergun.

As they finished digging Luke covered the hole with stones and dirt.

The ground slowly shakes and slowly fades away.

"What did you do?"

"I simply introduce myself."

"That's it?"

I promised them that I'll find their egg and bring their egg back.

"Are you saying that I'll meet them again?"

"It's your choice to meet them if you want."

"*Big sign*...good grief…"

The knight then went to Luke.

"What did you do?"

"No time to talk now sir knight. We'll speak when we head to the capital."

"Very well then…"

Toru go to the carriage with Cecilia, we'll meet at the capital.

"You said to help? Now if you can, take the Injured to the infirmary on the capital and for those who've died…just…lay them in the streets…"

"Yes Sir! Men! You heard the orders! Get to work!"

"I'll see you later."

"And as well to you."

Toru went to into the carriage with Cecilia and heads to the kingdom.

Luke then rides Brute and head to kingdom as well.

In a hour long trip from the village and the kingdom, they finally got there.

They all went back to the kingdom.

As Luke and Brute went back, he went to the infirmary and saw King Arthur and Merlin in the bed.

He also saw Cecilia, the Queen and Nichole.


Nichole then rushed at Luke and hugged him.

Luke looked down and saw Nichole crying.

"Is daddy ganna be alright?"

Luke kneeled down and pat Nichole's head.

"Don't worry, his ganna be alright."

"What about Uncle Merlin?"

"Him as well."

Luke then went to Arthur and Merlin.

The unknown man came to Luke with a white coat and stopped him.

"Sir, who are you?"

"Hey! Don't you put your hand at Luke!"

Toru then grabs the white coated man and pushed him away.

"Sir! We are still healing them!"

"Fear not, I can heal them back."


Luke hold the left hand of Arthur and the right hand of Merlin.

"I thought it would be enough to heal them…"

A bright light appeared to both of Luke's hand.

"So that's what happened…"

"What is it Luke?"

"Internal damages, along with internal bleeding. Both of them has a severe damage on their brain, lungs and basically every part of their organ."

"Can you heal them back?"

"Simple potions and healing magic can't heal them… the damages are too great."

"Are you saying you can't heal them?"

"My magic won't but… I can give them a healing flame of a Phoenix."

"Where can you get that?!"

"That is not the question here, the real question if they will survive."

"what are you saying."

"much like the phoenix, their body will disperse and will be reborn again, but..."

"But what?"

"For a human, they have high resistance to the elements, but mortal coils has it's limits"

"But we don't any other choices?!"

"A great risk maybe be taken, but have no choice."

A dark rift suddenly appeared at the front of and he puts his hand towards it.

He pulled his hands back and with a small cup of flames.

"What is that?"

"Phoenix tears…"

"All of you better get out of the room before all of you burn."

All of them took Luke's advice went out of the room except the man with a white coat.

"Sir, I do not advic-"

"Shut your mouth and let Luke do his thing."

Toru grabbed the man a forcefully drag him out of the room.

"Now then, I hope you two survive."

Luke them puts his hand to the flame and grab a hint of flaming tear drop.

He puts then drops tear drop to Arthur and Merlin chest.

When Luke puts the tear drop on Arthur and Merlin, the flame tears drop in their chest went through their chest.

In a few moments of silence, Arthur and Merlin eyes began to light in ray of orange light and their body began to glow till they turned into Red and orange light.

Their bodies began to emit siring heat and their bed began to burn.

The room began to emit so much heat that all equipment's in the room began to burn and as well as the door and the window of the room.

"What's happening in there?!"

The bodies of the Arthur and Merlin turned to ashes and disappeared.

The flames and the heat were gone and the other began to investigate to what's happened.

"What happened Luke?"


All of them went to the room and they couldn't find Arthur and Merlin anywhere but a pile of ashes.

"Don't come in! It's too dangerous."

Suddenly, the ashes shine bright and everyone outside can see the light coming out the door.

The light slowly disappears and there stood Arthur and Merlin standing naked.

They looked mindlessly to what's happening.

"What happened?"

"Luke? Is that you?"

"Yes, now put some clothes on."

A dark mist covered them both from head to toe.

Then it tuned white and came out Arthur and Merlin with long clothing.

"What the?"

"You may come in now."

"Come in?"

They burst opened the door and Nichole starts running towards Arthur.



They both hugged each other tightly.

"What happened Luke?"

"Things got a little…bit messy…"

Arthur and Merlin then looked at each other and smile then they bumped their fist.

The others came with a big smile in their face.

However, the man didn't like what happened to the room.

"My…safe heaven…why…"

I didn't plan the outcome of the flames…but…

A tear went down on the man's eye and got down with his knees.

Everyone looked at Luke with disappointed on their eyes.

"You made him cry."

"What? I just saved both of you from dying."

"Big brother, Luke…"

Luke looked down and saw Nichole with her puppy dog eyes.

Luke then gave in.

"Two dragons just killed your people and cause a distraction to the village of Gunruth… this is not the time to take pity of a burnt room…"

"But Luke…"

'I'm ganna run out of Mana because of these mortals...'

"Very well…"

Luke then lift his right hand and a bright light began to show, the dark burnt on the walls, ceiling and floor slowly form back to its original self.

The bed slowly rises up from its ashes and pieces of destroyed equipment's turning to its original shape.

And with a final piece of equipment, the infirmary room was restored.

"Now then, we have to focus. We still have a crisis at our hand."

Arthur and Merlin were still regaining consciousness and their mind still not in control.



"It seems to be that they're still feeling the after effects of the flames…"

"How long does the effects wear off?"

'Depends on how strong is their will… let then lay in the for a while, it may soon wear of."

"What do we do in the time being?"

"For now, let's wait for those knights' arrivals."

"Make haste! We need to console the King for a treaty, we might get some value out of this."

'Helping this weak country is a mistake, why must the Head pope help them?'

"Sir! We have round up ever thing and we are ready to go."

"Good, now I'll leave all the ten of you to take whatever valuable in this place. Understood?"

"Yes sir!"

The crusade of the knight and priest have finished their work and now heading in the kingdom of Beramuth.

A two hour and a half have past and the sun has already gone with the moon already up.

The crusade has already got then kingdom and with the head Knight wait for the King's arrival.

The King is still not in a good shape, so I will take his place as the First Princess of this Kingdom.

"Cecilia? Why is she there?"

"I understand."

"I'll thank you for helping us, we are grateful for your assistance."

"Place don't mind it, but… may I please talk to the King himself."

"As much I-"

"Princess Cecilia, I believe we should grant the request of the knight."

"Yes, I complement that advice…Princess…"

The Nobles spoked with cocky voice.

"The King is still-"

A small pinch of light suddenly went in the corner of the left eye Cecilia.

Cecilia notices the light and saw Luke,

They both looked at each other's eyes and then Luke nods his head one's.

Cecilia also nods his head in agreement.

"Very well then… follow me."

The knight and Cecilia went to the infirmary with Brute and Luke at their back.

They entered the room and Toru, Queen Elizabeth and Nichole at the side of Arthur and Merlin.

"Why is the knight here?"

"I most talk to the King, so if you all please leave."

"Hey! Just because you saved us, doesn't mea- "

"It's alright… however, I want Luke in the room."

"I understand, I also want to speak with him as well."

"Are you sure Arthur?"

"It's okay… you may all leave."

"But papa…"

"Come Nichole, let the adults talk."

They left the room and leaving the knight, Luke, Arthur and Merlin.

"Sorry for the late introduction, I am Knight of the Kingdom of Rechmurn, Sir Benedict Wrusther."

"I'll thank you again for helping our us.

Don't thank me King Arthur…thank Lord Riaher for telling us you we're in danger."

How did you even know we we're in trouble?

"We have eyes in the heavens itself. A gift from God the has given to us."


"Eyes in heaven you say?"

"Your name is Luke was it?"

"You are correct."

"Now then…"

"Asking about what did I do to the village?"


"I'm thankful for your help you've given us but…"

"Your trying to keep your trump card a secret? I understand. If I was in your position, I would keep it a secret as well."

'Damn…didn't he told me he'll tell me?'

"I'm glad you understand stand."

The forehead of Benedict the glow in the shape of a circle.

For a few moments of silence, the knight got up ended their conversation.

"I'm sorry for the suddenly end for our conversation but I will take my leave."

"What is it?"

"Something came up and we have summoned by the Pope. And as you please, excuse me."

He got out of the room and rushed out.

"What was that light on his forehead?"

"A bonding spell used to communicate from great distance, manly used by those who call themselves holy."

"You did that Luke?"

"Yes and someone is listening in our conversation."

"I never did trust people who have devoted their lives to this God."

"Hey… can we come in now…?"

"Cecilia, Toru? Why are you both still her?"

They then went inside.

"We come to check in the on you guys…

"It's alright… where did the Knight go?"

"We saw the knight and with the other knights and priest out side."

"Then what?"

"They did that thing in the village."

"The portal?"


"It's good that their gone…at least for now."

"Hey Luke…"

"What is it?"

"Do you remember what you told us in the carriage?"

'I'll never understand human mind, people just died and here they come for more questions'

"You two still remember that? Very well… ill grant your request"


"Then how about…"

"However, I will only take one question to each of you and nothing more."

Toru and Cecilia looked at each other and looked back at Luke once more.

"No need to hold back, ask me anything."