
Land Above Heaven

A mysterious man in black walks in the mortal land carrying the name of Luke and with his companion Brute a wolf, he teaches he’s students both in the art of arcane magic’s and weapons. Not much is known of his capabilities but one thing is for sortian that his powerful in some way or shape. He’s students named Toru and Cecilia, are taught to harness their skills and talents as well as giving them knowledge unlike any other. They fought many battles together and learned on their adventurers together. Discovering past relics and cursed objects. A long yet steady journey is a head of them with many mystery to cross, but what will they find? What land will they stand? What strange material will they hold? Just what will happen? May they’re journey come to an end? Or will it go further from end? What will happen to their future endeavors? We shall wait and see. For time is not something that I lack.

OPPAIN · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Journey forth to the Kingdom

"Ma'am! we are about to cross out of our territory, please wait in carriage. We shall inform you if we find danger."

"No! We are searching for my sister. I will not sit there and wait for luck to find her!"

"But Ma'am-"

"Which part of NO you don't understand!"

"Yes Ma'am… I understand…"

'I won't lose her again, I knew leaving her alone was a bad choice'


"Yes Ma'am!"

As the Knights of Beramuth search for the lost princess, Luke and Brute was hunting while Nichole is watching.

"It's very important to stay quiet, we can't let the elk notice us."

"Luke, is it just me or… that elk is a bit big?"

"It's an Eltrus, it's a deferent type of species of elk."

"It very big…"

'I can just easily cast a lightning bolt but… that would be unenjoyable'

The Eltrus graciously eating grass unaware of the danger lurking behind, Brute careful sneak as not to alert the Eltrus.

And as Brute was in range, Brute pounced at the elk and took a large bite of the leg.

The elk tried to struggle but the strength of Brute simply overpowered the elk.

Brute's fangs digged deep till it reached the bone.

elk falls at the ground Brute let's go.

Luke and Nichole came closer came closer look and to finish of the elk.

"Brute took down that elk like a boss!"

"Yes yes… but remember, killing is not a sport. We kill in order to survive."

"Yes sir!"

Luke gestures his head down then straight back up to command Brute to kill the elk.

Brute then sent to the elk's neck and tighten his mouth til a growling cracked sound came.

"Now, we need a rearable source of water."

Luke puts the huge carcass to back of Brute and began to search for a Lake or a River.

"Where are we going Luke?"

"We're searching for a Lake or a River for our water source to clean the meat and our body, Brute to be precise."

"He's not that stinky."

"To us yes, but the smell of blood can't be simply wipe off, animals with great smell can still find us like Brute."

"Wow… you really know how to survive in the wilderness"

'I my have a little experience living in the wild."

As they walk, Brute suddenly stopped and starts to sniff with it's nose facing up while front left leg is bent up.

Luke notice it and Nichole was confused.

Brute began to walk and they follow.

"What's Brute's doing Luke?"

"Wolf's have a kin sense of smell and now his picking up the smell of water and fish… we most be close to a water source come, make haste."

The three stumbles upon a vast river.

"Wow your right! It is water!"

"Now now… don't get too excited, I need you to gather some fire wood to cook our food, can you do that for me?"

"Yes sir!"

Brute drop the carcass and head with Nichole to the forest to find firewood.

Luke began to butcher the carcass to separate the hide from its flesh and flesh out of it's bones.

After a moment of brief, they came back with a pile of dead branches.

"We're back! And we found a lot of firewood!"

"That's a bit too much…"


Luke began to start a fire while Nichole and Brute play in river. Luke starts cooking and also made a small tent for Nichole to sleep into.

When food was ready, Luke called Nichole and Brute for Dinner.

They rush forward to the food Luke made and began to feast.

"This is delicious!"

"I'm glad you like it."

Luke looked left and saw Brute with a puppy dog eyes and begging for food.

"Take the left over, there's a lot of it"

Brute wiggle its tail and went to the huge chuck of meat and bones.

Nichole was done eating and felling sleepy, Luke puts Nichole to small tent.

"Goodnight… Luke..."

"Goodnight Nichole."

Nichole falls asleep and Brute sleeps beside her, Luke was simply sitting close to bun fire guarding them both.

"We'll set up a camp here."

"Men! Start making our camp!"

"Yes Sir!"

The knights began to make their camp and their Captain Cecilia was in their head camp waiting for reports.

A solder came in to the tent and salutes.


"What? Any good new?"

"I'm sorry Ma'am, but one of our scouts have gone dead. He's partner says that they were attack by an Alfasar."

'Alfasar? This forest is too dangerous, we most find her immediately to end our mission.'

"You may go."

"Yes Ma'am!"

'I can feel her…close by…she has to be alive, I just fell she is'

Morning rise and Luke wake's up Nichole to eat.

"Is it morning already?"

"Yes, little girl, its morning now get up. We have work to do but in order to do so, you must fill up you stomach."



Luke was cooking fish while Brute in nibbling in bones.

Nichole stretch her legs and arm and came to Luke to eat.

"Now now, sleepyhead… don't hurt yourself."

Nichole finished her food and they started packing for there adventure.

Luke then lift's his hand and purple misty fog appeared right at the bottom of Luke's hand.

Luke then reach his hand and pulled a compass and the mist disappeared.

"What are doing Luke?"

"Looking for directions."

"With that… thing?"

"Yes, this is called a compass. It navigates the trajectory of the magnetic field of the earth and..."

Luke then notice Nichole with curious blank expression and remembers that Nichole is still a child.

"Basically, I'm looking for the North to find a road so that we won't get lost and… it says to the left side of ours is where we go, come now."


"Wake up you maggots!"

"We have a princess to find! Ready your horses and weapons! We're leaving!"

Cecilia's cavalry began the search once more to find the lost princess and as they move, Nichole, Brute and Luke has begun there move as well.

The scouts of Cecilia spotted a wall of boulders to the road and came back to inform Cecilia.

"What!? boulders!?"

"Yes Ma'am."

'This mission is already hard…. And now a wall...'

"Let's head to the blockage maybe we can find a weak spot to break."

"Yes Ma'am."

Cecilia came and saw a boulder of stones and getting around would be hard because the horses can't go into the forest and she also know an Alfasar is lurking nearby.

She ordered the mages to cast a fiery explosive to the boulders.

A moment later, Luke, Nichole and Brute heard a large explosion and saw a dark smoke in the sky.

"What was that Luke?"

"An explosive magic… someone it trying to destroy something."

"Let's check it out."

"Idiots! You mages are worthless! Those are just bounce of rocks and all six of you can't even put a scratch!"

"Ma'am this are not normal boulders its-"

"It's just some rock! And you can't even-"

Then the ground began to rumble and the boulders began to move.

An eye open to the rock and stood tall. It was a Mountain Dragon.

"What the…"

"Stand your ground! Don't show the enemy your fear!"

It looked down to them and blows a huge gust of wind to them.

A lot of them was blown away from the air current and some starts to run away.


The Dragon began to speak with a deep rocky voice.

"You dear disturb my slumber…"

"It can speak!"

'Dammit… we can't defeat this monster… maybe I can talk this one out'

"Dragon! We wish no harm! We came here to find a lost princess"!

"The Dragon stood vigorously and stared to the humans."

"May we please cross… O mighty Dragon..."

On the other side, They come and stopped near the dragon.

"Groc! What is all this ruckus?"

"Lord Luke…these humans are demanding to walk through.

"Humans? Let me see them."

"Yes, my Lord"

"Who are you talking too?"

"Silence human!"

The massive dragon walked aside as not to harm the humans.

"Who are you? And why have come here?"

'This guy bad news… he even riding a Dire Wolf'

"We- We are looking for someone?"

Cecilia then noticed a familiar face riding in Luke's back.





"You know here?"

"Yes! She's my sister."

"Ohw… go to her then."

Nichole got down from Brute and head to Cecilia then they hug each other.

"I thought I've lost you… who gave you these scars! Hey you bastard! Did you do this!?"

"No, He help me, if it wasn't for him I would have been killed."

"Is that so."

'My job here is done'

"Hey! I'm not done with you! I want to thank you saving my sister! So please come to us for a celebration to the return of our princess."

"What your mouth human! You're insu-."

"It's all right Groc, they mean no harm. You want me to come?"

"Yes, in the celebration of the return of the princess."

"Well… if you insist"

"Yey! It's a party!"

"Yes, a party just for you."

Cecilia, Nichole, Luke and Brute went inside the carriage and talked about what happened.

Brute began to shrink small and resemble a puppy.

"I didn't know Dire wolfs would be so obedient and how did this large wolf turn into that small creature?"

"Well… it's not exactly a Dire wolf, this wolf is the only animal of its species. He is very intelligent and can even understand human language."

"May I touch him?"


"Soo... soft…"

'I didn't know a knight like you would have a weak spot for wolfs.'

"Sister has always been a dog lover."

"Ehem... let's get back to business.

"You there, teleport this scroll back and teleport Nichole back to the Castle… I won't let her get kidnapped again."

"But I'm well guarded…"

"No buts little lady."


Nichole was given a scroll and when she opened it, her body turned white and disappeared.

"Now then, who are you?"

"Who I'm I? I'm simply a man living in the woods."

"Don't play dumb with me, that mountain dragon called you his Lord and a Hysuer, as I recall"

"Let's keep that surprise a secret for now."


"Nichole called you her sister, and it seems you older."

"What's your point?"

"Your the first princess."

"You got that right."

"Nichole's grandfather is Alexburth Beansmith and that makes you his granddaughter as well."

"What are you talking about?"

"Let's just speak to your Grandfather to clarify and to see his judgement. Surely you trust him"

"You know my grandfather?"

"I have a little history between him and I."

Nichole got back in the Kingdom and the King and Queen is already waiting for her.

"Nichole! You've came back… I've miss you so much."

"We thought we have lost you…"

"Nichole you must be- why is there a huge scar here?! Take her to the infirmary… in second thought, I'll take my myself."

King Arthur took princess Nichole to the infirmary to heal he scar.

"I'm alright father, it doesn't hurt."

"No, I want you to be in a perfect shape.


The infirmary doors opened and an old man came through and hugged Nichole.



"I'll leave her to you father, I have a task to a fix."

"Alright Arthur, I'll take care of her."


"Nichole O I've miss you, I was worried sick because of you."


"Oooo… why could I get mad at you."



"Remember the paintings you made?"

"Yes dear."

"I was there!"

"There what?"

"The land in your paintings!"

"The land in…my…. Paintings…!!!!!! You've been there!?"


"Did you meet Luke?!"

"Yes! he's even coming here in the Kingdom."

'its been so long'

"I need to get ready…"

"Grandpa, do you know Luke, he seems to know you..."

"Well… he was one of the people who helped me beat bad guys."

"Wow… just like what he last time."

"Last time?"

"He defeated a lot of bad guys and with Brute."

"The wolf?"


'I'm guessing that he killed those bad guys'

"Now, let me heal your scar."

"But it hurts when you heal."

"It's alright."

At night, the Cecilia and her knights started to camp for the night. Everyone was sleeping except for Luke and Brute.

"Does my pupils ever think about me until today?"

"Can't sleep?"

"Yes, how about you?"

"Me too, I'm just very happy that my little sister is back and far from harm's way."

"Just how much do you love your sister?"

"I'll die for her."

"Die for her? An extreme love, I see."

While they were talking, a scream in pain everyone heard his voice. A man starts running shouting "Enemy attack!".

An arrow suddenly flies towards Cecilia but stopped right in front of her forehead. The arrow turned back to where the arrow was and shoots back.

The arrow hits and an injured voice of a dog can heard. Right after that, the sounds of grunting dogs can heard and sword clashing together. Both Cecilia and Luke came to noise and saw Cecilia's men was fighting a bandit of kobolds.

"Yes! Kill them! Let none survive!"


A howl of wolf came from the enemy.

Cecilia grabs a sword from a dead solder and starts fighting.

Then, an even louder howl can be heard in the battle field. Massive wolf crush down and starts killing Cecilia's solders.

"A Dire wolf!"

"Is the Luke's pet wolf? I knew he can't be trusted."

While the Dire wolf is killing Cecilia's men, Cecilia was getting closer to the wolf and stabbed it in the leg.

It got ferrous and slapped her with the wolf paw. Cecilia fell down, and before she could get up, the wolf was already on top of her.

Her life flash before her eyes as she saw the mouth of the wolf open.

Then suddenly, Brute pushed the Dire wolf and went far, hitting tents on the way.

The wolf stood up and Brute was already in front of the Dire wolf.

The massive wolf and Brute had a stand off and began to growl and circling each other.

Luke showed up and helped Cecilia get up from her feet.

"I thought… what are they doing?"

"A form of dominance standoff, there sizing each other."

"The fight is not over, there are still kobolds around fighting your solder."

Luke healed Cecilia back from health and gave her a sword.

Then the Dire wolf jumped as the same time as Brute, they fought each other with murderous intent.

Luke began to reach his hand and came out a staff. He stumps the ground with his staff and ever enemy had a mark floating on there head. Everyone noticed the mark but didn't stop.

A red orb flew up from Luke's hand and went to the skies. Then, a red beam drops to ever enemy marked and set them all on fire.

While the kobolds and the Dire wolf was grunting in pain, the other left kobolds was finished by the soldiers and the one left standing was the Dire wolf.

Luke took an arrow to the ground an flew right at the head of the dire wolf.

"It's over?"

"It's over."

"We won!"

All of the soldiers' yell in celebration and cheers but in the same grief over the fallen. All of them didn't fall back asleep as they fear enemies my attack once more.

At the night, they collected the body of the fallen soldiers. Took down the camp and started to head out to the kingdom.

"Why are we all riding? Its still mid night."

Sir Luke, enemies' attacks are always right around the corner not to mention…I've lost to many men."

"By the time we reach the kingdom, the sun will rise."

'Being the woman in charge is hard and with the fall of this brave men… maybe I'll stop asking questions'

The sun rises and they can now see the Kingdom in the distance. They pasted over a small village covered in blood. And when saw them, they clapped and cheered at the knights and soldiers.

'the people had full respect to the soldiers here'

They reach the gates and horn can be heard when the start to open the gate.

When the gate opens, a large crowd that made way straight to the Kingdom. As the go through all of the people cheered at them throwing rose petals at them.

They all went to the infirmary to heal up and to patch up the criticality injured.

Cecilia and Luke went to Castle, Luke was escorted to the Throne room to speak to King and Queen.

They reached the Throne room and entered with Brute. Luke saw the King Arthur and Queen Elizabeth and they we're both in shock.

The room was full of tension as a massive wolf entered the room.

A Dire wolf? So, you do have a pet wolf on you.

"Don't worry my pet wolf means no harm. In fact, it's well trained for example… sit."

Brute sit down but the King and the nobles are still not convinced.

"It's alright, the wolf is well trained. See."

Cecilia reach her hand out to touch Brute and began to pet Brute. Out of nowhere, Nichole jumped to Brute and starts hugging Brute.

"Brute! Papa... see Brute is a good boy, he wouldn't hurt even me. He even let me ride him!"

"Nichole?! Where do you- go back to your room, the adults are talking."

"But dad, don't doubt Luke and Brute just because they look evil…"

'Evil? do I really look like that?'

"Don't worry Arthur… those two mean no harm… he saved your daughter, is that not enough?"


"Father! what are you doing here? You should be resting."

"I just wanted to see my old friend…"

"Alex? Is that you…"

"Long time no see, Luke."

"You look…so…old…"

"And you still look the same."

"You two know each other?"

"Have trust on me son, he means no harm…"

"I'll…take your advice…"

"Thank you… come Nichole let your father handle this."


"My King! You can't simply trust him, he may have saved your daughter but it may be a cover up!"

"Yes! We don't even know who really is!"

'Humans judges so much just by looks, I can't blame them, I am a stranger still a stranger to them'

"I trust in my father's judgement. But, may you at least tell me why you gave my daughter this dagger?"

"What's wrong with it?"

"That dagger is a dagger used to split the necks of humans in a human sacrifice ritual as a sacrifice to the Demon king."

"Surely you have the right explanation?"

"I'm sorry for the confusion."

"But the dagger is not what you think. It may look like the dagger used to for human sacrifice but it's just a dagger use for skinning."

"What's the deference between then them Sir Luke?"

"That is used to separate the hide of a carcass Not for rituals."

"How do we know your telling the truth?

"That's enough, that's all the evidence I need to trust him."

"But sire-"

"That's enough! Sorry for the misunderstanding Sir Luke, I was trying to protect my daughter. I hope you forgive me."

"My King! Please don't bow your head!"

"A King shouldn't bow, so there's no need to ask forgiveness."

"I wish to speak with you."

"I'll gladly accept."

"But my lord-"

"Hush…Cecilia take Luke to my office.

"As you wish, my King."

"Luke, come with me."


'weird… she's really obedient and loyal'

Luke and Cecilia walked out of the room and Brute follows, they went into a room and a man was waiting inside.

"I'll leave you two to talk."


"Alex, it's been a long time. How have you been?"

"Practically bad in my age but all in all…I'm fine."

"Time hits hard does it?"

"The last time we meet was in my wife funeral."

"Indeed. so, How does it fell to be crowned as a Hero and became a King?"

"It feels really great especially when you worked hard for it."

"How old are you now Alex?"

"Come on don't ask an old man his age, I'll get offended...*sign*...I'm now an 80-year-old man, how about you!"

"Still approximately 60.000 years old, and I don't offended about."

"Offended my ass, damn immortal begin, always gets my nerves"

"It's pay back for your taunting on me when you we're younger."


"Also have you heard any news about my students?"

"There's one."


"Alice, she's a teacher in the Fowlmoun Academy."

"Fowlmoun Academy? I'll visit there next then."

The door suddenly opened and came along Arthur.

"Luke, I need to speak with you in private."


"Father, can I speak with him in private please… it is for the safety of our kingdom"

"If you need to, then very well. It's been a good talk Luke… I'll see you later."

"Cecilia come in."

"Yes, my King."

"Brew us a tea, if you please."

"Yes, my King."

"There's no need to be formal were all alone now, call me father."


"Harsh as always, now… just who are you?"

"Me? I'm just a man in the woods living."

"I know you're a powerful man, I know so because of that ring."

"You know about this ring?

"You are one of the students of Death, are you?"

"Students of Death?"

"Don't play dumb."

'Is that what they call themselves? Students of Death… I'm guessing Death is me…'

"Well… you got me."

"I knew it, who-"

"It's better if you don't ask who am I. I'm trying to keep my identity a secret. at first, I can here to save daughter...but, seeing can get more out of it...I guess I can do more and also came for a little undercover experience."

To undercover for what?"

"Here's your tea."

"I just want experience leaving a little normal and not… well you get the idea, you're a Noble after all."

"I get you, sometimes I just want to live a normal life but… no one can do this job better than me."

"You're a professional, I see."

"Why do you call yourselves "Students of Death"? Is it because you we're taught by Death himself?"


"Yes…we…were taught my Death, that's why we are so powerful."

"I wander just how powerful Death…"

"His powerful indeed, listen I'm looking for my…Class...mate Alice. I've heard she works as a teacher in Fowlmoun Academy."

"I need you to help me find her."

"Yes, I'll help you! its not that hard to find her. she's a living legend and a well known sorcerer across all lands."




"But you'll have to help me as well, if you want my aid."

"What is it?"

"There's been a dragon attack and reports say it's an earth dragon and there's two of them, can you dispatch them for me and I'll help you."

"Seems to be an easy task, sure I'll do it."

"As expected to one of the students of Death, very powerful and confident to defeating a two earth dragon."

"Where is it anyway?"

"It's been recently showing in Mount Vergun, it's been attacking nearby smalls villages. The two have destroyed Two villages now."

"That is a problem…but why not just deal with them?"

"That's is true but… there's a grave threat of war and if we loss more men, more and more villages will be destroyed and even the Kingdom."

"Hmm… why not hire adventurers?"

"That's the point Sir Luke, we need more men if war will break."

"Your saying even adventurers are in part to this! Just how many soldiers do you have?"

"That's the main reason why war is a threat…"

"You lack soldiers?"

"Beast and monsters are very active recently…and one even report's that one got inside the walls of this Kingdom!"

"And now an attack to my cavalry… I've lost too many men."

'Earth Dragon is a flightless kind of dragon. However, Earth dragon scales are hard and then it's skin is durable to the crust. To humans this maybe hard but to me, dragons are still animals. I'll just order them to not bother the villages'

"Well…all I have to do is to get rid of the dragons, then I'll get going."

"Wait Sir Luke, my High raked knights can assist you to your fight."


Moments later, A muscular man and Cecilia line beside Arthur.

"This is Toru, toughest young knight I have.

Pleasure to meet you, one of the Students of Death."

"And Cecilia, the youngest swordsman to our kingdom."

This novel I made is simply out of my boredom.

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