
Land Above Heaven

A mysterious man in black walks in the mortal land carrying the name of Luke and with his companion Brute a wolf, he teaches he’s students both in the art of arcane magic’s and weapons. Not much is known of his capabilities but one thing is for sortian that his powerful in some way or shape. He’s students named Toru and Cecilia, are taught to harness their skills and talents as well as giving them knowledge unlike any other. They fought many battles together and learned on their adventurers together. Discovering past relics and cursed objects. A long yet steady journey is a head of them with many mystery to cross, but what will they find? What land will they stand? What strange material will they hold? Just what will happen? May they’re journey come to an end? Or will it go further from end? What will happen to their future endeavors? We shall wait and see. For time is not something that I lack.

OPPAIN · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Crimson Blood Demon

"Don't do this… please…"

A cloaked silhouetted man holding a dark blade spoke towards a red silhouetted man with eight crimson wings protruding on his back.

"I don't want to hurt you…"

The eight-winged being glares at the cloaked man and disappears in a blink of an eye to where he appeared once more in front of the cloaked man.

The eight-winged being then lifted his reptilian scalded claw and sliced through the man and turned to mist.

The mist enlarged and consumed one's sight on the ongoing action.

Slowly, one's sight gain restoration with each second to full to where one's perception saw a monstrous being.

A giant beast with reptilian features, a head shaped like a crocodile with two horns pointing backward from the top of his head, meter-long plated scales on every part of its body covering its skin, claws as sharp as a sword, tail as long a tree, and eight crimson wings protruding its back.

One realized that this monstrous being is a pure embodiment of chaos, a Dragon.

It flaps its massive eight wings creating giant swirls of wind strong enough to destroy an entire kingdom.

Flying in front of him, the same person as before with his cloak no longer covering his face, Holding no longer a dark sword but a spear

He flew motionless with drips of a thick red substance flowing down on the spear's head.

The cloaked man lift's his head towards the dragon and glared with pricing dark eyes and a tear going down on his left chick as the red substance that is blood continues to drip down on his spear.

Blood coursing down on the mouth and claws of a massive 8 winged dragon, the dragon roared in agony not to by the cuts but pain dwelling deep within.

"A king of what are you? Letting someone such as yourself be controlled by some God."

The 8-winged dragon slashed down its massive claw towards the long-haired being to which he parry's the claw with his spear.

The dragon overpowered the cloaked man and flings his spear across and crashed down head first on the mountain below.

The great mountain splits into two and a massive avalanche then runs down on each side of the mountain as the spear continues to pierce and cut through the thick earth.

The eight-winged dragon opened its bloodied mouth and let out a massive cone of scorching flame.

The massive fire blazed the air in heat as the void around one's sight slowly reaching the in the middle.

Flames blazed through the long-haired being, the fire envelops him with one expecting him to burn to ash.

The void then swallowed one's sight turning one's world into a dark abyss.

A shiny golden ring glimmered on Luke's ring finger and with his right hand almost clumping up into a fist.

Clark's throat was held by an invisible force with his neck now visibly showing a dent of great grip around his neck.


Luke clumps his hand into a fist.

Suddenly, Luke's right hand was slashed by an anonymous creature that left a dark line as it went through Luke's hand.


Clark was then released by the invisible grip around his neck as Luke's right hand fell to the ground.

The creature then dashed once again with only its after image to see and hits Luke on the chest causing to him stumble a little.

The thing bounced off right after it hit Luke's chest and went to Clark and pushed him over the wall and dragged him up to the unconscious men.

"What was that?"

Luke asked.

Luke's right hand then flew back and connected back to his right arm as if nothing happened.

Clark then was then dropped on the altar and landed on something that broke his fall a little.

"Escape now, Clark, this is your chance."

"That voice…Bhulser, why are you here?"

"Lord Shenru ordered me to save you, thhcc… if it wer' up to me, killing yer' would be the best option, yer' lucky my Lord still find you useful."


"Do what you must to escape, I'll keep that man at bay."

Clark then looks at the mysterious object that soften his fall and found that it was one of his men.

Clark then opens his dripping jaw and began to chomp on the unconscious man.

They then heard a wooden staff stump on the ground and the stone standing between Clark and Like crumbles to dust.

"Thhcc… here he comes."

The dust fell on the ground and Bhulser saw slight the figure of which he assume Luke staring back at him.

The dust was then wafted by some gust of wind.

Bhulser then saw Luke's right hand back on his wrist and was confused that why his hand is back on his wrist as if it was not cut clean.

Bhulser did not ask for questions and dashed at great speed towards Luke.

He thrust his right hand using his nails as some sort of weapon and pierced through Luke's chest with ease.

He smiles as he thought that Luke wasn't even a threat to begin with and looks up at Luke's eyes to taunt him and saw Luke glaring back at him.


Before Bhulser could speak, Luke grabbed his head with his right hand and continues to state right on his eyes.

"Try harder next time."

Luke then thrust his left knee up and hits Bhulser's arm and dislocated his elbow.


Bhulser screams in pain as Luke kicked him forward on his chest and hits the stage of the altar.

"I would ask who might you be, but my business is not with you."

Luke taps and wipes his chest as if dust was splattered around with the hole on his chest slowly regaining back to normal.

Luke was then about to step forwards and just suddenly felt stopping his right foot.

He looks down to find Trish with lifeless eyes, covered in blood and blunts, and looks over to find the rest of his lower half almost completely gone.

Plenty of her skin and tissue was missing on the lower part of her stomach and only her left femur with few fleshy bits barely attaching to the bone.

Luke sighed and lowered his head to respect the dead.

"May you rest in peace."

Suddenly, grunts and laughter blasted on the altar.

Luke then looks over and saw Clark slowly rising while holding one of his men with a bloody neck as he licks the blood on his lips.

Clark drops the body and stares at Luke with crimson red eyes.

His skin turns blood red as veins pump blood into his ever-growing muscles.

Bhulser then looks up to find Clark gaining strength from his fallen mates and turns into a dark smoke to which he goes to Clark's side while holding his dislocated left arm.

"This yer' chance to escape, go!"

Clark then turns his head towards Bhulser with his eyes brightening and has no will of good intentions.

Clark grabs Bhulser's neck and his body turns into smoke leading to Clark only grabbing the air and some dark smoke.

Bhulser then formed back in his body as he dashed back a few meters away from Clark.

"Da' hell do you think yur doin'!"

"You think I would go back now?! To hell with that!"

"My lord order is for yo-."

"Order this, order that! Like I give a fuck now!"

"My lord shall know of this…"

Bhulser then turns around and wobbles on his feet as he walks away and turns to smoke and exited.

"This is a bad time for losing an ally, don't you think?"

Clark then turns around to look at Luke again.


Luke noticed that Clark did not kill just one, but all of the unconscious men has chunks of flesh ripped out of their bodies with all of them having the same chewed part on their necks.

"Few guys I've seen use telekinesis abilities, but even so, those guys can't do this much damage as you."

"It is a talent of mine."

Luke lifted his right hand towards Clark and aims at his neck and grasped his palm.

Clark felt a force wrapping his neck and moved his neck due to the discomfort force gripping his neck.

He focused back his attention on Luke and starts walking forwards while moving his palm and claws.

Surprised, Luke gripped his palm even harder than before.

The discomfort on Clark's neck starts to choke and stops walking and then touched his neck.

He lower's his hand and starts walking faster at Luke, ignoring the force wrapping his neck while glaring at Luke.

Impressed, Luke grips his palm even harder but he could not tighten it anymore as if it was too hard to crash.

Clark's crimson wings then open and flapped his once and leaps at Luke with claws wide open.

Luke lets his hand go and stumps his staff on the ground.

A wall of stone erupts in front of Clark to stop his attack and broke through with ease as his claws open wide, ready to slit Luke in half.

Luke hopped back and dodged his claws a few inches and landed on the ground only to step on a trap.

With only seconds to react, a dark mist covered Luke from his foot and the trap blooms in a fiery explosion.


In the smoke and ash rising amid the explosion, Luke's staff flew with great speed and hits Clark's forehead so hard that he wobbles back.

And Clark wobbles, he founds his balance again and stood and stares at the mist of smoke.

Luke's staff went back to the rising ash and the smoke and rubble starts to swirl around.

"What the?"

Like a spear, it thrust with its sharp edge and swirls towards Clark.

Clark then used his wings to cover himself from the swirl of ash and smoke.

The force of the swirl pushed back Clark greatly but Clark stood his ground and moved a few meters.

Had enough, Clark swipes his wings and blows away the swirl of ash and smoke.

Luke then pats and strokes the dust away and fixes his slightly ragged clothes.

"Right, you still have traps here, I completely forgot about that."

Clark clamps his teeth in anger and leaped at Luke as he flaps his wings again for an extra bust with both his claws open ready to slash down Luke.

Luke saw this coming and his staff flew and parried both Clark's claws, Clark pushes and grips Luke's staff and stops a few inches from Luke's face.


"You will die trying."

Luke lifts his right hand at Clark with bits of electricity surging out of his fingertips.


A blast of lightning surged out on Luke's hand and hits Clark at point-blank range and pushed Clark away as he hugs the blast.

Clark hits the altar with the lightning blast fades away.

Steam flew out on Clark's body and smiles as the burns on his body heals back up to a crimson skin again.

Clark stands up while his body heals and glared at Luke.

"That's it?! That's all you can do!?"

Clark charges at Luke again with his claw wide open with Luke getting ready to meet him.

As Clark runs, he saw a flare of light in the corner of his eyes to the left and looks over and saw Ray healing the wounded two while inside some sort of a bubble.

Clark smiles at Luke and changed his trajectory toward the three.

The chairs and the debris on Clark's way suddenly flew and began to stick on Clark's skin like a magnet, slowing down Clark but not stopping him.

Clark reached the three with debris on his body and lifts both of his hands and formed a knuckle on both hands.

"Say goodbye to your friends!"

Just as he crashes down his fists in the bubble, Luke's staff hits his charged-up knuckles with great power and caused Clark's fist to sway to the left forcefully.

Clark then turns his head over to where he assumes Luke is and was met by a burning left knuckle to the jaw.

The punch was strong that Clark flew away to great lengths.

Luke lands back on his feet and proceeds to massage his left hand.

"That…hurt a little."

Luke then opens his left palm towards his staff on the ground to which it flew back on his hand.

Luke then turns his attention towards the bubble where Ray and the two and protected.

Luke saw the terrified expression on Ray's face, panic, confusion, and fear was written all over her face as he breathed heavily along with her heart beating rapidly.

Luke kneels down and taps the bubble gently.

The area of the bubble where Luke tapped began to open and stop just enough for a human to get out off.

"Panicking will not get you nowhere, it is best to keep calm and steady, but I don't think words will be enough to calm you down."

Ray continues to breathe heavily.

"I'm…up you know…"

Arthur spoke painfully.

"With that condition, you might as well be knocked down, but I digress."

Luke then turns his attention back to Ray.

"Stay calm, use your teleports magic to get the three of you out of here."

Luke then presents his right hand towards Ray and a dark mist then opens right above Luke's palm.

Something drops on the mist and just as the object lands on Luke's palm, the mist disappears in thin air.

A very small bag of something lays on Luke's palm with a surprising scent of mint.

"Here, take it, this will help you calm down so you can focus on casting your spell."

They then heard a loud noise in a far and Ray looked where the noise came from.


Clark stands up with his knuckles and faces fully healed and with eyes surging with rage.

"You think that was enough!"

Clark puts his hands close to each other and a sphere of blood slab appears.

"It seems he's up again, heal the two enough for them to survive, I shall deal with him."

"Do your best, preferably, do it fast."

"I'll…try my best."

Luke smiles and stood up as the hole of the bubble closes.

Clark lift's the sphere of blood with his right hand up and the sphere turns into a lance-like weapon.

He then throws his lance of blood toward Luke and charges together with his blood lance.

Luke stumps on his staff once and a wall of stone erupts from behind him.

Clark's lance of blood broke through the wall with ease but also broke the lance of blood.

The wall collapse and created a cloud of thick dust and covered Clark's sight.

Clark still tries his luck and slashed his claws and went through the thick line of dust.

He went out of the smoke to the other side and turns around and he saw a blast of lightning coming out of the thick dust.

With quick reactions, Clark covered himself with his crimson wings.

The force of the blast pushed him back with his feet gripping the floor, causing the floor to be dragged as well as he was pushed back.


The blast of lightning stops and uncovered himself to see only to be met by a church chair to his face.

Though it hit, he shrugged it off like nothing and looks back at Luke.

And again, he meets Luke's staff and this time made, he wobbles on his feet and pushed back for a few meters.

He found balance and is now even more pissed.

Luke's staff flew back.

He looks to where Luke is and found him walking towards the side of the bubble to where Clark is facing.

Clark smiles as a bright red light blooms right a few feet in front of him.

A wall of stone erupts from the ground a foot away from Luke as he prepares for an explosion.

The blooming light exploded in a fiery blast.

Dust and smoke spew up as the shockwave of the explosion blasted the debris like bullets.

It busted down Luke's wall and to which he covered his eyes with his right hand.

With the explosion at ease, Luke lowers his right hand and found Clark leaping toward him with his claws wide open.

With only seconds to react, Luke's staff flew to stop his claws from hitting him.

The head of the staff blocks Clark's left claw and the other slips off the staff.

Luke had no choice and used his left arm to catch Clark's right claw.

Clark's claw grips Luke's left arm with Luke's fist inside Clark's closed palm with his claws piercing Luke's wrist.

"I'll your head on a plate!"

Clark grips harder on his right hand as drips of blood started flew out.

Clark took a deep sniff towards Luke's bleeding wrist.

"Hmm… your blood smells… different."

Luke grunts in pain a little as he tries his best to push back.

"You're not a human, are you?"

Luke glares back at Clark with him smiling back at him.

Luke lets his finger go on the staff and points it towards Clark's stomach.


Clark knew what was gonna happen and grips harder on Luke's wrist with a loud crack following the strong hold and loud grunt of pain.


Ray shouted in worry at Luke inside the bubble.

The pain stopped the casting for a brief moment as Clark smiles and then suddenly a blast of lightning burst through Clark's stomach and pushed him back, letting go of the process.

The blast of lightning flew Clark away and hits the pillar that holds the ground above, with Clark pinned on the pillar with a massive hole in his stomach.

The flesh around the hole began to grow and regenerate back starting with his intestine until flesh covered the hole.

Meanwhile, Luke breaths heavily while grunting in pain with his left wrist being wrapped by mist.

"He used the explosion as a smokescreen… why didn't anticipate that…"

Luke then used his staff to balance himself.

The bubble then opens a window to which Luke walked backward to talk to them better.

"Is your hand okay?"

"I'll be fine…"

"Argh! How could he leave us here!?"

"Calm down."

Up top in the arena's ground, Cecilia and Toru stand and wait for Luke as the irritated Cecilia starts to throw tantrums with Toru trying to calm down Cecilia.

"Why would I?! That's my dad being taken away! How could I calm down!"

"I don't know! It's Luke any, there's no way he could lose… right?"

The ground beneath them then starts to rumble.

"What was that?"

Asked Toru.


One of the trapped men laughs.

"His ganna turn into a mist of blood when Clark is done."

"What do you mean?"

Cecilia asked.

"Boom boom, bitch."

The three start to laugh.

Back in the forgotten church below, Luke cough and grunts in pain holding his stuff to balance himself.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

Ray asked.

"Good enough to fight, yes."

Luke coughs again and looks at Ray.

"Your spell… how long will I wait?"

"I'm sorry… I'm jus-."

"Your emotions are wrecked, if you keep on panicking like an immature caster, we'll die."

"I'm really sorry, I'm trying hard as i-."

"Excuses will do no good, focus."

"I haven't had fun in years like this!"

Shouted Clark as he hopped out of the wall.

"But with this power, you must be holding back."

Luke stood up abruptly.

"Are you afraid that your friends might get hurt?"

Clark began to walk towards them.

"If you don't fight with full strength, you'll lose. Oh! How tragic!"

Clark continues to walk with footsteps echoing the church.

"What will you do next after this?"

Clark stops his approach.


"Your lord's servant will speak about your actions and will come to the conclusion that you're a traitor, so, what will you do next after this?"

"After this?"

Clark murmured.

"What will you get if you do this?"

Clark then continues walking with a grin.

"I'll be hunted down and killed, so while I'm at it, I'll drain your blood and those petty humans.

Luke gripped hardly on his staff.

"If it wasn't because of you, this wouldn't have happened to begin with, you could've just stayed out my way and let me destroy their kingdom. But no, you came to bust it all."

Luke aims his right hand towards Clark and a blast of lightning bursts through.

Clark was ready for his attack and a shield of blood flowed out of his body and blocked the lighting blast head-on.

The blast disappears shortly and the shield of blood clots and falls down and shatters like glass.

"Keep fighting back! I want to drain every bit of your power until you won't have any mana left!"

"Please, Ray, get us out of here."

"I'm-I'm trying... I'm just..."

With every step, Clark's footsteps become louder and louder.

Ray looked up just for a glance and saw Clark grinning with him starting back at her.

The pressure of fear corrodes her feelings now even more with her heart ever than before.

Luke saw the feat in her eyes and covered the view with his cloak.


Ray froze in fear.


Luke shouted and made Ray snap out of it.

"I know you are in a state of panic, but you're the two's only hope to get out of here."

"Two? Wait, what about you?"

"I'll be fine."

Luke then takes deep breaths and calms down.

"Listen, happy memories can help one's self to calm down, this is what I do to relieve myself with stress."


"Just think of your happiest memories and use them to calm yourself."

"Happy memories?"

"Emotions can disrupt the flow of magic, but they can also enhance one's focus."

"If you-."

Just before Luke finished talking, a blood lance flew just an inch away from Luke's nose and hits the bubble, and drops down like a blob.

"Ignoring me?"

Luke stumps his staff to the ground and an earthly hand can out behind Clark to which he turns around too late.

The ground grabs him and held him tightly with Clark struggling to escape.

As he wiggles to escape, the earthly hand began to crumble to where Luke kneeled down.

Luke touched the ground with his right and a burst of blue crystal erupts below Clark.

The crystal then curved inwards to imprison


A sharp pain pricks Luke's right hand and looks over to see what caused the pain.

The ring then visibly cracks a little.

"You won't trap me in here!"

Clark shouted as the earthly hand fully

Luke ignores the crack and touched the ground once more and fully closes the crystal imprisonment.

"That should keep him busy."

Luke then turns over to Ray.

"Happy thoughts calm one's emotions, use your happiest memory to calm yourself, since the bag I gave didn't work."

"But what if-"

"You can, I know you can, keeping calm in this kind is situation is hard but it's not impossible. So just have faith in yourself."

Ray nods and focused her mind to cast her spell.



Loud banging smashes the crystal within

as it begins to crack where it's facing Luke and the others.


Another loud smashing noise hits and a large crack shows itself but the crystal still holds its stand.

Luke grips his staff as he awaits for Clark to brakes through.

The loud smashing stops but still Luke stayed on guard.

Drips of blood start to pour out on the cracks and began to gush like water out of a fountain.

The blood forms an arm, then a leg, then the other arm, and then the other leg.

Blood wings unfurl upwards as the blood began to make a face.

"You can't escape me, I won't let you escape me!"

The blood hardens and Clark took his form.

"Your right, Luke..."

Luke stood ready to defend.

"Once I'm done, Shenru will just kill me, so why not take you and this sack of human flesh with me!"

"Whatever you're planning, it won't work."

"Oh, it will and it's ganna be blooming with red!"

Luke glared.

Suddenly, a trap brightens, and then another and another.

Slowly, Luke watched as the trap simultaneously glow in a bright red color.

Luke looks to every corner he could set his gaze in and saw all the blooming in bright red light.

He even saw the pillars that hold the roof, covered in a bright red trap.

"You're not planing to-."

"Oh, Yes! I am!"

"Fool! you'll get us killed!"

"That's the whole idea, Luke!"

Clark laughs.



He laughs like a broken jester as he scratches his face.

"Now let's see how many pieces will they find!"