
Land Above Heaven

A mysterious man in black walks in the mortal land carrying the name of Luke and with his companion Brute a wolf, he teaches he’s students both in the art of arcane magic’s and weapons. Not much is known of his capabilities but one thing is for sortian that his powerful in some way or shape. He’s students named Toru and Cecilia, are taught to harness their skills and talents as well as giving them knowledge unlike any other. They fought many battles together and learned on their adventurers together. Discovering past relics and cursed objects. A long yet steady journey is a head of them with many mystery to cross, but what will they find? What land will they stand? What strange material will they hold? Just what will happen? May they’re journey come to an end? Or will it go further from end? What will happen to their future endeavors? We shall wait and see. For time is not something that I lack.

OPPAIN · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Bombs! Bombs everywhere!

A person in a thick dark robe with the robes reaching down in the ground and a mask with no image whatsoever.

A white-colored mask yet with a dark aura.

A faceless mask.

The world went dark from one's perspective and there you see white silhouetted children standing in front of the white-masked being.

"Sensei! When's lunch ganna be ready?"

"We're hungry!"

The silhouettes of the kids then disappear and are reformed once more but this time a large silhouetted monster appears with a gaping mouth as large as a small cave.

The monster's jaw went to the silhouetted children's shouts and screams as they are about to become meal by some monster.


They cry out once more but it's now too late.

The monster shuts its gaping maw and swallowed the children whole with drips of dark silhouetted liquid coursing down its closed mouth.

Everything was then swallowed by a dark void with the sound of the crying children slowly dispersing.

Lightning struck down and opened a large hole of some mass.

Above the gaping, dripping hole was the man with a white mask looking down on the hungry children.


The fist of the giant crashed down towards the three with at most power for greater than any beast Toru and Cecilia has ever encountered.

With Luke's injured body, Luke chose not to fight and let the two handle the action.

As Luke tries to jump away, his bones crack and fall down.

Lucky, Toru picked up Luke before he hit the ground and runs away as far he can go, to which Cecilia followed.

Toru then stops for a moment and Cecilia stopped with him.

Toru then tossed Luke Cecilia and Cecilia caught Luke.

"Get Luke to a safe place, I'll deal with this big guy."

Toru then runs back towards the giant.

"You can't beat him!"

Cecilia shouted.


Just as Toru answered, the beast fist swung to welcome back Toru.

With quick reactions, (surprisingly) Toru swayed to the left just out cracked.

Meanwhile, Cecilia puts Luke in the corner with gentle care.

Like still aches in pain as he sat.

"What do I do?!"

Cecilia panics.


Like spoke in a painful voice.

"My sword? What do I do with it?"


"Hel? Help? Help Toru? Help Toru got it!"

Cecilia then stood back and draw her sword and was about to run back up.

A small piece of stone then hits her on the right leg which she turned around.

Like then moves his lips and whispers slowly.


Cecilia couldn't hear Luke and went back closer to listen.

"Sword…heal me…"

"My sword?"

Cecilia then remembers back then in the cave where they were in deep trouble.

Where Toru was knocked unconscious and Ray with only her left standing.

She remembers that bright light came out and healed them back at full.

"Right! this sword can heal! Hold on."

Cecilia then tries to focus her attention while closing her eyes on the sword to do what she did back then but failed miserably but she does not know.

"That's not…how you do it…"

Cecilia then opens her eyes.

"What? Oh yeah! I was shouting at it when it worked."

Cecilia lay to her sword.

"Work! Heal Luke!"


Whispered painfully by Luke.


"Command it…"

"Command it? I don't understand."

Luke then slowly lain towards Cecilia while battling the pain.

"Sword…is not an object…"

Luke could not handle the pain any longer and lined back to the wall.

"But a subject…a pupil…"

Luke then coughs.

A loud crash then exploded behind Cecilia and found Toru still running away from the beast.

"I would like a little bit of help!"

The beast roared once more.


Cecilia looked back at Luke and went closer.

"You command…not control…"

"What the difference?!"

"A lot…"

Luke then aches in pain once more.

"Is shouting not commanding already?"

"You…begged for help…you did not command…"

Luke then points at the sword.

"Remember… the sword has a mind of its own…"

"I don't understand…"

"Can I get some help!?"

Toru shouted followed by the beast roaring.

"Yeah! Just wait!"

Cecilia then grabs firmly the sword.

"How do I command it? Do I say something to it or?"

"The sword connects with its wielder…speak your mind within and command…"

"Okay, I'll try."

"I…I command you to heal Luke!"

Cecilia shouted in her mind towards the sword.

"No…you are just talking to yourself… both you and the sword are one…"

"Can I get an example!?"

"Any time now!"

Toru shouted followed by the beast crashing on the ground.

"We have no time… close your eyes and try to connect yourself with the sword itself…pretend as if it's your hand…"

"Okay, okay."

"Think! Think that the sword is my hand"

A moment of pause because it's not working at all.

"How do I?! Imagine is the same thing right?"



Cecilia tries to imagine what Luke is trying to tell her.

Suddenly, she saw a silhouette of a woman with long hair and holding a sword.

She looks closer and finds that it was the same sword she holds.

Then the woman looks at her and moves her lips.



Her mind burns and she went back to reality and found that she was surrounded by flames.

"Ah! I'm on fire!"

Luke smiles.

Cecilia then realized that the flames did not hurt but were rather nice and warm as if she was welcome by someone.

"Now, focus your attention towards me…"

"How do I do that?"

"You can now feel the flow, right?"


"Right now, the energy you feel, you feel comfortable, am I correct…?"

"Yeah… sort of."

Something then crashed close to them and hits the wall causing it to crack.

It was Toru and falls down followed by a loud thud of his hammer falling with him.

"Why are you taking so long…?"

Toru then got up and took his hammer as he got up.

They then saw the beast charging intensely towards them with no so kind intentions.

"Focus that energy on me, now…"

"Ah okay!"

The flames around then went towards Luke and quickly Luke's damages reverted back with Cecilia's sword turning to ash.

Luke then touched the ground a great fussier erupts from the earth and flows towards the beast.

The fussier halts directly on the beast's jaw and caused the beast to stumble down.

Luke then got up while holding his staff and fixing his clothes.

"Aaahh… finally."

Luke then stumps his staff on the ground the earth beneath the beast opens.

The best falls on the maw of the earth and closed just before it could fall down completely with only its shoulder showing in the ground.

"My powers are restored, not a lot, but enough."

Luke then looks over to Cecilia and finds her still looking down to where her sword was now a pile of ash.

"Don't worry, the sword simply used its full capacity. It will turn back to its original form.

"Turn back?"

"It's a long story, just remind me later to tell you, now we hand an enemy to deal with."

A dark mist spawned right beside Luke to which he pulled a sword out.

Luke then tossed the sword to Cecilia which she caught.

"Use that, for now, to defend yourself for the time being.

Cecilia then got up.


They then suddenly heard something heavy fall beside them followed by a grunt of pain.

They then look over to see who it was.

It was Toru laying on the ground facing down with his hammer beside him.

"I'm exhausted…"

Toru spoke tiredly.

Luke sighs and glared directly at Toru's body.

Luke's eyes turn bright blue and slowly Toru's energy was replenished.

Toru then got up feeling his body questioning how he feels so light and fully energized.

Toru's hammer then flies up which Toru caught and held tightly.

"I'll waste no more time, the two of you will stay."


"Why?! We can fight!"

"No, the two lack the knowledge and the skills on this type of enemy, stay, it's for the best."

Just as Luke finished talking, Trish and three of her men went down in the arena to finish off Cecilia and Toru and to drag Luke in a special cell they prepared.

They came out to Toru's and Cecilia's side of the arena and weapons on their hands.

There they stop, as they saw Luke standing afar from the half-swallowed beast as it struggles to get out.

"How is he-."

Just as Trish could finish her words, their throats tighten as if something was holding their necks.

They looked over to find Luke with his right hand up and with his hands almost closed as if his crashing the air on his palm.

Trish and her men try to struggle and start scraping their neck to take off whatever it was holding but they touched none.

Luke then lifts his hand a little and Trish and her men flew up, they panic not knowing what to do, and drop their weapons on the ground.

Confused and terrified, Trish tried to scream for help but her throat was being choked by an invisible force.

Luke then moves his right hand slowly towards him and Trish and her men drift slowly in the while struggling to breathe.

Luke drops his right hand down and lets go.

Trish and her men drop down and breathe heavily to catch their breath.

Luke then stumps his staff to catch their attention.

"Unlike Clark, I'll give you four a chance to live. Lead me to where Clark is hiding."

Trish then got up.

"Like hell, we will!"

Luke then lifts his hand grips the air and suddenly the men's necks were tightening to the degree that you could visibly see marks of grasp.


Luke then stumps his staff and ground beneath Trish and the men burst up and start to climb upwards.

The earth has eaten the men and Trish with only their heads sticking.

It hardens as tough as bedrock and Luke sets his right hand at ease.

Trish and her men's neck feels light as the force slowly disappears from the throat.

"This will be your final sliver of mercy, lead me to Clark or die, make your choice."

Luke grips his staff and the earth around them start to tighten.

The men then start to speak but with tightening of the rocks and rubbles around them, their voices turn high.




Luke then looks over to Trish as the seems to point at her.

Trish then sways her head left and right and her eyes glare in anger towards the men.

The rocks and rubbles loosen their grip and now they can talk normally.

"She can tell you!

She's Clark's right hand!

What they said!"

Luke now knows who to bring.

"No, wait!"

She and the rubbles around then tumble on the ground and starts to roll.

"Keep a close eye on them, we don't want them to escape."

Luke then grasped his hand towards Trish and lifts his hand.

Trish then flew up and drifts towards Luke.

Luke then starts walking towards where Trish and her men went out.

"Wait! We want to help!"

"Luke, Please! It's my father that has been taken, I want to save him."

"The two of you will stay and wait, I know that there be more traps ahead. Keeping you two close will only bring harm."


"My order is final, you two will listen before my wordings become harsh."

Luke turns around to find Clark with Trish's help.

Before Luke run, Luke noticed the audience above now gone with a thick fog almost in a form of a human taking their sits with the human-looking fogs slowly fading away.

Luke ignores them and continued his run with Trish floating beside him.

Somewhere underground with a church-like appearance on the inside, Clark and his men sat waiting for Trish to bring Luke for which you know is fruitless.

Arthur, Merlin, and Ray are tied up together with their mouth covered with a thick cloth.

Merlin still sat silent as he see more explosive traps on the place with one on the cage.

Clark was sitting on a chair close to a table and was holding Arthur's blade but does not know it was the Excalibur.

"This sword is majestic! Where did you get this?"

Clark lifts the Excalibur slightly for the weight is not something he can bear for long.

"And heavy as well."

Arthur is still angry and wiggles in anger while shouting muffled words.

Clark slimes and puts the Excalibur on the side then got up.

"Luke wants those eggs so much, care to share? Hmm?"

Arthur spoke muffled words.

Clark signal's his subordinate to lower the cloth on Arthur's mouth to which he did.

"Now, share some words will ya?"

"Like hell would I tell you!"

"Oh? You don't really have a choice do you?"

A bright red light appears beneath the three.

"And what's with this?"

Arthur questioned.

"Ah right, you didn't see Luke getting blasted off the balcony… pity..."

Clark then gets closer to the three.

"Let's just say, if you don't talk, a little trigger will spark and you'll go boom boom."

Clark's men start laughing.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Clark sighs and went to Merlin.

Clark then grabs the cloth on Merlin's mouth.

"Ey, convinced your king to talk, will you? That is if you don't want to die."

Clark's men start laughing again.

"You'll still kill us no matter what."

"True, but you'll give yourselves more time to live, right?"

Clark then moves away and sat back down again.

"You know, I was the one who ordered to kidnapped your little daughter."


Arthur shouted aggressively.

"I'll do it again and I'll make her scream in front of you."

"Don't you lay your hands on her, you son of a bitch!"

"Oh? So you've met my mother?"

Arthur bits his lips in anger.

"Spill it out or I'll kill your precious daughter."

Arthur no longer knows what to do and looks at Merlin for help and gets only nods of acceptance.

No other choice, Arthur spoke.

"It's because he made a deal with the earth dragons."

"Oh? Made a deal, you say? What deal?"

Arthur sat sent for a moment to think how much he would regret this but spoke again.

"Luke said that to bring eggs back to them in exchange, they will no longer do damage on our kingdom of the neighboring villages."

"Ahh, so that's why the dragons were no longer so active."

Clark then smiles and lift's up his chin a little to one of his men to which the man nods.

He came out of the room to come back with a large rock that is oddly shaped.

The man then laid the stone on the table in front of Clark.

"What's that?"

Arthur asked?"

"Oh nothing, just some earth dragon's egg."

The tied-up three was shocked and struck by fear for Clark is holding the egg that Luke has been looking for.

Clark smiles at their priceless expression and poked the egg a little.

"What are you trying to do with it…?"

"Just this."

Clark then pushed the egg of balance with his finger and the three were frightened by the sight.

The egg drops from the table and hits the ground hard.

It echoes with the sound of rocks grinding to one another along with the grim fear of the egg cracking.

The egg wobbles from left to right and stops completely.

The refreshing feeling of Arthur and Merlin smoothen their feelings for looking at the egg with not a scratch at sight.

"Hahaha! That look on your faces! Haha!"

Arthur and Merlin were angered by Clark's doing but could do nothing but just sit there and watch.

Clark trap then stepped on and thought that it was Trish and her men coming down with Luke.

Clark then got up and stretch up his arms in preparation for their arrival.

"Looks like they're coming, cover them up again."

Clark's men nod and covered the three with a thick cloth.

"put the egg back."

His men nod and grab the egg back to wherever they took it last time.

Clark then feels something strange about the triggered traps as he can only feel one person stepping his traps.

Clark feels uneasy.

They then heard a loud bang along with the sound of crumbling stones and screams of Clark's men.

"What the…? There's no way in hell right?"

"Should we check it out?"

Clark's men asked.

"Yes, maybe you should… you three, go out there and check."

Clark's men then went out to check it out then closed the large door behind.

In the dark corridors, Luke and Trish(floating next to Luke) run to find where Clark and completely subjugating Clark's men ease.

Running while smashing through Clark's defenses in search for Clark and the three.

Luke now reached a very well-polished ground, designs that look old and forgotten religious architects.

Luke then turns over to Trish(still floating).

"Are we close?"

"Fuck if I know."

Trish throat then tighten.

"Ye-Yeht… we're clos-th.."

Suddenly, three of Clark's men showed up looking to investigate and found Luke and the others looking back at them.


One of Clark's men shouted.

Luke, grasped his hand towards the men and the men starts to feel a tremendous force choking their throats.

Luke then walked closer to the men with his hand still grasping.

"Where is he?"

Asked Luke towards the men.

Without any hesitation, one of Clark's men points at the large door meters away from them.

Luke then looks where the man is pointing and saw a large wooden door with a symbol in the middle.

It was a large door, almost comparable to a gate and a symbol that he remembers quite well, too well.

Luke then slashed his grasped hand across and the men hit the wall with great force knocking them in an instant.

Luke ignores the symbol as he has much dangerous problems.

Trish then falls on the ground and the rocks and rubbles engaging her broke like dry clay.

"Hey! At least be gentle!"

Luke then points at the large door.

"His inside, open the door."

"Do realize what are you doing?! Back there, you stepped on multiple traps, don't know why he didn't blow us up… but inside…"

"I know the risk I'm taking, now go and open it.

"Thhcc… your ganna get us killed."

Trish whispers.

Trish then went to the door afraid that she'll be mistaken as Luke, she fears that he'll blow up at the moment she opens the door.

She then opens the door slowly and peek's at the small gap of the door.

There, she saw Clark look directly at the door and now looking at the eye peeking outside.

"Open it, now!"

"Wait alright!"

She then opens one side of the door very slowly.

Suddenly, Luke's staff flew and crashes at the doors and burst the doors.

The doors crashed down with a loud bang and there Luke saw Clark with his men and the three.

"Well well well… you're alive! You were pretty beat up when I looked down, is it regeneration? Healing magic? Well, not like it matters anyway."


The three then shouted Luke's name.

"Clark! Blow him up this asshole already!"

Trish shouted.

"Shut it, woman, I don't need you no more, be a good dog and close your mouth."

Trish then shuts up.

Luke's staff then flew back to him with to which he grabbed back his staff.

"Luke… why don't you just give in? Not like I want you to, I still want to play with you even more."

"You're pretty sure that you'll win, do you?"

"Oh, I've won already, can't you see? I have Arthur tied up! I can blow them up in smithereens if I want to!"

Luke then steps with his right foot forwards to show no fear for Clark and a red light beamed below his foot.

"Are you stupid or something? You should know by now that I have traps everywhere."

With a straight face, Luke stepped another foot closer and triggered another trap.

"It's either your brave or stupid, are you perhaps trying to surrender in an idiotic manner?"

Luke was then about to step another foot but suddenly something grabbed his right foot.

Luke then looks down to see Trish holding his foot.

"Please, just surrender…"

Luke sighs, the light beneath Luke then slowly goes away but it will bloom once more if Clark deems so.

Luke then noticed one of the men behind Clark, it was the man holding the staff with the Gem of Melvirn.

"Though, I did not expect that you'll survive in such a fall, if it's healing magic, it shouldn't be possible that it could heal this fast. That said, I can just ask you later when I have you in a chair, slowly breaking your fingers!"

Clark then laughs like a maniac for a solid 5 seconds and stops.

"I'll hear you scream in pain! I want you to beg for me to stop! I want you to beg for me to just kill you!"

The gem then suddenly shatters and crumbles.

The gem shatters in an ear-ripping screech and falls down like shards of glass.


Clark then turns around to find the gem shattered and broken, laying on the ground like broken glass.

Clark turns over to find Luke with his right hand up towards the former gem, gripping tightly in a fist-like manner.

"Finally, Ignite."

Without wasting any time, Merlin cast a spell on his mind, and the ropes that tied up the three burns away along with the thick cloth on their mouth.

Ray panics and all she could do is stood still in fear.

Arthur also saw the opportunity to fight back and quickly got up and was about to go and grab his sword.

Just before Arthur got up, The bright red light then shines below and was about to explode.

Suddenly, the three were pulled away by an invisible force with the red light exploding with them flying safely away.

Both Arthur and Merlin land on their feet and Arthur catches Ray with both his arms and hands.

When they landed they stepped on another trap and it beams in bright red light as well as Luke.

"Take flight!"

Merlin cast a spell at each other just as the trap explode. They flew up in the air almost instantly with only a slight burn on Merlin and Arthur.

They flew next to a wall with Arthur holding Ray on his right arm.

Meanwhile, Luke's place explodes in fiery combustion and created a thick black cloud full of dark dust and debris.

The smoke and dust were then pulled closer where Luke was standing to the point where the smoke and dust swirl around like a sphere around Luke's place.

The dark sphere of smoke and dust then burst in a sort of a shock wave causing Clark and his men to tumble and Merlin and the others to sway almost losing balance.

"What the hell was that?!"

Questioned Arthur.

Clark then gets up to see what is happening and suddenly his throat was gripped by an invisible force and made him trash around everything near him.

"What the…hell!"

Furiously said by Clark.

Luke then pulled his grasping hand towards Clark, Clark was then pulled by an invisible force by his neck and started drifting towards Luke.

Clark grunts and wiggles as he tries to escape the invisible grasp but it was fertile.

Clark's floating body stops a few feet away from Luke.

The invisible force around Clark's neck then disappears with Luke's right hand lowering and relaxing.

Clark falls on the ground coughing and gasping for air.

Clark then saw Luke's shoes pointing towards him.

He then slowly looks up and saw Luke looking down on him with merciless eyes with no intention of forgiveness.

Clark then gets up quickly and faced Luke and stared right into his eyes.

"Well… it seems that you have something on your sleeves."

Luke then grips his right hand towards Clark and again Clark was chucked by an invisible force on his neck.

Clark then scrapes his neck to find the force gripping his neck but touched only his bare skin.

"Give me the eggs and your death will swift."

"We'll see about that."

Clark smiles, he then looks at floating three.

Suddenly, behind the three, the wall starts to beamed out a bright red light to which Merlin and Arthur turn around to check.

The explosive red light shines upon them with all fiery harms imaginable can be done.

Arthur then turns around as he knows that there's no time to run away in hopes that his body could at least protect Ray with the explosion and with Merlin pulling the two away from the red light.

Merlin realized that they can fly away in time and just in the nick of time, Merlin cast a barrier.


A great explosion blew through to the barriers that Merlin has cast and severely damage Merlin as he was in front taking the full blast.

Arthur was not safe, the fiery explosion burnt his skin, and Merlin and the shock wave injured both inside and outside of their bodies.

As they fall, Arthur hugged Ray tightly and tries to position himself sideways to lessen the fall damage towards Ray and to catch Merlin's unconscious body on the way.

Luke did not see the explosion until it was too late and turned his attention towards the falling three.

Luke pushed his Clark away and faced his right hand towards the three gestures his hand as if he was trying to catch the three.

Arthur closing in at the incoming floor, he closes eyes already accepted his fate suddenly stopped midair.

Arthur did not feel the damage of the fall for some reason and opened his eyes to see that the floor is only an inch away from his face.

A bubble of protection then came down below and ruse until the bubble swallowed them inside.

The bubble drops on the floor and triggered a trap to which it explode almost in an instant but the explosion did not lay a single scratch on the bubble.


Suddenly, Clark shouted a spell, and a fireball the size of a human head starts flying towards Luke with great speed.

Luke then lifts his right hand towards the fiery ball of flame and caught the fireball with his palm.

Luke clamps his palm together to a first and destroyed the fireball with only bits of smoke emitting out of Luke's clamped-up fist.


Luke then lifts his hand towards Clark and gripped.

Clark starts getting choked by an invisible force and was pulled again back to Luke.

Clark wiggles to escape but the choking gets harder as he gets close to Luke.

"Fuck! I won't lose to someone like you!"

Suddenly, Clark's eye turns blood red, and instantly a pair of horns grew out of his forehead, and with his fang growing long and sharp.

The force around Clark's neck then disappears as he grew pair of withered wings on his back.

Luke then lowers his right hand and relaxes his palm.

Clark laughs historically but now with a voice that does not much from before.

His voice became raspy, deep, and sharp.

He turns himself into a demon.

"Oh, so you're a demon."

"You've fucked my shit up to many times! Now it's time for me to fuck you up!"

"Vulgar words for a vulgar appearance, a fitting duo."

Clark then runs back towards his unconscious and he slowly transforms himself into a much more demonic appearance.

His fingers nail grew sharp to resemble claws and his fingers grew long and curved downwards to fit the claw nails.

As he runs, he hears Luke stumping his staff on the ground, and a stone wall erupts in front of him blocking his path.

"One shall not flee upon speaking much of victory."

Luke then turns his attention towards the three.

He saw Ray healing the injured two but with the number of explosions happening, one can tell that she's in a phase of panic.

"I'll end as fast as I can."

Luke whispered.

Luke lifts up his right hand towards Clark and grips forcefully as Clark's neck began to suddenly tighten with Clark scratching his neck aggressively as to find this thing griping his neck.

His neck began to bleed due to the tightening of his neck and with Clark's sharp claws.

"Thou shall be no light awaiting you in the dark tunnel."

Luke slowly crash his palm together as Clark's neck gets even more tight to the point where one could see his neck slowly collapsing in as Clark forcibly scratches his neck just to get the thing holding his throat.


Luke then clamps his hand to a first.