
Lancelot of the round table

The round table, a special unity of a secret military force of Asterales. A kin to undercover agents they are hidden among us, ready to serve and protect the public. One of the most elite member of the round table Unit 10 code named "Lancelot". One day a supernatural event has taken place right in front of the eyes of Lancelot. But after sometime the mystery maybe lead to something even bigger that just plain and simple disappearances.

PunBirbs · Romance
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

The crowd of people around me, still lively as ever, like nothing has happened. Though there is a slight noticeable decline in people in the market. But still, people are buying and chatting with each other, not knowing that there is a threat of death around them. Ignorance is bliss they say.

Right now, I just must see if this situation can get any worse than this.

Oh? One of the persons that has body armor has made a slight movement. It is like a gesture to do something.

They are starting to make a move. They are gathering in a group right now.

"Arch-mage, bandits are moving. Lancelot."


They should be move to somewhere safe. Before it gets worse.

The cold winds blow slowly around me, the coldness, despite wearing many garments is still piercing through the skin. The sound of people became distance to the ears, only the sound of breathing and the pounding of the heart.

"Lancelot, out of the area. Arch-mage."

"Copy that."

As soon as the exchange ended with the intercom. The group of bandits, they divided into small groups of three. It seems like they have more people than expected. Total of 3 groups.

Ready to engage.


The first gunshot of many to come, rips through the air, creating a mess in the market. People screaming scramming to find cover. As horrified as the people. One person stood still. Contemplating, the things that is about to be done.

"Hel, Lancelot engaging."

The option of using a gun right now, is restricted by the large amount of chaos of the situation. So, going for the small arms, of the pistol, and those hands she got.

Walking towards the first group. The outer rear of the group in a triangle formation. Calmly passing by the chaotic people in fear, the calmness of her movements seems out of place, like an other worldly threat.

"In the name of the great old republic of Asterales. We will-"

The monologue is cut short with sound of a gunshot. The bullet hitting him in the head instantly dropping his body on the ground. Like a lifeless ragdoll.

Then a couple more gunshots echo through, with each gunshot from everywhere and nowhere. The bandits start declining in numbers.

Like a ghost Lancelot. Using her unnatural agility, she silently navigated in the lump of tumultuous crowds. Removing the ever so confused bandits on her way.

Not a single thought is going through her mind right now, but only to eliminate the abnormality of the terrorists.

One by one, the disoriented groups disappeared on letting behind the still warm corpses. But the corpses did not last long either. People wearing hazmat suits are taking these wastes away, somewhere.

The group has not even fired the gun once after the first one ripped through the ground.

"Arch-mage, enemy eliminated. Lancelot."

"Copy that."

Now that the deed is done. Time to change. Taking the mask of and good thing I did not let any blood spill on my coat. That would have been hard to explain.

"Arch-mage, your position. Lancelot."



It's my phone this time.

"Rudy, where are you!?"

It's Ludwig. How when did he get my phone number?

"I'm somewhere, I don't know. It looks like I'm not in the market area anymore."

"That's good. Did you hear those gunshots inside the market?! Are you safe there?"

"I good. I did hear those. Is it another mass shooting?"

"Yeah, I think. Man, these crime rates spread to even this peaceful town. Anyway, let meet at somewhere. I think the shooting stop."

"Yeah, man, this insane. Let us meet at the college."

"Alright man. Good thing your safe."


Sigh. Let's head back to the college now.

There is not a lot to do now. Might as well check out the old college for now.

The special police force will show up. Or they were informed about this incident.

Toward the back gates of the college now. They should show up soon.

There are a lot of college students and people who were in the market before, now gathered up in this place. There are guards with firearms and some police are here too.

No sight of Arch and Ludwig yet.

People are going to have to stay here for a bit longer. This crowd could also be bad news.

I made my way through the gate and guards. These people looked worried, justifiably. Some are searching for others; some are checking their phones to understand the situation there are in, some are panicking that they cannot contact someone a disorderly site to see.

"Hey! Cameron!"

A girl. Yelling for someone came from behind. I to look at the person calling for the so-called Cameron.

"Wait. Sorry wrong person."

The girl, about the age of 19 years of age. With silky black hair that is around the shoulder. Wearing causal clothing. Though the wintry weather, her choice of clothing is questionable for the environment. A t shirt with cartoon characters on it and a dark-green hoodie.

"Who are you calling for, god damnit!"

Another voice, this time a man. We both turn to the source of the voice.

"I'm here dumbass."

A man around the same age as the girl. Maybe a little more than the girl. Also, wearing causal clothing, this time more orientated to the weather situation the latter. A lengthy black coat.

"Sorry about that. Man, she is a little 'special'."

A surprising move is done by the girl. A punch to the face. Making the man stumble back a few steps.

"Shut the fuck up."

These two has the same energy of two par of siblings, there appearance also seems to match my statement.

"Yo, Rudy you good?"

"Yeah, I doing alright."

The group has returned safely. Now the problem is the next step. I would be best if we follow the instructions that the public safety team provides.

For now, we just kind of have to wait a while.

"Hey, what do you reckon we do now?" Ludwig asked

"I don't know what. We wait here to see what will happen or just leave somewhere else." Arch replied in return.

"I say we go somewhere else and see what happens." Ludwig spoke.

"We still have a lecture not to long after this." I replied, reminding them of the time limit we still are in.

"Damn we still have lectures after this, Rudy you sure you still want the go to lecture after this situation?"

"We still have lectures. I just stating the obvious."

"What? Man. I'm not in the mood for studying right now."

"Haha. That's just how she is Lud. But still, let's check if there is first. Let's wait here for a bit."

"Sighhhh. Let's wait a see."

A message from high ground.

"Lancelot, Arch-mage, there is still hostile in the area around the town. It's like an invasion of the town. Most of the them are hiding in plain sight. Be warry of your surroundings."

This situation is now extremely dangerous, for sure now. Arch and I confirm the that the area of the college is most possibly not that safe. The special police force should be dealing with this situation too elsewhere. We should just focus on our mission of protecting Ludwig for now.

"Hey Lewis, we should stick close to each other of a bit."


The white orb in the sky turned to the west slowly, the people still in place, never moving.

As the crowd of people starts to thinning in numbers


Chaos ensues.

"What! There even here now?!"

"Stay calm! Let's get out of here first!"

"We need to be in a group lets go."

People flooding the school grounds trying to escape this place. People fleeing for their lives, forgetting the surrounding around them, pushing, pulling and grabbing on to others.




The exit is blocked.

"Shit we can't leave here. The exit is blocked."

Seeing the hope in people eyes disappear. Even more panic ensues.

"Let's go find other ways or we could hide."

"I'm going to find other ways to leave, you guys hide."

"No that too dangerous. We need to stick together."

"Don't worry I will be back."

"No wait, Lewis."


"Rudy, let's go to somewhere we could hide. I know just the place."


As I follow Ludwig. We became distance from the chaos.

Right now, we are heading towards one of the buildings that is under construction. The building used to be an old first aid building. And also, where the students study medicine.

The building is in a rather deep part of the college. It is located in the corner to the east of the college, which is next to a particularly large land full of abandoned homes.

The war tored houses. The images that are in my head is starting to return again. Before it could full take effect, we arrived at the old med school.

They are a couple of hostile people with guns outside the fence of the college, but good thing they didn't spot us instantly.

We pass the construction line and went inside seeking security.

"Huuuu. I think they won't be here anytime soon."


"All this is bullshit."

"Sure man."


We sat in silence.

But it wasn't long before the silence was broken by the sound of rustling and footsteps.



Voices in the distance.

"Are you sure we can enter?"

"What are you taking about let go before it's too late."

One girl one guy. They are coming toward the building.


Ludwig let's out a sigh of relief.

The two people climbing the stairs to the second floor.



"Be quite will ya."


It's the par of sibling from before. I gesture a greeting with my hand.

With the occupational checking the window. Not much have been done. Small takes happen here and there, but nothing of note is happening. We exchanged names. The girl. Hori and the man Cameron.

"Hey, sorry for the misunderstanding, back then."

"No worries."


"Though you look really alike with my brother."

"Do I?"

"Yes, it's almost uncanny that you look like him when I don't really look into you."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, now that you mentioned it you kind of looked like me."

"That's cool."

Ludwig is checking the windows, Hori is sitting in the corner, Cameron also sitting in the corner.


My phone is ringing of the call of Arch.

"I found a way out. There is a way south-east of the college."

"We will be there."

"Did Lewis find a way?"

"Yeah. It's the south-east of the college."

"Ok that's great. Yes." "You guys, want to leave here, like leave the college."

"Yes! Did you guys find a way out?"

"Yeah. Let's go."

Excitedly the two of them also went with us. Checking the windows for the last time. We booked it. Hiding, avoiding and maneuvering around the armed men.

Seeing a silhouette of a man in the distance in front of the wall. We went toward him.

"Quick let's go."

There is a hole in the ground under the tall wall.

"One at a time, let's go."

I first went for it. Crawling under the wall, and coming to the other side. It's safe, after all it full of police vehicles.

Other followed soon after.

"Show me your hands!"

We comply. It's just the special police force.

"Pat them down."

Checking for weapons. They search. One by one. Before all of us has been pat down.


An explosion near the groups of police.

They quickly get ready for what's about to come next. A group of armed men, 7 people in total.

A firefight ensues after wared.

The sound of bullets whistling over our heads, Ludwig and the others are on the laying on the ground crawling for cover.

The two of the round table, calmingly waited for the fight to end. Covering for the three people. Grabbing them and pulling them to cover.

Hori seemingly holding in tears is following Arch instruction, while Cameron comfort her.

Lancelot, being a shield for Ludwig behind one of the enforced cars of the special police.

The fight not ending very soon.

"Lancelot, Arch-mage. We received that the police are in contact with the armed men. You are authorized to fight."


"Ludwig don't move. Stay here."

"Ok. Ah haha I can't believe this is happening."

Lancelot pulling the armor and a sticker that that the letter F.A on it and the AK. The helmet and the face mask.

Arch-mage. Having already wore the chest rig, pulls out an M4 carbine.

The enemy is concealing themselves behind cars they drove here.

Lancelot, moving quickly to the flank. The flank is under guarded. She took the opening and took out the two people guarding the flank in an instant. She then dashes to the side of the car of the enemy switching full auto, burst out 3 rounds, taking 3 more people. The enemy having notice the invasion of their cover. Turns their weapons toward the figure.

Before they could to that. A flying object came flying in.


A grenade went off, followed by more bursts of gunshots. From the other side.

"Shit! We Are being flanked!"

"Ah! We can't take anymore from the front they are starting to push up."

"Back up! Back up!"

In a couple of minutes, the shouting disappeared. Almost like all sound just momentary disappeared, to nowhere.

"Uh, 10-75 unidentified government personnel."

"Tell dispatch, 3rd special regiment is here."

"Alright then..."

"Let's go inside and finish things up, leave this mess to them."

Arch gave the leaving police a thumbs up, as he radioed to high ground.

"Bring them to base?"

"Yeah, moving them to a safer place."

"Hey! What are you guys?!"

A head pops out from behind a car.

"I thought that you guys where just normal people."

"And what's with the 3rd special regiment? Aren't they the force that only show up in military parades?"

"It's a secret. Ok?"

Arch responded nonchalantly.

"Oh yeah. You should follow us for a bit, we will bring you to a safe place."

"What about them?"

"Oh. They can come too."

Can they? Aren't they just normal civilians? I need info on this."

"High ground, we got civilian tangled with."

"One moment."

It took sometime for high ground to respond.

"We have looked at this but, the civilian stays where they are at."

"The civilians stay, we don't bring them."

"That's a bit harsh don't you think?"

"I don't think so."

"No way, they can't just stay here."

Ludwig is now acting troublesome now. More work to do.

"We can't even if we wanted to."


Not even a word. Another squad of armed men. Riding a car. Parking horizontally.


Three down, in their car. Two used the car as cover.

Preparing a grenade and. Is that an RPG.


The warning that Arch gave was a little late. The impact was on the ground, good thing I covered Ludwig before it hits the ground.

Ah, I think I got some shrapnel hits on me. Being stunned by the explosive of the RPG, still. I need to move to cover before it gets even worse.

"Arch! Switch place for a bit. ACK!"

"Quick behind the car."

As Arch was providing cover fire, I ran as fast as I could, in a flash. I was behind the car.

Ludwig is in shock.

"Ludwig, you good?!"


Arch ducking down, barely missing the fly bullets.

"Looks like they will keep coming, we need to leave."

"Take this batch of out and I will just this car."

Coming back up and opening fire with high precision. With each shot, one body fell.



"That's all the two of them."


"Get in!"

Scratching the asphalt road, we head off to base.

"By the way. What do we do with these two?"


The two sibling is in the car with us.

Somehow, these two came over the fear and shock of being in the middle of a fire fight and got in the car when Lancelot is opening the door of the car.

Through the unyielding willpower of Cameron, he managed to take his sister and drag her to the car.

She is still panicking. Through a different reason this time.

"N-no please don't throw us out please."

"We will do anything. P-please don't please."

The two now begging to be saved. Almost trembling, hope still in their eyes.

"Sorry, we are going to drop you off somewhere else."

Lancelot, only following orders didn't care for them. I want she would have thought

"Lancelot, the civilian is coming to. The whole town is being attacked right now. It would be a really bad idea to just drop them off."

"Then can we just bring them back to base?"

"Yeah. What were you thinking?"

In an instant, the pain of the shrapnel literally inside of her body, the gaping hole that is crapping and leaking body fluid, suddenly went away. Though the pain is gone, another 'thing' popped up in her body instead.

It was a feeling of something grabbing and twisting innards, shredding and pulling it all to one point.

The panic, the frustration of not knowing what is going on and so the anxiety.

No sooner than a millisecond. The dark force pulling in the body is shown. But no matter the knowledge of knowing, the existing panic is still present, there. To franticly hide.

It was, fear. Primal fear, fear of breaking a rule, fear of death or even the fear of losing anything and everything.

Though, the fear of death is not that present, then the fear of losing things.

The pain physically inflicted is being overwhelmed and numbed by the fear of lost.

The now is forgotten.



"I checked with high ground. They allowed it."


The panic subsided. The need of hiding is now just an afterthought. Relief washed over like the tide of the calming sea of blood.

'Oh wait. The blood was mine.'


"I'm going to sleep for a bit."