
love square?

Ty set down the tray of food by Sage's bed.

"How are you feeling?" asked Ty shyly.

"I'm okay, tired mostly....Justin?" she stared into his eyes, noticing that he had taken his contacts out and that they were once again bright green.


"I..." she started to tremble. She looked down feeling her heart racing. "I... I like you.." she said quietly.

Ty didn't say anything. For a moment she thought he hadn't heard her but she was too nervous to repeat herself.

Ty walked closer to her until he was standing right in front of her. Sage trembled. Ty leaned down and gently took her hand, he kissed it. Sage felt her whole body grow hot.

"I like you too Sage."

Sage looked up at him, he was smiling. She smiled back and felt like her heart would explode. 'So is this love?.' she thought to herself.

"But." she began to say as she looked away. "I am a little confused about some things and about my feelings. I mean, I like you, I truly do but.... I'm not really sure what it feels like to like someone right now. I thought I knew what love was when I was younger but then I got hurt and I keep getting hurt by the people I think I love. So I am kind of mixed up about how I should feel." She looked at him for a moment. " I also feel like I might have feelings for Sean, and I haven't quite figured out what those feelings are yet. So maybe...could you give me some time to think?

"I understand." said Ty looking away from her. "I'm sure things must be confusing for you, especially after everything that has happened. I will give you time. I'll be waiting for your answer, even if it is no."

"Thank you."

Ty turned back to her. She looked at him.

"Could...could I... nevermind." He looked away sheepishly.

"Could you what?" she said leaning closer to him to try and look him in the eye.

He was blushing bright red.

"Could you kiss me?"

He grew even redder and tried to hide his face.

Sage stood and walked over till she was standing in front of him. He still wouldn't look at her. She leaned down till she could see his face, he wouldn't make eye contact. Sage smiled and leaned in farther till she was inches from his face. He looked up and met her eyes.

The kiss was gentle and sweet. When they broke apart, Sage immediately felt shy. This kiss was so different then the one he surprised her with when he first saw her awake. This kiss felt like it meant something.

"I just wanted to do that once, with you actually wanting it too. I know last time I surprised you so...I felt kind of selfish. I was so happy to see, but I got carried away and-"

"Justin, it's okay. I understand. I liked this kiss."

For a long moment they sat, too shy to look at one another.

"Could you walk me to dinner? I think I will eat with everyone else." Sage said after some time.

Ty took her hand and they both slowly made their way to the dinning room for dinner.

When they entered the room, everyone was there. They all looked up when they saw Sage.

"Sage! My goodness! Here come and have a seat, you must be exhausted walking here from your room after such an ordeal."

Ty led her to the chair Lenard had pulled out for her next to Lance. Ty sat down on her other side.

"Thank you Mr. Lenard, I am actually feeling a little better now and thought I would eat with everyone."

After she had sat down, Molly began to speak.

"So Sage, Justin told us you had your 18th birthday awhile ago. We were wondering if, as a late birthday and as a way to show how sorry we are for everything that has happened. We could have a little party for you."

Sage looked at her.

"As a way to say sorry?" Sage said feeling her anger raise.

Lance touched her arm.

"It's okay Zmayah, they are not trying to offend you." he whispered to her.

She shrugged him off.

"You know what?" Sage said pushing back her chair and standing up. " I no longer have an appetite. Throw your little party to make yourselves feel better about being little lying pieces of shit. But don't expect me to attend or to barry the hatchet just because you think you did something nice for me. Because a party won't make me forget the fact that you ruined my life." She left the room, leaving them in a shocked silence.

"I'll go talk to her." Lance said standing up. "There is something I think you all should know about Zmayah before I go. Her upbringing was really rough, she was even abused for most of it. Finding out that all her suffering was caused by the people who are now trying to protect her must be extremely painful and difficult for her. I'm not saying her lashing out is right or okay but I just wanted you to understand why she is lashing out like this. Her whole life has been nothing but pain, try not to eclipse that by weak gestures of kindness."

He left the room in shocked silence.

"Zmayah." Lance called, catching up with her moments later. " What the hell was that?"

"What do you mean, 'what was that'? They are trying to throw me a party to make themselves feel better. Like how petty can you get?" She said continuing to walk away from him.

"Would you stop for a second?" He said grabbing her arm and turning her to face him. "You have no idea how worried they were when you were missing and how scared everyone was when you wouldn't wake up. Molly and Lenard stayed by your side every night making sure your fever didn't rise. They cared for you like their own child. When the doc told them you might not pull through, they both cried over your bed praying you would make it. Then they try to do something nice for you and you rub your ego in their faces. What is-" Lance stopped when he noticed Sage was crying. "Oh Zmayah, you silly little girl." He said as he pulled her into a hug and she cried into his shoulder. "I know you are hurting and confused, but they are truly trying to make up for the mistakes they made."

"I'm sorry Sean, I had no idea they did all that for me." she said wiping her eyes. "I will apologize to them."

"I know you will. Just remember, they really do care about us, I noticed that when your were unconscious." He said looking at her intently. "Did you talk with Ty?"

Sage nodded.

"Okay, well...take your time and figure out how you feel okay?"

She nodded again.

"Don't forget, I will be happy for you no matter who you choose or if you just simply choose to be alone. I will respect that too. I also want to say I'm sorry about what happened earlier...you know... between us? I mean I liked it, don't get me wrong but, you are a lady and should be treated like one so..I'm sorry about that."

"It's okay, I liked it too. It did leave me even more confused though."

"I'm sorry, I want you to make your decision off how you feel not off what our bodies crave so try to forget that if you can."

Sage laughed.

"Okay, well I'll see you later kid. I'm going to get in some training in before bed." he said as he walked away.

Sage waved.


-Can you meet me in the green house?-

"Hey, I got your text." Ty said as he sat down next to Sage on the green house floor.

They sat for a moment in silence, the blow up during dinner hanging in the space between them.

"I'm sorry." Sage said sheepishly. "I shouldn't have blown up like that. After talking with Sean, I realize how much you have all done for me and now I feel like a complete idiot. Can you forgive me?"

"Of course, I completely understand why you were so upset as do my parents, so there are no hard feelings." He sat quietly waiting for her to speak.



"Would you like to go out with me?"


"Lance!" Lyla ran up to him in the sparing gym.

"Oh, hey Lyla."

"Are you okay? Did you talk with Sage?"

"Yeah, she is fine, just working through some stuff."

"Oh, Okay. Can I spare with you?"


They squared up and began to go through their sparing routines. Lance had improved tremendously while Sage was unconscious.

"So, is something bothering you?" Lyla asked after five minutes of sparing.

"Kind of." Lance said blocking her high kick. "Just working through something."

"Does it have to do with Sage?" she asked throwing a punch at his ribs.

"In a way." he said blocking her punch.

"Do you want to talk about it." she asked take a minute to rest.

"Not particularly."

"Oh, okay." she squared up again.

"I mean, maybe." Lance said, pausing again.

"Did you get your heart broken?" Lyla asked bluntly.

Lance stared at her.

"Not exactly."

She looked at him. "I haven't had any experience in the relationship world but I do know people really well. My advice to you, if you want it that is, is if she is happy, you should be happy. Just because things aren't working out between the both of you doesn't mean there isn't someone else out there who it will work out with. Maybe someone who has been too shy to say anything until now."

Lance stared at her startled. Lyla thought he was disappointed in what she had said.

"I'm sorry....just..just forget everything." She said as she ran out of the room.