Two young girls are used as sacrifices by a Satanic cult. They both return to life as a vampire and a werewolf. However the girls also wake up in hell. They must try to get home.
Narration by Ms Jessica Tiller
August 15, 1946
My name is Jessica, and I was the third member of the vampire/werewolf family.
Ever since that night when Margaret and Felicia changed me into a vampire, they have been my world.
We are like the three Musketeers.
We did everything together.
We were a team.
But, now things are starting to change.
"Hey," I said, "How do I look?"
I was wearing a black dress with red lipstick.
"You look fantastic," said Margaret, "Are you sure you're ready to preform with us? I mean, it's your first time, and you are a little nervous."
"I'm not nervous," I said, "I'll be fine. I've been practicing my voice. I'm ready."
I picked my Tom Tom Drum, and followed Margaret and Felicia into the bar.
I was so excited.
I was finally going to be singing on stage with them.
This was going to be my big night.
"Hey," I said, "Can you hear me?"
"Yeah," said Margaret, "we can hear you. What's the matter?"
"Nothing," I said, "I'm just excited.
I could feel my heart racing.
The lights dimmed, and the audience cheered.
"Good evening everyone," said Margaret, "and thank you for coming out tonight.
My name is Margaret, and these are my sisters, Felicia and Jessica. We are here to sing for you."
"Thanks," I said, "Nice to meet you."
"Tonight, we are going to start with a song called 'Stormy Weather.'
"Alright," I said.
We played the song.
The audience loved it.
"Thanks," I said, "That was 'Stormy Weather.' Now, I will be playing a song called, 'Summertime.'"
"Alright," said Margaret.
"That was nice," I said, "thanks."
"Next," I said, "we will be playing 'The Man I Love.'"
"Okay," said Margaret.
I began to sing the song.
The audience was cheering and clapping.
"Thank you," I said, "now, here is one of my personal favorites. It is a song called, 'The Very Thought Of You.'"
"Alright," said Margaret.
I began to sing the song.
When I finished, the audience was clapping and cheering.
"Thank you," I said, "Now, I will be singing the song, 'I Can't Give You Anything But Love"
Then we took a break and played a quick game of poker.
Margaret passed me a bottle of scotch.
"I didn't think Vampires could eat or drink human food.
"Well it's not needed." She said, "Eating and drinking is only for special occasions now. We can still taste and enjoy food, but it doesn't really do anything for us."
"Oh," I said, "What happens if we eat and drink it?"
"Nothing," she said, "You just feel full, but don't get the nutrients. You will still have to go to the bathroom. That's the only downside."
"Wow," I said, "I never knew."
"It's so strange, all of the things I thought that vampires couldn't do, I found out they could."
"So," said Felicia, "You mean like sunlight?"
"A lot of things, I found out that I'm not nauseated by the smell of garlic. I can see myself in the mirror. I can enter a person's house without being invited. I can even pray. Oh and the crucifix, it doesn't hurt me at all. The only thing that was somewhat true was the stake."
"You were staked?" I asked.
"Yes," she said, "I was staked through the heart a long time ago. It was extremely painful. But, it didn't kill me."
"Wow," I said, "That sounds terrible."
"It was," she said, "But, luckily, I was able to pull it out and kill the guy. To this day, I don't know who that son of a bitch was or how he knew what I was. But, I did not care to find out. If you ask me, he got what he deserved."
"Wow," I said, "You are amazing. I can't imagine being staked and surviving."
"Neither could I," she said, "I still remember the pain."
"It's okay," said Felicia, "it's in the past. I've been thinking, I wonder if silver hurts me."
"Let's find out," I said.
I handed her quarter.
"Here," I said, "Touch the edge of the coin with your finger. If it burns you, then silver hurts werewolves."
"Alright," she said.
Felicia touched the edge of the quarter with her finger.
Nothing happened.
"It didn't burn," she said, "So, silver doesn't hurt werewolves. It's quite cool."
"Okay," said Margaret, "Are you ready to get back on stage?"
"Yeah," I said, "Let's do it."
We got back on stage.
"Hello everyone," I said, "and thank you for coming out tonight. We are here to sing for you. My name is Jessica and I will sing 'Some Enchanted Evening'"
"Alright," said Margaret.
I sang the song.
The audience loved it.
After we played a few more songs, the show was over.
"Thanks everyone," I said, "you were great. Goodnight!"
"That was a good show," said Margaret, "We did well."
"Yeah," I said, "it was fun."
We walked off stage and headed back to the inn.
"So," I said, "How long are we staying here?"
"I don't know," said Margaret, "Maybe a few days. It's a nice place."
"Yeah," I said, "I like it."
"Me too," said Felicia.
After putting our instruments away inside of one of the compartments of our new coffin, we all climbed inside.
"Man," said Margaret, "It's a good thing that I upgraded to a bigger coffin. This one fits all three of us comfortably. We can even fit four people."
"Yeah," I said, "this is a very nice coffin. Thank you, Margaret. I like the metal lock on it, no hunter can open that. I feel so secure."
"If we have room for one more person, then maybe we should go searching for someone else to make a new werewolf." Said Felicia.
"Well we should make just anyone into a werewolf. They should be someone that is special. They should be someone who loves music like us. And, they should be someone who understands us. Someone who would accept us as we are. Not many people can do that. If they can't handle what we are, then they can't be in our family."
"I understand," said Felicia, "I didn't mean to sound like I wanted to just pick up a random stranger and turn them into a werewolf."