
Chapter 41: New Game Released!

WPE's announcement on Weibo had hit the gaming world like a typhoon.

They've released a new game!

The game hasn't hit the store yet, but gamers all around the world flew from their home just to go to Escaping Reality's main branch.

Escaping Reality is a store that belongs to WPE that sell video games like 'Nightingale'.

Newly released games created by WPE would firstly go through ER's main branch before it's spread all throughout the continent.

Because WPE's games were all good, they've received the loyalty of thousands of gamers, especially the professionals and Youtubers.

The gamers whom flew just to immediately buy the game were the impatient kind. Hot headed youths have learned to save up money in these kinds of events.

When they remembered the launching of Nightingale, many were devastated as they didn't saved money for it. The people whom bought the game directly from ER's main branch, immediately came up to level 10 of Knight with 999 jewels as soon as they logged into the game.

It was like a boosting cheat to put it simply.

This time, they would not do the same mistake. They wondered what cheat they will give them on this game.

For WPE's newly released games to spread out, it will take weeks before it'll go to their country's ER store, depending on the distance.

That's why this kind of event, plane tickets were quickly running out, making the airport officials to be in cloud nine.

Yi Fei's eyes were wide when the car she was in stopped in front of ER. She's too late, the line was unbelievably long! Longer than Nightingale's release!

Good thing she was a VIP. But, when her eyes landed at the VIP line section...

What the f***! It's still long!

Those gamers are really too much! It's as if this was a camping trip! Look at those tents, perfectly lined up!

She wanted to cry so hard until blood started streaming out. This must be her retribution for causing countless troubles at school, or maybe she've accidentally step on a deity's foot whom disguised itself as a human to play.

"Young Miss, why don't we ask for Miss Bai's help?" Her driver suggested.

Yi Fei shook her head. She already thought of that but, she's too shy to ask. Doesn't that seem unfair to those gamers whom flew out from their country, camping and sleeping outside just wait for this ridiculously long queue?

Also, she does not want to see Gabriel.

She bit her handkerchief in frustration just imagining Gabriel's haughty looks if ever she'll see him there. He's her idol's brother, he had the biggest advantage and privilege! With just a few words, Lillie would hand him the game with ease.

And it's free!

Yi Fei let out a gloomy sigh, she ordered her driver to leave. The store isn't open yet, and it would take hours before the line lessen.

Yi Fei's driver was reluctant to leave her, yet at the same time, he was proud that she'll join the queue with determination.

You need to have ten gallons of determination and twenty gallons of patience with this kind of event.

Quickly coming out of the car, Yi Fei ran towards the end of the line when she saw others running towards it as well. A mysterious guy with a black surgical mask and dark glasses outran her and gotten first but that didn't matter, she's still second.

The newly arrived ones were panting, some were relieved while the person who was at the end of the line was thanking the gods when one of ER's staffs came behind him holding a sign board saying 'End of the Line'.

When more people came, they cried out in devastation when the staff informed them that the line was cut off.

Even with this long line, Yi Fei was relieved it wasn't her who was cut off. She didn't expect that ER would cut the line this time. Last time with Nightingale, it wasn't the case at all as gamers didn't save money for it and still regretted it up to this day.

However, they will definitely pay the loses with this one.

The store finally opened and the line started moving.

An hour passed by and the VIP line finally lessen, yet the regular was still long as s***! Yi Fei's mind was elsewhere and accidentally bumped into the mysterious guy in front of her.

"S-sorry..." Yi Fei muttered and apology. The guy didn't turned around, ignoring her.

Yi Fei frowned at his unfavorable attitude. No matter, it was her at fault. Staring at mysterious guy's lean back, she felt like she've seen him before...but where?

"Hmm...excuse me, do I know you?" Yi Fei would not normally interact with a stranger however, she was intrigued by him.

The guy was silent, moving a step forward, the line moved again.

Yi Fei was annoyed by this guy ignoring her.

He was awfully familiar!

As shameless as her actions may be, Yi Fei didn't think through before grabbing the guy's shoulders, turned him around and removed his mask and glasses.

Yi Fei's jaw dropped and eyes widen when she saw who it was, her shaking finger pointed at him.

"Y-you..." What the heck is Gabriel Thomas Bai doing here?!

Gabriel clicked his tongue in annoyance, harshly retrieving his disguise off her hands.

The Bai prince is actually lining up with the commoners to buy his own sister's game?! Unbelievable!

Guessing her thoughts just by looking at her expression, he said, "Sis helping me play the game is enough. The least I could do is buy it and not ask for it." Gabriel don't want to be seen as shameless and bothersome by his Sister, even though she would never think of him that way.

Yi Fei's mouth formed an 'o' shape, wondering how he guessed what she was thinking.

"Your expression's like an open book. Anyone with sight can guess it, idiot."

"Hah?! Who you calling an idiot?! Idiot!" Veins almost popped out of her head in anger. Gabriel turned his back against her, putting his disguise once again.

"Don't ignore me!" Gabriel ignored her.

Gabriel and Yi Fei were near the store, five more people before it'll be their turn. Even though Yi Fei was being ignored, she still continue talking to him, her anger ceased.

"I assume you're fully aware of what the game is all about because of sister-in-law, mind sharing? Pretty please~?" Yi Fei's attitude shifted from a hissing cat into an obedient puppy.