
Labyrinth Of Minds

Ken Yamada, an 18 year old, brilliant but socially isolated prodigy, faces financial hardship after graduating high school. His family sees a glimmer of hope in a mysterious university offering a guaranteed solution to their woes: Graduation grants a lifetime privilege. Enrolled and trapped within the University’s walls, Ken discovers a chilling reality. Every night, the campus transforms into a twisted arena, forcing students to play for survival. Games of logic, or raw survival. Each victory earns points and currency. But failure carries a chilling cost – death. Ken's formidable intellect becomes both a shield and a weapon in these challenges. His journey unfolds against a backdrop of sinister challenges, where the stakes are life itself.

Chris_Alistair · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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9 Chs

The Inner Ring

"That was incredible, Ken!" Airi exclaimed,

Tatsuya nodded in agreement. "He called you a coward," he chuckled, 

"But you showed him what a true coward looks like"

Ken offered no response, no glimmer of satisfaction betraying the icy depths of his victory.

"Come on, Ken," she nudged him playfully, her voice tinged with a hint of teasing. 

"Don't tell me you didn't enjoy that. You practically sawed him in half with your words"

Airi, sensing a shift in the atmosphere "Ken," she said, her concern tinged with a hint of curiosity, "are you alright?"

Ken paused, his eyes met hers for a fleeting moment. "I am where I need to be," he said, his voice a low murmur, "playing the game that needs to be played."

"Leave," he said, his voice a low, icy murmur that sent shivers down their spines. "I'll rest for now. The night tests won't wait for your curiosity."

His words, though simple, carried an unspoken weight.

Airi, her initial excitement long evaporated, felt a pang of unease. The victory, so sweet a moment ago, now tasted like ashes on her tongue.

Tatsuya, his jaw clenched tight, hesitated for a moment. "But Ken," he began, his voice strained with frustration

Ken's gaze, sharp and cold, cut him off. "Can't I?" 

Airi stepped forward. "Ken," she pleaded, her voice soft, "we're not asking for everything. Just… a hint, a reason to trust you. We're on your side, remember?"

Ken responded "Trust," he murmured, the word tasting foreign on his tongue, "is a luxury I haven't earned from either of you. Not yet."

"You both shall rest too." he said, his voice barely a whisper,

Ken walked towards his hotel room.

He didn't turn back, didn't offer a parting gesture

He kicked off his shoes, his worn hoodie sighing against the threadbare carpet. 

Sleep was a distant dream, the night tests looming like phantoms on the horizon. 

Airi and Tatsuya, left alone under the indifferent gaze of the sun, stared at the empty space where he once stood. 

They were not allies, they realized, not yet. They were students, survivors, left to watch, to learn, to trust in the cold, calculating mystery of the University

Tatsuya mumbled, his voice cracking slightly, "he could trust us a little. We're on his side, aren't we?"

Airi met his gaze, "Maybe," 

"we haven't earned that trust yet. Maybe the 'night tests' are our initiation, a chance to prove ourselves worthy of being called his allies, not just bystanders"

Tatsuya declared "Then let's prove him wrong," 

"Let's show him we can fight by his side, even if the path he walks is paved with ice."

Airi smiled "That's the spirit," she said, her voice gaining confidence. "Together, maybe, just maybe, we can bring some warmth back into this cold war, some spark of humanity into the shadows where Ken chooses to fight."

Meanwhile Ken sank onto his bed

He glanced at the lone heart remaining on his watch

The White Room, a whispered legend among fellow students, loomed large in his thoughts.

A room completed to grant five hearts, a full life, to those brave enough to face its trials.

But the whispers also carried tales of its merciless difficulty, of minds broken and spirits shattered within its enigmatic walls.

But it was a gamble, a dance with death, a room where even the most skilled could lose themselves forever.

Danger, Ken knew, was his currency, the air he breathed. He had stared into the abyss before, and each time, emerged with a steely resolve.

He had one heart left, one chance to turn the tide. 

He took a deep breath

Sleep, he knew, was a luxury he couldn't afford

Ken's door creaked as he pushed it open

Just as he cracked open the door, a figure materialized from the hallway's shadowy corners. 

Hiro, one of the prodigies sculpted from the university's finest clay, stood before him.

"Good afternoon, Yamada," Hiro's voice, smooth as polished stone, held a chilling edge.

"I suppose introductions are in order. Hiro, from the academy's Inner Ring."

Hiro gave a ghost of a smile, amusement flickering in his cold eyes like distant lightning. "But let's dispense with formalities, shall we? I'm here about your little escapade with Ishiyama."

Ken remained silent

Hiro unfazed, "But let's not dwell on the past. I'm here with an offer, a way to avoid the… unpleasantness of the White Room."

Ken froze, displaying a flicker of suspicion.

Hiro's smile widened 

"Ah, so you haven't heard the whispers yet. The White Room, as your less fortunate peers call it, is a testing ground, a trial by fire for those who walk the path you've chosen. But," 

he leaned closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial hiss, "there's another way, Yamada. A way for those with…resources, to avoid the crucible's embrace."

Hiro's eyes glinted, "Hearts, they can be…acquired. Bought, traded, even gifted, depending on the right connections."

Hiro's smile remained unnervingly steady. "Believe what you will, Yamada," he said, his voice turning cold, 

"but remember, the shadows have their own economy. And in this place, hearts are the ultimate currency."

Hiro turned to leave

A flicker of doubt, a cold ember of suspicion, ignited in Ken's eyes

Ken finally spoke "And why should I trust a whisper in the dark?"

Hiro paused and turned

"Proof?" His voice, smooth as polished crystal

With a deliberate motion, he raised his wrist, the sleek silver watch on his forearm catching the moonlight like a predator's eye. Displaying ten glowing hearts

Ken watched as Hiro tapped the watch face with a single, sharp finger. 

Ken felt it, a cold jolt of surprise. 

Then, warmth bloomed in his chest, a replenishing ember of life flickering back to life. 

He instinctively reached for his own watch. 

On its face, the single heart, a second now glowed faintly, a twin ember mirroring the first one.

Hiro, his expression unchanged, raised his wrist again, showing it to Ken. Revealing only nine hearts remaining. 

A silent exchange, a calculated demonstration of power and trust played out in the blink of an eye.

"10 hearts?" Ken spat

Hiro's lips curved into a humorless smile, "Indeed Ken. Those who excel within the academy's walls, who demonstrate not just talent, but potential, are bestowed with… privileges. Ten hearts, a life extended, a shield against fate's whims. A privilege but also a responsibility, a burden carried by those deemed capable."

"We call ourselves, The Inner Ring"

"Ken Yamada," he murmured, his words like snowflakes landing on ice, "would you not consider…joining us?

Ken responded. "Why offer a pawn from the shadows a piece of your king's bounty?"

Hiro's smile remained

"Perhaps, Yamada," he said, his voice dropping to a silken whisper, "perhaps we share a common enemy, a shadow that threatens the gameboard we both navigate. And perhaps, just perhaps, more minds are better than one"

"The Inner Ring, Yamada," hiro continued 

 "is more than just a collection of hearts. It's a sanctuary for the brilliant minds cast aside by the rigid university. We are the architects of this university's hidden power"

He gestured around the shadowed hallway, "Imagine, Yamada," he continued, 

"No longer a pawn pushed by the whims of the university, but an elite, shaping the game itself."

"surrounded not by simple minds like Airi or Tatsuya, but by minds that crackle with electricity. Think of the possibilities, the avenues for your power to flourish, nurtured by those who understand its true potential."

"An easier path to graduation, your destiny, wouldn't be paved with hardship, but with the brilliance of a thousand minds like yours, blazing a trail through the shadows."

"Forget the White Room, forget the night games. Join the Inner ring, your rightful place among the elite."

The offer hung in the air

He could almost taste the freedom, the camaraderie, the exhilarating dance of intellect surrounded by minds that crackled with electricity like his own. No longer the lone wolf, the ostracized shadow

But behind the warmth of Hiro's words, Ken sensed a deeper motive, a hidden agenda lurking in the shadows. The Inner Ring, with its veiled power and whispered alliances, was a labyrinth in itself, one he couldn't enter blindly

As Hiro turned towards the corridors leading to his own quarters, a figure materialized from the shadows. 

Akari, emerged with a question etched on her elegant features. 

"Hiro," her voice, a silken whisper "did it work? Will Yamada join us?"

Hiro paused. A flicker of amusement, like sunlight dancing on ice, momentarily played in his eyes. 

"Ah, Akari," he drawled. "Patience. Yamada is…a curious case. One cannot rush the bloom of a rare flower, can one?"

Akari raised an eyebrow, her gaze as sharp as a diamond splinter. "Rare"

"Let him ponder, Akari," Hiro murmured

"Let him taste the sting of isolation, the bitterness of playing the university's tests alone."

"When he finally tires of the cold, when the shadows he walks become unbearable, then, and only then, will he truly see the light offered by the Inner Ring."

With that, Hiro turned, his figure melting back into the labyrinthine corridors, leaving Akari alone in the corridors.