
La Vida Despues De La Muerte En Español

Auteur: Kyossai
Actuel · 58.9K Affichage
  • 53 Shc
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  • NO.200+

What is La Vida Despues De La Muerte En Español

Lisez le roman La Vida Despues De La Muerte En Español écrit par l'auteur Kyossai publié sur WebNovel. Bajo el glamuroso exterior de un poderoso rey se esconde la cáscara de un hombre, carente de propósito y voluntad. Reencarnado en un nuevo mundo lleno de magia y monstruos, el rey tiene una segunda op...


Bajo el glamuroso exterior de un poderoso rey se esconde la cáscara de un hombre, carente de propósito y voluntad. Reencarnado en un nuevo mundo lleno de magia y monstruos, el rey tiene una segunda oportunidad de revivir su vida

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Her heels made a calculating thud as friction were applied. Few petals from the bouquet she brought fell off the ground as if they were confetti for grand celebration. Every eye focused on Einne with her grand entrance as they were all swoon with her sweet smile. Her hair brushed off with the wind as she elegantly motioned towards the man who was too paused while looking at her towards him. She wore knee-length white flowy dress which match her cheerful strides. She was beautiful being who is refreshing to look at that the crowd fix their gazes on her. She brought with her bouquet of red roses as if she happily received them from her lover. It was like a scene in a romantic drama, they were picturesque, the man and a woman intimately yearn with each other. The spectators nearby them took pictures and videos and post it on their social accounts. They were trending with that they with the hashtag #Onthespotproposal #Couplegoals. “I-,“Kent was interrupted with her hands. “Just 5 minutes.” She pleaded to him. “Happy anniversary to us.” She shoved him the bouquet in his hands. “I thank you for your sincere love. I thank you for the seven years you stayed with me,” “Einne.” He looked at her that he was about to cry. He holds back his tears, no one could compare the woman in front of her. She gave him all her love for the past 7 years too. She deserved to be loved and protected. She paused and looked at him. This time there was no warmth in her eyes. Her eyes were full of disgust and disappointment. “Let’s break up.” She pulled the ring in her finger and handed it to him. “Einne, I,” he was interrupted again. He too was surprised with the reversal of this event. “There will be no wedding. I already cancelled all the accommodations we already planned. I already throw the invitations, incinerate them to be exact.” “You don’t need to explain further. I gave you the liberty at your disposal. I hope we will not meet in the future. Congratulations Kent. You were free in my grasp. Goodbye.” Einne walked out with satisfaction. No more shedding of tears, no more pleading, no more revenge and schemes. Let’s keep the plot short and simple. Her life is already a major plot twist. With all the exaggerated events like lies, cheating and revenge, is not new to her. Why would a pessimist and monotone office girl like her stuck in an antagonist role? In a cliché romance novel where David and Carmen where the main character and she was the hated role? She will not waste her monotone life with this exaggerated and stuck in a novel which is she hated the most. “I need my life back!” she thought as she was done with this roleplaying. I was only organizing an inventory in the first place. What would happen to her salary if she missed her overtime loads?

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Table des matières
Latest Update
Volume 1 :Primeros años
Volume 2 :Nuevas Alturas
Volume 3 :Llamando a los destinos


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me encantó, es una de las mejores novelas y manhwas que leí, casi todos los personajes tienen un desarrollo, un propósito, un cambio y un camino lo único malo que tiene es que aun no actualizan el manhwa y no saca un anime de esta obra maestra, así como en la novela hay frases sumate good


es un libro entretenido con buenos personajes


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General Audiencesmature rating