
Chapter 1

Four people were sitting across from each other. Two on each side of the table. The office window had faint moonlight seeping through. One male said, "We have a problem."

The one across from him said, "We have a lot of problems. Which one is it this time?"

He sighed and said, "Crimson Demons."

Another push up his glasses. He ran a hand through his messy black hair. He said, "What did they do this time?"

The male said, "Blew up one of our warehouses. We had our recent shipment of guns in it."

The male in glasses forms a growl low in his chest. He said, "We need to get the leader of them off our backs."

They all nod in agreement.

Delphi POV:

I walk down the cold concrete steps. My boots makes a clicking sound and I walk down each step elegantly. My hips swaying the song playing in my head. I enter a dimly lit hallway with metal doors lined up on each side. I walk down the hallway slowly. Listening for the screams of pain and agony. I stop a few door away on the left. I knock lightly, but sending a loud echo through the hallway and the room. I wait a few seconds when someone opens the door. Standing in front of me was a man with a crazy look in his eyes. He had a sadistic grin on his face. He said, "Delphi. So glad you can join me."

I nod to him and he allows me in. Tools and torture devices lined against the walls. Dried blood sprinkled the walls. I said, "You seem to not have done a good job on cleaning up Hunter."

He blushed faintly and said, "I am sorry. I must have missed some. I can clean it up when I finish."

I nod and turn to the person tied up in a chair. The girls chin was resting against her heaving chest. Her hair drenched in her own blood and sweat. I put a gloved finger and gently lift up her chin. Her face was horrid. Her mouth had blood running down. Her used to be perfect nose was heavily broken. Her cheek bones had dagger slashes and oozing blood. She looked at me with her baby blue eyes. I tuck a loose strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. I said, "To bad you betrayed me Celestia. I could have done so much for you. And you had so much potential. Why not tell me what you told the feds?"

She spits her blood at me. It lands lightly on my used to be perfectly white shirt. My eyes glaze over in pure anger. I sigh and said, "I see. You will no long be of use to me."

Hunter said, "What would you like to do to her?"

My lips part slightly in thought. I said, "Might as well dispose of her. Might give the feds a little present."

Hunters face contorts in another sadistic grin. He goes up behind me and whispers into my ear, "Would you like to do the honor?"

A sadistic grin begins to spread onto my face. He whispered again, "Contagious is it not?"

I hold out my hand. He bends back forward and hands me knife. I go over to the sharpener and sharpen the knife. I made sure it is sharp enough to do the job. I finish and walk back over to Celestia. I take the knife and slice her head off with a single motion. She did not have time to react before her head hit the floor. Her body goes limp as blood began to pile onto her clothes. Soaking them in her own blood. I set the knife down gently and walk over and grab Celestia's head by her blonde hair. I nod to Hunter and said, "Clean up until I get back. They are going to have a nice present."

He nods and grabs a mop from the supply closet placed against the wall. I walk out and go to the door across from the one I just exited. I close the door with my foot and grab a bag. I place the head gently in and tie it up nicely. I place it in a box. I close the lid and tie it up with some blood spattered white ribbon. They think it is paint splatter. I type up my note and connect it. I leave it and walk back into the other room. Hunter had managed to clean up and dispose if the body. I grabbed a mop and cleaned up the rest of the blood. Hunter came back in and saw the place cleaned. He said, "Shall we leave?"

I nod and we walk back up the stairs. We leave a door and were hit with the lighting of the dining room. I could smell some food going. I sigh and said, "I am going to change."

Hunters nods and I walk out of the dining room. I entered a nicely furnished living room. I go up the spiral steps on the right side. They were thin and black, my boots making an echo as I walked. I walk into the first door on the right. I enter a giant master bedroom. Folded clothes on my bed as I scan my eyes over my room. I sigh as I walk into my walk in closet. I grab a black crop top hoodie and some sweatpants to match. I place my dirty clothes, except my shirt, in the dirty clothes hamper. I take the shirt and place it in another basket a few feet from the other hamper. That one is for my clothes that have blood on it. I put on some athletic shoes at random and put them on. I began to put my jet black hair into a braid as I walked out. By the time I got back to the dinning room, the braid was done and resting against my chest.