
La-la-la-lightning!: Living through the ages

Which is more believable? Being struck by lightning, dying and reincarnating or being chased by a humanoid-transforming-truck until it rams you by its bumper, then reincarnated? Its up to you what you think is much more... believable. But, what happens when just as the truck rammed you and leaves the scene, you get struck by lightning. Interested? Find out. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don't mind me. Just making a novel. Decided it would be better if you make your story since it's up to you on how it progressess, not just tweaking an existing plot or just straight f-ing it up. Oh credits to my older sister; porneldione@

Nakamura_Shun · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Just The Beginning of a Story (2)




(Levina POV.)

The sun was rising, about 9 o'clock. The forest is slightly clear. The leaves rustling, following the wind. Dwarfing trees, reaching for the sun. Gigantic birds(?) flying at the horizon.

Water can be heard, streaming down, crashing on rocks. Marshy trees, shrubby bushes, anything that can be a part of the beautiful, lush riverside scene.

'I don't have time for this! Why am I even describing it in such poetic statements?' I say as I blur around the trees

Anyways, I am currently running as fast as I currently can. I'm applying wind magic to my body to avoid wind friction while also enhancing my own body's capability. It's an enhancement or boost I am currently developing.

Yes, this world is capable of magic. Which to me is just in its own right, is awesome. I discovered it at first as a type of energy that is circulating around my body unconsciously.

I found it because of my unreasonable reason of not accepting reality I kept opening and closing my eyes with so much focus for one hour and boom, I just felt it.

After I did that, I heard a voice resound in my mind. I freaked out and flipped on a branch of a tree and fell when that happened.

I started playing with the said energy and it looked like violet-blue, bright white, green and a golden gray color. The violet blue color is what I think is for the lightning affinity.

I think white is holy mana because it gives off the feeling of homeliness and warmth, green is wind because it just feels like the wind.

I'm blurring down the river speedily as the wind was howling at my speed. Well, technically since I am moving at the speed of 87 km/hour or something close to that.

Lightning occasionally arcs off me. 'I'm pretty fast. I wonder how fast I would go if I finished developing the enhancement/boost?'

It's a combination of lightning and wind. Lightning is for the faster senses and bodily speed (including thought processing) and wind is for just erasing my friction with the wind which just makes me much faster.

'Screw aerodynamics if I could just do this' I thought. Apparently, this is the current limit of the boost by lightning.


My body shakes at the thought of traveling at speeds surpassing the sound barrier and wonder how I would control my body if go that fast. Well, I do have enhanced senses so –

'Guess I'll tweak it to also enhance my senses further for more body control.' I thought as I continue to blur down the river.

You are probably wondering who I am. Well guess what- Don't guess, it's me! The woman that got rammed by that humanoid transforming truck.

What happened was, shortly; I woke up in a strange forest that is literally littered with dangerous monsters like stars in a clear night sky.

What was worse is that I woke up butt naked, and I had to make clothing for myself. I had to find food like small boars, rabbits, or just random plants I think is edible.

Till we get to the point called present. Right now, I'm being chased by a flaming wolf whom, is decreasing distance on me! 'This is bad!'

"Sheesh, are you serious?!? I'm literally traveling at the speed that normal eyes would only see a blur when I'm passing by and mistake it for wind. And this wolf is gaining speed on me!?"



I stumbled on a root and kicked up some dust.

'Great, so much for using so much mana maintaining the unamazingly made wind/lightning enhancement!'


There was a bruise on my left arm.

Most would suggest that I am being chased by the wolf was because I poked it, saw me as prey or just harming its cubs – which is the exact opposite of the thing!

I found the cub lying in a bush with a stick in left front paw piercing right through it. I removed the stick and healed it though the cub winced at the pain, hence whimpering.

And if your wondering; 'heal? What do you mean?'. Well, remember the holy affinity I have? Yes. While I was developing the lightning/wind boost, I made it before that just in case I get injuries.

And guess what – don't guess it. At that exact moment, the mother found me. And I was still holding the stick that is still drenched from the blood of the cub. And that leads to me getting chased by an angry mother.

'This exactly my problem, I sometimes think too deep not caring of what is around me. Neither my surroundings!'


The wolf took advantage of the situation of me dazing about my problems and slashed my right thigh. "Ahhhhh!!!" I shout out of pain. "Oh, NO." I growl out. That hurt a lot.

'I really need to wake up when there is a gigantic flaming wolf in front of me!' I stand up shuddering. My left leg was shaking badly. I healed it.

"{Minor Sana}, Ugh! My leg hurts so bad! Even if I heal it the pain is still there! I need to fix that later. But gladly, there's a river here. Hehe, so long, wolf that's on fire!"

'Haha, get it?' But it only made things worse. The fire on the wolf grew larger and started to evaporate the river. "Woah! Chill, cool down that fiery temper of yours!"

The wolf jumped at me "trying". It almost got me. I dodged by a hair's width. A part of my clothes is torn apart.

I run to the river, crossing it hoping to shake of the wolf.

It follows me. "What!? Ugh, come on it's a flaming wolf! Why is it not afraid of water, especially a river that's a little bit deep and gushing speedily?! Guess I can't run away from this problem. Let's get serious a tiny bit."

I shoot out a wind blade, but it just amplifies the flame on the wolf. The blade passed through and hit a tree. The tree then creaked and tilted.


The moment the gush of flames passed through the tree, it burned down. "Sorry Mother nature. Didn't mean to burn down a tree trying to defend myself!" The tree finally fell while I say so burning.

"The wind magic just amplified the wolf fire. It was like I was feeding fire with more oxygen." My eyes widen at my own words as sudden realization hit me. Thinking of how magic works like science.

"I guess magic also applies that way." The wolf jumps on me as I narrowly avoid the fire attacks the wolf sends me. I blow a gust of wind to redirect the fire, but –


"Ugh!" the wolf Slashed the back my other thigh. Great, I did my best to avoid this situation, yet here I am, stuck unable to run away because my two feet are wounded, a sitting duck.

"What's the use of my immense powers if I do not know to control them?"

I struggle to slowly slug my way back until I backed up against a tree. Cornered, defenseless and hopeless, I had no choice wait for the wolf to end my life.


The bush behind the wolf shifted as the same injured wolf pup I found earlier. 'Did we circle?'

When it saw me, it immediately rushed between me and the big wolf.

*Cute woofing noises*

The big wolf had a surprised expression on its face(?) as it looked at me.

The wolf then licked me, I felt dipped in a pool of saliva.

"Uh, what???" I am severely confused of what is happening right now.

My wounds were slowly healing? I mean it's not healing superfast but it's still there 'Does the saliva have healing properties? Is that why animals usually lick their wounds.'

The wolf was still growling at me. But it helped me so – "Uh, thank you? I guess?"

The pair of wolves start to walk away from me though the pup was hesitating to leave as I saved its life and is attached to me.

I hesitated whether to ask them to let me join them in their circle. The idea itslef sounded crazy.

But finally managed to ask; "You wouldn't mind if I join you right?"

The big wolf just hesitantly nodded at me. And so, that is where I joined in the family of two wolfs.

The game we hunted for the first day we were together was a surprisingly big deer about 11cm smaller than the big wolf and slept together.

This continued for the second day which was big, horned rabbits, third, fourth, and fifth we finally got to the plateau where we trusted each other and relied on each other.

We hunted a variety of prey. We were enjoying each-others company. I was perfectly content with this slow life with my wolf friends.

At that time, I had finaly someone to call true friends and graduated from loneliness in this new world.


Time seemingly stopped – "Because it did, and this is just the beginning of my story."