
La-la-la-lightning!: Living through the ages

Which is more believable? Being struck by lightning, dying and reincarnating or being chased by a humanoid-transforming-truck until it rams you by its bumper, then reincarnated? Its up to you what you think is much more... believable. But, what happens when just as the truck rammed you and leaves the scene, you get struck by lightning. Interested? Find out. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don't mind me. Just making a novel. Decided it would be better if you make your story since it's up to you on how it progressess, not just tweaking an existing plot or just straight f-ing it up. Oh credits to my older sister; porneldione@

Nakamura_Shun · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

(A name and contract made, and a cave house)

"You don't mind if I give you a name right…?" A wryly smile found its way to my face, and I look at the wolf anxiously.

It probably doesn't want a name. So, I asked it – ehem! He/she.

Its fur was white with streaks of dark orange and crimson red. It was like fire were dancing wildly on the big wolf.

I wonder what changes the body of the wolf will undergo as I name it probably some violet blue streaks of lightning marks that run along the fur.

The big wolf just nodded at me. Great. So, there were two wolf right. About the bigger wolf, it left the pup and me behind after grew up to a certain height. *Flashback*

"How about [Fulgur] since it means lightning. Yes, how about that? Since I more mana than you, you'll have about half of the amount of my affinity to lighting. My strongest element affinity."

Now, now you might be asking where I got this information? Well, I randomly scoured my brain at some point and found it. I don't know how it got here in my brain but its probably related to my reincarnation.

As I finish my statement about naming earlier. A big portion of my mana was taken from my body and was transferred to Fulgur's body.

Fulgur's body began changing as some parts with the orange and crimson red streaks were changed to violet-blue hues.

As [Fulgur's] body was finished with the changes. I felt a wave of exhaustion pass me; it was getting hard to keep my eyes open for a short time as another wave of exhaustion wash over me, I stagger.

My head also hurts as I grasp it with my left hand.

I say, "Fulgur, protect me while I rest and recover my mana." I knew what was happening, it was the exhaustion from my mana dropping below 10%.

I woke up as the suns ray hit my eyes.

The breeze that passes was hot. 'It's currently summer season, I guess?'

I look around. The tree's leaves were swaying to the wind.

'It's already afternoon'

Fulgur was lying peacefully sleeping seemingly not aware that I'm awake. I notice that after the evolution Fulgur was quite big. About two meters tall when standing.

I move around and notice I'm still wet. I hope it's not Fulgur's saliva. I scale down the tree, where Fulgur was lying beside and stroke her hair.

She woke up from my strokes and leans against my body as if telling me she likes it. She just enjoys me petting her I guess

You're maybe asking how I know Fulgur was a female. Simply enough, the information comes from the bond, for elaboration, the information was basic knowledge about her.

I dry myself with wind and fire magic for hot gusts of wind like a hair dryer. I spot a cave near the tree. Potential temporary house.

So, I went there, and Fulgur just follows me. 'I guess it is because of the bond. Or she just likes to be with me.'

The cave was dark. Like no light at all. Good thing I have fire magic. I focused my mana to my palm as the point of concentration and ignite the mana to make a ball of fire and tadaaaa!

"A makeshift torch out of magic!" I swear I saw question marks above

Fulgur seeing me make a light source in the cave made her own light source. "Thank you Fulgur. I'll make sure to give you lots of meat later after we find shelter and hunt for food."

This method of constantly burning mana also helps increase my mana regeneration and reserves.

I was going down the cave and I saw crystals on the ceiling that lit the parts of the cave quite nicely. As I keep getting deeper there were more crystals hanging on the ceiling and cave wall.

I dispelled the fire as the cave was fairly lit up by the crystals.

I explored the cave for a solid 1 minute and 16 seconds and met a dead end with the ceiling filled with crystals that lit cavern brightly. There were also gorgeous red flowers that emit fire mana.

In the center of the cavern was a large skeleton that resembled a dragon, but the skeleton had no wings. I speculated that it was a powerful fire type lizard that could even best me, probably kill me if not careful.

Even though the thing was not a dragon and dead, it's bones still radiate with massive amounts of fire type mana.

The fire type mana emitted by the bones also partook in making the cavern scenery look more fantastical, making an illusion of crimson-orange mist.

Fulgur excitedly jumped forward and chewed on the bones. Though I managed to take 60% of the remains before Fulgur ate them all.

I felt that Fulgur was happy and a bit sad because I took most of the bones.

As Fulgur was chowing on the bones, she grew in mana and size. Her flames also grew, towering like a flaming tempest.

A literal storm as arcs lightning and thunder was also produced by tempest of flames.

I guess for her, feeding on a bone enriched by pure fire mana gave her a boost in power, surpassing even me as she was only a level below me in power before.

Now that she ate 40% of the powerful lizards remains, she grew to be more powerful than me, even if I use my unmastered lightning magic.

I feel mana surge through my body as my affinity with fire grew stronger, although compared to my lightning, can be considered as abysmal.

'So, if the bond grows stronger, the equal in contract also grows. The equal and the bond share their powers.'

I was delighted by the result. So, I gave Fulgur another 10% of the bones, with 50% left. And the same thing happened, another power surge for the both of us.

The flowers that were in the cavern were unburnt, but instead, surprisingly were livelier and more beautiful and flourished more than before.

'They were influenced by fire mana increase from Fulgur. Interesting, I'll find or discover something about them later.' "Fulgur! Could you stop burning the cavern. It might collapse if on us you continue."

Fulgur stopped and hopped happily in my direction. Who wouldn't be happy if they attained more power? After that, we went out of the big cavern and was met with the familiarly narrow cavern walls.

The cave was small, so it was perfect for a cave home. I started to clear the cave of large rocks and pebbles. I flatten the walls with earth magic to make it look cubic and cleaner (of course).

I made several rooms with the purpose of bedroom, storage, comfort room (I made a specific one for Fulgur), a kitchen and dining room, and garden for the red flowers (to study them) with enough space for Fulgur even if she grows bigger will still fit here. It was quite spacious cave type home.

Fulgur was dazed (with her mouth open) by what I was doing. Maybe she's confused as to why I am doing all these actions that are strange to her.

"And done, now that I had polished the cave wall it's time to make furniture!"

I went outside the cave for wood and other potential materials that can be used in the construction of mine and Fulgur's home.

'Why is Fulgur following me? I said something about hunting after finding shelter.' Alas, I was right about that thought. Then I heard something rustling on the grass.

It was a rabbit, no, a horned rabbit, I guess. "It's cute, especially the horn –"

I suddenly felt a fluctuation of jealousy. I then turn my head towards Fulgur. 'Why would I feel jealous over a cute rabbit – ooooh, it's Fulgur that's jealous. So, I also feel Fulgur's emotions because of the <bond>.'

"It's okay Fulgur I won't replace you over a rabbit. You're a special existence to me, Fulgur"

I say as I pat the jealous Fulgur that is rubbing her body against mine affectionately.

*Grumble 2x* "Hehe, I guess I'm hungry. You are hungry to right, Fulgur."

Fulgur just shakes her head in agreement.

I make a wind blade and shoot it to the rabbit. The thing was noisy and rabbits being rabbits jumped away


The wind blade runs cleanly through the rabbit's neck and made a cut on the ground.

"Wow! The wind blade's sharp, it cut through the rabbit cleanly like vegetables! My aim is also improving. Aiming magic takes practice after all. Say Fulgur, like roasted meat?"

I ask Fulgur and felt a wave of happiness coming from Fulgur whom I assume is smiling? I know she's drooling for sure.

"Roasted rabbit it is." I cleaned the rabbit and roasted and shared it with Fulgur who was happy even with the small hunt.

<]> Time skip brought to you by me cleaning, cutting, roasting, feeding Fulgur, and eating my roasted rabbit share <]>

When we finished lunch, I continued with my objective and chopped trees.

'Seriously, how sharp is my wind blade' I thought in awe of the spell {wind blade(s)} sharpness.

I then went inside the cave.

I made tables, chairs, kitchen utensils, and last but not the least a bed.

I also made a chandelier that holds the crystals I found on the cave ceiling.

Even I was awed by my creation.


The chandelier lit up bright that it lighted the whole room.

Overall, I transformed the cave into a house with a long hallway with a few doors along the way to the back.

The very back of the cave consists of a kitchen and a dining room.

Though not complete with all necessary decoration it is a house I'm satisfied with.

Haaaaah(exasperated sigh)... Ugh! Just made 3 chapters on spot and I'm tired. Anyways! Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nakamura_Shuncreators' thoughts