
L.E.G.E.N.D.S: Fury System

coming soon.....

Just_living_life · Romance
Pas assez d’évaluations
3 Chs

Chapter 1

Night time...

The sky was swarming with stars, while the moon shines the brightest, one could see the whole scenery since there were no houses nor tall buildings to obstrusct the beautiful night sky view.

The only building that could be seen for miles was a small house that seems to be protected by an invisible force Golden barrier. Inside the house, a man– around his early forties, is busy working on some kind of potion, one could tell by the little tiny bottles filled with different coloured substances and their mystic glows

"Just a little bit of mystic rose petals and a drop of dragon blood" the man said while adding a pinkish green rose and a drop of blue blood. He later added a few more wierd looking ingredients, gave it a quick mix then continued by chanting some ancient mantras. As he was doing that the mix kept changing into different shades of colours like a scared chameleon.

Once he finished chanting a bright blinding light descended into the air up to the sky, lighting it up. The man had to close his eyes so as to avoid getting affected by the beam.

Soon the light deplated leaving just a small gust of wind which vanished like a ghost without any trace. Once the man opened his eyes he noticed the colour of the potion had stop changing and it remained a purple velvety colour with small shiny diamond-like particles surrounding it.

"It worked!! I can't believe it worked" the man blurted out in excitement, he felt like dancing. It was his first time preparing such a potion but his happiness was short lived when an unknown force sends him flying.

He was flunged across the room, from one end to another till he hit a wall, which was broken into a million pieces from the intense impact. Luckily, the man was quick in activating his defensive equipment– 'Golden light Shield' or else his bones would have broken into a million pieces. Subsequently, it wasn't over yet

The man was not even given a chance to recover from the last attack when the same attack was executed again, which was ten times stronger than the last one. The poor golden light Shield that took him weeks to make was broken into scattered pieces along with a couple of his bones.

He landed heavily on another wall with blood gushing out of his mouth. The man was actually quite strong for taking such a severe hit and is not dead!!.

"Show yourself!!...I want to see who's weak enough to attack me from behind" the man ordered with a hint of disdain in his voice. Slowly a person's figure emerged from the shadows adding an eerie look to his already distorted face. A huge scar from his left eyebrow down to his left cheek made him look exceptionally evil. He wore a ragged cloak alongside a rusted pin engroved with two serpent crossing each other. He was covered in dirt from head to toe

"Siziku..." The man finally spoke. His voice was cold and eerie enough to send shivers down ones spine.

"I see you actually managed to make the siroki. I'm quite impressed" he continued

"Majin, don't think I am gonna let you get your hands on it" siziku said, even with his condition he was still willing to fight

"HAHAHA and who's gonna stop me....you?" he was clearly mocking siziku

But not long after, he sensed an accumulating magical aura beside him he couldn't see the person but he knew it couldn't be siziku since he was too weak to even get up let alone cast a spell.

He checked around using his spiritual eye to sense the person's aura. It was quite easy because the person had yet learn how to surpress his/her metamorphic energy.