
L'amour ne Vient Qu'une Fois (Diabolik LoversxFemboy Reader)

'L'amour' ne Vient Qu'une Fois' or Love Only Comes Once. But that may not be the case for our dearest Y/n. *chuckles* "You think I'll let you go that easily?" *grabs you by the chin and forces you to look him in the eyes* "I will accept nothing less than perfection." *grabs your hand* "Come on and play with me and Teddy, Dolly." *grabs you by the shoulders* "I refuse to lose to my brothers!" *he huffs out a laugh and leans in close* "I thought you wanted to play a game kitten~" *he blushes and looks away* "I-I think you're prettier than any flower." When Y/n and Yui Komori get sent to the Sakamaki household by their so called 'loving' father what will happen? What secrets will be revealed? Will our darling protagonist find love? Or will they be just one more blood soaked tragedy added to this house of horrors.

wiccan_of_envy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

[1] Love and Roses


Y/n slowly opens his eyes when he hears his voice being called. Sitting up and stretching he wipes the tiredness out of his eyes. Y/n looks around his room, but there is no one there.

'I must have dreamt it.' Y/n thinks as he turns and looks up at the pretty pink and white design of his canopy bed.

 Y/n places his dainty socked feet over the edge of the bed and touches them down on the soft springy carpet. Y/n walks across the floor and grabs the closest post of his bed and swings himself around and princess twirls his way to his white dresser that was next to his vanity to pick out his outfit for the day.

Y/n chooses a cream coloured button up blouse with a cute lacy collar, a soft black overall dress hemmed with pink ruffles [that is knee-length] and has cat shaped front and side pockets that are also outlined in pink, with black silk thigh highs that end in frills and have pink heart shaped buttons going up the sides. Oh and black lace boxers with buttons on the side that can also be undone.

Smiling and humming tunelessly to himself Y/n skips into his private bathroom to wash up and get dressed.

Y/n steps out of the bathroom feeling refreshed. He feels his damp silver hair clinging to his face and the back of his neck as he plops down into the cushioned pink and white seat that was positioned directly in front of his vanity with a smile.

Opening a drawer Y/n pulls out his hair supplies and gets to work brushing it until it is dry enough that you can make out his curls in his silver [with pink highlights] hair. 

Once that is done he begins to style it by pulling it into two low and loose ponytails and tying black patterned ribbons around both. Then Y/n fixes a matching [bigger] ribbon under his lacy cream collar and pulls it into a practiced perfect bow.

Y/n tilts his head in the mirror cutely and gazes at himself. 

'Something seems missing.' Y/n thinks before he realizes what and opens his music/jewelry box. Y/n takes out four items sets them down, then closes the box cutting off the sweet melody that had been playing.

Y/n picks up the first item which is a smooth cat shaped opal brooch which he clips through the fold of the bow on his collar. Then he picks up the two [smaller] matching brooches and fixes them in the center of the ribbons in his hair.

Lastly Y/n picks up his rosary. It is made of obsidian [which is a black metal] and is covered in delicate thorny branches with the occasional leaf scattered here and there. And the branches are made of holy silver. 

Located at the 'heart' of the cross is a rose quartz crystal [that was cut so that it looked like a rose and happened to be the exact same colour as Y/ns' eyes] which is held in place by the holy silver 'branches'.

Y/n slowly rubs the gem with his thumb, wiping off some invisible dust. 

Y/n presses the release on the small hook that connects the Rosary [like a necklace] and reaches around his neck and re-connects it.  

The necklace was long enough so that when Y/n tucked the cross away underneath his shirt [for safekeeping] you couldn't even tell he was wearing it.

The Rosary was supposedly a present designed for him by his biological father before he disappeared. Yui has one too with the same center piece, but the branches on hers were thornless and made of rose gold. Also the cross itself was made entirely of holy silver. 

'Yui still thinks Seiji is her birth father though.' Y/n can't wait for the day when she finds out that not only are they both Seijis' adopted children, but they have the same biological father too! 

'Ooh she'll hate that.' Y/n thinks with a happy smile, the absolute picture of innocence, purity, and overall cuteness.

Y/n energetically gets up out of his vanity seat fueled by that thought. He crosses the floor and grabs the handle of the packed black role-away suitcase. 

Which triggers a memory of his past.


 Y/n doesn't know how much time has passed after that man left. It feels like an eternity. Eventually he hears the door opening again, the sound grading on his sensitive ears.

 He slowly raises his heavy eyes and can just barely make out that man 'He called himself Seiji Komori didn't he?'

Well he enters the room dragging a big black suitcase behind him that was easily twice Y/ns' size, the kind with the wheels on the bottom, and another man follows him in before closing the door.

 Seiji motions the man towards Y/n as he starts talking about how Y/n is 'going to come live with me' and how he has a daughter 'She's nine so she's three years older than you, but I'm sure you'll get along just fine!' and how Y/n should 'call me father from now on.'

 "You're not my Father." Y/n snarls at him throat parched and sore as he weekly glares at the priest while fruitlessly trying to escape the restraints binding him to the chair.

 The other man who had followed Seiji in was now behind him unlocking padlock, after padlock, slowly unwrapping the multiple chains the priests had used to tie him to the chair.

 Which had been complete overkill simply because of the fact that Y/n and was only six and on top of that he was very small for his age which caused him to often be mistaken for a toddler by strangers.

 Seiji 'tssks' and looks down at Y/n disheveled, dirty frame his eyes filled with 'disappointment'. "Since you are an orphan now,"

 "No thanks to you." Y/n hisses at him.

 "I've already filled out the preliminary paperwork and been given the go-ahead to take you home by the proper authorities." Seiji continues undeterred as if Y/n hadn't just rudely interrupted him just moments ago.

 "What about my biological father? Can't he take me in?" Y/n asks desperation leaking into his voice. There was no way he was going to go 'home' with the priest that was standing in front of him! He helped to kill his mother, and even dared to gloat about it earlier!

 "First of all when I looked at your birth records both your Father's and Mother's names were listed as 'Name not Stated' on your birth certificate. So there is no way of tracking down any relatives, if they even exist in the first place." Seiji says 'sympathetically'. "And since it is unknown if your closest living relative 'a.k.a your father' is even alive, there is nothing else that can be done for you." Seiji says still staying with the fake sympathy. "Unless and until your Father miraculously appears after over six years of being AWOL, and then contest my claim on you at court." Seiji says the last part sarcastically with a hint of amusement, like he just told a hilarious joke that only he found funny.

 The man behind Y/n finishes untying him just as Seiji ends his spiel. The man roughly half lifts, half drags Y/n out of the chair and forces him to walk on his numbed legs. He starts pulling Y/n harder when he doesn't walk as fast as the man wants him to.

 Y/n and the man both follow after Seiji who was walking away through the now open door.

~End of Flashback~

Y/n subconsciously tightens his hand on the bags' handle until his knuckles turn white. He has to take multiple deep breaths before he manages to calm down from the old memory.

'I refuse to be ruled by my worst memories. They don't define me, but they have helped to shape the person that I am today. That person is a good one who I am proud to be.' Y/n chants internally as a way of reassuring himself.

Then Y/n opens his door and bravely walks through, unwittingly mirroring that memory from eight years ago.


Love and Roses

Such frivolous things

They waver and wither

Just give it some time.