
Seeing Him, Friending Him?

He slowly began to come closer and closer, as he went closer the more he thought about who this girl was and was she in the woods, and alone. He was behind her as she slept under the tree.

She opened one of her eyes and layed there with her eye open from the noise of the walking from someone or something. He was standing there and then all of a sudden. She flung up from the ground and looked at the person that was there. His eyes widened and asked "What are you doing in the woods? Shouldn't you be with you're family?" He said as he was standing there with curiosity. She looked confused "I'm out here because I can do you have a problem with that?!" He was silent for a moment "There is no problem but why would you be here?"

She rolled her eyes "Because I can, like I JUST said." He backed up some. She toyed with something behind her back. He tried peaking behind to see what she had. She moved it more to were he couldn't see it not even a little. "What do you have behind you're back? Not like I'm gonna hurt you." He said standing somewhat closer. "Nothing. Nothing you need or should know what I have. Why would you ask that?" She looked at him questioning. "Why won't you tell or even give a hint...? What's you're name by the way?" He asked. She looked up into his eyes and said "Kallie. My name is Kallie." Her dark reddish eyes looked into his dreamy green eyes.

His thoughts were clear to him in his mind "She's a beautiful angel that I can't stop thinking about now."

A sound came from the woods from around them. His head shot up looking around. "Whats wrong? And you still haven't told me your name." She said looking him in the face as he was looking around. "My name is Tony. Now what is going on can't be explained here. Not here and not now. I'm sorry but I can't."