
Kurumi's Multiverse Journey

Previous name of Fan-Fic: Multiverse: Journey of Kurumi [Current World: Dxd, Crossover worlds on it: Date A Live, Solo Leveling, Oshi no Ko. (can be added more.)] Kurumi Tokisaki, a powerful spirit who spread her fame as 'Nightmare,' an S-Rank criminal and the most villainous spirit ever to exist. But even this formidable being fell at the hands of the First Spirit. Spirit of Origin. Kurumi was defeated and thrown into a completely unknown world. But luck didn't abandon her; it gave her a system mainly named the 'Chat Group System.' Now, with new powers and in a new world, can Kurumi finally kill the Spirit Of Origin? Let's find out together. (I hope this synopsis was good. I tried some things lol.) Anyway, I think this is all. I don't have any particular update day or something. If I have the motivation to write, I will write and post it but if I do not have any motivation I won't write any chapter. I too want to have at least fun while writing fan fiction. I do not write fan fiction for someone else or something. Enterally I wrote it for myself, As I couldn't find any fan-fic and wanted to read my own fan-fic after a year or something. But if you have any advice or suggestion feel free to comment. (Any criticism is very well appreciated. I'm welcoming any improvement suggestions on my fan fiction. But If the comment is purely for hating and not for a suggestion or something I will delete it. I simply don't care about something that stupid.)

Ali_Ceyhun · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

[8] Fight - Part 2 (Short Chapter)

Uh, wanted to ask a question. Which number of harem can be considered as a 'pokemon' harem?


"[Dalet]," Kurumi said as she once again shot herself, this time, instead of getting stronger, her injuries healed—or rather, reversed at a visible rate. This made Grayfia more serious than ever. If it was as Grayfia was thinking, then the longer this fight continued, the more she would be at a disadvantage.

So she didn't wait any longer and quickly used one of her ultimate moves.

"[Domain: Ice World]." After Grayfia's words, the temperature around 1.5 km suddenly dropped, as if the air itself had become ice. Countless ice formations started to appear around Kurumi and Grayfia, forming a domain.

This was one of Grayfia's ultimate moves, [Domain: Ice World]. In this domain, Grayfia's ice attacks became stronger and more durable. Opponents in this domain became weaker the longer they spent inside, and they became vulnerable to ice attacks.

At the sight of the domain, Kurumi couldn't help but widen her eyes in shock. This was completely unexpected for her, so she couldn't evade Grayfia's attacks. Once again, she was injured.

"Ugh... This is surprising, Grayfia-Chan," Kurumi said, maintaining her facade even while evading Grayfia's attacks. Kurumi was someone who enjoyed battle so much that when an opponent became stronger suddenly, of course, she would be excited.

'I can't beat her with my current powers...' Even though Kurumi was overwhelmed with her battle maniac side, she could still think properly. She realized that she couldn't beat Grayfia with her current abilities. She was only holding back currently because of her battle experience.

'Should I use that card? Tch... I didn't want to get powers from the system...' Kurumi mused inwardly while evading and attacking Grayfia.

Kurumi still had the card that the System gave her when she came to this world. Even so, Kurumi still did not trust the System. Even when it offered her an Ultimate Skill, she had been observing the System's actions for a while. For now, she did not have any option besides going with the System.

'System, I will use the card,' Kurumi said inwardly towards the System.

[The card named 'Ultimate Skill - Card' has been used. What skill does the host want?]

'Lord of Patience - Gabriel,' Kurumi said hurriedly as Grayfia started to put more magic into her ice, making it more powerful, durable, and cold.

[Ultimate Skill - Lord of Patience Gabriel obtained.]

[Skill Rank: Ultimate

Name: Lord of Patience - Gabriel.

Description: A skill that comes from one of the seven virtues. Its essence is the fixation of states and responding to unforeseen situations. Simply, it is patience.


Fixation: Allows the user to fix something into its current state, effectively locking it inside temporal stasis.

Eternal World [aka Frozen World]: A World-type Skill that brings everything in the user's domain to an absolute halt, locking them in place and nullifying all kinds of attacks.

Temporal Manipulation: It allows the user to manipulate and utilize the Element of Time.

(A/N: For those who don't know the term, [World-Type] means a whole unique world. Also, I wanted to add this: Ultimate skills, as the name implies, grant their wielder the ultimate power to control the very laws of nature. The only ways to counter an ultimate skill are with another ultimate skill, Administrative Authority, ultimate-level magic, God Grade equipment, or divinity, although it all boils down to willpower.)]

After obtaining the new skill, a lot of information suddenly flooded Kurumi's mind. But this was no issue for Kurumi, as she was already accustomed to sudden influxes of information.

Everything that had just happened took only a few seconds, yet Grayfia didn't pause in her attacks. They only became more fierce and powerful.

'Should we test my new powers?' Kurumi said inwardly as her grin slowly became more sinister.

"[Fixation]," Kurumi muttered under her breath as suddenly Grayfia froze.

Grayfia didn't even sense what had happened to her; it was instantaneous.

[Vitality: 10,000 -> 9,500]

Kurumi winced when she felt how much 'time' [Fixation] had consumed. This was the price she paid for using the skill without any proficiency.

Kurumi also didn't want to continue this fight anymore; it had already forced her to use so many abilities. But on the bright side, she had obtained what she wanted.

After using [Fixation] on Grayfia, Kurumi appeared behind her and pointed her musket towards Grayfia's head from behind. At that moment, the [Fixation] Kurumi had used on Grayfia wore off, and Grayfia felt a cold musket pointed towards her head from behind.

"You lost, Grayfia-Chan," Kurumi said with her usual tone while still pointing the musket. Grayfia couldn't respond for a while as she was still processing what had just happened.

A moment ago, she had the upper hand while Kurumi dodged her attacks, but then she 'felt' something, and after that, everything was blank for her.

Grayfia wanted to ask 'How?' but knew that she would not get any answer, so she could only sigh and converse with this mysterious but powerful girl.

"I see... It's a shame... But I will come back for that." Even though Grayfia had lost the battle, her determination for mastering that bowing technique hadn't waned at all. This fight had also been a lesson for her, so she couldn't say that she had gained nothing from it. In a way, she was also happy but didn't want to acknowledge it.

"So, see you later then, Grayfia-Chan," Kurumi said as she didn't want to stay there any longer. She still didn't trust Grayfia; who knew if she wanted to attack her suddenly? Kurumi couldn't afford to use another [Fixation] for now, so she quickly melded into the shadows and ran away.

It was okay to run away, after all.

Grayfia looked at where Kurumi had been standing just moments ago; everywhere in the forest was destroyed, but Grayfia was not bothered by it, as she had already created an [Instant Dungeon] before the fight.

'What an interesting person... Kurumi, was it? I will remember her,' Grayfia mused inwardly. She was actually happy instead of disappointed; she had found new ways to improve her power and had met a truly interesting person. So for Grayfia, this visit from this supposedly boring stray devil had actually been worthwhile. This was also why she had let Kurumi go.

'We will meet again, I'm sure of it,' Grayfia thought, a small smile forming on her cold face, though she seemed not to sense it, as she activated the Lucifigue Clan Teleportation Circle and vanished from sight.


After she left, the [Instant Dungeon], like glass breaking, disintegrated, sensing that no one remained inside.




'Truly, it was fun,' Kurumi thought as she arrived home.

"You are finally back," Kuroka's voice interrupted Kurumi's train of thought. Kurumi looked at her.

'I forgot about her...' Kurumi thought inwardly, realizing that Kuroka had slipped her mind during the fight with Grayfia. Quickly regaining her composure, she responded.

"Sorry... I fought with someone, so I came back a little later."

"...It's okay, it's not like I'm the owner here..." Kuroka said, glancing at the collar on her neck. She was just a 'little' angry because she hadn't received any head pats today, but it wasn't something she would admit aloud.


This chapter is ridiculously short. Sorry for the short chapter, I had some personal work besides writing so I couldn't sit down to PC and write a chapter. The things I wrote here like 3 days ago, wanted to complete it but couldn't.

[1]: Time is known as the strongest element in the Tensura world, So I will go with that flow too.

[2]: The Administrative Authority doesn't exist on Dxd World, ultimate-level magic means ultimate-level magic lol. God Grade equipment in dxd doesn't exist, they are quite overpowered. And Divinity in dxd is not powerful enough to resist an Ultimate Skill. Maybe beings like Shiva and YHWH can resist it as their Divinity is Quite Developed.