Hideki was reborn into the Kuroko no Basuke Universe and embraces his second chance at life as "The King's Shield", one of the Uncrowned Kings. Hideki's story is a journey that goes beyond the court, intertwining his mystical past, unyielding determination, and bright future to carve his legacy as a basketball prodigy.
Of course, after the Seirin Basketball team was formed, the boys at the rooftop were scolded by the school teachers and some admin people. Meanwhile the members at the assembly ground, Riko, Megumi and Hideki were scot free from punishment, even if Hideki announced his pledge in front of the assembly ground. Well he got permission from the principal.
That lunch, Megumi helped Hideki and Teppei walked the registration form for a school club, as it was late so they asked the school admin personnel responsible for a bit of leeway, in which the principal already told the guy to give it to them. This made the process smooth and fluid.
After going out of the admin office, Teppei thanked Hideki and Megumi for the help, Megumi told Teppei "Welcome Teppei-san, I've done this before with the Sports Admirers Club, so this is more easy compared to that." Hideki chuckled at that and said "Yup, she did that."
Hideki then told Teppei, "Tell the guys we'll meet this afternoon and build things up. I still have to find a willing adviser to help us." Teppei then told Hideki "Sure, I'll let the guys know" Then Teppei left to their classroom, as Hideki was going to leave also, he told Megumi "Tell Riko she knows what to prepare later, I'll handle the printout if needed, just send me a message" Megumi nodded as they both go their separate ways.
Hideki was going to the faculty room to find a willing adviser, of course as a club, there should be an adviser to be the school's admin 'face' for them, as Riko would be definitely the coach and Megumi as the primary Manager.
As he entered the faculty lounge, he saw Kenji Takeda the school's oldest teacher and the Sport's Admirers Club. So he asked Takeda-sensei "Good noon Takeda-sensei." Takeda slowly looked at Hideki and greeted back "Good noon young Hidek, what can I do for you?" Hideki bowed and asked "Can you be our adviser for the basketball club too?"
Hideki raised his head and see that Takeda was slowly thinking with a hand on his chin and said "Don't worry Hideki-kun, you and Megumi were responsible students in my class and in the Sports Admirers Club. As long as you can handle this and the Sports Admirer Club, I will give you 100% of my support."
Hideki was ecstatic and bowed to Takeda-sensei and said, "Thank you very much sensei! Don't worry, Riko and Megumi are with me on the basketball club too, so we'll handle it with care so you won't stress it out!" Takeda-sensei chucked and said "Oh, I'm sure you three will handle it superbly. Now eat your lunch young man as you are still a growing athlete." Then Takeda said before Hideki was leaving, "Oh I almost forgot, let me sign that form so you can give it to the admin." Hideki gave the paper and left with Takeda-sensei's signature, and left it the admin personnel responsible for it.
As he was going to the cafeteria, Riko texted him and said "Don't worry, I already have the needed things written out, so be ready for them later. I'll reintroduce you to organized basketball!" Hideki chuckled at that and ate at the cafeteria.
Later that afternoon, after the last subject, Hideki told Riko "Hey Riko, let's go to the admin first to get the approval." Riko picked up her things and said "Sure!"
As they got the paper of signed approval, the admin asked again "Are you guys sure about this?" Hideki said "Of course, that also includes bringing Seirin to the top!" The admin guy then said "If you say so, well here's your copy of the signed paper of approval with the principal's signature. And I bid you good luck" Hideki and Riko bowed and said "Thank you"
At the gym the guys changed and were gathered by Megumi.
Teppei said "Hi Megumi-san, thank you for being a part of the team!" Megumi said "It's no big deal Teppei-san, I've done this before with Hideki and Hanabira, so no big deal." Megumi smiled and then Teppei asked "Speaking of, where's Hideki?" Megumi said, "He said he'll get the signed paper of approval, so we can post it in our locker room."
The guys were shocked to hear they have a locker room already, and they began to chatter about that.
A few minutes later, Hideki got inside the gym in his sports gear and said "What's up guys?"
Hyuga saw Hideki and walked in front of him and said "Hey Hideki, I don't hate you like this oaf right here" he pointed at Teppei who smiled at that and he continued "I'll reiterate to you what I said to him. I don't want to lose to you guys on the thing I like the most, even if you're gifted."
Hideki laughed hard at that and said "Okay Hyuga, bring it on."
Then the door to the gym opened with Riko having a printed version of her plan, which consisted of numerous drills and exercises. The others saw this and were now beginning to regret their decision, but they can't back out or they'll confess buck naked this early in the game if they do so.
Hideki scoffed and told Riko, "As expected of you Riko to make such detailed plans." Teppei also saw this and was really glad to see that the plan was well thought of.
As they were now beginning to stretch, Izuki approached Teppei and said "Then I'll rely on you for the commands captain." Teppei was shocked and asked "Why me?" Izuki and the others said "Well you founded the team" Teppei was dumbfounded and asked "Is that how it is?"
Hideki was laughing and asked Teppei, "So who were you thinking of nominating as captain Teppei?" Teppei said "Initially, I thought of Hyuga." Hyuga who heard his name was shocked and pointed at himself and asked "Me? Wait, you and Hideki are better than me!" Teppei said, "Well, now that Hideki's here, I think he's more suited to be our captain, and you as the vice-captain."
Hideki raised his right eyebrow and asked Teppei "You sure about that Teppei?" Teppei told them "Well, you two have the thing to be a captain and that is leadership."
Izuki and the others didn't reject this and said "Well, how about it Hideki?"
Hideki was smirking at first, then began to laugh loudly, a little while later that laugh turned to evil laughter so he looked at Megumi and Riko and told the team "Okay, if you're sure about that. I'll be the captain with Hyuga as my 2nd."
Hideki continued his 'evil tyrannistic' smile and said "All right you maggots, all of my commands are the law, only second to Riko the coach! If we say, you jump! You ask how high!" Then he looked at his team with sharp eyes and asked "Am I understood?"
Everybody shouted "Yes captain!" even Hyuga said that unconsciously. Then Hideki began to laugh again in an 'evil-like' manner and said in a whisper "Ha ha ha! I can feel the power through my veins." He then looked at Riko and Megumi and said "Megumi, Riko let's run this team to the ground ha ha ha ha!"
Riko swatted the paper in his head and said "Quit that acting Hideki! Come on guys let's start the exercises, I want you all to jog 5 round then sprint 5 rounds around the court!" Then everybody shouted "Yes coach" While Hideki said that in respect to the team hierarchy.
As the team was running Riko was wondering to herself "Wow, Kiyoshi's a strange guy. He seems clueless, but when you realize it, you're swept by his pace, even Hideki rode it."
Everybody was doing exercises and drills for days.
But on the second day, two students were entering the gym and asked to be a member of the team, one of those guys was Satoshi Tsuchida a basketball newbie, he wanted to join after seeing the team's dedication and passion to the sport.
But Hideki and Megumi saw the other guy and immediately ran to him and hugged him, a familiar face to them.
Benjie Nakamura came back and joined Seirin High Basketball Team.
Hi Everybody Author Here
Sorry for the late post, just taught a friend how to ride a motorcycle (or other people may call it as bike).
But here is the chapter, just a preview of the Seirin Basketball Team.
For those who are wondering if there was a new update (Because the app said so) after this chapter, I posted the real Chapter 27 - Second Year Middle School Prologue.