
Rooftop Pledge

One week passed and it was Monday again and today is another day for Hideki, he had a healthy 8 hour sleep, cooked and had breakfast with his mom, and left to go to school with Riko and Megumi outside his house.

As they are walking to school, Riko saw Hideki has an extra bento with him and asked him "Why do you have an extra bento Hideki?" Hideki shrugged and said "Well I told Hyuga I was treating him to my cooking last time right?" Riko nodded and then Hideki said "Well, as we entered the cafe, he saw someone and ran like the wind so I was not able to treat him with the Hideki special" 

Riko wanted to laugh but she was trying to stop so she asked, "So why did he run?" Hideki looked at her briefly to see her reaction and blankly said "Teppei". He just told one word, one name. Refuses to elaborate further.

After a while Riko laughed and said "Poor Hyuga" and Hideki said "Yeah I know" Riko then suddenly remembered something about that day and asked Hideki "If Teppei was there, were Izuki-kun there?" Hideki nodded and said "Yup, Teppei and the whole gang's there. As Teppei chased Hyuga, it left an awkward atmosphere in the cafe so I instead treated the other guys and had a talk with them."

Riko had an 'O' face and was curious so she asked "So what did you guys talked about?" Hideki just said "Well, basketball and the club formation stuff. Turned out Teppei was the initiator for the club formation, well I ain't shocked at that news. What's shocking to me though was his insistence on Hyuga joining." 

Riko suddenly turned her head to look at Hideki who said while looking in front "He saw what we didn't see that time. Hyuga still likes basketball. So he's insisting Hyuga to join." Hideki continued to walk and Riko nodded in understanding, at least Teppei knows what he's doing.

Hideki then said "Well, ideally the two would be a great combination, even if Hyuga is not on par with us on talent, as long as he can shoot the rock from distance, he'll help the new team tremendously" 

Megumi was wondering why Hideki was talking as if he will not join the team so she asked him "Hideki-kun? Why are you saying as if you are not joining the team?" 'I thought you love basketball?' That last part was left unsaid.

But Hideki knew that question and her question so he said "It depends actually, me and Riko are in the same boat, unless the team wants to be best, not settling for the rest. Then I'm in a hundred percent." Hideki put his hand on Riko's shoulder and said "Well, Teppei said he'll show us the team's determination and passion on the sport."

Then Hideki forgot to ask Megumi something so he shot his question "So Megumi, are you joining as the manager again?" 

Megumi nodded and said "Well yes, actually, once the team is formed I will assist them like how I assisted Hanabira before. Also I have recruited someone to help us in managing the team. But for now it's a secret, her or his identity will be revealed after." As MEgumi saw Hideki's puzzled face, she was giggling.

Hideki asked "Is it somebody we know?" Megumi put a hand on her chin and said "Well, I'm not sure if Riko-chan knows this person. But as I said, I won't reveal this secret for now, I just want to surprise everybody."

At school they dropped their bags on their tables and proceeded to go outside for the Morning Assembly, because it is a Monday and every 8:45 in the morning of a Monday is the school's Morning Assembly. 

But, before going outside, Riko noticed a taped paper on her desk saying " We'll show you our seriousness and dedication during the Morning Assembly!!" 

- Basketball Team

Hideki and Megumi saw Riko stopping for a while and Riko quickly picked up the paper and proceeded to go out for the Morning Assembly, of course they're "honor" students it would be bad if they got late at the Morning Assembly.

(A/N: Sorry I'm not that familiar with Japanese School System so I did what I remember in the canon where they only mentioned Monday)

As Hideki and the two girls are waling towards the Assembly grounds, Hideki was looking at Riko who was now walking in front of him reading the paper she picked up, Megumi was walking beside her and asked to read it also, the three of them was curious what Teppei and the others were up to.

Hideki and the girls were now in line, and he was looking around and in a coincidence he saw somebody on the school rooftop it was kind of far so he couldn't recognize who this man, he was now thinking this may be it, and then he heard something interesting, that guy shouted from the rooftop.

(Earlier at the rooftop)

There were students sneaking and got to the school rooftop. It was Teppei and his merry little squad of basketball team, ready to do something outrageous and then Teppei looked at the guys and they asked "Hey, are you serious?" Teppei confidently answered "Of course" then he asked them "Anyways, are you guys ready? There's no turning back after this."

Teppei stood after behind the railing and then shouted.


We, members of the basketball team.

With the aim of going to become number 1 in Japan.

Will definitely go to the Nationals!

1-B #7 Kiyoshi Teppei!

Then after a small pause they heard another one, Koganei, shouting also.

Same as above!

1-C #3!

(At the assembly ground)

Now the others were following suit, and the people down or at the assembly grounds were dumbfounded that the school would have a basketball team. But, of course, what's outrageous is that they are declaring it from the rooftop.

Some were worried, some got spooked by that and some were saying it's impossible, but one guy was now convinced, it was Hideki. So Hideki got infront of the assembly while the others were still looking at the rooftop and asked the principal, who was there, if he could have 30 seconds of the Assemly time, the principal was going to say something but he then remembered the teenager who was asking him, Hideki the Uncrowned King of Kings.

(Back at the rooftop)

Izuki was now starting to feel regretting his decision and said "Geez, if we didn't make it, we'll be considered laughingstocks"

Koganei was optimistic and said "Come on dude, no worries! It's fun right?

After they shouted their pledge, names, section and number. 

Izuki said "Ah, we did it"

Koganei said "Man, it was refreshing" he then added "I mean, one of us did it, so it's better if we did it too. As a team!"

Izuki then looked at Teppei and asked "So, did you successfully recruited Hyuga?" Teppei looked at him sadly and said "No. Sorry, I tried" Izuki sighed and said "Is that so?"

Then the rooftop door banged open and somebody shouted "Hold it right there!"

Izuki and Teppei are now smiling and Izuki said to Teppei, "Well looks like your feelings reached him Kiyoshi"

Hyuga firstly got in front of Teppei and said "What are you saying you dumbass?" Hyuga quoted Teppei's line to him some days ago "I too tasted despair?" Then he said "Saying all of those pissed me off. At the end of the day both you and that bastard Hideki are still gifted!"

Hideki sneezed and felt that someone is saying bad things about him.

Hyuga continued to speak "There's no way you and I are the same. I'll make one thing clear. I hate you! I don't plan on losing to you on the thing I loved. That's all"

Hyuga walked in front and crossed on the railing and also shouted.

Basketball team!

Same as above!

1-C #8 Hyuga Junpei

Then as soon as he said that, he heard the teachers got up the rooftop ready to lash out at the boys for doing this. One of them got a hold of Hyuga and told him "There's a limit of your foolishness!" Then the other teachers got the others and began to 'apprehend' them.

As the students were escorted out, one of the teachers commented and said, "There's no way you kids willbe number 1 in Japan! Look at the reality! Don't be stupid!" 

Hyuga stopped and asked in a shout "What are you saying?"

Then Hyuga shouted, which was heard all around Seirin "Don't you dare look down on us! Well do it! If we cant, we'll do anything like confess buck naked or something!"

Then they were pulled out of the rooftop.

(Back at the assembly ground)

Riko was flabbergasted that Hyuga in the end joined the team and even spewed that stupid line. So she laughed hard, which Megumi saw and smiled. Riko looked at Megumi and said "I'm in. I'll join them." Megumi hugged her, and Riko was looking for Hideki, but she saw him in front of the Assembly grounds and Hideki was looking at her with a smile. 

She could not believe her eyes, Hideki was walking at the assembly grounds' podium and took the mic and said.

Nice line you've said there Hyuga! I'll join in on the fun.


I'll join the basketball team 

And help them be number 1 in Japan!

1-A #7 

Hideki Takeuchi!

And this made the whole school erupt. 

Seirin High Basketball team was formed that day.

Hey everybody Author here.

Just a heads up I may miss some Chapters posting, as I have to double time on my masters studies and create a report out of thin air, so that took my time to write last two weeks. You may not noticed it since this is a scheduled release but I now have 2 more chapters after this is posted.

Other than that, to the story.

Well, this is a lighter chapter as I wanted to feel how they tried to form this team in the school.

Last of all, to all of those who commented and reviewed this, thank you so much, as a first time writer it gave me more confidence to try and finish this.

Pel47creators' thoughts