
Kuroko no Basket: The Supreme Genius of The Court

Kuroko no Basket Fanfic Synopsis: Akira is a young basketball prodigy, born in the USA with a Japanese mother, he played until he was 13 years old in the USA, being the ACE of his team before being forced to move to Japan. What to expect from this novel: There will be a big focus on elementary school, but I do intend to go to high school. I will develop original characters, who will be relevant to the overall plot of the story and try to keep a good number of characters from Kuroko no Basket appearing constantly. The protagonist is overpowered, but is not completely invincible. Frequency: I will post 3 chapters per week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If engagement is good and a lot of people ask here and on discord, there may be weeks when I'll realease a bonus chapter on Saturday :) Recommendation: Enter the discord server, where I will post images of the players, lineups, and a profile of them, so that it is easier to follow. Everyone is welcome to discuss and ask or even suggest the future of the Novel. I hope you there, have a great read! Discord Link: https://discord.gg/wMvnTgvnpC

NicoZ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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28 Chs

Renji's New Ability

The gym was quiet, save for the soft echo of sneakers on hardwood. Akira noticed the growing frustration in Renji during the past week, his performance not living up to the spark he had shown when first joining the team. Each day of practice, it became clearer. By the end of the last session before the friendly match, Akira found himself alone in the locker room, packing up.

He turned around when he felt someone staring at him.

Renji stood there, eyes locked onto Akira.

"Do you need something?"

Renji took a deep breath, then suddenly bowed deeply.

"Please! Help me get better!"

Akira blinked, caught off guard by the abruptness. In his culture, a bow like that was rare, especially in basketball. It was both surprising and... well, a bit embarrassing.

Despite all his quirks, he's still just a basketball player at heart. But I've been watching him all week.

"Uh... yeah, sure, Renji. But please, stand up."

Renji shot up, grinning from ear to ear. "Yes, sir, master!"

Akira sighed, knowing full well that trying to change the way Renji spoke would be a waste of time.

The two walked back out onto the now-empty court.

"So, Renji, you've got a special talent."

Renji's grin grew mischievous. "I know... The gift of exorcizing is something---"

"Stop," Akira interrupted, tossing the ball to him. "I'm talking about your game. You play with such fluidity, like the ball is an extension of your body."

Renji immediately tried to dribble past Akira, but with a simple poke, Akira stole the ball with ease.

"But that fluidity is also your biggest weakness," Akira added, dribbling the ball casually while Renji clenched his fists in frustration.

"Don't worry, though. We can turn your predictability into something almost impossible to guard against."

Renji's eyes lit up with a mix of excitement and determination. Akira could see the fire within him.

He's got potential... but he's just a little rough around the edges.

Akira took the ball again and squared up in front of Renji. "There's a simple, yet effective dribble move that I think will suit your style perfectly—hesitation."

Akira started to drive toward the basket, only to abruptly stop, causing Renji to overcommit. In the blink of an eye, Akira darted in the other direction, leaving Renji behind and wide open for the shot.

"Hesitation is a body feint, and the more fluid you are, the deadlier it becomes. That's why it'll fit your game like a glove."

Akira continued his assault on Renji, scoring over and over with quick hesitations and fakes.

"You can use it to create space for a shot... blow by your defender... or even lead into another hesitation. The possibilities are endless."

Renji, eager to try, grabbed the ball and went on the offensive. His first few attempts were sloppy, Akira stopping him at every turn. But with each possession, Renji's understanding of the move grew.

This type of dribble is all about fluidity and abrupt changes in motion... perfect for someone like him. If he masters this, he'll be a nightmare for defenders in Japan.

Time passed, and while Akira grew tired from defending, Renji showed no signs of fatigue. Each time he attacked, his movements became sharper, quicker. Though he hadn't scored yet, his progress was undeniable. Akira's blocks and steals were getting closer, barely touching the ball now.

My god, playing against him is like a test of endurance and mental toughness. He never slows down.

Renji faked a jump shot, but Akira didn't bite. Still determined, Renji exploded toward the basket. Akira, pushing his limits, caught up with him easily.

"Not yet..."

But then, Renji stopped mid-drive, pulling back slightly. His arms began to rise into a shooting position.


Akira jumped, expecting the block—but his hands swiped at air. Renji hadn't shot. He was still in the same position, waiting. As Akira fell back to the floor, Renji finally took the shot.


Akira watched, dumbfounded, as the ball swished through the net.

I saw him start the shot... I was sure I had him blocked.

Renji turned to Akira, his smile wide, body lightly steaming from the intense training. His aura felt... different, as if he'd evolved in that very moment.

"Akira... Thank you."

He tricked me... He created such an obvious shooting opportunity that my reflexes betrayed me. His moves were so subtle, I couldn't keep up. If he can do this consistently… Akira laughs to himself. Of course he's thanking me! I'm a genius! Renji learned advanced hesitation concepts in just a few hours of training, this is only possible with a world-class instructor! Or rather, universal class! Akira scratched his chin with his nose in the air.

An uncontrollable grin spread across Akira's face.

"Good job, 'Exorcist of the Yellow Hearts' or whatever!" Akira teased, intentionally butchering Renji's usual self-given title.

Renji didn't even flinch at the mistake, just gave a thumbs-up, clearly too happy to care.

The gym door suddenly creaked open, and a school guard appeared, looking at the two boys sternly.

"Hey! What are you guys still doing here at this hour?"

Akira and Renji exchanged sheepish glances. They were definitely grounded.