
Kuroko no Basket: The Supreme Genius of The Court

Kuroko no Basket Fanfic Synopsis: Akira is a young basketball prodigy, born in the USA with a Japanese mother, he played until he was 13 years old in the USA, being the ACE of his team before being forced to move to Japan. What to expect from this novel: There will be a big focus on elementary school, but I do intend to go to high school. I will develop original characters, who will be relevant to the overall plot of the story and try to keep a good number of characters from Kuroko no Basket appearing constantly. The protagonist is overpowered, but is not completely invincible. Frequency: I will post 3 chapters per week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If engagement is good and a lot of people ask here and on discord, there may be weeks when I'll realease a bonus chapter on Saturday :) Recommendation: Enter the discord server, where I will post images of the players, lineups, and a profile of them, so that it is easier to follow. Everyone is welcome to discuss and ask or even suggest the future of the Novel. I hope you there, have a great read! Discord Link: https://discord.gg/wMvnTgvnpC

NicoZ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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28 Chs

Brave Eagles Middle School vs Ridgeview Runners - Part2(final)

"Alright, Akira, focus," he whispered to himself, his eyes narrowing as he surveyed the court. "I've got this."

The scoreboard read Brave Eagles 19 - Ridgeview Runners 18. The gap was small, but the pressure weighed heavily on Akira's shoulders.

In the stands, the tension was palpable. Parents, teachers, and fellow students watched with bated breath, their eyes glued to the action. The Brave Eagles fans were on the edge of their seats, knowing that this was the moment that could define the game.

"He's pushing too hard," one parent muttered, their eyes never leaving Akira. "He's going to burn out before the game is over."

Another parent nodded in agreement. "He needs to play with his teammates. He's not out there alone."

On the bench, Coach Mark's expression was a mix of concern and determination. He had seen this before—Akira's tendency to shoulder the burden of the game, to try and do everything himself. It was both a blessing and a curse. Akira's incredible talent often led him to believe he could win games single-handedly, but basketball was a team sport, and even the best players needed their teammates.

"He's got to figure it out," Coach Mark muttered to himself, watching as Akira dribbled up the court. "This game isn't just about winning; it's about learning how to win together."

On the court, Akira's thoughts were a whirlwind of strategies, memories, and emotions.

"You're going down," Jayce growled, his eyes burning with determination. He lunged at Akira, trying to strip the ball from his hands.

But Akira was ready. With a quick crossover, he evaded Jayce's reach, then spun around a second defender who stepped up to challenge him. As the third defender closed in, Akira did something unexpected—he passed the ball.

The pass was crisp and precise, landing perfectly in the hands of one of his teammates, who was wide open at the three-point line. Without hesitation, his teammate launched the shot. The ball arced through the air, the entire gym holding its breath as it sailed toward the hoop.


Brave Eagles 22 - Ridgeview Runners 18. The crowd erupted into cheers, the Eagles extending their lead.

"Nice shot!" Akira called out, a smile spreading across his face as he jogged back on defense. 

For the first time in the game, he felt a sense of calm wash over him. This was how it was supposed to be—working together, trusting his team.

Coach Mark clapped his hands from the sidelines, a proud grin on his face. 

"That's what I'm talking about, Akira! Keep it up!"

The Brave Eagles had found their rhythm, moving the ball with confidence and precision. Akira continued to be a driving force, but now he was sharing the load, involving his teammates in every play. The scoreboard reflected their newfound unity, with the Eagles slowly pulling ahead.

26 - 20. The Eagles were maintaining a small but solid lead, and the Runners were struggling to keep up, their defense faltering as they tried to adapt to the Eagles' quick passing and unpredictable plays. Jayce, in particular, was growing more and more frustrated. Every time he tried to take control of the game, Akira was there to shut him down.

"You think you're better than me?" Jayce hissed, his voice low and dangerous as he lined up against Akira for the next play.

Akira met his glare with a calm, steady gaze. 

"I'm sure about that."

Jayce's scowl deepened, and he made a move, driving hard toward the basket. But Akira anticipated his every step, staying with him, matching him stride for stride. As Jayce went up for a shot, Akira timed his jump perfectly, his hand swatting the ball away before it even left Jayce's fingers.

The ball bounced into the hands of one of Akira's teammates, who immediately launched a fast break. Akira sprinted down the court, his legs pumping with renewed energy. The crowd jumped to their feet, the gym buzzing with excitement as the Eagles executed a flawless fast break, finishing with a smooth fadeaway shot.

28 - 20. The gap was widening, and the Runners were starting to look defeated. Jayce's confidence had evaporated, replaced by a look of desperation as he watched his team unravel.

"Time out!" the Runners' coach called, his voice barely audible over the roar of the crowd.

As the players headed to their benches, Akira felt a surge of pride. He had made the adjustment, learned from his mistakes, and now he was leading his team to victory. But he knew the game wasn't over yet. There was still time on the clock, and anything could happen.

Coach Mark gathered the team around him, his expression serious but encouraging.

"We're in a good position, but don't get complacent. They're going to come at us hard after this timeout. Stay focused, keep playing smart, and we'll finish this."

The players nodded, their faces a mix of determination and exhaustion. They had worked hard to get to this point, and now they were ready to finish the job.

As they prepared to return to the court, Akira's captain pulled him aside.

"You're doing great out there, Akira. Just keep your head in the game. We've got this."

Akira nodded, his mind already racing with thoughts of the next play. He glanced over at Jayce, who was hunched over on the bench, his head in his hands. The sight filled Akira with a sense of satisfaction, but also a reminder of how quickly things could change.

Stay sharp , this game isn't over yet.

The Runners came out of the timeout with a renewed intensity, their coach having clearly given them a stern talking-to. Jayce, in particular, seemed to have regained some of his fire, his eyes locked on Akira as if he were the only person on the court.

The next few minutes were a blur of fast-paced action, with both teams trading baskets and playing tough, physical defense. The Runners were fighting to stay in the game, but the Eagles were determined not to let them close the gap.

30 - 24. The Eagles maintained their lead, but the Runners weren't giving up. Jayce continued to battle, trying to get his team back into the game.

Akira continued to orchestrate the offense, dishing out assists and setting up his teammates for easy scores. But he also knew when to take matters into his own hands, driving to the basket with explosive speed or pulling up for a mid-range jumper when the defense sagged off him.

34 - 28. The scoreboard continued to tilt in favor of the Brave Eagles, the lead growing ever larger. With each passing minute, the Runners' chances of a comeback grew slimmer, and the frustration on their faces was evident.

Jayce, however, refused to go down without a fight. On one possession, he managed to steal the ball from Akira, his quick hands snatching it away just as Akira was about to make a pass. Jayce took off down the court, the crowd roaring as he soared toward the basket for a layup.

But Akira was right behind him, his eyes locked on the ball. As Jayce went up for the shot, Akira timed his jump perfectly, swatting the ball off the trajectory and getting back into play. The gym erupted in cheers as one of Akira's teammates grabbed the rebound and immediately pushed the ball up the court.

"Nice block, Akira!" the captain shouted as they sprinted down the court.

Akira grinned, the adrenaline pumping through his veins. He could feel the momentum shifting entirely in their favor. They were in control now, and they weren't going to let up.

The next few possessions were a showcase of teamwork and skill, with the Eagles moving the ball with precision and confidence. They were playing like a well-oiled machine, each player knowing exactly where to be and when to make their move.

38 - 30. The game was slipping away from the Runners, and they knew it. Jayce was running on fumes, his earlier bravado replaced by a look of desperation as he tried to will his team back into the game.

The gap on the scoreboard widened, and Akira couldn't resist a little payback. After sinking a shot right in Jayce's face, making it 41-30, he grinned.

"What happened, Jayce? Can't keep it up?"

Jayce's face flushed with anger. He tried to retaliate on the next possession, but his frustration got the better of him. He drove hard at Akira, throwing an elbow as he went up for a shot. But Akira was ready, dodging the foul attempt with a quick step back.

As Jayce landed hard on the ground, Akira stared down at him, calm and confident.

"Who said you can touch me?"

Jayce's spirit was broken, and the Ridgeview Runners crumbled soon after. Akira's team took control, the gap in the score becoming insurmountable until the final buzzer sounded with their victory. The scoreboard told the story: Akira's team had won by a landslide. The gap was undeniable, and Jayce's team had been thoroughly outplayed.

The final whistle blows.

The crowd erupted into cheers, the Eagles' bench flooding onto the court to celebrate. Akira found himself caught up in the moment, his teammates surrounding him, patting him on the back, and ruffling his hair.

"We did it!" one of his teammates shouted, grinning from ear to ear.

Akira smiled, the exhaustion finally catching up to him. As he looked around at his celebrating teammates.

Now it's time for the big show.

Final Score

Brave Eagles 62 - Ridgeview Runners 32

MVP: Akira Kingsley.

Hey guys, a quick game just to show you the way I write games, any suggestions feel free to write in the comments or on discord!

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