
Kuroinu: Promise of Devils

Another Kuroinu fic! but this time, it's Chainsaw man! _-_-_-_-_- a not so sane guy, got send to a hentai land! Being kinda dumb, he brute force the struggle, to get his way. though he's insane, not a deprave degenerate. So watch out, you exhibitionist Knights! MC with two braincells will Chainsaw all over the place, and will go nuts on your sorry asses

Daan_the_writer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs


"Normal Speech"

"*Inhuman/Action words*"



Wake up! You human!

A demonic voice shouted fiercely, making me jump back to consciousness.

"Where am I? Argh-!" A painful feeling, that reminds me of a jellyfish sting burns my neck.

Hah! Couldn't even handle pain? Why did that bastard give me to you?

The demonic voice spoke again.

My eyes darted everywhere to find the source of the voice, but there's no one other than me. All I could see was an ocean of trees.

"What the fuck..."

This place is definitely not NYC! Nor is it the Void, this place looks like Minecraft with those high graphics mods, with ray-tracing.

This isn't the rat infested city I know!

Human! Don't ignore me!

My head was suddenly attacked by a piercing headache.

"Arggghhhh!! Holy shiit!" My fall down back down to the ground, shaking uncontrollably; I rolled, I scream, I did anything just to release me of this pain.

That's what you get from ignoring me! The feared Sword Devil!

The pain went away, as fast as it came. My ears ring, and I could faintly feel foam forming in my mouth.

My pupils dilated and shook.

Get up, you worm!

The demonic voice spoke with extreme annoyance.

"Wh-o are you?" I struggled to speak, "A-nd where are you coming from!? "

I screamed the last part.

Watch your tone! Mortal!

The demonic voice spoke with ominous ferocity, as I felt a sharo edge pressing against my skin.

I will not let anyone talk down, to me! The Great Sword Devil! Especially an ignorant fool who do not know who is talking to.

"Listen, the voice in my head," I was able to speak clearly now, "I'm fucking confused, angry, scared, and don't where the fuck I am. I deserve to speak in that tone!"

I angrily shouted, so loud that the birds hiding on the trees flew, and the chirping crickets stop from a moment.

You ignorant scoundrel! Do not speak to loud! Lest you want to attract those disgusting vermins!

"Attract what exactly?" I asked, "Mountain lions? Fuck them! I'm pissed off! And my neck burns like hell; the fuck, do a few big cats gonna do to me. "

The irrational side of my brain took over, as I angrily shouted. Not worry about anything coming from in this damn place.

But, the demonic voice once again spoke.

I'm not talking about those animal, you maggot! I'm talking about Orcs! I could feel their repugnant presence lingering on the air!


"The fuck are you yapping about, Voice in my head?!"

Seriously, what the fuck is my schizophrenia talking about? Orcs? You mean, those humanoid pigs?

"Those things aren't real! Idiot!" i shouted.

Stop shouting!!! Have you not been listening!?

" I'm listening alright! And all I could hear, is the incoherent rumblings of a figment of my imagination!" I said.

Talking about Orcs... The hell you think I am? An idiot?

Yeah! You're a fucking idiot!

" Hey stop swearing!! " I shouted.

I don't care!! Listen to me you insufferable maggot, if you don't get out of this place now your sorry ass will get mauled and ambushed by Orcs!?

"Those things aren't real!?" I replied.

Why the fuck are so stubborn! Your fickle mortal life is at risk! You dumb-fuck!

"Why do you care so much anyways? Are you gay?"

You immature bas- I swear on the horseman names, I will cut your body to pieces once I got out of this contract!

Listen here, you filthy human. I don't want my new "fusion" to die! I still need a vessel, I will not lose this chance!! I still need to kill that "Chainsaw!"

"What the fuck are you yapping about!?" The Voice inside my head is more insane than me! Impossible!

"Hey you f-"

But, before I could trash-talk the motherfucker. I heard a animalistic roar echoing deep in the woods.

I watched the birds flew once again, and the trees shake, and leaves falling. As the sound of a heavy thing gets closer.

"What the..."

I hear trees crushing into the ground, animals nowhere in sight; as if the feel the presence of a predator.


I piercing howl threatens to shatter my ear drums.

I saw the form of the beast. A monstrosity of muscles, and strength came crushing down towards me. Holding a crude wooden club with a few dried blood on it. The tall humanoid beast dash straight towards me with extreme malice!

Now you've done it!!

(Pov Shift)

(3rd PoV)

Var immediately spring into action. Primordial instinct of survival took over him and taking the choice of flee, instead of fight.

The Orc gleefully laughed full of malic, as it eyes seems to feed off Var's fear. Swinging its club with child-like enthusiasm! Its gaze never leaving once, on Var's fleeing fogure.

Var on the other hand, has a look of extreme fear. His face looks like it has been poured an extreme of liquid, as sweat drift across his face.

By his eyes, though fearful, never losed its focus on running the hell away, from that muscular abomination.

He ran, and ran weaving through the woodland obstacles.

But Orc, persistent on catching its pray, followed in equal speed.

"Fuckiiiing heellll!!" Var screamed as he looked back at Orc.

The Orc has a inhuman smile! Showing its feral teeth, and sharp canines.


Var feet were grasped by a tough piece of vine.

Consequently making him trip face first on the hard, and rough ground of the Forest.

Var has fallen victim at the horror cliché of tripping over shit, when being chased by a monster.

"Seriously!!" Var though angry, swiftly rip the vine off with surprising strength.

He somehow was able to regain his footing, as he immediately went for the run.

"Haha! Human, idiot."

The Orc's rough and primitive voice shook Var's entire soul. Fear has almost taken over, but human instinct is stronger.

Var's body exploded into speed, as every muscle fiber reached its fullest capacity, it contracts and is released, flinging Var forward.

But unfortunately, human instinct has no match for Orcish strength.

The beast swung its crude club, Var surprisingly was able to sense it, and intend to dodge, but it was too bad.

As the club was faster than he could move.


The disgusting sound of flesh being hit by a blunt weapon echoes throughout the forest. The body of Var was flying through the air, spinning and skipping on the ground.

His body ragdolled, until it hits a nearby tree.

The tree shook from the impact, but was unharmed.

The dust cleared and the body of Var exposed. His body is limp full of blood and small scars from being essentially dragged on the ground, surprisingly his head is still intact, but was beyond help. As the left side of his head caved inside his skull.

Disgusting flesh of his brain littered his head, and the grounds

But, somehow, you could still see his body faintly breathing.

A miracle!

But that miracle is swiftly squash, as the Orc walked towards Var's body for round two.

It cruelly laughed at Var's inhuman condition, seamingly mocking the poor man.

The Orc lifted Var's body, and licked its lip.

Hunger fogged the Beast's eyes.

The Orc opens its mouth with the intention of devouring Var.





The Orc is suddenly stopped at its track. Blood leaking but it's certainly not Var's blood; as the pigment of the viscous liquid is greenish red, compared to that reddish-dark, that humans have.

A blade is impaled on the Orc's mouth.

Blood gushed out, staining Var his head. And making its way in his mouth.

The beast's grasp on Var loses its strength, and with a swift motion. Var jumped out of the beast hold, and kicked the Orc.

The Orc took a step back, somehow still standing, even with the fatal impalement of its throat.

Var landed with grace, but supposed to a badly injured human, Var's form figure change....

A blade erected from his head, coating his face in a dark metallic and flesh like material. His arms have swords painfully ejected to his forearm, and out the hands.

But Var didn't show pain. Instead.

"You piece of rotting Garbage!!" Var howl in a demonic voice.

"How dare you ruin my shirt!!" Var shirt, which is a limited edition merch from his favorite show, is now in ruins. As tears and holes, littered the entirety of the thing; So much so, that it could not be called a shirt anymore. Instead a torn rag hanging from his neck.

"That was all I had in this fucked up place... And you decided to ruin it!" The bastard seems to care more about his shirt, then his life.

"I'm gonna kill you! Rip your balls! And then murder your entire bloodline!" Var shouted, his figure radiates malice.


The Orc, with his ruined mouth roared in his response.

But, Var didn't care as he crossed the erected swords in his arm and dashed towards the Orc, with pure killing-intent.

His speed is not that of a human, as he closed the distance between him and the Orc, in mere seconds.

The rapid speed surprised the beast but before it could react. Var slashed the orc with precision. Starting from the arms, to the torso, and finally the leg.

His figure blurred, as he decimated the Orc's entire body with frightening ease.

Blood exploded everywhere. As the Ork falls into cut pieces.

Var landed with brutal elegance. And looked back at the pile of ruined flesh.

"Eat shit."

He walked towards the bastardized corpse and grabbed a piece of flesh... And proceeded to devoured it whole.

This disgusting action, somehow does something to Var he shook for a moment.

He then spits.

"That tasted absolutely horrendous, are you sure that healed me? Voice in my head," He spoke as if talking to someone.

"If you say so..." His calm demeanor. Again turned to that of malice as he looked to ease, where the Orc came from.

Somehow his exposed teeth was able to form a grin.

"I'm gonna massacre all of you bastards!"

Var howls like a demon, then proceeded to dash with inhuman speed.




I'm working on the next chapter of Black Flash, so it may come out on Friday, who knows.