
Konoha: The Template System

Kazuki granted the power of a template system leaves his mark in the dangerous ninja world, an arduous journey. {The Template "Tobirama Senju" has been extracted to 30%} Advanced chapters on P@treon.com/Gojo6666.

Tobi_444 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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144 Chs

Chapter 42 Unwillingness

Sand Stronghold.

In the main camp,

"This is too sudden Lord Sakumo. I just graduated from the academy a while ago and now promotion to chunin so quickly."

Said Kazuki to Sakumo quickly with no happiness on his face for his promotion to chunin at all.

Others may be happy at being promoted but he didn't even mind staying genin at all, at least before he is able to complete the main task.

The promotion to chunin means he is one step closer to Jonin and with the strength he has displayed, the hokage might really promote him to jonin.

And that is what he doesn't want to happen, if the hokage promoted him to jonin and he refused it will be the first ever such case in konoha or any shinobi village history.

No excuse would be able to explain his unwillingness to be a jonin and would cause a lot of trouble for him.

It will also be an insult to hokage, because he denied his goodwill and would bring him a lot of hate from other shinobi.

"It is precisely because you just graduated from the academy that you weren't promoted to jonin instead of chunin."

"The strength and grasp on change in chakra form and nature of water and lightning you have displayed, chunin is the least you deserve."

Sakumo easily saw the unwillingness to be promoted to chunin on Kazuki's face, although surprised at why wouldn't someone like being promoted but he still calmly explained the facts to Kazuki.

Hearing about his near promotion to Jonin, Kazuki went silent, and a helpless look appeared deep in his eyes.

He now hated this stupid condition on the main task, defeating a kage was just a matter of time, but doing it before being ranked Jonin made it really difficult.


"Don't overthink, you deserved this, so wear this jacket proudly from now on!"

Stepping forward Sakumo tapped Kazuki on his shoulders and encouraged him with a smile on his handsome face, Although he was not able to understand why Kazuki was so down at being promoted to chunin, as a senior, it was his duty to cheer up his juniors.

"Yes! I will!"

Said Kazuki bringing a fake smile on his face, whether he wanted or not it was a reality that he was a chunin now and denying would bring trouble a lot earlier.

Saying that Kazuki stepped out of the camp and was soon notified to get ready to leave.


Donning the chunin jacket now over his black shirt, Kazuki along with twenty nara shinobi under the leadership of Jiraiya departed, disappearing into the forest.


The ravine which had the famous tanzaku bridge built over it was destroyed weeks ago due to a battle between konoha and ame shinobi. [Refer to chapter 4, 5}

The bridge was a way for those from Land of Rain to enter Land of Fire and the vice versa.

For weeks the contact between two nations was basically cut off, most of the business caravans also used the bridge to travel and other ways to enter both lands were dangerous and took too much time.

But overnight a sturdy earth bridge even better than before seemed to have been built, connecting both sides which were at least five to six hundred meters apart.

To be able to make such a long and sturdy bridge, no doubt it was the work of someone who had deep understanding of earth style.

At some distance from the bridge on the land of rain, a large area with in the forest was cleared up artificially and a huge army was stationed here.

Hundreds or thousands of small earth domes could be spotted everywhere and on top of them hung the flag bearing the sign of Iwagakure.

The biggest earth dome at the center guarded strictly was the residence of the commanders of the Iwagakure army stationed here.

Inside the dome,

"How is this possible? How did konoha learn of our movements so easily?"

A meeting seemed to be going on, the leader a man with below average height around 150 cm, red hair and a small stubble, around his early thirties.

Roshi, the Four Tails Jinchuriki.

Asked Roshi looking at the jonin present at the meeting with a bewildered look, a while ago the intelligence reported a konoha army arriving at quarters of tanzaku.

At the intelligence Roshi who was in charge of the whole army immediately called for an emergency meeting.

They were planning to infiltrate deep into land of fire tonight but the sudden arrival of konoha army destroyed the plans completely.

"We made sure to not be found out, just how did konoha learn about this?"

The jonin at the news were equally bewildered, how can this be possible as they made sure to not to be found out, sensory shinobi were looking for anyone to be spying on them all the time so how then?

Naturally Iwagakure couldn't imagine a jutsu like Izanagi, to them according to the intelligence given by Han everyone who saw him outside Amegakure was killed.

Danzo was erased from existence with the Bijudama, Han couldn't be more sure of successfully killing him.

But Danzo lived and told the news of his Iwa squad outside Amegakure, resulting in konoha guessing their plan.

(Two chapters today, I'll upload the second within an hour)

Chapters ahead on p@treon.com/Gojo6666.