
Konoha Exiles

Uzumaki Naruto is exiled after bringing the Uchiha back. Reunited with a childhood friend, the pair embark on a journey of discovery that will eventually bring them back to Konoha. NarutoxHinata later chapters OCOC

Leo_Chen_0529 · Action
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Chapter 7

Kwai's Mountaintop

Three Months later…

Naruto jumped from branch to branch. The simulation chamber was awesome in his mind. It was a room that with several powerful spells could be made to look like anywhere and actually be interactive. Solid illusions and golems that with special henge's on them could look like people.

The months of long daily training were paying off. Naruto felt physically stronger than ever before. His baby fat had melted off with the workouts, and he found out about muscles he never knew about as they seized up on him.

Master Kwai was a taskmaster while training them, but after the day ended and they were gathered around for dinner and tea, the old man reminded him of Sarutobi ojiisan in so many ways. Naruto found out that Kwai was a pervert that read those damned orange books he'd seen Kakashi reading all the time.

Trying to get them away from the old monk became an obsession for Naruto who shanghaied Micahamaru into helping him as well.

The result was both boys turning it into training, that while they never managed to get the book, their attempts kept the old monk from reading them except in the safety of his room after that.

Naruto learned several taijutsu styles under Master Kwai who would actually explain moves to him and how to build new styles his own off those he was learning.

Naruto loved the kung-fu style as a great starting point and while Master Kwai would use his speed to keep from getting hit, he only would flick or tap Naruto when he did hit him.

Mica, Naruto was happy to see while better than him, still couldn't hit the shaolin monk either.

Naruto had taken to reading in Master Kwai's library at night. he'd studied several ninjutsu scrolls and copied them with Kwai's blessing. The old man told him he could copy them all if he wished, but Kwai reminded him that Kyuubi didn't want him learning them right now.

"I know that." Naruto responded. "But for later."

At night Mica would sit out in Master Kwai's garden playing a beautiful flute. Naruto asked him what the flute was made of.

"Dragon bone." Mica told him as he looked at the flute in his hands.

Mica had told him of the wind dragon in his family tree. How Mica had gained abilities from being descended from the dragon. "I heal quick, I have more stamina. My children if I have any will have my kekkei genkai of the wind."

Naruto took it in and understood that should he have children, they would get one from the Kyuubi.

He'd learned from Master Kwai's library that all Kekkei Genkai originated from low level demons. The Byakugan came from the Eagles. The Sharingan he learned had come from a low level daemon, a winged monkey.

"Monkey see, monkey do kit." The Kyuubi had said in the back of his mind.

He'd learned that summons were low level daemons as they were called.

Naruto shook his head leaping to another branch seconds before someone landed where he'd been seconds before, forcing him from his thoughts. He turned and saw Master Kwai standing on the branch where he'd been holding his bokken and Naruto knew he'd just managed to avoid getting hit if the crackling of lightening was any indication. The bokken's sported lightening runes on them that would give a light shock upon contact.

Light shock my ass. Naruto thought. Master Kwai's bokken can knockout Gamabunta with a tap. He thought as he studied the old man.

"Hey Kwai ojiisan." He greeted his teacher.

"Naruto-san." The shaolin monk said. he was dressed as if for battle and in ways taking on Mica and Naruto was a battle.

"You and Mica-san got separated by the log trap at the river." He said.

"Hai. But we talked about meeting up further ahead, taking two different paths."

"And weakening your chances." Kwai said bringing the bokken up above his head with the tip pointing straight up.

Naruto swallowed. The old man was damn good at this. He knew in the past three months he'd gotten better, but not enough to win a drawn out battle with the old man. The only time they even pushed him back was when they double teamed him.

"Hai, but then again, are you over confident ojiisan?" Naruto asked and leapt. His bokken connected with the old man's and he landed on the branch forcing chakra into his feet to stick to the branch.

The past three months of control exercises had helped him greatly. He no longer struggled with it. Mica worked with him constantly that first month. Water walking and tree climbing, then fighting while using his feet to stick to the tree trunk. The falls had landed him in the water below, but it was a good and safe way to learn.

The weight seals helped him build up strength and speed. Naruto backflipped away from a bokken swipe and landed so he was off the trunk now and he leapt again his bokken striking Kwai's three times.

"Better Naruto-san." Kwai said and after blocking he used an uppercut swipe. Naruto managed to lean back, but Kwai reminded him that he had feet as he swept Naruto's out from under him.

Naruto hit the branch and rolled off falling several feet to the next one below.

He landed in a crouch and looked up and managed to bring his bokken up to block as Kwai had followed him down with a downward slash.

Naruto could heard the lightening jutsu's crackle as they impacted, and light sparks arced along the wooden surfaces.

"Good, good." Kwai said with a chuckle as he tried to hit Naruto with a nerve strike with his free hand, but Naruto blocked it and shoved the old man back.

Kwai smiled. "Yes. Now attack me." He ordered and Naruto needed no prompting as he sent a flurry of strikes and lunges that actually had Kwai take a step back.


Both looked up to see Mica descending like a hawk, his bokken before him and he swooped down, missing Kwai by a hairs breadth.

"Hey 'Ruto." Mica said as he took his own stance on the side of the branch. The sword aimed at Kwai in an overhead pose and his left hand before him.

"About time you showed up." Naruto said taking his own stance with the bokken pointed at the ground and near his left hip. Naruto adjusted his footing. "What kept you?"

"Kwai-senpai had left a few traps I had to work around." Mica said.

Both boys looked at one another out of the corners of their eyes and Kwai took his stance with his bokken over his head pointing towards the sky.

Without words the three were in motion, the sound of the wooden bokkens laced with lightening clashed together. Naruto led off while Mica feinted then followed Naruto's attack a second later. The pair had discussed tactics and had practiced on Tuesday's when Master Kwai would leave for his weekly shogi in the village using Naruto's kage bunshin's to work on their teamwork.

Mica blocked an attack from Kwai and Naruto leapt over him to try a downward strike, but Kwai moved and Naruto missed.

"Your teamwork is exceptional." Kwai said as he blocked one then another attack and he kicked Mica back before flipping to a higher branch.

"I am proud of you both. In three months of work you two have become a great team."

"Says the man we can't even hit." Naruto grumbled using the space that Kwai made to catch his breath.

"Kwai's had a millennia to master his skills Kit. I would be surprised if the Sannin could hit him." Kyuubi said in his mind.

"We'll get him yet Naruto." Mica panted next to him. the silver haired teen had worked side by side with Naruto since that first day. They reaffirmed their friendship and bonds and Naruto realized how much he had missed the golden eyed youth. He realized what he had with team 7 had been nothing but a pale shadow.

"Scissor on three." Mica said.

Naruto nodded and prepared to move when Kwai held up a hand.

"We have visitors on the mountain." He said. his eyes unfocused. "Both of you go and wash up…you stink. Then come to the courtyard." Kwai said and vanished.

"I really need to learn how to do that." Naruto grumbled. "Teleporting around has walking beat."

Mica grunted and then smirked. "Hold on." He smirked and Naruto felt the air surround them and they were lifted into the air. "Flying is cool too." Naruto said and they yelled as they zipped away at a very fast pace, the air around them speeding them along.

They found Master Kwai speaking with an old man they recognized from their weekly trips to the village.

"They came out of nowhere. They took the women and children and took the crops."

Kwai looked over his shoulder at the two young men.

"We've got to help them." Naruto said.

"Hai." Kwai said. "Pack for a mission. Use the storage scrolls and be ready in five minutes." He told them. Both Naruto and Mica wasted no time as they moved towards their rooms with speed that would have made Maito Gai and his apprentice Rock Lee envious.

Kwai looked at the old man. "We will bring the women and children back old friend." He assured him.

"Thank you Kwai. I wouldn't ask, but most of the men are badly injured. The bandits came in quickly and without warning."

Mica and Naruto were back both outfitted for a mission. "Master Kwai?" Naruto asked.

"The bandits are heading down river. I will be going to the village to heal those that need it. Your mission is to rescue the women and children, and if possible bring the crops back as well."

Both boys nodded. "Use these." Kwai said and motioned. A pair of slender swords appeared in his hands. Mica took one and slung it over his shoulder. Naruto took the other slowly and then at the old man.

"You both are ready for this. I believe in you both."

Naruto slipped the strap over his head and shoulder. "Pick up their trail outside the village and follow them…and boys."

Both Mica and Naruto paused at the temple entrance. "No need for prisoners or survivors." Kwai said.

Naruto swallowed. He hated the thought of killing, but Mica had pointed out to him that it was a part of a ninja's life.

"You don't have to like it Naruto, but you can't allow everyone you cross to live. A live enemy is a danger to you, and all you hold precious."

Naruto nodded to Master Kwai in understanding and raced after Mica. Once they were near the edge of the mountaintop, Mica smirked and leapt off, the air surrounding him and carrying him along. Naruto joined him and swallowed. "Just don't drop me." He told his best friend.

"Never." Mica said, his gold eyes focusing on the ground below and they reached the bottom of the mountain in no time and reached the decimated village in no time. They had no trouble finding the trail of the bandits and they set off in a two man pursuit position, with Mica on point and Naruto to his right and a pace behind.

Mica kept a hand on the sword on his back, his left hand free, and Naruto knew that there would be bloodshed.

"Kit, they harmed innocent women and children. They left a village in wreck." Kyuubi said in the back of his mind. "This needs to be done."

I know Kyu. But I still don't like the idea of killing. Wounding them is fine…

"And if they manage to find a skilled healer they'll be back in action doing it again. Their kind never learns kit." Kyuubi said.

In the three months since he began learning from Kwai, Kyuubi or Kyu as Naruto now called him had become like an uncle to him. At night Kyu would teach him fighting styles and chakra manipulations, while not telling him more about Zate-nin, but just talking. They played go in Naruto's head and Naruto found that the fox had a sense of humor. They designed several pranks that could be used in battle as a distraction.

Kyu had also taught Naruto how to hide, a chameleon seal now allowed Naruto to blend in with his surroundings as if becoming invisible.

Kyu also taught him how to conjure kit-fire. While it wouldn't burn it could be used as a distraction, or to outline a target. The purple and orange flames while couldn't burn did have heat to them. Naruto spent many nights in his mind learning how to summon and conjure the kit-fire without hand signs and could now summon it on will like a regular Kitsune.

"We're doing this to protect women and children kit. The villagers at the mountain accepted you, even when Kwai told them what you contained. They are worthy of your protection. Of our protection."

"Hai." Naruto muttered out loud while racing along.

He saw Mica make a hand sign, the pair had started using their old sign language from when they were younger and it worked great at being a ninja. Naruto slowed and they saw that the bandits were stopped ahead.

"Let's get 'em" Kyuubi's voice sounded in his mind.

Mica looked on his gold eyes scanning the clearing.

//They have minimal guards, and no patrols.// Mica hand signals spoke.

//Kyu says we get 'em and…// Naruto's hands paused.

//If you wish, I will take care of them. You can wound, I'll end them.// Mica hand signs told Naruto and his eyes let Naruto he understood about his thoughts of killing.

//No. I…I need to do this.// Naruto signed back.

//Okay. Attack pattern delta, go low, I'll take high.// Mica signed back drawing the sword Kwai had given him. (Think Blade's sword)

Naruto pulled his own blade (think Arwen's sword from LOTR) and nodded at the slightly curved blade and saw there were runes on it, but didn't understand them

"Let's go." Mica whispered and gathering the wind around him he was airborne. Naruto tapped the chameleon seal he'd tattooed on the back of his wrist and vanished, a slight shimmer of the air was the only indication he'd moved. (think the predator's cloaking ability if you need an image).

The bandit camp wouldn't know what hit them.

A/N: Please Support Me On patreon.com/The_Alchemyst