
Konoha Exiles

Uzumaki Naruto is exiled after bringing the Uchiha back. Reunited with a childhood friend, the pair embark on a journey of discovery that will eventually bring them back to Konoha. NarutoxHinata later chapters OCOC

Leo_Chen_0529 · Action
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

The sun was rising and Naruto looked to Micahamaru.

"Now why couldn't we find this Sensei of yours yesterday?" the blond jinchuriki asked.

"He was in the village at the base of the mountain. It was Tuesday, he plays Shogi on Tuesday."

Naruto face planted to the ground hearing that. "WHAT!?!"

Micahamaru laughed at his friend's yell. "Calm down. He'll be back in a bit."

Mica sighed and looked at Naruto. Since yesterday, the blond was a bundle of nervous energy. He told Micahamaru of his meeting with the Kyuubi.


"Welcome back brat!"

Naruto spun around and realized he'd drifted into the back of his own mind in meditation. "What the hell?"

"You act like you don't want to see me. I'm crushed." The pair of glowing red eyes glared down at Naruto from behind the cage and seal.

"Maybe because I don't want to see you fuzz ball." Naruto said.

"So insolent. You know who I am, and you still act like a hairless monkey your ancestors are descended from." The Kyuubi said.

Naruto realized that this was different than the last time. The Kyuubi was acting different.

"Confused brat?"

Naruto could tell the Kyuubi was actually laughing at him, but he remembered Mica's warning. 'Please, be respectful.' And Naruto bit back the dozen of taunts that he could hurl. He settled for nodding.

"Your not as stupid as I first feared." The Kyuubi admitted. Movement could be heard and Naruto that the Kyuubi was laying down in the cage. Slowly he walked towards it and stopped before the bars.

"No threats? No promises of death?" Naruto asked confused.

A snort from behind the bars and in the shadows was heard. "No kit. I woke up cranky and was still confused from the genjutsu I had been under when I attacked the Leaf village." A deep sigh could be heard and Naruto leaned against the bars.

"Before that, I knew Minato. He was honorable. Respected in the realm of summons. Even while I struggled to break the spell on me, he delayed as long as he could before he pulled out calling upon the shinigami."

Naruto could hear the sadness in the fox demon's voice. "Did you know even when he was sealing me, and putting my spirit into hibernation, he apologized. To not only you for what he was doing, but to me as well. He wept."

"Um…Kyu-san?" Naruto asked, not sure if the honorific was correct. He barely used them on people like Ojii-san and he'd been the third Hokage.

"What kit?"

"Why are you acting different?"

Silence filled the cage and Naruto was thinking of asking again when the Kyuubi spoke. "I'm old kit. I've seen civilizations rise and fall. I've seen the birth and extinction of races. I'm never going to have a family of my own. My body was destroyed when I was sealed inside you."

Naruto listened as Mica suggested he do. He wasn't sure what to say anyways and so he listened.

"When I woke up during your mission when you thought your teammate had been killed, I wasn't fully awake. When you showed up demanding chakra I still wasn't fully awake." The Nine Tailed Fox demon explained. "And like some people, I woke up cranky. It took me time to regain my full memories and look upon yours. When that child who stank of snakes rammed that lighting attack into your chest…" Kyuubi sighed.

"I felt fear for the first time in a millennia."

"You thought you were going to die." Naruto said.

"No kit. It wasn't for me I felt fear. It was for you. During your battle you did something that hasn't been seen in a long time. Your friend with you now has the same potential. I saw that potential nearly wasted for a spoiled child having a delusion of grandeur."

Naruto wasn't sure what to say.

"I'm tired kit. I'm using a lot of my own energy to rebuild your body. Your poor diet has stunted your growth. You should be as tall as your friend who smells of blood and wind."

"How do you know what Mica smells like?" Naruto asked.

A chuckle from the cell and Naruto sees the Kyuubi's eyes lock on him. "I can't control you kit, but I can enhance your senses and see what you see, know what you know. The seal works both ways. You get my chakra, and you were supposed to be able to tap into my knowledge, but that time passed."

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked.

Another sigh (gee the great fox demon does that a lot it seems), "While I slept, you were supposed to know what I know. My vast knowledge of jutsu's was supposed to be absorbed by you."

Naruto shrugged. "Don't look at me. The only one I think who would know would be Ojiisan, but he's dead and now, I'm exiled from Konoha and I doubt Obaa-chan or Ero-sannin would give that kind of information to me."

"Hmmm." Kyuubi said. "Hey kit."

"Yeah?" Naruto answered.

"Your friend. The silver haired one."

"Micahamaru? What about him?" Naruto asked.

"Ask him why he smells of dragons?" The Kyuubi asked.

Naruto was confused but felt himself leaving his mind. He wondered what the Kyuubi meant by that…well that and why the fox kept calling him Kit?

(End Flashback)

"Relax 'Ruto." Mica said.

Naruto saw his friend was resting against a tree.

"How come we have to wait here? Can't we wait at this Kwai's house?" Naruto asked.

Naruto had asked Mica about what the Kyuubi has said and asked. Mica said Kwai would explain and insisted Naruto remain patient till then.

"Because Kwai has his home under the same spell as the mountain. And only he can allow access." Mica explained.

"Well what if he's in there and we have to wait days?" Naruto asked sitting down next to his friend.

"Then we wait days." Mica said with a smirk. He knew Naruto had a hard time sitting still. It came from the boundless energy the blond had, and that back in Konoha, a still Naruto usually ended up a beaten down Naruto.

"Now Mica-san, there is no need to tease your friend so. You know I've been sitting here watching you meditate since the sun rose above the horizon."

Naruto jumped to his feet, a kunai appearing in each hand in a relaxed guard position.

Mica chuckled as he rose to his feet and turned. There sitting on a tree branch was an elderly man in bright orange and red robes, a shaven head with fuzzy white eyebrows and a long mustache and goatee. (Think Mako with Pei-Mai features from Kill Bill).

"Master Kwai." Mica said bowing to the man relaxing above him.

Kwai bowed his head and his dark eyes focusing on Naruto. "You return, and brought your friend like you promised."

"Hai. Master Kwai allow me to present Uzumaki Naruto formerly of Konohagakure the Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune, and my brother in all but blood." Mica said continuing to bow.

"Er…Hi." Naruto said waving to the Shaolin who was still relaxing above them. "Nice robes."

Mica snorted and looked at his friend.

"What? They're a good color." Naruto defended himself.

Mica shook his head and above them Kwai chuckled. "Thank you Naruto-san. Your jumpsuit is of fine coloration for you as well."

Naruto smiled widely at that.

"Dude, that so sucks. Your clothes scream 'Here I am, Kill me now!' I swear you two must be color blind." Mica said.

An acorn smacked him in the forehead and he glared at the monk who was looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Coming from you, that is a compliment." Kwai admonished. "Now, I believe we have much to discuss, and as I am an old man, we shall do so over tea."

Naruto didn't see him move but the old man was gone. When he looked around he saw him standing before a gate that wasn't there before.


Micahamaru sighed. (Seems a lot of people do that around Naruto…frequently)

"Time skipped remember. And I'm sure he'll show you how he moves that quick. Don't fall for his old man performance. He could whip both of us and sip his damn tea while doing it."

"Hardly Mica-san."

Both boys jumped as Kwai appeared between them. "I would never endanger my tea set while demonstrating your continuing lack of manners. Now this way boys, and remember, while this is my home, it was at one time a temple, so show respect."

He vanished again and Naruto looked at his friend who motioned and together they passed thru the gates.


Tsunade looked at the gathered Jonin. "And the news?" she asked.

"Many people are upset you had the council executed for what they did." Iruka said from where he was working Shizune's desk.

"Gai, how is your team?" Tsunade asked.

Maito Gai was not his usual loud self. Recent events had dimmed his passion for the village he called home.

"Lee is training after his surgery, TenTen is making sure he isn't pushing too hard past your orders." He looked at the Hokage. "Neji as you and Lady Shizune know has woken and should be up by the end of the week. Team 9 should be ready in two…three weeks for active duty." Gai said in a subdued tone.

Tsunade nodded. "Asuma?" she asked looking at the smoking Jonin. Her sensei's son pulled his cigarette out and looked towards Shikamaru and Ino. "Choji will be out of action for at least a month…maybe two. His using all three food pills did a number on his body and his father has informed me that any rush and it could kill him. Shikamaru as you know is recovered enough for light duty, and Ino needs more training after recent events. Team 8 is out of action." He concluded.

"Kurenai?" Tsunade asked.

"Kiba and Akamaru will be down indefinite amount of time. While Kiba will be ready to return to duty in a week, Akamaru I am told by Kiba's mother won't be able to do anything for two months minimum."

The Jonin of Team 10 was frustrated. "Shino is ready for active duty after spending time with his clan and rebuilding his hive." She looked at the bug user who nodded silently at his sensei's evaluation.

"I have not seen Hinata since the revelation about Uzumaki…"

"I know where Hinata is." Tsunade said cutting her off. "She is undergoing specialized training with a…new jutsu Shizune and I taught her."

Kurenai bowed her head, but the worry on her face told the Hokage she would have to reveal recent events with the Hyuga heiress soon.

"Now I need to re…"

"Lady Tsunade."

Everyone turned to see Kakashi Hatake standing at the back of the room. His one eye looked haggard, his clothes looked like he'd slept in them for several days straight. His hair was hanging low.

"Yes Hatake."

"Team 7…"

"Is out of commission." The Hokage cut him off. "Sauske should he awaken will be on trial for abandoning the village."

"He was under a lot of pressure. Surely you can show him lenience." Kakashi said.

"Tell me Hatake, what of your other students?" she demanded.

"Well, Sakura has been at Sauske's side….and its sad about Naruto, but I'm sure he'll land on his feet…"

The killing intent washed over the room and Tsunade glared at the silver haired Jonin. "I revise my judgment."

"Of course. Once Sauske recovers…" Kakashi was saying.

"Team 7 isn't out of commission." Tsunade said cutting him off. "As of right now Team 7 is disbanded. Inform Haruno that she is to report to the academy. She will be working with the seven year olds in class 410."

"B-But, Lady Tsunade, be reasonable." Kakashi said.

"Reasonable? Your lucky I don't demote you to chunin Kakashi. You never taught, you favored the Uchiha. As of right now you are on probation, and you will be reporting to Kenshin at the armory."

Gai, Kurenai and Asuma looked at Kakashi sadly. They had warned him in the past that this could happen for his favoritism.

"B-But I need to train Sauske. The Council…" the copy-nin stuttered.

"THE COUNCIL DOESN'T EXIST ANYMORE!" Tsunade roared. "They had no business in military affairs to begin with. My grandfather and uncle would be sickened at what they have done to this village."

Tsunade took a moment to compose herself. "Now as I was saying. I'm going to reshuffle the teams a bit. Kurenai, you will be taking Ino and Shikamaru on your team. Asuma, I'm going to need you to step up and work with some of the patrols…"

"What about Hinata?"

"She's going to be on special assignment for some time Kurenai. It is vital she isn't disturbed for now." Tsunade said.

The truth was she was concerned about the Vengeance spirit that was sharing Hinata's body. The scroll had vanished after Hinata had signed it, preventing Tsunade from seeing what could be done about the spirit.

"Gai, I need you to work with your team when they are up and running. Until then, I'm going to add you to the patrols as well."

Tsunade thought a moment. She was about to speak when the door banged open and Shizune raced in. she looked frazzled.

"Shizune…what is it? Aren't you supposed to be with Hinata?" Tsunade asked seeing her apprentice and friend in such a state.

"L-Lady T-Tsunade…Hinata…" Shizune was gasping for breath. "Hinata woke up…"

"Well that was quicker than I thought." The Hokage muttered.

"Well that's good news, but…"

"No." Shizune cut her off. "She woke up and is going to kill Sauske."

Tsunade looked up seeing Kakashi vanish with a shunshin.

"Damn." The fifth Hokage swore pulling the same move leaving a room full of nin with a ton of questions.

Konoha Hospital

Sakura had been watching over Sauske for the last several days. She would check his chart and would take a moist rag and wipe his brow.

Damn that Naruto. Look what he did to Sauske-kun. Sakura thought as she studied her crush.

Kakashi had left to go to a meeting, but Sakura didn't care. She only focused on the raven haired youth before her.

She'd been so lost in thought that she didn't hear the door open behind her.

"Hello Haruno."

Sakura spun around at the hollow feminine voice. Her green eyes locked on the pure black eyes of Hinata. Where they would normally be white, they were of the deepest black.

A black cloak hung around her body, it moved as if blown by a breeze.

"H-H-Hinta?" Sakura asked in surprise. "H-Have you come to see how Sauske-kun is doing?"

The cold laugh sent a chill up Sakura's spine.

"I haven't come to see him Haruno. I've come to enact Vengeance. Sauske Uchiha's judgment day is at hand."

"W-What do you mean? Sauske hasn't done anything wrong." Sakura said standing up and putting herself between the coma patient Sauske, and Hinata who was acting very strange.

"Leave Hinata." Sakura demanded.

Another laugh. "Kukukukuku. Isn't this rich. Know this little girl. It doesn't matter if you're a king or a street sweeper, sooner or later you visit the reaper. Vengeance has been called forth."

The black Byakugun eyes turned to the unconscious body of the Uchiha. "Sauske Uchiha, your soul is stained with corruption and sin. Hatred and greed have been your maker, now your end is here."

Sakura's eyes widened as Hinata turned her eyes upon her. Hinata's skin looked bone white. She braced herself, unsure of what to make of the once quiet and stuttering girl. "Move child, or you shall share his fate."

Sakura saw the Gentle Fist stance of the Juken, and Sakura was unarmed and between what she could think of as heaven and hell.

A/N: Please Support Me On patreon.com/The_Alchemyst