
Konoha's White Wolf

So basically, MC reincarnates as a civilian in Naruto world to find himself and strive to be strongest without any op cliche wishes. • MC looks like Merlin from FATE • Personality : Gentle and calm • OC x Ino shipping English is not my first language so grammar Nazis please have some mercy.As I promised earlier guys the book cover art is drawn by yours truly!

Crimsoneyes · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

1. Reborn (Edited)

A calm and gentle soul roams in dark void waiting for the upcoming judgement while the waiting becomes longing still the wait continues.

While all this is happening the creator observers' the soul patiently, testing the soul's patience itself. After few moments of the creator while too many for the soul, the creator decides to appear in front of the soul.

He asks gently, "how are you my child? Have I wasted too much of your time?" again testing his patience.

The soul replies,"I am fine good sir. Who might you be? How may I address you?"

The creator smiles and answered its question," You can call me father or mother or both at times, I am everything while nothing, I am everywhere but nowhere.

The soul continues,"So you are GOD?" "Am I right?"

The Creator now referred as GOD by the soul answered," Yes you may call me GOD in a way."

The soul asks again," So what is my judgement?" "what will happen to me?" "Will I perish?" "Or reincarnate in the materialistic world?" "Or pass on into nothingness?"

The creator answered," You are very curious one, aren't you?" "But yes you will be reincarnated, because for you to pass on you will need to fulfill your karmic desires, you still have too many desires and ambitions to continue, so you will incarnate but in your desired world so then you can finally pass on by fulfilling the remaining desires."

The soul then remembers all the desires that it wishes to fulfill.

Then GOD (now referred) asks the soul, "What is your desire, what do you want to fulfill? "(even though he knows.)

The soul then answered," I want to visit and live in the fictional world called Naruto and strive to be strongest and have family of my own to call."

The GOD asks, "Why so? You lived well enough in the previous life, you had your family to call, though not married but still, being born with high IQ and rich parents, you had everything you desired, why Naruto world?"

The soul soberly replies," I indeed had pretty prosperous family but they had no time or desire to spare on me, they just used to show me around as their genius kid and took my existence for granted, though I lived only 27 years of my life due to my weak body condition, I hadn't experienced any kind of love, also being an intelligent kid I was isolated from the kids of my age and older kids ignored me for my gift so during that period used to watch anime and particularly grew up watching Naruto and found him very inspiring in my own way as he struggles through his own life being isolated, I kind of related him to myself, though he went through much bigger sufferings than me while I grew up in comfort that he had no luxury for, even though he persevered and made his own life through struggle and hard work, I found that inspiring and so I wish to experience the joys of friendship that I never had in my previous life so I want live in Naruto world to challenge myself and find new bonds to cherish in my life."

The GOD,"hmm well enough reasoning so what wish do you want? Special blessings? Power?"

The soul," No Sir, thank you though for asking, I want to be myself and to strive through my own struggles, so thank you."

The GOD,"hmm OK, as you wish."(though he is impressed doesn't show it.)

As soon as the words leave the mouth, he finds darkness to awake, what he doesn't know that GOD has indeed very high expectation from him given his brilliance that he had shown in his previous world and GOD awaits to see what waves he creates with it in Naruto world.

I'll try my best to write an amazing fanfic so please support me and suggest your thoughts on very first chapter in comments below. Looking forward to some nice criticisim. Thanks for reading

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