
Konoha's Blue dragon.

A young man wakes up one day to discover himself thrown into the world of naruto without any warning. Witness his journey as he struggles to Survive and make a name for himself in the world of Shinobi. What to expect: Pragmatic Mc Learning and growing in wisdom Op Mc. Note:The story is set to be 11 years before canon. Disclaimer:This work of fiction is for entertainment only. Naruto and Naruto Shippuden belongs to kishimoto.

RenagadeImmortal04 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

10.Chakra Affinity revealed



(Authors Note)

★★★★ ★★★★

Ken and Gai meanwhile go to training ground three after the hokages dismissal for Gai had revealed that he wanted to gift something to ken.

'Man, I would be so lucky if Gai taught me the Eight Gates right now,who am I kidding my body's too weak to withstand the opening of the first gate even if he taught to it me', Ken ruefully reminded himself of his limitations.

'Though I wonder what he's going to give me as a gift, Oh fuck No!!,he must be planning on making me wear that green monstrosity of a body suit that lee wore, I'd rather go and surrender myself to danzo than wear that clown suit'

A shuddering ken remembered Rock Lee's first appearance in the anime.

"Ken!,ken! snap out of it boy".

Ken was literally shook out of his reverie by might gai.

"Huh, Oh sensei I was thinking about what your gift was going to be".

"Haha, No need to ponder upon what my gift is when you can look at it right now"

Saying so might Gai took out a blue inner compression suit and gave it to ken.

Ken took a hold of it and found the material resembling that of a mesh suit while being moderately heavier.

"Is this my gift sensei,looks expensive"

"Looking good is not the only thing it does kiddo,Insert some of your chakra into it",Instructed Gai.

Ken did as he was told and found the suit getting heavier as it did so.

"Woah, Sensei this has seals in it, Thanks a lot,My old weights were getting close to being obsolete by now"

"Haha,The seals incscribed on it have a maximum upper limit of upto 5 tons and it affects your whole body too, Nice isn't it".

Ken was too excited hearing 5 tons he wore the suit while removing his currebt clothing in a jiify.

"With this,training is going to be much more efficient, I truly can't thank you enough sensei".

"This is a gift for the hard work and Youth you have shown my student".

"Now that we've gotten past the gift giving, We must find your chakra affinity". Saying so Gai took out a strip of paper and handed it over to ken.

"This strip of paper my boy tests your chakra affinity, There are mainly 7 types of affinities;

Fire,Water,Wind,Earth,Lightning,Yin and finally Yang."

"Instill your chakra into the paper and if it splits into two you have wind,

If it crumbles into dust then Earth,

If it gets soaked then water, Getting wrinkles means lightning, If it turns to ashes then fire and finally the paper turns black for yin and remains the same for yang"

Ken nodding along to Gais introduction to the chakra affinity paper and pours chakra into it and finds one third of the paper getting soaked,the other splits in two and the last part turns Bright white.

"Ooh,This is interesting".Mumurs an intrigued Gai.

"Whats interesting sensei?"

"You have quite the affinity for yang release as the paper turned extra bright when exposed to your chakra".

"Is it that rare to have a yang affinity sensei".

"Not really, the akimichi clan members have yang release but it is surprising to find a non clan shinobi with yang affinity"

"I may be able to help you in regards to your third affinity as my signature technique correlates to it, But I won't teach you right now as you are not ready yet, You may want to start a new training regime atleast five times tougher than your old one if you want access to it".

Ken excited at the prospect of learning the eight gates after Gais reveal complies.

Meanwhile Ken internally thinks,'Water and wind huh, Nice I can master the rasengan and even create ice release, Not to mention water affinity itself is an underrated one, All the possibilities of creating new water style ninjutsu is making me giddy with excitement'.

"Yosh,My dear disciple it has been a rather long day and we shall embark on a mission starting tommorow."

"Yes, Sensei I'll see you tommorow"

Ken reaches his house and sits in his living room contemplating his next course of action.

'My first priority should be acquiring water style ninjutsu for defence,Wind style for offence and find any jutsu for body reinforcement correlating to yang release and if there arent any procure knowledge and create one'.

Sarutobi Hiruzen Pov:

Ken's affinity reveal was being monitored by Hiruzen through his peeking ball as the old monkey was quite curious about his results.

'The kid's got quite the nice combo, Yang release for his taijutsu and water and wind release for ninjutsu and if the kids talented enough he can even create ice release on his lonesome'.

'I still have sensei's notes on how to train in water release, I'll give it to him should he show an exemplary performance in his active duty as a ninja.'

Hiruzen mused to himself while taking a drag from his pipe.

Hiruzen thinks to himself while smoking, 'Undercurrents have started to affect us with the civilians slowly reacting to the rumours of the Uchiha clan being the preparators to the kyuubi rampage'.

'I have tried isolating them so that the tension between them and the civilians subside but it seems danzos hellbent on riling the masses up against the uchiha'

'The Uchiha's won't tolerate this for not much longer and I fear a coup may occur,Itachi is trying his level best to smoothen the tension between us but in the he is still a child, there is so much he can do'

'What do I do, I wish minato were still alive so I could just live out my life in retirement'.

Sighing hiruzen goes back his paperwork trying to forget his woes.

To be continued....


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