
Kokushibo In Jujutsu Kaisen

Cole takes a walk out of his home, on the night he happens to see someone gets robbed, he try to help, but ends up with getting himself killed, just as Cole thoughts starts drifting away, he meets a ROB. What happens after he meets this omnipotent being, to find start reading!!! Spoiler alert!!!!! (A) Yeah also it will have spoilers for the up coming stories in the Jujutsu Kaisen!!!!

Jojo_Dragon · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Chapter 7 Selected Fighters

It was an early morning in main residence of the Zenin clan. It was packed with people, filled with men, women and even children. 

In the hall there was a large ceremonial ground, at the sides there were hundreds of small seats and horigotatsus(1) with people sitting still and silent waiting for the ritual. In the end of the hall lied an old traditional wooden throne. At the throne, Naobito sat while drinking from his gourd bottle. 

After the mass of people finally settled down and started to whisper to each other.

"Look! Its the clan leader. He looks so handsome! Look, even Jinichi and Ogi are here." some women whispered to each other while as youngster pondered "Who do you think is stronger, Lord Naobito or master Ogi!", a man suddenly whispered to the young men "SHUSH! Dont you guys know what will happen if master Ogi hears about this! He will send you to the, disciplinary pit!" The boys looks were filled with horror and fear. "Why would master Ogi do something like that?"

He looked at them and let out a heavy sigh "Its because master Ogi had competed with his brothers for the seat, and lost to Naobito, which enraged him. So everyone who had mentioned anything about Naobito or the clan leader position has been sent to the Disciplinary Pit."

"But today is a big day as young master, Naoya is going to compete in the clan tournament. Yeah, I have also heard that also the six eyes kid from those bastard family is going to compete. Dont worry, I trust that young master Naoya will show him the taste of defeat. But have you guys heard, "That" kid will also compete with at the tournament." when the man heard that a shiver went through his body. This rumor started to spread quickly amongst the people here, as fire in a dry forest.

The image of that horrifying and disgusting apperance was still vivid to many peoples memories. It was not just men, but also the women and children. They had been horrified by Michikatsus apperance from when he was a baby. Some were traumatized, others had nightmares of him in their dreams, while the rest were just in horror and in fear by just being in his presence.

Many of the adults had been complaining of this and had asked for his exile or his execution. Many wanted him gone but there was an hindrance for this plan, The sorcerer killer Toji Zenin! 

When Naobito heard the mass start to talk loudly he started to rise up and roared out in the hall and a moment of silence had been created. He then followed with a clap and roared out "To every clan member here, welcome for the welcoming banquet for the young stars of our family. They shall go and fight for our families glory in this tournament. Let us welcome them!" with his full voice and started clapping, too which the other clan Zenins followed and started to clap also. 

The door slowly started to open and when it finally had opened completely, a figure of five kids were seen. 

"Let me Introduce these courageous young sorcerers! We have Fuki Zenin, she will be the oldest of the group and will lead these youthful children into victory. The next we have Agon Zenin, he is the grandson of our elite elder Chojuro so we can have high expectations of him in the tournament." Naobito roared out as the crowed clapped for the teen kids

"Next is Kuya Zenin....Next is Noaya Zenin my son, he will follow my footsteps and become stronger sorcerer!"

Naobito screamed with a smile to the other members of the clan as they gave him a big applause, but he quickly turned around and gave his son a cold side eye. 

Naobito quickly turned back and said calmly with no problem. 

"Last but not least we have Michikatsu Zenin, the adopted kid of Toji and one of our most promising youngsters for this tournament."

As Michikatsu slowly rose and made him known for everybody, no claps or applauds were said to him. The awkward silence quickly filled the room with a many of a clan. Naobito understood quickly that the others were still disgusted by Michikatsu's look. 

"Hem Hem! Well this are our fighters selected by me. So if u feel too question this, please stand up."

He turned around trying to catch sight of anyone rising up. After a quick moment of stillness, he smiled and pointed at all of the young selected fighters. 

"Now come here all of you!" 

They quickly came before him, uptight posture and looked stern into his eyes.

As Naobito saw their strong determination and will, he couldn't help but smile of how these guys future with their potential could be end. 

"You guys are our fighter, so remember that u represent the family of Zenin in the tournament. If you guys dont win that fine, but losing to the Gojo clan is not accepted. With the new six eyes kid as their only represent, he cant- no he mustn't win. We dont care of how you win, with group attacks, trap or poison thats not important. Just defeating him is is your main goal. Those old miserable men are getting more annoying as the days goes by. So if you fail at this task then u will be punished with forty eight hours in the disciplinary pit!"

As Naobito continued talking his voice got more and harsh and malicious. When he was doen he looked at them and screamed at their ears.

"Do you guys understand your goal?"

To which all the Teens looked at him and nodded with a reply. 

After the selection of the fighters, a celebration was casted where everyone drank and ate themself full. Everyone celebrated inside, while as Michikatsu was outside and immersed at the sight of the dark heaven filled with small lights.

His thoughts weren't about the sky, neither was it about the upcoming tournament, but instead about an other person, Satoru Gojo!

This is a character Michikatsu was most excited to fight, not because of Naobito's order, but from the news and the amount of things he has heard about about him. 

Even the hype of Gojo in earth was huge. Some called him one of the greatest side characters of fiction, others called him broken with his Limitless CT, while as the rest either made some very sexual jokes or putt their blood on him(HINTED AT YOU AZZY!!!).

But nevertheless his reputation and power is no joke, while as his humor was funny and unserious, which was one of the reasons Cole, former Michikatsu loved his character. 

"I am already this excited to see you so dont disappoint when i meet you Satoru Gojo!" 

After a silent and awkward moment passed, he couldnt help but feel ashamed for the words he said.

"He will probably wipe everyones ass in this tournament, if i am correct. I should at least try and make him notice me, so that there can come a chance of him befriending me. 

Michikatsu inwardly thought and went inside with a smile. 

1. Small japanese traditonal floor decks

This is prolly my worst chapter yet! I really apologise for u readers, as there may be some words that dont make sense due to i wrote them as how i useally do in texts. If you find any grammer or dumb flaws please do say. Though thanks for reading this chapter.

Creation is hard, cheer me up with those delicous gems!

Jojo_Dragoncreators' thoughts