
Knowing Your Name (BL)

(Rated R-18 for kinks from ch 14 and ahead. Read at your own risk) ‘Let’s get married when we grow up. This is a promise between you and me’ This was all Su’s memories retained of his childhood. This one sentence and the name of the alpha who died in the spatial rift that opened for the first time and Sentients appeared. An alien race far superior to Humans but sharing similar A/O/B dynamics. Ten years later, the earth had become interconnected fully with another realm far more powerful than itself. The peace is only in name while the earth is being conquered by beings far more powerful than them. The alphas and betas are used for fighting while the omegas are being used as slaves by the wealthy, only a few selected are lucky enough to survive these harsh conditions. But despite it all, Su managed to get away by posing as a beta. And then it all came down because of that one name. The name of the alpha who should have been dead but now stood in front of Su as the emperor of their oppressors. (Cover image not mine. Will be taken down if the original creator wants me to)

Mikuraji · LGBT+
Pas assez d’évaluations
24 Chs


For a civilization that was much more advanced than humans, Artheta surely felt primitive in its setting. The roads were paved but of natural tiles and even the buildings gave off a natural feeling.

It felt like a medieval city from one of those civilizations Su had learned about so long in school.

When the school had been a thing that taught human history and normal things rather than the forced syllabus of nowadays. The last time Su had been in school was more than 6 years ago and it had been nothing more than grooming to serve their masters.

It had broken a lot of people and they had ended up as slaves. Su had been one of the lucky ones who had been saved from the hellhole that was slavery.

This place gave off the feeling of that same dark time of earth and it made Su glad that he had decided to end it all by killing that oppressive emperor.

And maybe also find the source of those eyes he had seen the day before.

Su had tried the whole night but to no avail. The sun was also beginning to rise and Su needed to start heading back to Erwin. They only had this one day available to them after all.

But there was just one small problem there.

Su was lost and had no way of getting back to Erwin and their room. He had made sure to keep track of his placement and where he had been going but there must have been a mishap in-between.

And it had ended with Su being lost with no way out of this mess. Why did he think he could find the source of those eyes that haunted his memories?

"Oi boy, you seem to be lost. You looking for something?" Su tried not to flinch as he was asked the same question for the fifth time in an hour.

Was it that easy to tell that he was lost? At least it was not a young and active alpha coming onto him this time. The voice sounded rather old so it felt safe to answer.

"Ah yes. I'm looking for the way back toward the hotel district but the city is too big for me to be able to find it alone" Su answered once he confirmed that the speaker was an old beta.

The elder looked to be on his last breath, his skin too fragile and wrinkled by age. It softened Su's heart and made him adopt a gentle tone with the elder.

No matter the race, elders, and children were to be respected till they have given you a personal reason not to.

"A beta? Oh my! I certainly thought that you were an omega at first but it makes much more sense now. What kind of respected omega would go out in the dead of night without any protection. Anyway, you being a beta helps me out as well" Su felt his heart drop at the first words.

But it soon go back to normal as he heard those last words. His disguise had not been busted yet.

But he also felt curious about the kind of help the old man needed. Most people would have offered to tell Su directions instead of asking for help. It raised a few red flags in Su's head but not to the point of retreat.

Instead, it made him curious to check this out. He wanted to know more about this offer.

"I would be happy to help you out. What kind of help do you want? I have another friend I can bring in here for you if you need some serious help. He's a powerful alpha as well and-" Su felt something pass over him and he instantly stopped talking.

It had been magic that had brushed against him and Su could not help but freeze as soon as he came in contact with it.

"You will do nicely. You are sensitive to magic and I need someone like that for one of my experiments. In return, I can grant you something everyone in Artheta wants - a chance to cast their gaze upon the emperor" the alarm bells inside Su's head blazed into huge sirens.

There was no doubt about it, his secret was likely out. No one in their right mind would offer something like that.

Not in Artheta at least.

But Su was in a bind because of this offer. He wanted to reject the offer and even be offended that he had been asked such a thing but that would be akin to exploding himself.

No self-respecting Artheta's citizen would look such a gifted horse in the mouth. Not when they all were so crazy about their emperor.

"Ah, I would love to take up this opportunity if that's alright with you but I would need to inform my partner about this first. I'm sure you understand" Su patted himself on the back as the excuse flooded his mouth.

There was only one thing these people held in higher regard than their emperor - the bond between partners. If Su chose that as a reason to delay this mission then it would be better received.

"Ah, I see. If that is so then you may go back and ask. Still, think of this as a golden opportunity and do remember that this invitation is only for one. Here, this spell will help you contact me when needed and also guide you back" Su extended his hand to receive the mark on his arm.

It tingled, as all magic did when it came in contact with his skin and Su felt it wash over himself.

And then it was gone, as was the old man. All that was left was a mark on his arm and a tug into the opposite direction he had been going at.

"Finally back? Good. Now help me look over our preparations. We still need a way to be able to get inside the plaza once the ceremony starts. We have to find a way to swipe an invitation for us" Erwin looked relieved at seeing Su and for valid reasons.

The map marked various locations for them to be able to slip past a guard or two and get into the inner circle but they did not look solid.

An uneasiness seemed to spread through Su's inside as he looked over the plan in front of him and he instantly knew he had a better in than this.

"Erwin, I think I have a better way for me to be able to get in securely and without raising any flags" the confused look on Erwin's face gave way to offense and then to suspicion as Su spoke more and more about his encounter.

Erwin looked pissed off but even he knew that this was their only way in. Their mission was of the top priority and they were to even risk their lives for it.

"If you truly believe that this is the only way then I won't stop you. But do be careful. You are the only family I have left after all" It was the same for Su and that was what made his decision for him.

So he contacted that old man and did his experiment, hoping that the old man would keep his words.

He did not remember anything about what he did or what kind of experiment he had been forced to partake in but the old man did keep his words. The next day, Su stood in front of plaza gates with his invite clutched tightly in his hand.

Erwin stood at his side, his face not looking at Su but his face told of the displeasure he must have been feeling sending Su inside alone.

"Just one more day. One more day and it will all finally end" one way or the other, it was all bound to end this day.

Su entered the plaza with all the others and instantly felt the crown pull him all different ways.

There was also a massive build-up of magic right in the middle of the place and it was huge enough to give Su a massive headache. He felt sick just being in the general vicinity of that magical signature.

Su lifted his eyes to have a single look at the so-called emperor before he made his move and felt everything in his body stop at the sight of those familiar eyes.

They were blue rather than their striking golden hue in his memories, the shape was wrong as well. As well as the face, it was all wrong.

But it did not matter to Su at all. He felt the call as clear as the day he had first felt it and he knew who it was.

No one saw the shadow dashing past them till the guards in front of the emperor caught the intruder inches away from the emperor's form and then the panic began.

And the utterance of a name went unheard by everyone but the emperor himself.

"Ignis?" but it was too late and Su was knocked unconscious before he could say anything more.

I'll try for one chapter per day but no promises

Mikurajicreators' thoughts