
chapter two- pt.1

"hi there I'm razeil and I felt an connection that lead me to believe that you wanted to be with me," then leans in and whispers [flirtousliy] " can I ask you something Jamie?" Jamie responds blushing , " uhhh, y-yeah sure a-any thing y-you want." " I wonder why such a cute wolf boy would even love me?.." Raziel whispered attempting to try and sound innocent. Jamie responded quickly and ask "how did you know that I liked you??? (0///0)" "Jamie I am the angel of all knowing I know everyones secrets including you. *boops nose*" "w-well n-nice to meet y-you r-raziel ," jamie said while still blushing then a group of people come over looking all mean and frightening so Jamie asked Raziel to hide him once he transformed into his wolf form. Raziel said okay and hid him. sadly the group of people saw and approached Raziel and asked, "why do you protect such a weak creature???" Raziel answered right away and said, "I don't know kiba maybe it's because he is one of the strongest people that I have ever met." kiba scoffs,"pathetic." a large wave of anger came over Raziel and he grabbed kiba by his neck and lifted him into the air and said "don't you ever talk about my wolf boy like that ever again [smirks] unless you want everyone to know your embarrassing secret I bet everyone would hate to be around you after that now would they kiba." kiba answered in a quiet voice, "yes they would." in an mocking voice Raziel said, "I'm sorry kiba I couldn't here you." "I SAID THAT YES THEY WOULD!!!!" kiba shouted loud enough for the whole class to hear. "now be a good boy and go hang out with your selection partner kk bye. [waves bye as he walks away]"Raziel said in voice that sounded like someone talking to a puppy. the group was frightened after kiba left so they all just went to their partners too. Raziel turned around and said, "it's okay to come out now wolfy." "o-okay Raziel." [picks Jamie and kisses his nose then flys up and leaves the classroom]