
Knight Reaper: The lost Soul

"Those whom I loved were taken away from me, Nothing left for me. This war is for those who have gone, There is no need to agree. I once was a man with no worries but now I have nobody , I have nobody." The story of a man who was betrayed by his own kingdom now punishes those who bring evil. He travels around hiding his identity and meets a girl on his journey. [Things to be noted] 1. This is my first novel sooooo... please forgive me for some small errors. 2. This will have usually 1 chapter released each month, which are indeed going to be a little big, I will try not to make you feel bored. 3. Feel free to live any opinions as i will try to improve the story by them. Thank you and Enjoy!!

MadaraSiuu · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Start Of A Journey

The sky was turning black, the trees were moving to and fro, and the silence grew and grew.

"Hey, girl! Wake up already. You have been sleeping for the last 6 hours or so."

On hearing the voice, Mai slowly opened her eyes and started regaining consciousness. She looked around her in a state of confusion, and the next second she remembered everything.

"We are at Vinwise?" said Mai. On seeing the state of the town, she started crying. She cried loudly. Then she spoke loudly and said, "Father! Where is father?"

"Ah, that old man! He is all fine; I have kept him under my healing spell. He fought hard, and because of him, a lot of people survived. You should be proud of your dad." Said the man.

Mai got up and said to the man, "How did you know what had happened?"

"Oh, that... When you were left unconscious, I used my mind-reading magic to see what happened, and when I knew everything, I picked you up and used my speed magic to come here. It took me about a second or so."

Mai looked at him with a smile on her face and said, "Thank you!"

Mai: [By the way, what's your name? I forgot to ask.]

"It's Kenji. Many call me the Knight Reaper, Knight Eater, and other stuff."

Mai: [The Knight Reaper. I never heard of it.]

Kenji looked at Mai with an emotionless face, just like before. Mai got scared and quickly turned around and said, "Ca....can I meet Father?"

Kenji: [Yes, you can. He is resting with the others in the domain I created. Go inside it.]

Mai quickly rushed into the domain and saw her father there. She went and hugged him as quickly as she could.

"Mai!! It's you. I am so glad you are alive." said Mai's father in a calm voice.

Mai's father looked at Kenji and said, "Thank you so much. If it wasn't for you, we would all have been gone."

"It was nothing. After all, that guy was weak as hell," said Kenji.

Mai: [Father, what do you mean he saved you all?]

"I had run out of all my mana and was trying my best to stop those bandits from hurting any of the people of Vinwise. After all, those bandits were way stronger than me. Then suddenly Kenji showed up, used a level 6 spell, and turned every single one of the bandits into ashes. He then created a healing domain for all of us and helped those who survived."

Kenji: [It was nothing; I did what I had to do].

Mai's Father: [We are all grateful for what you did and will never forgive this. Thank You..]

Later, the people of the villages buried those who had died and showed their respect. Kenji also gave a hand and was in deep sorrow for all the innocent souls who lost their lives.

"It's all because of him," he said to himself.

Mai: [Who are you talking about?]

Kenji: [It's nothing].


"That grave over there is Mai's mother. She wanted to see Mai become a doctor who could help others. But I couldn't save her. I couldn't save the people who lost their lives. But you helped the villagers and saved the people of the village. We will all never forget this. You can stay in this village for as long as you want. That's the most we can do." said Mai's father.

Kenji: [Thank you, but I have a lot of things to do right now. But in the future, I will come here; that's a promise!]

Mai's Father: [For sure, we will welcome you anytime!]

After spending some time in the town, it was time for Kenji to take his leave. Everyone in the town came to say goodbye to Kenji. Just as Kenji was about to leave, he heard a voice from behind.

"Wait!! Why leave so early? You can spend some more time. Am I not right?" said Mai

Kenji looked at her and said, "I would love to do that, but if I stay here for long, that might cause you some trouble."

Mai: [But... We just met.] (in a low voice)

Mai's father came and said, "Kenji, listen. Why not take Mai with you on your journey? Even though she has graduated from her academy, she still needs to learn how to master her healing magic. If she goes with you, she can learn a lot!."

Mai looked at her father with a smile, hugged her, and said, "You are the best!"

Kenji took a deep breath, looked at the people of the village, and said, "Mai, go pack your bag. But do it fast; I won't wait for more than an hour."

Mai jumped in excitement and quickly rushed home to pack her back and thus the story of Mai and Kenji started.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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