
Knight's Journey in Westeros

This will be basic fanfic. meaning I won't stray too far from canon. Far enough but not too far. How far? Go and find out. Anyway my creative juices are at an all time low and decided to create a new fanfic in my alt email. I will be picking those up soon, but not at the moment. This will be fast pased but not too fast that I end up typing 'they fought like legends and then the MC won' no... uhk gross. The only thing legendary about that is how fast it was. There will be no magic on this one. I'll leave those shenanigans to the red priest and wood witches. This will be an OP MC, slapping bitches left and right. he won't be too good or too evil nor will he be a disgusting pig who wants to fuck every pussy he sees. Swords! Spears! Shields and Mailed Fist! Let your steel do the talking! Heavily inspired by 'A knight's tale'. As painful as reading that fanfic is due to the grammar, I still liked it.

Swordbringer · TV
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24 Chs

Chapter 6: The Aftermath

Excitement filled the air come morning. The people were more eager and even more competitive with one another.

Accompanied by this is the constant conversation that circled around everyone. The duel that occured just the day before.

Tywin stood just outside his tent and noticed that the hype of the duel had yet to die down through the night.

'If anything, it seemed as if they bottled it up through the night.'

He then turned to his son within the tent talking excitedly with the imp.

'His defeat had not hindered his growth. Instead he had grown eager to prove himself. That is good.'

Tywin is pleased with the current situation he found himself in. His son's reputation may have taken a big dip after his humiliating defeat. But the revelation of Arthas' true skill was enough for it to go over the heads of many a knight.

The common phrase about his son's defeat now centered on the words 'It is no wonder the boy lost'. Though the phrase tasted sour to him, he chose it over complete humiliation.

This salvaged reputation allowed Tywin to get the upper hand in the negotiation between him and Brynden 'Blackfish' Tully. Now he had the old knight sent back with an offer too enticing for the old fish not to bite.

'It helps that the boy looks too much like a Lannister.' Tywin thought.

Tywin laughed silently at the current development regarding his families savior.

'Whether he knew it or not.'

The 'unclaimed bastard' now has too many claimants. The Vale had forced Arryn to stake their claim and their proof was the winged crossguard of the Valyrian steel sword.

The Stormlander though were whispering of his Baratheon heritage, their proof is his strength and blue eyes. Of course despite those who listened, it is not said in the open due to the anger displayed by the Baratheon Lord once he got wind of it.

This trend is now followed with several other houses with their own excuses.

But the main people that took the head of the gossip is House Lannister and House Stark.

House Stark was said to have blonde haired relatives across the Narrow Sea. Those that refused to bend the knee to Aegon during the conquests and left to create The Company of Rose. And House Lannister due to his obvious features.

Of course there are those who knew that the first one was more of a gossip as no one had truly met the Starks across the Narrow Sea. If their lines even endured at all.

But the fact that Lyanna was heard to have been taught by Arthas himself gave credence to the rumors.

And that was what struck a bit of worry to Tywin.

'It had only been but a few days but it seems that the bond between the two is growing too fast too soon. I must act before it is too late.'

Minutes passed and Tywin grew impatient where he stood. He had sent his brother Kevan an hour ago and yet no outrider or messenger had come to inform him of the outcome of his invitation.

He had been specific with his words and he knew that Kevan knows how to carry out his wishes to the best of his capabilities. And yet worry stroke at his gut with each passing minute. And through the years of his aged life, he had learned to trust in himself more than any other.

It wasn't any longer before he saw Kevan riding straight to him and arrived looking both grim and weary which set alarm bells in his mind.

"Inside." Tywin said.

Once seated Kevan immediately spoke. "He was not there Tywin. His caretaker had said that the boy had left for the Northerners camp as early as dawn."

Tywin merely nodded as he tapped his finger at his desk. A clear sign he was thinking.

"Best I could give was your letter of invitation and then decided to take my leave." added Kevan.

"Did you confirm this claims?"

"Aye, I did. Runner saw the boy as he entered the Stark Tent."

"And my message and invitation."

"Exactly as you preferred it. Word per word."

"Good." Tywin nodded.

"I don't mean to infer but are you sure about this Tywin." asked Kevan which only received a questioning look from Tywin. "Your message was measured, conveying unspecified offers and not to mention, light. Would it not be better to be a bit more...forceful, to the boy. Get him moving in a certain direction if you will."

"Most likely in the opposite direction of what I had intended. No. The boy is sharp. Smarter than most. What makes him even more dangerous is his contrasting nature."

"Contrasting nature?"

"Too calm and calculating for a child. He doesn't respond well to threats, true. But he responds to them like a man grown, not what you would expect of a child. His actions can be forceful, but measured. And his brutality is not without reason. This are the traits that had me thinking if I should marry my daughter to the boy and make him my heir. But he I know he doesn't want that."

Kevan was stunned at his brother's words. Such praise to a boy. He had never heard his brother speak of anyone like that but Cregan Stark and The Hour of the Wolf. But his thought were taken once more as Tywin continued.

"He is eyeing the North. That much was obvious. But not for the Northern Princess, no. Not even for the Stark name. It took some thinking and only realized what he was looking for last night."

"And that would be?"



"Political Freedom. The North is united Kevan. Despite the grumblings of House Bolton, all are under the rule of House Stark. You will find no other house out there that openly follow their Great lord, not out of fear, duty or even greed, but of Loyalty. There are political strifes in between houses yes, but once a Stark steps in, it ends."

"That's why people know that to rule the North, you will need to have a Stark. As their saying goes, 'We Know no King but The King in the North whos name is Stark'."

A moment of silence allowed Kevan to digest his words until Tywin spoke once more.

"His caretaker, what do you make of her?"

"Lady Sif is as much as lady as any. If she isn't, I'd eat my sword."


"Her gait, straight but not overtly so. Showing confidence but not too proud. Her steps are measured. Trained or ingrained. Her words are careful, informative but not to the point of being overt. Conveyance comes clear in every word. Her tone is even and her knowledge in addressing matters were wide and varied. A highborn. No doubt about it. The only thing out of place is her strength. She hides it but not when her Lord's name is the one put into question, her loyalty is beyond question. A legacy she had vowed to follow or merely a means of service? That I do not know."


"You have an idea of who she is." Kevan asked.

"No, I don't. Not yet."

"...I see, the boy is an enigma but if we can't find anything on him then we will have to look into those who are around him." supplied Kevan.

"That is right. And she is obviously his closest."

"Should I look into it?"

"No need, I already had Gerion look into it. I want you to look at something else for me." Kevan nodded. "There is a new rumor regarding an altercation between the Old Wolf and the Storm Lord. Find out how deep the rift was or if any at all."

"I will see to it Tywin. But if I might ask, what is so special about this fight. It may just be some minor quarrel in between Lords."

"Great Houses aren't known for head butting at one another Kevan. Besides it would be good if it is nothing. But if it is, then I fear that we may have just fallen behind the Wolves." supplied Tywin.

Kevan frowned and then nodded in understanding. "I shall personally see to it. Will there be anything else?"

"That would be all Kevan."

Kevan then left after giving a respectful nod.

'Should I not have waited?' Tywin thought.

He had initially thought to gather his words first before speaking with the boy. But it seems that may have just been a mistake now. But he still has time, one that is greatly dwindling.

'I could use the guise of wanting his sword as a family heirloom as to why I offered my daughter in the first place. Which is not entirely wrong. But it will at least divert the attention for those of the lesser minds.'

Seeing his daughter walk by he decided to make his plans into fruition. 'It will be difficult but acting later might possible be more disasterous.'

"Cersei." Tywin greeted.

"Father." she answered as she curtsied.

"Come my daughter, there is something I wish to address with you."

As Cersei followed him into the tent, Tywin decided to start off with something to get some life into her bored eyes.

"Did you know that Ser Arthas was said to not care about someone's gender when it comes to teaching them about the way of the sword?"

"Father...?" to Tywin's joy her eyes looked hopeful.

"Come, it is high time you and I speak of your future prospects."

While Tywin himself looks for means to secure Arthas' allegiance Rickard has found himself with both a solution and a problem at the same time.

He had just gotten into a shouting match with Robert Baratheon not long ago and the topic is not one his mind would ever discard.

'I should have listened to her. To meet the man first before giving my word, now I find myself in a terrible position. And with no way out but through forceful measures.'

Rickard did not like what he had found out about the Stormlord of Storm's End. A whore monger drunkard that had unfortunately killed A DOZEN WOMEN!!!

A dozen whores dead due to either anger, hatred or over intoxication.

What rankled him the most is not the failure of his son Eddard for seeing the signs, no. What rankled him is the fact that Jon Arryn had been hiding this fact for years now.

Of course it wasn't easy due to their numbers but the fact that it was set aside and not spoken of anywhere is proof of House Arryn's grip unto his own people and his clear lack of honor for keeping something so crucial away from Rickards ears.

Now he looks for other means to free his one and only daughter from the clutches of the Whore-killer.

"Mi'lord, you've returned." Rickard turned to the booming voice and saw Great Jon Umber himself welcoming him back to the camp. The man is a head taller than him and twice even much wider. And despite the rounded features, Rickard is fully aware there is more furrs in his body than he had fat. A giant of a man they called him. Which isn't entirely wrong.

"That I have Lord Umber. Tell me, is there anything to report."

"Nay mi'lord. Camps been lively for sure. Can't blame 'em, even I can still feel the excitement from last night miself. Had to pull apart a couple of messers but nothing that can't be fixed over a flagon of mead."

"That is good to hear Lord Umber. And...my guest?"

"Saw him pass by an hour ago milord. Bought by both bears themselves. Rather understanding lad tha' one."


"Aye, mi'lord. Didn't see us as some kind of barbarian horde but as a band of warriors instead! Ha! Boys got the spine of a man I assure ya!" he shouted with both vigor and a wide smile in his face.

"Hahaha... A good sign if any Lord Umber." Rickard said gaining a nod of approval from Umber. 'he had already charmed my people so soon and so easily too at that.'

"Well then, I believe I have made him wait long enough. Keep up the good work Lord Umber."

"Aye mi'lord!"

Rickard walked towards his personal tent to see the man that may one day save his daughter from the torment he might have just condemned her to.

'my love, if you could hear me...I could use your help right about now...I don't know what to do anymore.' thought Rickard as he sent his first silent prayer in years.


'Boy knows how to fight that's for sure. But...' *CLANG!* echoed the sword as Arthas disarmed his opponent.

Arthas turned to a panting and enraged looking youth Infront of him. "You have great instincts young wolf, but you drown it out in rage that you lose your mind to the beast rather than controlling it."

"That doesn't even make sense! Speak clearly! You are a knight not a mummer!"

"Those words are clear young lord. It is up to you to think on them."


"Brandon!" Shouted Rickard from the distance.

Brandon bowed in apology but offered no words.

"...you already know the answer. You aren't someone who strikes me as foolish. Emotion is a good motivator. But just like there is a time and place for swords and words. There is also a time and place for reckless swordfighting, and fighting a calm and calculating person is never one of them." said Arthas.

Seeing Brandon close his eyes and take a deep breath made Arthas nod in satisfaction. 'he is listening, that is good enough.' "Now, again!"


Off to the side, Rickard was greeted by his Lords Jeor Mormont and Lord Reed alongside their sons. His son Eddard sat beside his daughter Lyanna next to her new found friend, Dacey Mormont.

"How long had they been at it?"

"Since he arrived my lord." answered Jorah Mormont. "Your son challenged him as soon as I led him in to your tent."

Rickard merely grunted in response. Watching the impromptu sword lesson that his son is receiving from the finest sword of Westeros should have been a good thing for Rickard. But the growing anger in every swing displayed in his son's face made him worry.

"And how many times has he been bested?"

Everyone winced at his words but Lyanna answered still. "We stopped counting after a dozen times ...and that was more than half an hour ago." her words conveying amusement.

'no wonder he seemed less in control now more than ever.'

*CLANG!* as a sword flew off again.

Rickard clapped his hands gathering the attention of the two. "I think that is enough training for one day."

As soon as the two finished Arthas extended his hand in a respectful gesture to Brandon but the boy merely ignored it and walked away. This did not bode well for Rickard and his entourage but most of all for Lyanna.

After gathering their small party into the tent, now joined by Great Jon and Small Jon Umber, Rickard decided to address matters with Arthas immediately.

"I must warn you Young Lord. I just had an altercation with Robert this morning. Where some unsavory words were exchanged that I cannot elaborate." seeing Arthas nod, Rickard continued. "I'm sure you will be under scrutiny from both Arryns and Baratheons soon and not in a good way. Please be mindful for now."

"Always Lord Stark." Arthas replied making Rickard nod.

"Anyway regarding as to why I called you here. I had actually hoped to extend my apologies-"

"There is no need for that Lord Stark." cutted Arthas. "I understand fully as to why you reacted that way. My words were too intrusive for a stranger. I should not have attempted to persuade you in such a manner-"

"But you did so for my daughter." interrupted Rickard.

"I will be honest with you Ser, I plan to break the marriage off between my daughter to that pig."

Everyone was startled at his choice of words.

"Father-" Eddard said weakly.

"Hush!" Rickard then turned to his second. "Tell me Eddard you held both Arryn and Baratheon and high regard did you not?" Eddard nodded. "Tell me how would you feel if I told you that I had just found out that the whoremonger of Stormsend had already killed a dozen whores during his stay in the Eerie."

Eddard's eyes widened but Rickard continued. "He had done so not out of self defense or some hidden assassins. It was because he was angry! And the others died because he was drunk! By the old gods boy... I haven't even seen the bastard without a tankard in his hand throughout the Tourney!"

"As great a warrior he is, he is far from the good person you know him to be. And Far from the honorable one he portrayed himself to be despite being raised in the Eerie."

Rickard then turned back to Arthas. "I will not subject my daughter to such a fate. Not when there are those who could offer her happiness. And that is what I offer you. Win the crowed through the tourney and crown my daughter your Queen of Love and Beauty. Then, I shall offer you her hand in marriage along with any land in the North of your own choosing."

Arthas was as stunned as everyone else. After a handfull of seconds chaos came down upon the tent. As lords, sons and daughters began speaking all together to reach their Highlord's ears.

But Rickard has his full attention to one man. Arthas sat still. Unmoving as he thought of what had just been offered to him. He had been ready to become a Lord since the beginning. He even had ideas listed down already how to develop the land, inventions or rip-offs that would elevate his houses coffers. Time frames even to ensure maximum profit of each.

He had been so busy with planning and focusing on self improvement that he had completely forgotten to choose a land for his peerage. After all none of his ideas are limited to a specific location or specific local resources. As he did not want to be over-reliant.

But now that he thought about it. The North is looking very promising. He just needs a few details first. And what better way than to ask those who are currently present.

"I shall have to think on it Lord Stark."

Arthas words cut through the cacophony of noises. But before anyone could react he reached out a hand to Lyanna who took it shakily. Giving a small nod to Rickard, Arthas led Lyanna out of the tent.

Outside they walked in silence for a while. Arthas felt Lyanna's grasp weaken and waver from time to time but he held her hand atop hers as she wrapped it around his arm. Letting her know that he wanted her by his side.

It wasn't long before they arrived at a relatively secluded place. An open field of green. And behind them stood the arrays of camps with raised banners of every kind portraying their allegiance with pride.

The wind was their companion as the noises soon died down behind them. Arthas relished in the peace as he knew what might come. One he hopes to prevent, even still...

'People said it takes one man's courage to make a change. But is it enough. Or has the sparks of change, already arrived too late.'

'Lyanna Stark. The young girl who were manipulated, taken or went with her captors, sparking a war that ended a Dynasty. I am no expert but I knew that pregnancy while in your late teens is very dangerous. Something about the hips being not wide enough or something. Endangering both mother and the baby due to their prematurity.'

'That and I don't think they know the dangers of incestuous relationships too. They practice it, just not as badly as the Targaryens.'

'I mean I guess I get it...probably? Family secrets that is preferred to stay within blood relatives. This world is not a foreigner when it comes to back stabbers and thieves who come under the guise of marriage or friendship. But still... they should have seen the signs right? This families are old after all. But then again their historians are old, like literally. Then you add in the power of religion due to lack of basic knowledge...fuck...I'm rambling.'

'FOCUS! Don't run away from your problems! Face it! Face it now!!!'

Arthas then turned to Lyanna gaining her immediate attention.

"I'm sorry, I did not mean my words to be interpreted that way. But there was just no real way to explain but to say it you know. So... would you hear me out?"

Lyanna simply nodded.

"I did not reject the offer. Let that be known. Honestly I am glad for it. Not that you may one day be mine, no. Again! Not the way I meant it. But in a way that you might just earn your chance to choose."


"That is what I want a actually. I want to show you the kind of person I am. The good and the bad. My ruthlessness and my kindness, both my love and hate, at my best and my worst or whether I am being brave or being a coward. I want you to see all that I am and still have the heart to say, that you chose me... that's what I want. For you and for me."

"It might sound ridiculous but I've had something like it before. And I loved her with all my heart."

"....where is she now?" asked Lyanna.

"She is gone now." Arthas said as he shed a tear.

Lyanna didn't know what to do. So much is happening in so little time that she still felt herself on shaky legs. She never expected things to escalate so soon. But she knew that she wanted this.

"Then show me. Court me. Let see you who you are. And then, let us decide. Whether we'd choose each other still."

Deep inside her is screaming that it was wrong. That it went against her teachings. But she didn't care. She was now shown hope, hope for a better future for herself. And damn her if she let it go.