

Scary_stories · Autres
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5 Chs


Wind swept across the bumpy road shaking each tree along the dark, crooked tree line. As the car swerved and turned through these treacherous environments, fear rose.

As the man who drive this car was terrified the resident who was in the passenger seat (his son) was staring blankly outside the window. The man glanced in the review mirror checking on his dazed son.

"Are you alright? Elijah?" The man spoke in a soft voice.

Elijah grunts as he tilts his head to face his fathers direction "yeah." He mumbled before darting his eyes back out the window.

"..." the man sighed trying to have a conversation with his son "Uh... pretty heavy wind isn't it?... haha." He said trying to sound enthusiastic

"..." Elijah didn't respond to this statement..

"Look, I know you don't like going to that hospital. But you've been getting worse and worse!" His father sighed as he took another glance at his now irritated son.

"I'm telling the truth! I'm not seeing things!" Elijah shouted this at his father causing him to tense up.

"Elijah, there's no such thing as a faceless man in a suit. That's just bullshit!"

His father sounded agitated to Elijah decided to not pry at it. For now.

The man looked at the young boy through the review mirror and his grip loosened on the steering wheel. "Look when we get home, remember what the doctor said. You have to take you medica- *CRACK*"

A loud crack shook the sky as a large tree started to fall directly in the direction of the car. The man tried to stop the car but the wind pushed the small car forwards into where the tree was supposed to land.

*CRUSH* the tree crumbled the once whole front seats of the car, the sound of screeching and bending metal rung through the air.

"a-AH!" Elijah awoke with a shock. Tears streamed down his face from the terrible "nightmare" at least... he hoped it was a nightmare..

When he finally gained awareness for his location.. fear struck through his body like a bullet. He was tucked in a hospital bed.. panic started to arise from within him as he called out to his father

"DAD!?" He cried out

~no answer~

"DAD!!?" He shouted as tears started to well in his eyes..

"DA-" he was soon cut off by a person walking in the room

"Are you okay dear!?" Asked a nurse who was just so happened to be walking by the room and heard the cries.

"W-where's my parents" Elijah said struggling to keep back his tears

"I'm not sure sweetie? What's your name and I'll see what I can do okay?" Politely asked the kind nurse

Elijah stopped and looked at his hands for a second and was shocked when he did. "W-what happened to my hands!? Why are they scarred!?" Loudly asked Elijah with his hands spread out on the bed

"Now sweetie I don't know until you tell me your na-"

"Mr Miller?" Questioned a second nurse "oh ! Your awake!" Gladly exclaimed the nurse

"Kate? What are you doing in here?" Sternly asked the second nurse

"O-oh!! I uh just heard this boy crying out for his dad and I got concerned-" she was cut off

"I don't want to hear it, go" demanded the nurse rudely.

The kind nurse quickly rushed outside of the room with a worried look on her face.

"Okay Mr Miller" she said getting the boys attention "how are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling..."