
Kitsune of 2 Shadows: A Naruto Fan-fic

A twist of fate brought a recently passed Adam into the Shinobi world. Now as one half of it's main protagonists. Armed with Adam's knowledge of future events and his past life experiences. He hopes to change the fate of the Shinobi world. Another twist of fate removes the now named Raiken from Naruto's side within minutes of their birth. Raiken will escape his captors and return to his brother. Just in time to try and mitigate the damage of the worst of the events to come. Read along as the Uzumaki Heirs reclaim their lost legacy and restore their clan and their honor. Raiken has a unique knowledge of future events. How will this change the timeline?

F_Abe_41 · Urbain
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9 Chs

Chapter 9: The Brutal Shinobi World

Karin and Tayuya exchanged glances, Miko-Chan wanna play hide like mole? Her eyes got huge, she loved playing in and under dirt.Tayuya created an Earth Dome around Mikoto, and cracked her knuckles. She hardened the dome as close to metal as she could. As Tayuya was doing this Karin unleashed a Tearing Torrent on the bandits. Normally this is a C-Rank Jutsu, but this is an angry Uzumaki mother. It roared out of her mouth at mid to high A-Rank strength. Tearing up trees, and mangling those unfortunate enough not to dodge in time.

Earth Style: Stone Senbon! Tayuya shot her projectiles at the bandits. Not for the first time did she thank Karin and her Baa-Chan. Karin for convincing her to give Ske a chance. For convincing her to go to Uzu, for Baa-Chan's foresight in something that runs in the blood. The chakra control exercises in her Baa-Chan's scroll, were gold. She got her control high enough to use the Shadow Clone Jutsu which was in her scroll. She could only use 20 and still fight but her control shot up in leaps and bounds. Tayuya grabbed the bamboo flute and began to play as she gained space. She summoned her new team of warriors.

While doing this Karin pulled the tanto her Tou-San left in the vault. Minazuki was sealed until Mikoto was old enough to wield it. Thankfully she picked up the Jutsu on her family scroll easily. Gun Shot! Karin hollered out, as she blew the brains out of an unlucky bandit. The Uzumaki variant of most normal Jutsu, usually started off at around A-Rank. Tayuya was glad she covered Miko with an earth dome. She didn't need to see things like this yet. She pulled the staff off her back allowing one of the ends to dip into the earth hardening them as much as possible. They rushed into small group that was left.

Tayuya breaking limbs where her weapon made contact. Uzumaki Style: Backlash Cut, Karin cut the last bandit from shoulder to hip.

They checked the pockets of the bodies, they had a combined 2,500 Ryo to their names. I hate this type of rat the most, Tayuya said as she spat on their corpses. She undid the dome around her niece/daughter. Miko-Chan come now we have to get to the next destination. During their trip to the safe house Mikoto Uzumaki-Uchiha turned 2 years old. They went another week before they encountered another problem. The girls were at the camp, Karin was getting water from the stream.

During the trip they discovered the sealing that was available to them. Barrier, storage, and body enhancement seals. Something both her and Tayuya started using within the last week. Shortly after the incident with the slavers, they found the technique for the resistance seals. Because of their clan techniques, they had a few new tricks up their sleeves. One technique that was in Karin's scroll was Water Style: Hidden Mist Jutsu. As she was heading back to their camp site. Karin felt the followers she had acquired. Unbelievable she muttered under her breath. She released her resistance seals, and breathed out the technique. As the mist began to take over the Forrest.

Karin used her sensory abilities to guide her back to her daughter and her Ta'. As strange as it was there was love there too. She was acutely aware that Tayuya's pregnancy was getting closer to the end. Pretty soon she wouldn't be able to defend herself without damaging the baby. They were trying to make it to Sasuke's safe house. They still had nearly a week's worth of travel time ahead of them. As Karin approached the camp she whistled is a particular way. Tayuya understood the assignment, as soon as the mist rolled in flooded with Karin's chakra. She and Mikoto cleared camp, Mikoto already sitting over the scroll holding on to Tayuya's shoulders. Let's go, I don't feel like fighting again Ta' we're leaving.

They made their way away from the foreign chakra signatures. Karin made a day and a half deviation to their path, but it was worth it to keep them safe. Tayuya grumbled about it for the rest of the day. The rest of the journey to the border of River country was unhindered. This place sucks! Tayuya exclaimed as they arrived at the Uchiha Clan Safe House. Karin put Mikoto down and allowed her to touch the door handle first. The Safe House would only respond to Uchiha Chakra. The seals glowed and the then glowed blue then crimson. Then click, the door opened for Mikoto-Chan. The girls set groups of clones to clean the entire place up. Then they got settled in waiting for Sasuke to return.

-Team Hawk and Kurotsuchi-

Ok brat! This is as far as I can safely fly you. You're on your own from here. I see Sasuke said, thank you Aiko-Sama. Your work is appreciated I hear this is good hunting grounds for your kind. You should enjoy yourself before returning to your realm.

Look at you, kissing ass already the giant carnivore said to his summoner. Who me? Sasuke replied, you flatter me Aiko-Sama. Until next time, he bowed to the Condor before it disappeared in a poof of smoke.

Useful creature, but he's kind of a prick! Kurotsuchi said as she began to lead them towards her village.

Are you sure this is the wisest of things to do Iwa-Hime? Kimmimaro and Jugo were like statues standing guard behind Sasuke and Kurotsuchi. Following them silently, don't you 2 ever say anything!? Kurotsuchi said turning around to face the quiet teens. We go where Sasuke-Sama requires us to go. They both replied in a soft monotone. Kurotsuchi rolled her eyes at them. How do you put up with this shit!? She asked Sasuke with a scowl. Kimmimaro stopped and hunched over to cough up a wad of gunk. I knew what I did wasn't a permanent fix but, it bought him more time among the living. Maybe if I can make it back to Konoha in time the Senju woman can heal him?

He thought to himself while they waited for Kimmimaro to finish. What are we going to do? He asked Kurotsuchi, You know I am a Missing-Nin, right?

-Meanwhile in Konoha-

Mina-Kun I believe we should return to Uzu! Kushina said to her husband, Minato regarded his wife. Konohagakure was still unaware as of yet that the Yondaime Hokage was alive. He had the Falcon mask attached to his waist. The cover he was to use in public, he was assigned an ANBU guard. Mostly they were to assist him in getting back to fighting shape. His adoption onto his Wife's clan had an amazing effect on his chakra reserves. They were sitting around having a conversation with their Raiken and his wives. An heir from each wife running around their grandparents in delight.

Sofu! Did you really beat the Kyuubi? Sofu! Can you really teleport!? Sofu! Were you really Hokage? Sofu! Can you teach us how to be super awesome ninja like you!? PLEASE SOFU!?! The enthusiasm and pride they felt with and for their grandfather was palpable. I could have had this all along, I'm sorry I missed so much time with you. Minato thought as he held on to his grandchildren. Looking Raiken directly in the eyes, while he said this just loud enough for hi to hear it. Tou-San? Samui asks out of nowhere, is it true that you are a primary lightning chakra nature? Secondary actually, Minato answered his daughter-in-law but, it has equal sway to my wind nature. He added after a moment, Cool Samui answered.

Perhaps if your affinity is strong enough you can learn the lightning armor too? She mused, I am aware you are capable of Kakashi Hatake's Chidori. He is my student after all, Minato replied, I am aware Raiken knows the technique. How did you come by that information Samui-Chan? One of my Kenjutsu instructors was Darui of the Black Lightning. The other was Kirabi Sensei, Kushina snorted no disrespect Samui-Chan but both of them pale in comparison to me. She stated with a huge grin on her face. Samui was actually taken aback by this information.

Why do you think Kumo wanted me so much when I was younger? Hated me so much when I was older? Uzumaki Kenjutsu is something to behold, and, something to respect when you're on the receiving end. The rule on the battlefield for the last 200 years has been. If you encounter an Uzumaki Kenjutsu Master, you're already dead. People stayed away from Uzu, because it was known as the Village of Bloody Whirlpools. The original 7 swords of the mist were created by Uzumaki Blacksmithing. Samui had no words, she could only stare at her Mother-in-law.

It no wonder Rai-Kun is as prodigious as he is with Kenjutsu. He is another student of Darui and B Sensei. The only student since Darui himself to be able to use the Black Lightning. The first since the Shodaime-Raikage to use the Black Lightning Armor.

-Hokage's Office-

Tell me Gaki what are you going to do about this!? I can 100 percent marry you 2 now but what does that do for Hinata and Haku? The conversation already had Hinata frustrated and she activated her Dojutsu. Her tears began to fall, Naruto-Kun her too? With her Byakugan active Hinata could see the child Haku was carrying. Hina-Hime, you and I didn't have a chance to take our relationship there. What with the training trip with Ero-Jii-Jii. Haku got to be around for a while and one thing led to another and ya know? She is going to be one of my wives anyway so I don't really see a problem in it. I get it that it upsets you, that you feel left out or less than.

You're wrong, and I need you to stop thinking like that. You, Shion, Haku, I love you all not in the same way but all the same. I cannot get what I get from any of you, from anyone else. I'm new to all of this, I don't want to hurt any of you. Aside from the love I feel for you, there's what each of you brings to my clan. Shion is an emissary to Demon Country, Haku brings the Hyoton Bloodline to the clan. You provide the connection to the Hyuga Clan, a long standing partnership renewed. We're not going to play coy, everything is a business Hina-Hime.

That part of this is in spite of the fact that I genuinely care for you. This whole time she thought he was just playing with us girls. Aside from this, Naruto kept going, it takes the pressure off of you Hime. You will not be pressured, Shion has already provided me with a male heir. Haku will provide another heir as will you once the time is right. You will decide when you're ready for that. Tsunade was watching, hands clasped in front of her face elbows on her desk. She was getting angry until that last bit. Very well Gaki, Hinata-Chan are you ok with that arrangement? Yes Hokage-Sama I can abide by this.

She said hugging her Naruto closer, he was so strong now. *Hinata P.O.V* When did he get so tall? His arms feel so safe, that hasn't changed at all. The beautiful white haired girl came up to us. Are you ok? She asked me. I am Shion, daughter of Moroku, High Priestess of Oni No Kuni. I see you met Haku-Chan, Shion said with a smile. I get that this may be uncomfortable, I am not really sure how this is supposed to work either. Haku added, I could only smile at them. I think we can talk about this better, at home Naruto concluded. I agree Tsunade said, although you know I am going to want a written report on your journey.

For now, go! She pointed her at he door, you've given me enough headaches for a few months Gaki. *General P.O.V.* At least your brother was easier to deal with. You 2 Gaki's are going to give me an aneurysm. Thank goodness you brought Kushina and Minato back with you. At least your wives and children will have some structure. HEYYY! Naruto said in mock hurt at Tsunade. Hinata covered her face suppressing a smile.

Come children big hug time, as the group all made contact they disappeared in an orange flash.

-Team Hawk and Kurotsuchi-

Iwa-Hime are you sure your grandfather is waiting for you? This wouldn't be the first time that Sasuke asked this. Kurotsuchi, my name is Kurotsuchi, damn it! I don't know what is going on, I am afraid my Sofu has been harmed or worse. There are factions within Iwagakure that would see my Sofu dead, deposed as Tsuchikage. Sasuke saw opportunity in this bit of information. Perhaps I can work out a way back into the village. He thought to himself as they trek through Earth Country. BOOOMM! Sasuke grabbed Kurotsuchi by the waist and shunshined away from the explosion.

Are you ok Hime? Kurotsuchi was about to respond when, You should've never come back bitch! Your dear grandfather squealed like swine when we gutted him. Hahahahaha! Otsuchi, you bastard! If my hurt one hair on the old man's head, I'll melt you! Face it Hime, the reign of your family is over. The giant of a man was barring their way. Kimmimaro fired Digital Shrapnel, Jugo formed a casing around his arm up to his elbow. He used a rocket powered fist aimed at their attacker. Otsuchi stomped on the ground making a small boulder rise up. Spinning he kicked the rock breaking it in half both halves aimed at the incoming fist. Fire Style: Flame Stream, Otsuchi lit the flying rocks on fire making them deadlier than before. Jugo's Senjutsu powered punch broke even with the combination jutsu. Hime you've got the support role, let us do all the heavy lifting.

Jumping up in front of Jugo, Let her rip! Haaaa! Jugo punched at their adversary again. Sasuke landed on the rocketing fist increasing his speed. Digital Shrapnel, Kimmimaro fired again, keeping the Iwa Nin busy. The sound of chirping birds cackling out of nowhere. Chidori Senbon, Sasuke wrapped the Bone bullets with his lightning technique. They would arrive shortly before Sasuke himself did, CHIDORI! The bigger man was struck with two of the ten bullets when Sasuke struck. *Squelch* Ahhhh! Was the last sound that Otsuchi made until he fell apart into clumps of mud. Pink Eye, NOW! LAVA STYLE: LAVA BULLET

Disappointed with this story, I was going to pick it it back up, then I see that the application for publishing was rejected when I NEVER applied for it, figures... It is what it is, I guess.

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