
Kitsune of 2 Shadows: A Naruto Fan-fic

A twist of fate brought a recently passed Adam into the Shinobi world. Now as one half of it's main protagonists. Armed with Adam's knowledge of future events and his past life experiences. He hopes to change the fate of the Shinobi world. Another twist of fate removes the now named Raiken from Naruto's side within minutes of their birth. Raiken will escape his captors and return to his brother. Just in time to try and mitigate the damage of the worst of the events to come. Read along as the Uzumaki Heirs reclaim their lost legacy and restore their clan and their honor. Raiken has a unique knowledge of future events. How will this change the timeline?

F_Abe_41 · Urbain
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9 Chs

Chapter 8: Revelations and Alliances 2

YOU LITTLE DEVIL, I'LL KILL YOU!! I said, Not in this lifetime old man. You'll be trapped in that cube for the next 6 hours. I suggest you not struggle, you'll just die sooner. Sit tight,and enjoy the chakra exhaustion if you want to live! I flipped AO off, Bye now! I disappeared in a Shunshin. My hell did I ever get put through the ringer with that stunt! But A was also ecstatic because they finally had a Byakugan in Kumogakure. As stated in A's diary: My stolen Uzumaki stole a Byakugan! HA! TAKE THAT FATHER! Both things you coveted most I made happen, I am the greatest Raikage ever!

I was sent on a mission that took me to the northern border of Waterfall Country and Earth Country. Aoai Rokusho was sent on the same mission by a merchant. The fight was short and sharp he tried to over power me with lightning chakra. I dropped the seal on my eye and I activated the Lightning Armor. He cut through chopper but it gave me just enought time to get a hand on it. My lightning chakra overpowered his, he was paralyzed from the amount of electricity being generated.

One of my favorite techniques from the Uzumaki Scroll, I had purchased was a change of color for my lightning. I chose red!

I did the technique right before I left for this mission. Rokusho looked at me with crimson lightning dancing off my body, and my eyes reddened from Kurama's chakra. Bijuu Lightning Armor! You slime, I snarled at the Missing-Nin. I hate traitors, people of low countenance. Immoral heathens *sigh* I moved on Aoai Rokusho with speed he wasn't aware was possible.

Kurama's power is power! Because he was formed from the largest half of the Juubi he has control over all 5 natures, at ridiculous power levels. I shot a 3 tailed chakra claw at him. So fast he could not follow them. He barely managed to dodge it. The Fist of Raijin he took through the chest, empowered by corrosive Bijuu chakra. He burnt away to ashes around my fist during the fight Rokusho dropped the sword, when I picked it up the seals on the sword reacted to my chakra.The red lightning now dancing on the blade. Apparently there were witnesses to this, and so the BykuRai monicker was born.

I refused to show the sword in the village so, I kept it sealed until after I left. The last few weeks were spent finishing my greatest work. Manipulating A into having the girls go to Wave. Once that was done the last 24 hours were spent making sure I had everything collected. That was my real secret, I had knowledge of how to open the stolen scrolls. I learned all these things without A knowing. The entire time I was setting the charges, in such a way that there would be no question. Kumo would be left in ruins, a giant Uzumaki swirl the pattern for the explosives I set. The girls had been out of the village for 3 days.

When I set of the first of the explosions I immediately used a cloaking seal and broke away from Kumo as that first explosion was the catalyst for the others. I got a mile away before I looked back and by that point the final explosion went off that mock Uzumaki Scroll. It was packed with so many explosives notes on the same timer. That it produced the same shock wave a Bijuudama does.

-Great Flashback Jutsu Release-

They had been sitting on a deck out behind the house. Minato said amazing, I am curious to know just how far you have gotten on the family Jutsu? Minato asked me I grinned, and held out a palm the Rasengan spinning to life. I then said Odama Rasengan, the spinning orb doubling in size.

Then I began adding my water element to it, This is the Water Style: Rasentorrent. I dissipate the Jutsu, now this I bring another Rasengan out. Then proceed to infuse my lightning chakra into it. I thought his eyes would pop out of his skull. Kakashi Nii helped us complete the Lightning Style Rasendori.


NARUTO-KUN! he was tackled to ground as soon as the wind wall dropped. I've missed you so much, don't you leave me again! He stopped her by kissing her deeply. Making her forget anything else she was thinking for those beautiful few moments. Hina-Hime, I think we should get up. She got up off of him and he kipped up. My goodness you've gotten taller and more handsome she blushed redder. My Hime, you're as beautiful as ever, I missed you too. Come we have to sit and talk, alone. Hinata's face got a worried look, as she followed her husband to be. The came to the edge of the garden and sat on a bench.

What is it Naru-Kun? If it take my time to say this it's going to take forever. We don't have that kind of time, so let me show you. A few hand seals later Shared Sight Jutsu. Hinata's eyes got as large as dinner plates as she watched his training with the Toads and Dragons. All the places and techniques they learned. Did they adopt Kakashi Sensei!? Oh! Those are pretty swords. All these thoughts came to mind as she viewed her Naru's life like a movie. Then Kushina Uzumaki was revived, who are these adorable angels!?

Oh no.. no, HOKAGE-SAMA!? That's the Yondaime. He really thought about me though! Look at them they look so happy to be grandparents. I can feel the overwhelming love from here. Yondaime-Sama looks like he is going to make some changes when he returns. Wait that means he's already here! The jutsu released a few moments later, Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. I, a long suspenseful pause ensued. I am a bit upset that I am not your first for anything but, you will marry me.

So I know the women you choose to restart your Clan with must love you. Nothing less will be accepted, do you understand me!

Yes my Hime, Naruto said I am relieved that you are the person you are. To that effect, what rank are you now? I am a Special Jonin in the areas of Iriyo Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. Naruto frowned, are you holding back on purpose Hime!? W-Wh-what do you mean Naruto-Kun? That! Right there, you only do that when you're nervous. Why are you holding back Hime?

I can't, she said, If I do that Hanabi will be branded with the Caged Bird Seal. Oh? Is that all!? Hinata's eyes narrowed at the dismissive tone that Naruto was using. Don't worry Hina-Hime I can remove the seal without harming the holder. I also have a replacement seal that will protect the eyes and only that. She tackled him to the ground, kissing him and crying from joy. Oh Naru-Kun! I can't believe you've achieved such levels of Sealing. Ero-Jii-Jii took us to Uzu and, taught us on our Clan's soil, how to do Uzumaki Sealing. Are you aware that the Caged Bird Seal is a perversion of the original seal. Gifted to the Hyuga Clan by the Uzumaki Clan.

Hime, No worries! Even if the elders try to make a fuss about it, we are already prepared for them. As he said that, a Yellow Flash appeared in the yard. When it cleared there was Minato Namikaze-Uzumaki Holding his wife and a slightly confused Haku. Sochi, Tsunade-Hime requires your presence in her office. He said after locking eyes with Naruto, you should probably take Hinata-Hime with you as well. Haku? Minato said, you should probably get acquainted with your Clan Matron. You will be sharing duties with her and Shion pretty soon.

Yes Otou-Sama, as you wish. Haku, I've asked you numerous times to refer to me as either Tou-San or Minato. It's uncomfortable when you add too much empzhasis on propriety. Haku said I'm sorry Tou-San, I will work on it. Naruto, Hinata asked, What is going on here!? Well, I revived Haku during our trip and Raiken revived Ka-Chan. We found out some stuff when we got to Oni No Kuni. While that was happening Raiken and Ka-Chan revived Tou-San. I know you'd like to get to know them, but right now we have something very important to take care of. I she sighed, I understand Naruto-Kun.

Haku-Chan come with us, this concerns you as well. There was too many things going through Hinata's mind when Haku walked up to them. Naruto put a hand on both their shoulders and disappeared in an orange flash. Samui and Yugito walked up to Kushina, they bowed to her. Lady Uzumaki, Lord Namikaze, they greeted. I am Samui and this is Yugito we are Raiken's wives. Kaaa-Chan! A blonde girl with monochromatic eyes came running out ahead of Raiken. My Tou-San is so handsome! She had her hair done up in high pigtails. Her Amethyst and Green eyes a stark contrast. She's a beautiful little girl, Kushina said as she got down to her level. What's your name Hime? Do you know who I am?

I am Uzumaki-Namikaze Miko, she shook her head, I don't know you. She turned to her mother Ka-Chan, who is she? Miko asked her mother pointing at Kushina. Yugito answered her daughter, she is your Grandmother. Miko had a blank face for a few moments, I am Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze, This is Minato Namikaze-Uzumaki. We are your Tou-San's parents Kushina said smiling. Obaa-Chan!!! Miko screeched as she flew into Kushina's arms. Minato smiling watching his wife bask in the clan multiplying before her eyes. He was aware that her clan was rather large at one point.

This is part of the reason that he wasn't against his boys having multiple wives. In an attempt to grow the clan in the shortest time possible. Without having to use Fuuinjutsu to achieve it. It could easily be done but the price for it is what we were unwilling to pay. He was broken from his thoughts my a strawberry blonde boy that walked up behind Samui. Ryo she said, you should greet your Obaa-Chan and Sofu-Sama. Ryo walked up to them and bowed at the waist Obaa-Sama Sofu-Sama. Welcome home, I hope your journey was successful. Please don't leave again, Otou-San hurts when you are not here. Kawaii so polite and thoughtful, he's so handsome! My grandson is a lady killer!

-Sasuke and Kurotsuchi-

Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu he thought as he breathed out a dozen smallish sized fireballs. The threw the same amount of shuriken into the flames. Chidori Senbon the cackle of a thousand birds broke into the clearing. A muffled YOU BETTER NOT DIE ASSHOLE! came from Kurotsuchi behind her earth dome. Sasuke smirked, you heard the lady. He shrugged and poured about a third of his reserves into his next technique. His eyes morphed into the intercepting ellipses of his Mangekyo Sharingan.

He whispered Amaterasu, the Shinobi following them all burned to ashes.

There's one trick I won't show off easily he formed the technique. The crack of lightning rang out as Sasuke flicked his wrist Raijin Spear. The spear hit the guy as he was tripping over his own feet. His body bent at an angle, where the spear penetrated his lung, spine, and the back of his head. The body was turned to dust via electrical output. Iwa-Hime, you can come out now. The dome collapsed as she glared at the wayward Uchiha. The glowing crimson eyes made her flinch before he turned off his Dojutsu. We have to keep moving Hime, of thes clowns were sent after you.

More are sure to come, I am meeting my team. You are welcomed to join us or, you can take your chances alone. Sasuke shrugged, either way is fine with me. You're quite beautiful Hime, if you were capable of remaining alive this long. You must be pretty skilled, he said to her with a smirk. Kurotsuchi had heard it all, felt his chakra flare. Heard the crack of lightning as the Kiri Missing-Nin was reduced to a pile of dust. I am sure you can defend yourself quite well once you've healed up. If anything allow us to make sure you can take on your journey at full strength. I need you to know Iwa-Hime, 2 of my teammates are have agreed to help me rebuild my Clan.

Kurotsuchi was taken aback by the forward nature of this Uchiha. She was very tired, the use of the earth dome, finished up her reserves. She wore the look that represented her feelings. She passed out moments later from chakra exhaustion. Hmm she didn't even get to answer me. Sasuke shrugged, picked her up and carried her on his back holding her against him with chakra. He made his way toward the southern base. The closest entrance to their dimension. He cast a genjutsu over Kurotsuchi so to keep her hidden. He was aware that she really was Iwagakure's Princess, the granddaughter of Sandaime Tsuchikage: Onoki of both scales.

-Time Skip-

Did you sleep well Iwa-Hime? Who the fuck are you she croaked out. How long have I been asleep? Where the fuck is the prick with pink eye? Tayuya materialized with a senbon needle at her throat. Listen here rock bitch, the only one that gets to talk to Sasuke-Kun like that is ME! Watch your mouth or I'll rearrange it for you bitch! Ta' that's enough, leave Kurotsuchi alone. She's been asleep for 3 and a half days, and the last thing she did was battle. Karin handed her a glass of water so she could rehydrate. One of them is definitely an Uzumaki, the other probably has an Uzumaki parent or relative.

Is this how he plans on repopulating his clan? If I remember correctly, he is the last Uchiha. Kurotsuchi thought to herself, Uchiha! She said out loud, why did you see to my well being? Sasuke shrugged, Hmm you kind of remind me of my Ka-San. You're about the same height too. However that's irrelevant, what are you going to do now?

I am a Missing-Nin and you are related to a Kage. Eventually we will both have our villages sent after us. I, I don't know, Kurotsuchi said after a few moments of silence. Eventually I intended on returning to the Leaf and, repopulating the Uchiha Clan.

I just have something to do first and I won't stop until it's done. I see she said, may I ask what that is? You're asking an awful lot of questions rock bitch! Tayuya blurted out in the middle of all that. Ta' that's enough, Sasuke said softly. I don't like this bitch Sasuke! I don't trust her, she snapped at him. You've made it known Tayuya, now relax, I've got this. If you're the last of your clan, what do you have to return to? Do you have people waiting for you in your village? Sasuke asked Kurotsuchi again, she furrowed her brow. My Sofu still lives, I need to make it home to him. There is corruption in his council and they wish to see me dead.

We could take you home, maybe use it as an escort mission? Jugo, Kimmimaru, with me. Karin, Tayuya, and the children will go to Uzu. They shouldn't have problems on Uzumaki Clan grounds. Kimmimaru, I need you to help me train this, I need better control. Something that came from having the Dead Bone Pulse. Was being able to see the bone density of the blades I make. I was able to isolate the protein that made it possible for that pseudo Sage Mode. Between the crows and the hawks, I got the Raptor contract which works with all great birds of prey. Eagle Sage Mode is not what I thought it was going to be. The fact that the birds could detect the blood of Orochimaru. It was quite impressive, he had been dead for weeks when I finally met with them.

Shao was able to identify the foreign chakra. The giant bald eagle was adamant that I was ineligible for Sage Mode training. Until the taint from Orochimaru was removed. The speed training with the hawks, is what I took advantage of the most. I'm trying to catch up to that damned falcon, it moves so fast. Shisui's legend was that he moved like this snippy falcon. The crows were the genjutsu masters of the birds. The condors and Eagles were about power and control. Hawks and falcons were the speed experts. It wasn't one of the great 3 contracts but they were quite useful. Currently we were on the back of a 12 story Condor, making our trip back to Iwa easier.

Uchiha Sasuke had learned to cast genjutsu by glance alone. He placed an visual link genjutsu on his summons. I know Aiko Sama, it won't be for long. He cast the illusion to make them disappear. Jugo, Kimmimaru and Sasuke were a devastating team in action. Karin, Tayuya, and Mikoto were at the whirlpools surrounding Uzu. Ta' you handle Mikoto-Chan, I'll haul this thing in.

Besides I'm the one that knows the deactivation seals for these. Karin said thumbing towards the whirlpools. Ka-Chan, Oba-Chan, where are we? Tayuya ruffled Mikoto's two toned hair, We are in our ancestral home. This is the Village hidden in the whirling tides, Uzushiogakure No Sado.

Is this where Tou-San is from!? Mikoto asked with starts in her eyes. No Miko-Chan, Karin said with a chuckle. This is where I and Tayuya come from, this is Uzu. As they were walking up on to the shores of Uzu, Karin yanked on the rope. To bring the boat out of the water, there, that should hold us. Karin and Tayuya scratched out their senses into Uzu. Karin could feel the recent chakra signature of Uzumaki Naruto. Simply because it's so large, the familiarity of it. He definitely inherited Kushina's Uzumaki blood. As they walked through the ruined village Mikoto was attracted by a glint out of the corner of her sight.

She made her way toward it, only to end up outside a flower shop. The fallen as was still clutching the recognition pendant. The ruby in the pendant lit up when it recognized Mikoto's Uzumaki blood. Tayuya walked up behind her, what is it Mikoto-Chan? Look at how pretty this necklace is Ta'-Chan! It lights up when I get close to it. Karin came up behind them and she looked at what her daughter was reaching for. Is that a recognition pendant!? She removed the pendant and put it around Mikoto's neck.

She was the one that found it after all. After a few more minutes of making their way through the village.

There it is said Karin, she deployed her chains to remove the debris. Tayuya was close to giving birth, the girls decided to remain in Uzu. The scrolls she was about to recover would make it easier. She never thought she would return to Uzu. Nor that she would be recovering her family scroll. It was long known that the Uzumaki worshipped the Shinigami. A shining example of this devotion to the Death God, was one Uzumaki Yachiru. Her descendants would inherit Minazuki, until one who could wield her arose. Tayuya kept watch outside the home but, Mikoto was watching what her mother was doing.

When she took the scroll she noticed the glowing letters on the sword underneath it. Karin however did not, and the sword let her know painfully. Mikoto watched her mother in agony and decided she would retrieve the sword for her Ka-Chan. Karin still under the effects of the recoil from the seals on the sword. Karin could only watch in horror, as her daughter reached for the same sword that caused her this pain. She tried to scream no, and warm her daughter away from the sword. The room was flooded with light as Mikoto Uzumaki-Uchiha gripped the hilt of Minazuki.

-Mikoto's Mindscape-

Welcome child, the spirit of the blade said to its new wielder. It has been far too long since Uzumaki and Uchiha have blood in the same body. A beautiful woman with a kind but stern face came into view. She too had two tone hair like Mikoto only opposite to Mikoto's. She wore her hair in a big braid that wrapped around the front of her chest and hung down past her waist. She wore the sword Mikoto was touching on her waist. What is your name child? The woman asked Mikoto, she responded Uzumaki-Uchiha Mikoto. Do you know who I am? Yachiru asked her successor, No, Mikoto answered her ancestors query shaking her head.

Can you tell me who leads the Clan? What Clan? Samurai-San. Yachiru, I am Uzumaki Yachiru, the original wielder of Minazuki. You Mikoto-Chan are worthy of using this sword as your own. I am aware you are young and you have time to grow. I will be here to protect you always. Learn all the knowledge from your family scroll and learn from your uncle's as well. They will guide you, as a parting gift I will unlock your Chakra pool. Mikoto went from having average adult chakra reserves, to Genin reserves just from touching the sacred sword!? Mikoto collapsed, the sword still clutched in her hands. She said "Thank you Minazuki" as she was held by her mother.

-General P.O.V-

So, that's the sword's name! She thought as she noticed that Mikoto was unharmed. A seal appeared on her wrist it looked like a storage seal. A summoning and reverse summoning seal all in one! There were far more complicated components to the seal she now bore. I'm just glad you're still alive and in one piece Miko-Chan. Karin exhaled deeply as she kissed her daughter's forehead. There was a tanto her Tou-San used when he was an active Shinobi. The edge on it was still in perfect condition. She strapped it onto her back right above her family scroll.

At least this blade was simply well taken care of. The seals etched onto the blade ensured it remained ready. It was said that Tou-San could hold his own with the best swordsmen. I can become competent with his weapon if anything. Tayuya came across the most beautiful bamboo flute she had ever seen. When she reached for it the seals on it began to glow. It made Tayuya apprehensive to reach for such an item. When she laid her hand on it it did not explode, shock, or burn her. The seals painstakingly etched onto it glowed brightly. A face she hadn't seen in so long she didn't even recognize it.

-Tayuya's Mindscape-

So who the fuck are you supposed to be? This woman's face was gentle but stern, and loving. My my you're a rough diamond aren't you my Tayu-Chan? How do you know that name? Tayuya's memories jarred by the name only her grandmother would call her. Baa-Chan? Is that really you? The woman's deep rose colored hair was tinged with white showing her aging. I'm glad you found this Tayu-Chan it's not much, but it's what I could leave to you. Look at you! She kept talking almost fully a woman, she took a breath. Smiling in a knowing way, she looked at her granddaughter and said.

Tayuya, please soften dear, that little one will need the best parts of you. He is strong and will inherit the best of both of you. There's not much time left child. I left a blood seal on the bottom of the flute. I trust your mate is powerful, you wouldn't allow yourself to mate with a weak man. Tayuya grinned at her Baa-Chan, she rested a hand on her stomach. He will be Uzumaki-Uchiha Gin, hier of both our clans. Use the knowledge I left to you dear, it will help you greatly in the future.

She began to fade, I will always be with you Tayu-Chan. Love hard, raise your children to be strong, and noble. You are Uzumaki my child, show them to respect our name. I love you Tayuya-Chan, never forget that. Baa-Chan! She reached out to her fading visage, fading out of her own mind.

-General P.O.V-

Staring down at what Ta' was holding Karin was looking at her with a raised eyebrow. Mikoto was looking at her with a gleam in her eye. Ta'-Chan is that beautiful flute yours!?

Indeed it was a beautiful flute looking at it closely. Light bamboo, several seals carved into it all up and down. Strengthening seals, anti corrosion seals, chakra channeling seals, a unique starge seal on the back end of the bottom of the flute. Drawing blood from a finger, she smeared it like her Baa-Chan instructed.

A medium sized scroll poofed into existence. As well as a 3 sectional staff attached to it. Tayuya attached the scroll to her own belt the seal on the flute disappeared after she removed her Baa-Chan's scroll. The bamboo flute was 3 times the size of her normal weapon. There was a leather strap to wear it hung across her chest. The staff was a dark wood that appeared to be very hard. She hoped her Baa-Chan left kata for this thing. As they scowered the village over the next few days, they discovered that anything of note was gone after what they have found. The first night was spent with Tayuya getting use to her new flute.

Tayuya noticed that the creatures that appeared from this flute, were not her doki.

A woman in tight pants a battle skirt wrapped around them. Metal gauntlets, and a hapouri style head gear. Her hair was braided and in a tight bun, she looked her part. There was a male with two swords, wearing a modified samurai style armor. He was tall and looked like he was built for speed and precision. There was a short elf like female bearing 2 swords and many knives. She had a mask that covered her eyes, the woman was indeed blind.

A raven with crimson eyes that appeared to absorb the light in the area. Her Baa-Chan's scroll indicated the person that plays the flute with chakra would create their own battle spirits. These 4 were the spirits of this flute conjured by her chakra. She was looking at her Baa-Chan's scroll while the girls slept. Running her chakra through the flute had activated these creatures. She looked at the notes for the ravens song. Her own raven flying and scouting, it shared its sight with her. She was stolen when she was young, she barely even remembered her Baa-Chan's face. Her chakra led her to this bamboo masterpiece. It's almost as if Baa-Chan knew I would be in Uzu one day.

A contingency plan already ready for such an occasion. She brought out the weapon she had been thinking about all day. This dark, hard wood, made from chakra conductive wood. Even the chains that connected the wood sections were chakra conductive. The kata looked easy enough, Baa-Chan left a bunch of little side notes for her fighting style. Direction that might make the style easier to comprehend. Half way through her watch and she began to do kata. Slowly and following her Baa-Chan's notes. Uchiha Tayuya began to get to know her new weapon. Karin awoke to Tayuya going through kata with the 3 sectional staff.

Good morning Ta'-Chan, Karin said to the still practicing Tayuya. Morning Imoto-Chan, Tayuya grinned this staff is AWESOME! She said as she punched the air with her free hand. I hear you Ta'-Chan, you should get some rest. We're going to get moving after Miko-Chan has had breakfast. That gives you about 4 hours to rest before we get going. Tayuya went in the tent and curled up around Mikoto. Karin had the earliest part of the morning to herself. She had practiced enough with Sasuke to know basic Kenjutsu. It was said that Aunt Kushina was a master of the art. I want to be at the very least adept in the art. I should get started, she pulled her Tou-San's tanto and began swinging in basic kata.

Once she got comfortable, she checked the traps. They had squirrels and some fruits and nuts for breakfast. The girls got up to the smell of cooking. Karin was just finishing up with the nuts when the girls came out. Ta' will you refill the canteen's please. Sure, be back in a few, she took off to recover the water. She came back in time for the last of the squirrel meat to make it to her plate. They finished eating and cleared camp. Heading back to the beach where their boat was left. Karin mused that her 2 year old was able to bond with a legendary blade with no adverse effects.

Between her Sofu's forms and Sasuke teaching her. Mikoto will develop beautifully in Kenjutsu. I hope she develops a Sharingan, her chakra reserves are already large. The Sharingan would provide the edge needed to live. The girls retrieved the boat leaving behind Uzushiogakure. Reaching the shores of wave country, Tayuya used a fireball jutsu to destroy the boat. Now they would head to the Uchiha safe house close to the River Country border. The girls made their way through the country side. Stopping for nights at a time. Tayuya using the earth jutsu her Baa-Chan left her. To make sleeping quarters for them taking them down when they left the are behind.

On their trip to the safe house, they were set up on by a group of bandits. Looky here boys some fun and a big payday to boot. That two-tone hair, fair skin, and pretty face. She'll sell for big money when we turn her over to the slavers. Karin had reserves comparable to Sasuke. Tayuya had Elite Jonin reserves without the curse seal. Tayuya had spent roughly a week and a half since beginning to practice with the 3 sectional staff.