
Kitsune of 2 Shadows: A Naruto Fan-fic

A twist of fate brought a recently passed Adam into the Shinobi world. Now as one half of it's main protagonists. Armed with Adam's knowledge of future events and his past life experiences. He hopes to change the fate of the Shinobi world. Another twist of fate removes the now named Raiken from Naruto's side within minutes of their birth. Raiken will escape his captors and return to his brother. Just in time to try and mitigate the damage of the worst of the events to come. Read along as the Uzumaki Heirs reclaim their lost legacy and restore their clan and their honor. Raiken has a unique knowledge of future events. How will this change the timeline?

F_Abe_41 · Urbain
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: Revelations and Alliances

As the group consisting of Kushina, Haku, Naruto, and Raiken approached the cambers of the priestess. (Kushina's P.O.V) Please wait here the guard said, *knock*knock* a muffled enter was heard. A moment later the guard held the door open and we were told to enter. Shion looks like her father, he was actually a good man. Then this angel crept out from behind her throne, white haired chibi version of my Naru-Kun. You've gotta be kidding me!? KAAAWWAAAAIIIIIII! It was taking everything in me to maintain composure in the face of my grandson.

Then the most rambunctious little firecracker came bursting in the room. Ka-Chan! Is he here yet? Is he? Is he? Lady Shion was just about to reply when Ise burst into the room. Shiro come out from behind the throne, Ise calmed down for a few moments. Both children had two whisker birthmarks on their cheeks and two-tone pupiless, cereulean and violet colored eyes. Naruto-Kun, what has happened to you? That's a Rinnegan, and is that a Mangekyo? But how!? How can this be? This you look exactly like Naruto-Kun, why do you have a Rinnegan and is that a Byakugan? What is going on here?

Instead of a lengthy answer, allows us to show you Shion-Chan. This is Raiken and we were born 2 minutes apart. Together we are the Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi. Raiken flipped through seals and placed his hand on her forehead. Shion lived through the night of their birth. Raiken's life in Kumo, his desertion of Kumogakure. Making his way to Naruto and reuniting with his twin. Naruto placed his hand afterwards and let them memories from the moment they parted until now.

Haku used the bit of Medical Jutsu that she knew to relieve the headache. When Shion looked at Kushina after her head cleared. You you visited my Ka-Chan when I was younger. I did, I was here when you and Tou-San still lived. Naruto, Shion began saying since you are who you are, this little one's fate has the ability to change. He is fortunate enough to be the son of a Shinobi of the Leaf. 2 actually she said smiling at Kushina. Shion-Chan, Kushina asked, do you have a blood sample from your Ka-Chan? Even a few hairs would do.

Why do you ask Lady Kushina? I'll answer your question, but first. What is it you feel for my Sochi, Shion? I-I don't know anymore. I wish my Ka-Chan was still here. Her council always helped me in the past. I believe you Hime, I need time to think but you have to speak with Naru-Kun. Kushina and Raiken were escorted to a dining room and served tea and snacks. Did you see that Ka-Chan? Naru looked relaxed, I haven't seen that since before we revived you. I think Shion might be good for him. Kushina put her tea cup down, and interlaced her fingers in front of her face.

Naruto, it's been too long Shion said as she backed up from caressing his face. WOW Naruto thought, Shion, Hinata, Temari, Haku this is insane! How did I get so lucky? These 2 are Ise and Shiro they are yours. Children this is your father, Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto he finished for her. Taking a knee to look at the most beautiful creatures he had ever laid eyes on. At that very moment when he met the eyes of his children. Naruto understood and swore he would die for them if push came to shove. Tou-San? Ise said shyly, he opened his arms to Ise and she jumped into them.

My Tou-San is so handsome, Ise said in almost a whisper. The quiet Shiro came up to them looking down and nervous. Are, are you really my Tou-San? Naruto put a finger under his chin so meet eyes with Shiro. Yes Sochi, you are my son. In the dining room, do you have the Shinigami mask? Yes Ka-Chan but what are you planning on doing? Because of the nature of this situation. I have something in mind, Naruto-Kun's life is about to get interesting. But first, Summoning Jutsu: Azael a cat sized dragon with chameleon like eyes. Kushina? How long has it been? What can I do for you Hime?

Azael, do you still have that package I gave you to store for me just before Naru and Rai were born? The dragon put a clawed finger to its maw. Ahhh yes, I do. Do you require it now? I do old friend, I do. Give me a few moments I believe I remember where I stored it. Azael then poofed out of existence again. A few moments later he returned with small brown satchel. Here child this is what you were asking for. Yes thank you my friend she said to Azael. Now let's take care of this first, the mask please. Raiken produced the Shinigami mask. She opened the satchel and produced a vial with a blue swirl.

It was Minato's blood, she opened it and produced another smaller vial. A sample of Naruto's blood, she tossed another of the same size to Raiken, same amount please. She mixed the blood together, and kept just enough to do the final seal with. Raiken was tasked with creating the body while she emptied the sack and some seals. Kushina created a blood clone in order to use the mask. The clone summoned the Death God, and requested the soul of Minato Namikaze. She was aware that this process would burn through 30 percent of her reserves.

Raiken summoned the King of Hell to produce the body. It looked exactly like Minato Namikaze. Holding Minato's soul after taking it from the Shinigami. Raiken used the Human Path to restore life to his father.

-Minato's P.O.V-

*GASPS* Minato-Kun? Minato, is that really you? Tenchi-Chan is that you? I said in a daze, So this is the man responsible for us?

Welcome back to world of the living, Tou-San. What!? Kushi-Chan, is this Raiken? W-Wh-what the hell is going on? Relax Mina-Kun. Raiken, will you please show your father Kushina said. Pardon me? Raiken flipped through a few hand seals and he shared his slide with his father in this life. When the technique ended, Minato released the full weight of his killing intent.

What the actual fuck A!? If you're not dead by the time I reach Kumo, you'll wish you were. I growled out and just like that I went back to normal. (General P.O.V)

Tou-San, please calm yourself, there is still more for you to learn. Kushina produced a full set of clothes for her husband. How could it possibly get worse than what I've already seen? *Deep sigh* you don't know the half yet Tou-San. Minato smiled at his now 16 year old son. He bore a Byakugan and a Dojutsu that was supposed to be only myth.

He ruffled his boy's hair and enjoyed being in the presence of his family.

Tou-San! Both children clung to their father with a death grip. What was that? Is there a demon here? Shion was unaware of Kushina's intentions. So when Naruto gave her the children and told her not to move. He dashed out of her chambers, his family's chakra was just down the hall. He got to the room and had to hack a privacy seal just to enter. What happened!? He said rushing in kunai in one hand and Rasengan in the other. He was getting to know Haku when the door burst open. Then there was his other Sochi, Naru-Kun Minato gasped out.

Naruto was in shock, there was in the flesh, the Legendary Yellow Flash of the Leaf. Tou-San!? You two revived Tou-San! His family grinned at him wickedly. So I take it that spike in killing intent was your doing Tou-San? Naruto turned his back on them and resealed the room. Then layered another seal on top of it, he hugged his father. Once they split he ran through the seal and shared his life with Minato as well. Minato was shaking with fury before half the memories were through. Half way through he began to cry.

When the Jutsu was completed, he stared at the ceiling. Crying, WHAT THE FUCK HAVE THEY DONE TO MY SON! The chakra wave cracked the privacy seal. Mina-Kun you remember what we had planned? Kushina asked her Husband, the adoption? Yeah she grinned at him, I amended the seal. They she hugged their boys were taken into account now. He sat down and picked up his hair to expose his neck. Kushina wrote the seal and all three did the hand seals and added their chakra. Kinjutsu: Uzumaki Adoption Sealing.

Minato's chakra reserves shot up.

*Knock* knock* knock* Naruto! What is the meaning of this!? Open up! The children chorused Tou-San! Tou-San! Are you ok? Naruto releases the seals and when the group comes in there is one more guest. Shion was visibly disturbed, I will ask again, what is the meaning this? I apologize Lady Shion, my wife felt it would be appropriate to revive me in this place. However, I was unprepared to deal with the lives my son's were forced to endure. While I was in the belly of the Shinigami. Shion placed a hand on Minato's shoulder. Immediately she received confirmation of the validity of this man's words.

Kushina-Sama? Yes Shion, is this why you asked about Ka-Chan's blood or hair? Yes child, you are correct. Baa-Chan! The twins chorused and jumped into Kushina's arms. Minato raised his eyebrows, these are my grandchildren!? Yes, Shion nodded to Minato, the smile that followed could only be Uzumaki. Now my loves pay close attention to Baa-Chan! This man right here is Minato-Kun, he is your Sofu. Shiro was the first to go to his grandfather's arms. They were warm and protective he felt right, like love. He never wanted this feeling to go away.

Then Ise came and joined the hug, and what he thought was perfect got even better. Kushina hugged her family finally seeing shadows of what she grew up with. A large loving and prospering clan. Seeing their father play with Naruto's children brought the greatest feeling to Raiken's soul. Like he was on track with his mission. His life was hard but stuff like this is why he can keep going. We offer to return the former priestess. In a younger vessel and, a chance for you to be with the one you love. Ok boys, I'm sure myself and your family are extra passengers you weren't counting on.

We will get the children to Konoha along with your mother and Haku. You can stay with them or you can come with us? You know the Mass Transmission Jutsu? I can walk you through it, since you know the first stage of the Hiraishin. He taught them the hand seals and after gathering their belongings into scrolls. The revival process, and Moroku's tear filled meeting with her daughter and grandchildren. They agreed that Shion and Ise would spend time in both villages, as liaisons for Oni No Kuni. All this took 4 days, around noon of the 5th day they flashed out of the chambers of Moroku.

-3 years and 7 days-

A large burnt orange flash filled Tsunade's office. When it cleared there were Minato Namikaze, Kushina Uzumaki, Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, Raiken Uzumaki-Namikaze, Shion the Priestess of Demon Country. Two children with one blue and one violet eye and white hair like Shion but their faces were carbon copies of Naruto with 2 whiskers on their faces. Jiraya was in shock as was Sakura who was delivering papers to her Sensei. Haku? Haku Yuki? How can you be alive? I watched you die from Kakashi Sensei's Chidori!

SAKURA! What you just witnessed is an S-Rank secret. If you utter a word to anyone I will have to stripped of your rank and your medical knowledge! Am I CLEAR!? Sakura shuddered at the amount of killing intent her Sensei just used on her. Yes Lady Tsunade, I saw nothing. Good, please leave we have much to discuss. She left the office, Naruto threw up a silencing and privacy seal. Black, Yellow and Orange flashes went off simultaneously. 3 Root Shinobi were dead seconds later, Tsunade shook her head. Like father like sons, Kushina finished.

I have a good idea as to how it is you 2 are back. So I'm just gonna ask, why these little ones look like you and Lady Shion? Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto! Weeellll Baa-Chan!? I'm supposed to have at least one heir by the time we're 18 right? This takes care of me he grinned and tried to awkwardly laugh. Shion is capable of being Naru-Kun's wife. My boys have love interests from multiple women. I approve of Haku-Chan and Moroku's blessing is had. Shion and Ise will be liaisons to Oni No Kuni.

Haku has no affiliations, as this is Uzumaki Haku. She was adopted into the clan by Kinjutsu as was Minato-Kun. Tsunade could only stare in shock at her cousin. Also I believe that your alliance with Suna will be strengthened. Temari-Chan is sweet on my Naruto. The daughter of a Kage and it is rumored that she is a rare user of the Scorch Release. You bring me so much paperwork Gaki's! Get out of my office you have women that are waiting for you! The boys use the mass transmission to get to their clan grounds. Welcome home the boys chorus as the flash clears. Immediately Naruto threw up a Wind Wall. A Water Bullet hit the barrier, WHAT THE HELL!? As the Wind Wall was held up Minato said come Raiken, let's talk.

-Uchiha Sasuke-

Has been sore at the loss he took at the Valley of the End. The fucked up part is this bastard can heal Kimmimaru right now, he just doesn't want to. Keeps taking advantage of his devotion for him. The Dobe wasn't lying! That bastard snake was really setting me up to be his replacement body. Like I'm about to let this prick have his way. Tch! I made his way to the cells in back, I made my way to the wall. A few hand seals later I placed my hand on the wall. A seal only my Sharingan could see appeared for a moment.

I learned the Shadow Clone Jutsu during my years with the Snake Sanin. I have been able to make Senbon and a spear of the Chidori. Turns out my affinity was strongest with lightning. He charged this clone with half his reserves. I'll be back! He stepped through his self made portal. I found some obscure Sealing scrolls that made sense after what the freak taught me. What they didn't take into account is that I had figured out a blood clone and made one for both Jugo and Kimmimaru. I had a healing area set up for them Jugo, Kimmimaru, Tayuya.

I was sent to retrieve her head from her failed mission. She was alive but she was so weak and so beautiful. Tayuya was the first person I ever healed. After which I healed Kimmimaru and Jugo. They were the only people Ta would get along with. Turns out Kimmimaru is really fucking good at Kenjutsu. We have been improving Jugo's technique with Taijutsu. I really like these guys they are strong and loyal. I feel like they're family, something I haven't had in so long.

Tayuya would only work on Genjutsu for the longest time, and that's how we began. How the fuck did I get stuck with 2 crazy Uzumaki women? Karin had the ability to enter the pocket dimension from the Southern Base. Karin taught her some healing, and the basis of that monster Uzumaki strength. We have a plan, once we get out of here we will head for Uzu to see if we find anything for the girls. I just wanted to see you, I kiss Tayuya. I'm going to do it soon, I need you to stay here a little longer ok Ta? She crossed her arms under her perfect tits. Huffing out a fine Ske! But you owe me a nice dinner or somebody to hurt.

I chuckled at her antics, Karin comes in through the seal. Hey sexy lady! Ta and I chorus. She rushes us and bear hugs us together. I love it when we're here at the same time. Orochimaru had been away from the Southern Base long enough for Mikoto to be born. At just over a year old Mikoto was a chibi version of his mother. Two tone Raven and Crimson hair. She had her mother's pink eyes. Tayuya was expecting a boy, if Karin is to be believed. Karin, If you don't hear from me in a week take Mikoto and you all get out of here through the exit to the Uchiha Clan Compound.

I stepped back out after a moment, so? The snake's lap dog is coming. Orochimaru had documents showing the Leaf was responsible for my Clan's massacre. I don't know what to believe anymore where is it safe for my children to grow up? Who can I trust? *Heavy sigh* Fuck! Fine this can't remain as it is and I will not allow Orochimaru to take my life. I am the Last Uchiha dammit! Ka-Chan, Itachi, I won't let you down. I've done enough of that to last me 2 lifetimes. There was a knock at the door, a muffled Orochimaru-Sama would like to see you Sasuke-Kun. I will be with him shortly, I said in a non-committal tone.

Very well, as you wish, he is expecting you.

Kabuto left the door to my room disappearing into the lair. I gather my resolve and make my way to the snake's door. Enter Sasuke-Kun, the way he says my name always makes me shudder. Chidori Spear, my technique is blocked by Orochimaru. I cut through the door with my own Kusanagi. I walked in and said it's about time I get out of here. I've learned all you can teach me. I have a Clan to avenge and rebuild. The snake cackling sinisterly, Ku Ku Ku Ku Ku Ku. You think you can stop me!? I taught you what you know NOT what I know whelp!

Canceling the Jutsu, I looked at my prey. You are not leaving this room alive snake. He was already weakened by what Sandaime did to him. He was even weaker thanks to the body failing him. Grand Fireball Jutsu! I spit a ball of fire at him his body became snake like winding to and fro staying just out of the way of my attacks. He then transformed into a large white snake with Orochimaru's head. He ranted about being immortal and using my body to it's fullest. He tried to swallow me and take over my body, I activated my Mangekyo. Dominated his will and essence and walked out of his chambers with my own will fully intact.

I burned the corpse so he would have one less body to return to. Kabuto tried to make a joke about it. When I informed him that his master was no more I watched the poor bastard break. Not interested in this I took off at top speed to get to my daughter, my wives and my team. What I didn't expect is to run face first into this short haired beauty. Literally! I ran right into her soft squishy breasts. Help me please! I was ambushed and my party is dead. If they find me I am as good as dead too. I'm the last of my clan, Sofu forgive me. Kurotsuchi began to cry, she was tough! But this situation was bad for her. She was exhausted and having a hard time. Reserves almost depleted, sprained ankle, broken tibia, cracked ribs, split lip, black swollen shut eye.

If she wasn't dressed in a Iwa Jonin uniform, I'd swear she was an Uchiha. Don't worry you're safe now, I sped off in a Shunshin. I remember the stories of cousin Shisui. Shunshin no Sasuke I thought to myself, I like it. I literally turned this impromptu rescue mission into a fucking training exercise!? As I'm repeatedly using Shunshin at every conceivable angle. I stopped in an opening are you still capable of using chakra? She nodded yes, good! Protect yourself, I'll take care of our tail. She made an earth dome around herself. I could tell that act alone was taxing on her reserves. I already had Jugo's cells and Kimmimaru's cells in my body.

There's a few techniques I managed to pilfer from the snake and his drone. I had time to get use to it. So far I would only use my elbow to produce a secondary blade. I was aware of what natural energy felt like having Jugo's DNA filtered into my own allowed me to enhance myself further without using the curse mark. I was trying to pull any and every advantage out for my fight with Itachi as possible.

-Uzumaki-Namikaze Raiken-

Sit with us Raiken-Kun, I need to know your story better. Minato asked me, Kushina grinning like a maniac at the suggestion. Minato narrowed his eyes a bit, please son, sit down. I am curious as to how your life in Kumogakure truly was. I'm gonna narrate the memories otherwise we'll be here for another week.

-Sage Art: Great Flashback Jutsu-

A 3 year old Raiken was being looked after by Mabui, A's wife. She made sure I could read, write, speak properly and behave with manners. The day my chakra was unlocked I was the first time I met Killer B. He was in his late teens, and the horrible rapping was all the way his persona. He made me a beast with kunai and throwing knives. From 3 to 6 we were focused on speed, endurance, and accuracy. When I turned 6 I already had High Jonin reserves. B was super excited when I had a natural affinity to Lightning. Even more so when my secondary fire affinity was just as good.

When I was 7 we found out I had a very high lightning affinity. We were on a "diplomatic" mission to Iwa and they attempted to steal me when they suspected I was Uzumaki. I was 6 when I learned how to use the lightning armor. I started at 40 seconds, and worked my way up from there. I was up to 58 seconds when they tried to kidnap me. I was chased in the capital into a warehouse. They took me out of the public eye, that allowed me to cut loose. The voices rang out from all around me. We've got ya' know Gaki, you're gonna come with us. Now be a good boy and we won't have to deliver damaged goods.

They snigger amongst themselves at the obvious joke. I tilt my head and pop my neck.

I was 4 tails in on the brink of 5 worth of control. B loved pushing me with my knives so I was doing pretty good. Their kunai and shuriken just couldn't hit their mark. But my knives were definitely finding their marks. The seals in my pockets held 100 knives a piece. I had one in my hand pockets and 2 in my hip pouch. I wore shin guards so I had 2 seals on each shin. 1400 throwing knives, yeah it sounds like overkill. This is why I love Uzumaki Sealing Jutsu.

It's like anything you can think of can be made into a seal, Sealing Art 3 Point Barrier. A quick snake seal left the 2 men caught within fried to death by lightning. They tried to take me out with numbers. I responded with speed, accuracy, and power. Could usually collect my knives before the body has a chance to finish dying. I was having trouble doing that. Fire Style: Multi Flame Bullet Jutsu. I hit another 3, the one I missed managed to get behind me. The I was Chunin called out: Earth Prison Jutsu. I had been fighting them off for almost 10 minutes.

I was getting tired, I wasn't fast enough to get away and I was caught. Caught in a vise made of earth, this is bullshit. I thought only to be answered with: Who told to you do dumbass shit? Dumbass! Stupid fox! I don't need commentary from the peanut gallery. You overgrown throw rug! If you're not gonna help then shut up, and let me try to figure it out! Why do you have to be such an instigator Kyuubi? Because Gaki, your misery is my entertainment the fox chuckled as it quit commenting. I can still make the hand seals, I thought to myself.

I kneaded the chakra just the right way and BOOM! 57, I barrel into the nearest ninja spearing him into the wall. 55, I chose the next target a nin who thought he'd catch me from above: LARIAT! That removed his head, it made such a mess. 53, Fist of Raijin! This knocked one Jonin into 2 Chunin. The next guy got caught in a German Suplex that snapped his neck. 50, Electromagnetic Murder! This fried everyone incapable of jumping in time. I spent most of my time in this warehouse on the move.

I wasn't about to let these clowns catch me. I pulled my wakizashi sized hatchet, I nicknamed; chopper. You really need a dozen guys for me!? I grin wider it never reached my eyes. You didn't bring nearly enough for your safety. That was your mistake! Heads, arms, hands, legs, feet all went flying. Electrocution being a byproduct of being maimed by chopper. 28 seconds! You guys suck! BOOM! Killer B and a younger Darui came bursting through a wall of the warehouse. Ya' fools messin' with lil' 9 will lead you to your demise. Weeeeeee! B Sensei! You came for me, I screamed out.

Yo Darui! Yo Rai, woah. That's gonna be a drag, you made quite the mess didn't ya'? War was avoided, for the time being. Mabui finally began letting me see all the Uzumaki scrolls. It would seem that those not of Uzumaki blood only saw jibberish. 8 years old: There were only beginner to the first book of intermidiate seals, minor barrier seals. Minor offensive seals, and a number of water jutsu. The Fist of Raijin, The Spear of Raijin, and Dragon Flash Uppercut are Jutsu from the Scrolls available to me in Kumogakure.

10 years old: within the scrolls there was an obscure Jutsu, to bond with animals for recon and surveillance. I stuck to birds, as they had the most chance of mobility. The birds brought me all sorts of information. That's how I found out about the seagulls.

I only trained one since there weren't many around here. Rarely did they make as far as the village. It cost me 500 Ryo to acquire the Hiding Like A Mole Jutsu. I had enough Sealing knowledge to play around within the confines of my ability.

It was actually Yugito Nii that taught me how to use Fire Chakra. During my tutoring with her, is when I found out about the fall of Uzushiogakure. I was already aware of Kushina from my last life so I knew where I was headed. When my seagull partner returned with that information. I began to lose control my control was further ruined with the return of other birds that had been sent to different regions. I found out about Uzu the same day I found out that Uzumaki relics made their way into Iwa.

I had a few mice, this is how I discovered the secret files that A kept in his basement office. One that he didn't really keep locked all the time. The diaries of the 3rd Raikage. The way Kushina was kidnapped with the express purpose of making an Uzumaki Clan in Kumo. Z's assignment to follow and consequently take either me, Naruto or both. Mabui never really did me wrong but she was never against these practices either. Furthermore she was also behind my abduction.

I snapped, took my rage out on the first Shinobi I could get my claws on. Yugito tried to calm me and I turned on her she had a hard fight that day. I almost killed her and vice versa, we were in the hospital for a few days. A scolded us and almost removed me from the program. Killing a Chunin before Yugi-Chan could calm me down would probably do that. 11 years old: I bought a scroll that was found with a wandering merchant. Thank you Gully for your long distance flying! Stasis, paralysis seals, Fire Style techniques,

Book 2 of the intermediate sealing studies. As well as the secret to placing seals with a touch.

It was however a trap I'm not sure if he was over zealous. I don't really care! AO tried to have me captured, beaten within an inch of my life. For what whatever reason he didn't activate his seals before the ambush. I was at my camp site on the side of the road maybe a quarter mile off as to not attract attention. They didn't know that to expect, they were going to just rush in, AO activated his Dojutsu. My trap seal went off at the same time as the gun shot hit me. Thankfully it was only a water style or that would've blown my skull off.

Kyuubi healed my head but was incapable of recreating the entire head, eyes, and heart.

With a roar I slammed my hands on the floor Sealing Art: Multi Statis Cube this seal is a fusion between a stasis seal, a syphoning seal and a storage seal. With a gravity seal forming the cube. All the man could do was scream when I said, an eye *gasp* for an eye. Monkey, boar, ram, ox, ram: Sealing Bypass: Open with my forefinger I created a slit just big enough for my hand to enter. *Squelch* GAAAHH! MY EYE!