
Kitsune of 2 Shadows: A Naruto Fan-fic

A twist of fate brought a recently passed Adam into the Shinobi world. Now as one half of it's main protagonists. Armed with Adam's knowledge of future events and his past life experiences. He hopes to change the fate of the Shinobi world. Another twist of fate removes the now named Raiken from Naruto's side within minutes of their birth. Raiken will escape his captors and return to his brother. Just in time to try and mitigate the damage of the worst of the events to come. Read along as the Uzumaki Heirs reclaim their lost legacy and restore their clan and their honor. Raiken has a unique knowledge of future events. How will this change the timeline?

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Chapter 6: Return of the Clan 2

Naruto! Naruto, wake up *slap* come on knucklehead. Wake up! Hello beautiful Naruto said as he opened his eyes. Tenchi-Chan is that you? Haku blushed, no silly it's Haku she smiled at him making Nauto flush again. Haku-Chan? I think you should meditate until we get to Sunagakure. Get use to the depth of your new chakra reserves.

Are you ok Haku-Chan? Naruto asked her again. I am fine Naruto-Kun, I believe I will do as your Ka-Chan suggests and play with my chakra until we arrive in Suna.

Sakura! Please, you have to save Kankuro, he and Gaara are all I have left. Sakura was saying Temari I am doing everything in my power to help him please be *door slams open* Temari-Sama! There's a group inbound for the village. Ma'am they are arriving by air, I believe they are riding dragons! Racing to the roof Temari, Guy, Rock, Neji, and Baki Shunshin to the rooftop. Neji already had his Dojutsu active, his eyes widened when he spotted the group.

Naruto! There are 2 Naruto, 2 unknown women, and Kakashi Sensei. They are in fact riding dragons. The center beast bares the Uzumaki Clan Crest on its chest. Baki hisses in a deep breath. Th-th-the Bloody Habanero is alive!? and promptly fainted. Viewing glass still in his palm when he landed in a thud. Have the men stand down, they are allies arriving to assist in the recovery of the Kazekage. Yes Temari-Sama, right away.

A few minutes later the 4 Dragons came to land right outside the gates to Sunagakure.

Thank you for your assistance Yoroi, I look forward to our next chess match. Fuu, thank you for keeping us safe during our travels. Yes, thank you Fuu-Sama. Haku bowed to the dragon before it reverse summoned. Temari and the rest of the Shinobi that followed her down. They came upon the group of 5, as Kakashi was saying goodbye to a dragon named Kirin. Hatake Kakashi? He shook his head no, Hatake-Uzumaki Kakashi at your service. Uzumaki-Namikaze Kushina how ya' doin kiddo. Uzumaki-Namikaze Raiken the two tone blonde wearing crimson highlights in his black clothes. Yo Temari, what happened to Gaara? Is Kankuro ok? Yo Baki-Sama!

Uzumaki.. Namikaze Naruto he finished the statement for Temari. This is our Ka-Chan, and this is Uzumaki Haku. A fair skinned, beautiful girl her own age maybe a year older. You have Thee Uzumaki Clan at your service, ya know! No one noticed the necklace that Raiken was wearing, began to glow faintly. Mouth slightly agape, Temari shook out the confusion. I see she paused, Naruto I am happy you have family with you now. She smiled at the two tone red blonde.

Gaara was taken by Akatsuki, a long haired blonde with strange explosive powers. Raiken made a fist, he ground out DEIDARA and his knuckles popped. Deidara the Mad Bomber of Iwagakure, S-Class Missing-Nin. We don't know who the other Shinobi was but we are assuming he's the one who poisoned Kankuro.

-Haruno Sakura-

Are you ok Nii-Chan? Her Snow Leopard familiar asked her. I'm frustrated Yuki-Chan, Kankuro is hard to heal. You're nearly there Sakura-Nii don't stop now. Tsunade Sensei would smack you into wall for your current mindset. She continued to extract the poison from Kankuro as the group got close to the room. She recognized Kakashi Sensei's chakra, NARUTO that's Naruto's Chakra!, who is that? She paused, that's not possible I watched her die. How is Haku in that group? Raiken, Baki, and Temari. She had just finished with her work, when Temari opened the door to Kankuro's room.

First Temari walked in then Raiken, then a beautiful woman with almost blood red hair.

Fair skin, and a chakra pool as monstrous as.. Sensei? Kakashi Sensei? Is that really you? The Scarecrow's formerly slivery hair now had a crimson streak running through it. His chakra reserves were still smaller than this woman's. By a slim margin but, she feels like Naruto and Raiken. Then in walked the young woman that was supposed to be Haku Yuki. She was gorgeous, dark nut brown hair with auburn and crimson highlights streaked all through out. Her chakra reserves were almost the size of Tsunade-Sama's! How is this even possible!?

Then in walks Uzumaki Naruto, he's grown so much and, that burnt orange in his clothes along with the damn near neon and crimson rimmed scarf around his neck. His dual tone eyes catch her immediately. What the hell is that Naruto? What happened to your eyes? Then he turned to face me, Cerulean Rinnegan and Cerulean orb looking at me.

Sakura, yo! How have you been is Hinata-Chan ok? The reminder that he hadn't contacted her in months made her blood boil. She began leaking killing intent, BAKKANAA! Sakura was about to launch the fist she was charging with chakra, when 2 things happened.

1) her fist was caught by the beautiful woman, who was wearing a dead look. 2) she was hit with the combined killing intent of the Uzumaki Clan and Temari. The last thing Sakura heard as she lost consciousness. If you ever try to raise your hand to my Sochi again *snap* Kushina broke her wrist. I'll kill you Haku finished in her ear. 6 hours later after being healed by Suna Med-Nin's. Sakura woke up with a sore wrist and a chill in her bones from Haku's last words. So much killing intent *shudders* they're monsters.

-Team Guy & The Uzumaki Clan-

Ka-ka-shi, my rival you've grown stronger. Your youth is overflowing it's infectious! Come let us engage in hot blooded youthful combat! He looked up from his Icha-Icha, hmmm? You say something Guy? This made Guy narrow his eyes and grit his teeth at the Scarecrow. Oooohh Kakashi! Curse you and your hip and cool ways! But seriously Kaka, you've gotten stronger old friend. Guy gets clapped on the shoulder. Hey kiddo! You look good Guy-Kun.

This presence, the only other presence to give me the feeling of actual fear. He turned his head slowly, Uzumaki Kushina? As I live and breathe! How is this possible!? We buried you I learned to live without you. I'm so sorry Guy, she hugged him. I didn't mean to leave you and Bakkashi, this made Guy snigger. Have you kept up on your forms? I didn't teach you the opening of the UzuKen to have you not use it! Guy paled considerably, Kushina went blank faced. I see she said monotoned, I have a lot of work to do in Konoha. I-I-I-I-You see, save it Guy!

The dark cloud of shame that formed over Maito Guy. Kept him silent for the better part of the day. Kakashi having the piece of fabric Kankuro managed to get from Sasori. They set out to retrieve the Godaime Kazekage.

-Hidden Cave, Border of River Country-

Sabaku no Gaara was floating in mid-air surrounded. The draining energy of the Gedo-Mazo Statue, reclaiming the essence of the Ichibi no Shukaku. Oh man! This is taking forever. My hands are gonna cramp by the time this is over. Deidara was complaining for the umpteenth time. Sasori was grumbling in the background. The spectral figures of Kisame, Itachi, Zetsu, Konan, SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DAMN BRAT OR I'LL SACRIFICE YOU TO JASHIN! Hidan screams at Deidara.

Kakuzu groaned, I could be making money instead of listening to this. Silence! Yahiko's body said representing Pain. The Ichibi will be fully extracted in the next 20 hours.

-Team Guy/Team Uzumaki-

Pakun, keep this pace everyone is able to follow at this pace. Naruto please slow down, we'll make it in time to save him. Chiyo kept staring at Kushina and finally asked. You are the Bloody Habanero girl, aren't you? Yes Chiyo-Sama, it is good to see you again. You've gotten stronger child! Yes Obaa-Sama and I'll get even stronger now that I have been reunited with my boys. Chiyo frowned at the Grandma remark, but nodded nonetheless.

The tear drop that hit Kushina's cheek took all of her attention. Naruto at the front of the pack was crying his chakra a rolling storm. He truly saw Gaara in the same light as he does Raiken. Slight trails of Kyuubi's Chakra flowing off his shoulders. Naruto's Chakra suddenly tightened and focused to laser precision.

-2 hours later-

The squads stopped on the river facing the giant boulder. Grimacing Naruto says Raiken, Neji *nods* BYAKUGAN noting the locations of the boulders Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu! 250 shadow clones made an appearance. 5 separated to the seal tag points. They fried the seal and dispelled, Naruto gathered chakra in his fist Raiken did the same, as did Kushina. Combination technique: Uzumaki Crush! The 3 way punch pulverized the boulder. Kakashi and Chiyo: Wind Style Great Breakthrough!

We will talk about how you have a Byakugan later Raiken-San. Summoning the Raijin No Ken to his hand. Raiken said, the same way I got this. Just retrieving what rightfully belongs to Konoha. Neji nodded accepting this explanation for the moment. Rushing in the group came upon Deidara and Sasori. The spectral figures of the rest of the Akatsuki on the fingers of the Gedo Mazo.

-Pain's Perspective-

There are 8 incoming chakra signatures, the Kyuubi Jinchuriki is among them. Nothing below High Chunin Chakra reserves detected. They will be here momentarily, there isn't enough time to do the clone ritual unless we plan on having them arrive as back up? Tobi? Can you just use Kamui to transport them into the cave for assistance? The clones can be made they will require 30 percent of your chakra reserves. Sasori, Deidara, hold out long enough for backup to arrive.

As if some Leaf garbage can hurt us, Sasori said confidently. Deidara take the explosions out of the cave! Tch! Suit yourself Sasori my man. As the group of would be rescuers entered the cave Deidara asked. So! Which one is the Kyuubi Jinchuriki? Sasori remarked, the first one to bark the loudest. Gotcha my man! Deidara said as Naruto said GIVE GAARA BACK RIGHT NOW! He threw a kunai in Gaara's direction. While simultaneously throwing some at Sasori and Deidara. Kunai Shadow Clone Jutsu! Naruto thought and the 3 kunai became 83.

Sasori and Deidara were forced to split up and Naruto disappeared in an orange flash. Where do you think you're going Sasori? Whirlwind Fist! Naruto punched at the master puppeteer. Sasori was barely able to recover in mid-air, he landed on all fours against the wall in a crater. Deidara take your explosions out of here! We mustn't damage the statue. In a pair of flashes Raiken and Naruto place a palm on the Gedo Mazo. Uzumaki Art; Contract Seal Break! The statue started to roar due to the contract breaking.

The words and seals flashed through both of their brains simultaneously. Flipping through the seals they nicked their thumbs and with a chorused slap of Summoning Jutsu; Gedo Mazo! The statue went silent and the extraction process stopped. Barely saving Sabaku no Gaara's life. As it is Gaara was virtually dead, don't worry Aniki! You'll be up and running Suna again in no time. Disappearing in an orange flash he extracted his Jinchuriki brother. He appeared next to Kushina, Ka-Chan can you flash Gaara to the hospital on Suna!?

Sakura should be able to heal him, Please! Damn it she says as she lays a hand on Gaara's forehead. He's almost dead now! No Sochi, this is your mission. Get him to safety, Go! Kushina said as her chains blocked several projectiles. She summoned her Katana, Whirlpool Dance. Shunshining out of range of the attacks headed in her direction beginning to cut her way through Sasori's puppet army. Deidara tried to unleash his explosives in the cave. Kakashi was using his newly created Chidori Senbon. (Far off in Otto *sneeze* someone is going to pay for talking about me! Sasuke-Kun?

The Snake Sanin asked, you aren't coming down with a cold are you? Hm, I'm fine! Sasuke said curtly.)Raiken disappeared in a black flash and appeared in front of Deidara. Black Lightning Hurricane! This being Raiken's version of the Leaf Hurricane. Kaka-Nii, let's go! Chasing after the flying Deidara so they wouldn't lose him.

-Sakura Haruno-

Ok Kankuro, you should be coming out of the worst of that. The next 72 hours will be painful but you will pull through this. In an orange flash Naruto appeared carrying the Kazekage Gaara bridal style. Sakura! He needs help, his chakra is so low please do what you can. Temari came running into the room having felt Gaara's chakra. He is home I, Naruto's chakra spiked exponentially before he disappeared again. They will pay! The words left ringing in the air with the orange flash.

Both girls chorus Naruto-Kun, be safe! Thank you Naruto, Temari's last thought before focusing on making sure Gaara lived. Naruto, you've really gotten strong, haven't you!? Sakura thought as her eyes watered slightly. While trying to asses The Godaime Kazekage's status.

An orange flash, Ka-Chan! Are you ok? Kushina was having a hard time with the puppet of the Sandaime Kazekage. I tire of this Naruto let loose about 6 tails worth of chakra. Eternal Mangekyo in his right eye, 4 Tomoe Rinnegan in his left. Both Dojutsu slitted and glowing ominously. He released a deafening ROOAAAARRR! For what you tried doing to my brother, I'LL KILL YOU! Kunai Shadow Clone Jutsu! Naruto thought as 6 Kunai became 126 all laced with wind fire and lightning chakra intermittently. All Mighty Push!

-Fighting Deidara-

Gate of Joy: Open! Tch! ROTATION! Damnit! I'm done playing defense you multi-mouthed heathen. Releasing a deep breath Neji's chakra spiked. Thank you for guiding my growth Guy Sensei. Your knowledge in Taijutsu is utterly inspiring. I thank you for sharing your style with me. Naruto, I'm gonna get a good fight out of you, one way or another. Gate of Opening: Open! Kaka-Nii, DO IT! Taking a Deep breath, First Breath Activate! He thought as he went into the Seven Heavenly Breaths technique.

His speed picked up, Second Breath activate. Kakashi moved in a lightning shunshin getting ahead of Deidara as his chakra spiked. A bomb came at Kakashi too big to block. Tch! Mangekyo flaring to life, the ethereal ribcage of the Susanoo formed around him. Quickly followed by the rest of the silvery-blue robed golem, with a giant Swirl on its chest. A collosal katana and wakizashi on its hip. Narrowing his eyes Deidara growling at the trap these fools set for him. He slashed through the bomb with a lightning coated short sword.

Those Kami Damned Eyes! I fucking HATE UCHIHA! Lightning Style; Great Thunderous Hurricane! Guy and Raiken were jumping back and forth from the canyon edges thanks to their enhancing techniques. Neji landed on the flying creature rolling to his feet. He was in the air as he unleashed an original technique. 8 Trigrams Slicing Vacuum! The crescent shaped compressed chakra blabe that swung off of Neji's backflip kick. Sent Deidara flying off the giant bomb. Raiken landed on the flying creature and created a Rasengan in his lightning coated palm. The black lightning being absorbed into the technique.

A crackling midnight blue jewel of destruction. Lightning Style: Rasendori slamming the attack into the flying creature. The flying bomb crumbles and fell apart. NOOOOOO! Deidara screams out witnessing the ridiculous jutsu in front of him. Essentially the damage of a military grade electromagnetic pulse, in the palm of his hand. Who the hell are you!? The barrier at the opposite end of the canyon shattered. o

Only to be replaced by the most negative, heavy, and bloodthirsty feeling. Deidara was utterly sure the Kyuubi brat had been left behind with Sasori.

Dark orange chakra began to flicker on the two tone haired brat. The grainy way his chakra flowed around him was disturbing. A twisted visage of a divine entity. The green chakra flowing around the other Shinobi and the long haired Hyuga. He looked like a demon and the other guys looked freaky too. Neji managed to catch Deidara right on the chakra core. Raiken marked him before Guy sent him flying. Off of his own bird with a well placed uppercut. One more time Neji told himself; 8 Trigrams Slicing Vacuum. Already charging his Lightning chakra upon landing.

Lightning Style; Flash Vacuum Spear. Neji was low on chakra after that last attack. Maybe a third of his reserves left before chakra exhaustion. Kakashi dropped the Susanoo and flashed at Deidara at terminal velocity. Lightning Blade! In a black flash Raiken appeared behind Deidara, 2 Black Chidori aimed at his heart and Chakra Core. Leaving Deidara unable to activate his suicide technique nor escape his death. They landed in the river at the bottom of the canyon. Panting Guy chuckled Neji, you've been holding out on me. Neji blushed slightly but his shoulders rose, pride in being acknowledged by his Sensei.

Man! Naruto is gonna have a tough time the next time you spar. Raiken said as he clapped Neji's shoulder. On their way back to the others in the cave. Raiken noticed a dull pain in his Rinnegan. Unknown to him his Rinnegan had just gained its first Tomoe.

-Battling Akasuna No Sasori-

Ice Style: Demonic Ice Mirrors, Haku was flashing in and out of the Ice Mirrors. Sealing Art: 6 point fortress, Kushina Uzumaki was keeping the majority of the fight in the cave. Twin Rising Dragons! Ten-Ten after her weapons hit the ground she used her crude chakra strings. To recycle the weapons she just summoned. Dodging she ended up next to a Naginata she picked it up. She was actually very proud of this weapon. Her latest and best work, the seals carved up and down the weapon wood and metal alike. The curve at the spear tip, just the right size to behead a person cleanly. She channeled her water chakra through the blade.

(Ten-Ten P.O.V.) I super heated the metal with her fire chakra. Secret Art: Boiling Sharp Spear. I worked so hard making this technique. What!? Why can't I move? I hear Naruto scream THAT'S IT! UZUMAKI ART; TIME SPACE STASIS. Naruto's hands had slammed on the floor. Ten-Chan! My eyes move in his direction the only part of my body capable of moving. He put a hand on my shoulder and I was suddenly able to move again. Thanks I said while blushing, I'm glad you're ok he said.

That technique Nesan? Did you create that? Her blush deepened, yes it took me almost a year to get that right. Guy Sensei called it a High B-Rank Jutsu. I can only do 3 of those before I start feeling it. Gotcha, get back with Ka-Chan and watch. A clone formed a giant Rasengan. Kushina noticed it was darker than normal and there was noted use of Water chakra. Then the large ord began to pulse with power. Water Style; Rasentorrent the technique flying at Sasori. When it reached the same point as the spear. Both techniques continued their course.

Combination Technique; Boiling Tornado Spear. Unfortunately for her Naginata it didn't quite survive the attack. Tch, I guess their control for puppets is amazing. Ok well I guess we should get back to Suna and see how Gaara is doing. Coming out of the cave they were greeted by the returning group that was after Deidara. Well? Kushina prompted, did you get him? Kakashi held up a scroll, right here shaking it for all to see. Well then we should be off, they all used Hiraishin markers. Teleporting back outside the main gate to Sunagakure.

Lady Chiyo, Lady Chiyo! She received the news that Gaara was slipping away from Sakura. In the time it took Chiyo to get to the O.R. Gaara passed away from the chakra loss, consequences of having Shukaku removed. Naruto, Raiken, and Kakashi heard the message and raced after Chiyo. In this timeline Chiyo didn't get as tired as in cannon. She willingly gave her life in this timeline to revive the Godaime Kazekage. Chiyo passed away with a smile on her face, content she secured the future of Suna.

(Gaara P.O.V) Content that at least in my mind I was able to say goodbye to my people. Precious people, thank you Naruto for showing me that there is another way. This is where my life ends. Where the void began. Except there is a strange feeling here, Who is there!? Show yourself. I began to tremble at the visage that approached me. She and Temari would be identical if Ka-Chan were blonde. Shakily I ask Ka-Chan? Is that really you? Yes my precious little boy, My Gaara. But how can this be? You died when I was born. I have been watching you my love, your Sand control was the only gift I could truly leave you other than your life. I am truly grateful that I was able to finally meet you Ka-Chan. I always wondered if you really loved me. From the moment I found out that you were coming.

No different from Kankuro or Temari, you're all pieces of me. I still carry you with me. Her image began to fade, Gaara you are the Guardian of Sunagakure. Go be powerful Kazekage-Kun her spirit glowed and the dissipating power flowed into Gaara. Filling him with warmth and love. GAARA! PLEASE! that sounds like Temari, but how? I am dead. A green glow surrounded me and I began to feel again. Like I was waking from a deep slumber. When I finally opened my eyes Gaara! There was, Uzumaki Naruto? In the astral bro! You're not alone anymore Gaara, you can come back now. It's safe! I reached out to his hand and in a bright flash I awaken.

(General P.O.V) GAARA! Temari loud whispers as she sees his eyes flutter open. What happened? I thought I died? I met Ka-Chan, she sends her love Tema. The amulets Raiken and Kushina wore, were already glowing. Kushina finally noticed since Raiken's had come in tucked during the fighting. She had a nagging suspicion so she asked, Temari? Kushina as she removed her amulet, would you hold this for a moment? It will not harm you it's a clan relic, she said with a smile. There were rumors of my clan settling down in Suna, she thought to herself. As Temari grabbed the amulet the glow never disappeared.

I knew it! HAHAHAHA! Kushina sounded like a maniac. Sabaku no Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara. You have Uzumaki blood in you, enough that the amulet recognizes you as family. Well then! Brother by circumstance and cousin by blood. I'm closer to you than ever! Gaara smiled at his now extended family. With the remaining few days the Clan exchanged knowledge. Naruto walked away with new Wind techniques. Gaara was taught the Shadow Clone Jutsu, Naruto's and Kushina, Raiken, and Naruto all did the Adoption Sealing on their clan to make it official.

Temari took a liking to Naruto after he saved her little brothers and Kage. To know that they're cousins but far enough removed that they could be together if they chose to. But there's that Haku girl and the Hyuga heiress to consider as well. The Suna Uzumaki had mark d growth in their abilities. Gaara already had the ability to control Gold like his father. However after the sealing he became the second user of the Iron Sand. This brought his ranking in the bingo book S-Rank. Kankuro got to work making changes and retooling the Sandaime Kazekage.

Kankuro's collection now consisting of; Crow, Black Ant, and Sandaime Kazekage. Plus the project he was currently working on. Temari and Gaara were taught the Air Pistol and by the time they left Garra had recreated the technique with his sand.

-Departing Suna-

They clasp hands and Naruto pulls him into a hug. Which Kushina adds herself to, while dragging Raiken into the hug. Well looks like the our Clan is taking over the Elemental Nations without even intending to. Gaara tilting his head quizzically, there is another Uzumaki Kage? Who is it? The Godaime Mizukage and the Godaime Hokage are both Half Uzumaki, isn't it great!? Indeed it is, you've left me with a lot to think about Naruto. It was nice to meet the rest of you, I hope we see each other again.

Before we go! Kushina says holding a finger up. She put on the Shinigami mask, ran through a series of seals and summoning the Shinigami. Kushina left the Suna Siblings with Karura to be able to catch up with. KA-CHAN!? But how? As the group lifted off into the air Temari bet it all on herself. THANK YOU NARUTO-KUN! THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY LAND, MY BROTHERS AND FOR RETURNING MY MOTHER. Temari? Uhh yes Ka-Chan? We will have to thank your boyfriend properly next time he visits Sunagakure. KA-CHAN!

Temari hollered out almost as red as a sunset. I approve of your choice Tema-Chan, Gaara and Karura chorused. She could only blush and started as the dragons flew away from Suna. Ohhh Naru-Kun, it looks like my son's are lady charmers. Kushina said conspiratorialy, at the situation at hand. Ino and Hinata are betrothed to my boys. Apparently Rai-Kun brought home 2 brides from Kumo. Ka-Chan? Naruto had placed a summoning seal for the Toad Clan on his saddle. A small messenger toad pooped into existence. Yo GamaIto what's up? I have a message from Lady Hokage and Master Jiraya.


You've been requested in Oni No Kuni. Lady Shion has need of you, she has asked that you personally come. Raiken has been requested as well as Lady Kushina.


Tsunade-Hime and I need you to go to Oni No Kuni, handle this business and return to the village. Send Kakashi and Tean Guy back, we'll be waiting for you Gaki.

-Tsunade Senju, Godaime Hokage.

Haku-Chan? I would like it if you came with us, you should know what you're getting yourself into. Having a decent idea of what to expect from life with this Uzumaki. If your family is always this close, then I never want to leave you Naru-Kun. Haku tightened her grip on Naruto.

-Flashback Jutsu-

Naruto didn't really have a deep connection to Hinata yet. The boys are acutely aware that they're to have 4 wives, and at least 2 heirs a piece by the time they reach 18. Naruto and Shion seemed to be hitting it off rather well. On the way out of the village Raiken couldn't help but to tease Naruto. You're gonna end up a father if you keep that up Naru-Kuuun!

-Flashback Jutsu Release-

Naru, do you think it's that? I don't know Rai, I kind of hope so. I really do! I'm not ok with a scenario that keeps us separated. I think that Hina, you and Temari would get along just fine. It's just Naruto paused, there's a possibility that I may have a child or children with the current priestess Shion. If so I will have a lot of explaining to do to Hina-Chan and Temari too. The next couple of hours put them within running distance. Earth Cube Jutsu, Earth Wall Jutsu, forming a building made out of dried smooth earth. They gathered up wood, water, and some small game for dinner. They would continue their trip after a night's rest.

Kushina began training Haku in the uses of chakra. Uzumaki Style! She learned a few new water release jutsus. Some wind release, and created an Ice Bullet while learning Naruto's Air Pistol Jutsu. All while going through the beginner Sealing techniques. Haku agreed to let Kushina put weight and resistance seals on her body.

Naruto made Haku a personalized sealing bead bracelet. She allowed him to place tattoo seals on her wrists. When the Kubokiribocho was sacrificed to birth Fujin No Ken.

It was simply analyzed and reverse engineered with a stronger chakra metal. Seals and Hiraishin marker. The expelling seals allowed for the blade to channel chakra. Off of the cutting edge in crescent shaped waves. The fact that the original blade was able to self forge, using the iron from the victims blood was a God send. Haku-Chan close your eyes please. Naruto summoned the original Kubokiribocho and dropped it in her lap. The finished blade causing her to open her eyes and then widen them as far as she possibly could. But how?

This is Kubokiribocho, it is I took it back from the resting place as well as leaving a proper marker. Raiken said from Yoroi's back.

Thank you Raiken-San, I will work hard to honor his sword and him.

-Oni No Kuni-

Welcome Shinobi San, the priestess has been expecting you. Please follow us, the group mad their way to Shion's chambers. Ka-Chan! Ka-Chan, is that large power Tou-San!? It's a surprise Kushina was the one that caught it first. A Grandmother knows these things. The bright little flame that felt like her son and another. The other being the priestess, Naru made a child with Moroku's daughter!? Kushina thought. Guard-San? What became of Lady Moroku?

Mororku-Sama passed away some time ago Ka-Chan. We were here with Ero-Jii-Jii when they resealed Morio. I see Kushina said, making her mind up on what was to come next.

-Shion's Chambers-

Ka-Chan! Ka-Chan! That feeling, it's so warm and and and BIG! She wailed with her two-tone, pupiless, cereulean, and violet colored eyes. Her braided white hair and Naruto's skinny tone. Along with the two whiskermarks and his chubby cheeks. She was a white haired chibi Naruto. It was the quiet one that was sitting, contemplating the truth of the words his imoto just uttered. This exact copy of Naruto as a boy only with white hair and two-tone pupiless eyes like his twin. Q