
Kitsune of 2 Shadows: A Naruto Fan-fic

A twist of fate brought a recently passed Adam into the Shinobi world. Now as one half of it's main protagonists. Armed with Adam's knowledge of future events and his past life experiences. He hopes to change the fate of the Shinobi world. Another twist of fate removes the now named Raiken from Naruto's side within minutes of their birth. Raiken will escape his captors and return to his brother. Just in time to try and mitigate the damage of the worst of the events to come. Read along as the Uzumaki Heirs reclaim their lost legacy and restore their clan and their honor. Raiken has a unique knowledge of future events. How will this change the timeline?

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9 Chs

Chapter 5: Return of the Clan

-Mizukage's Office-

What is the meaning of this Mei asks politely. Just watch Hime, Kakashi says to her. Have you made your choice yet Ero-Kyofu? Hmmm? He holds his chin in contemplation, I think it's time. Jiraya says fondly, I always thought of Minato as my son and that would make you my grandchildren, right? I accept the offer! He said with a huge grin, he lifted his hair and the boys put the seal on him. Welcome the family Jii-Jii, Fuuin: Uzumaki Adoption Sealing! Jiraya passed out from the pain, his chakra network expanding.

Some of the wrinkles on his face smoothed out. All the tips of his hair became crimson. Like flames on dying coals, his reserves spiked. Making his inability to fully master Senjutsu a thing of the past. What? Did, *gasps* did you? Just make Jiraya of the Sanin a genetic Uzumaki?! Yup! Raiken said with a giant grin on his face. Even this old pervert deserves to be happy and have a family. Naruto said smiling fondly at his passed out Grandfather figure. Look Hime, Kakashi said almost in a whisper, our clan is growing again. Right before your beautiful eyes, he said smiling at her. She blushes at that statement, her heart warming. Her mother always told her to find herself a nice Uzumaki boy.

Hatake-San? Kakashi looked at Mei, you wound me Hime. Am I not your clansmen as well? Well, that's kind of what I want to talk about. I am aware that as the last Hatake you are more than likely qualified for the C.R.A she said with a grimace. But, she continues I feel like I would like to arrange a political marriage. I find you most interesting and I have seen you fight. Your legend is well deserved, I'm sure after this time in Kiri. It will grow even further, she smiled at Kakashi resting her hand over his.

As long as any other woman you deem worthy knows that I am the First wife. And that she truly love you! She caressed his face, lost in his charcoal eyes. I can agree to that Hime, a powerful woman like yourself should be in the spotlight. I would be honored to be married to a Kage, he bowed to Mei. Kissing the back of her hand in the process. She blushes tomato red and hugs Kakashi smashing her lips against his. Knocking them both to the ground, Jiraya woke up to see Mei on top of Kakashi, he had a hell of a headache. His chakra reserves were at least 40 percent larger than before the Kinjutsu.

Raiken put a mirror in his face, ohhhhhh he said seeing his features smoothed out. Then he noticed the crimson tips on all his hair. Even his eyebrows had a red tinge to them. He rather liked the look, he mused. I have a feeling we're going to need to work on chakra control for a while. Until you get use to your new reserves, Ero-Jii-Jii everyone except Jiraya laughed at that. The group would spend another week in Kiri before departing for Myobokuzen.

Mei-Hime I look forward to seeing you in Konoha in the near future. Taking her in his arms and planting a soft kiss on her lips exposing his face for her alone. Like a genjutsu, mask back in place, and the group was headed out. Be safe Mei Terumi-Uzumaki said to her clansmen and her betrothed. A powerful Uzumaki man indeed, she said already missing her scarecrow. Sensei? Hmmm? Before Raiken could continue there was a puff of smoke. Gamaiken, what's going on? Jiraya asked one of his familiars.

Gamaiken looked at Jiraya quizzically, How'd YOU get younger and stronger? OH! This? Hahaha, he laughed scratching the back of his head. Uzumaki Kinjutsu, Naruto answered Gamaiken. You ready for the transfer? He put the temporary seal on Kakashi's hand. Yeah, see ya soon buddy! Patting Gamaiken on his back the toad disappeared in a poof. 30 seconds later the Naruto put an arm around Kakashi and they all disappeared into the realm of the Toads.

-Summoning Realm-

The dragon clan is the strongest of all the summoning animals. They are able to go into any of the realms they rule over. Naruto, Raiken, would you please summon your dragon familiars? Both held out their left arms and a tattoo seal glowed then flew off their arms and formed into Yoroi and Fuu. Fukusaku-Dono, Fuu bows respectfully. The elder Toad Sage bowed in return Fuu-Sama you honor us with your presence.

You require something of our Summoners? Indeed Fuu-Sama, Hatake-San and Jiraya-Boy have been adopted by your clan's Summoners. Jiraya Is our Senior Summoner, Naruto is the next. It was Minato-boy's wish to have the toad contact as the Uzumaki-Namikaze family contract. We were unaware that they were your Summoning Clan. Would Jiraya-Boy be able to acquire at least a familiar? An emissary between our clans, if you will.

Nick your thumb if you will? Fuu asked Jiraya and Kakashi. They did as the dragon asked, Fuu licked the blood and tasted it for a moment. Interesting! Capable of Senjutsu, strong Earth, and Fire Elements, decent Water affinity as well. Tell me Uzumaki-San, Jiraya's eyes widened to dinner plates. Yes that Kinjutsu makes you geneticially Uzumaki. Therefore worthy of holding the full contract. You would not be eligible for Dragon Sage Mode. Your chakra reserves are not large enough to tolerate it.

Jiraya nodded and bowed, I thank you Fuu-Sama.

Kakashi was evaluated next, tasing the blood from his finger. Interesting, a very strong Lightning and Earth, Strong Fire, decent Water, and I see you've cultivated Wind as well. Few Shinobi ever have the capability to use all 5 elements. Implanted Dojutsu, it limits you. The Dragon clan has a peculiar seal that can only be acquired through us. It changes the genetic markers of the Dojutsu to your own DNA. Essentially it would make the Dojutsu yours. The seal must be placed on both eyes next to the optic nerve.

Kakashi took a few moments to contemplate. Weighing pros and cons he would still be able to summon. Having a Toad familiar and The full Dragon contract as well as still being able to use the boys. GamaTora, Kakashi's Toad familiar was more than happy to serve with the copy Nin. They would go back and forth from the Toad Clan grounds and the Dragon Lands. Mountains and caves of all sizes! The ability to house many different dragons. Beautiful trees and oversized foliage made for a fairy tail like visage.

They spent 8 months training between the Dragons and Toads. When it was over, 2 High S-Rank and 2 SS-Rank Shinobi left Mount Myoboku. Poof! The group of 4 reappeared outside of a safe house in River Country. Still getting use to that, Kakashi shook his head. A few more times and you won't even register it, Jiraya said offhandedly. A slug appears in front of Jiraya. Master Jiraya! Lady Tsunade needs your group, you are to catch up to and assist in the recovery of the Kazekage.

Team Guy along with Haruno Sakura are on the way to Sunagakure. It was Sasori of the Red Sands, and Deidara the Mad Bomber of Iwa. Tch! Naruto started releasing Killer Intent and disappeared in an Orange flash. Jiraya would take that piece of Katsuyu and reverse summon to the Godaime I'm coming Hime, Jiraya thought right before the cloud of chakra formed around him. As his reverse summoning cloud disappears. 3 cries of Summoning Jutsu ring out. Yoroi, Fuu, and Kirin appeared out of another chakra cloud.

Yoroi was all black only his eyes were a bright electric blue. Fuu was black with red around the eyes, copper colored horns and bright orange inner wing lining. Kirin a slivery ice blue scaled dragon with electric blue eyes. Kirin Kakashi bowed to his familiar she lowered her head and allowed Kakashi to mount. In an orange and black flash Naruto appeared on Fuu's head and Raiken on Yoroi's. They dropped down into their harnesses and took flight towards Sunagakure.

Team Guy were watching over Kankuro. Sakura working diligently in order to create an antidote for the poison Sasori used on the Puppeteer. She used everything she learned thus far from Master Tsunade. Chiyo would praise the girl while backhandedly insulting Tsunade. Something Sakura decided not to engage with. Better to avoid any problems while we're on a mission.

Landing on the Forrest, Desert border they took break and fed. Naruto and Kakashi having something to talk about. Kaka-Nii? I think we need to get some training in. I need to adjust to this, he said while removing the seal covering his Sharingan. Activating his new Dojutsu, he showed him it was fully mature. This was something I was gifted with by Weasel-San. I know you were Inu Kakashi your smell is one of the oldest scents I know.

Naruto said with a foxy grin, I need to train with it. Kurama tells me this eye is already an Eternal Mangekyo. I have the same seals you have and so does Rai. We got them put in at different times but it worked none the less. Kakashi, I'll be honest, I want to infuse some genetic material from my Eternal Mangekyo. His eyes widened and he was a out to protest. This eye belonged to Shisui, wasn't that Obito's brother? Kakashi catching the drift he was trying to evolve his Mangekyo into it's final stage. Kurama soft locked it so I would have to train in the proper use of this eye.

Well, Kakashi activated his own Sharingan.

Let's get a little bit of training in while Raiken gathers supplies for lunch. Naruto made a few clones and Kakashi followed suit. Raiken made the same amount they gathered wood and got a smokeless fire going. Raiken returned with a 4 squirrels 2 rabbits and some fruits he found. With all the things he had in different storage seals. Raiken could flex his considerable cooking skills. He pulled out his mobile kitchen and prepared the meats and some quick bread. This flat pita style bread always produced such excellent results.

-Hokage Tower-

Poof! Tsuna *smack* *thud* deeee, WHAT THE HELL TOOK YOU SO LONG PERVERT!?

Her scream woke Jiraya from his stunned stupor. Hime why do you have to be so rough? Ignoring him, Report she demanded.

The smoke from the summoning having cleared she finally focused. His chakra signature had a drastic change. Still familiar, yet foreign and, somehow so familiar she thought she had forgotten what one felt like. Her eyes narrowed at her fellow Sanin. What have you done to yourself Jiraya? Her eyes widened when he stepped closer the ends of his hair. All the tips were crimson!? Oh!, Haha this? Naruto and Raiken adopted both Hatake and myself into the clan. That Adoption Kinjutsu that was once offered to me by Kushina. The boys managed to convince me of all people. Can you believe that Hime?

-Flashback Jutsu-

Tsuna? Yes Obaa-Sama? I know the heart will want what the heart will want. It would make me very happy if life leads you to a good Uzumaki man. One that will treat you like the princess you were born to be. Not because he is drawn by your name or lineage. One that loves the real you Mito Uzumaki-Senju, looked lovingly at her precious granddaughter. Obaa-Sama I am not ready for all that, I'll worry about that when the time comes.

-Flashback Jutsu Release-

This pervert, he underwent the Uzumaki Adoption Sealing. So she thought, you finally have a clan. She could only soften her gaze and smile at that information. And you say Kakashi underwent the Adoption Sealing as well? Yes Hime, he hardened his gaze at her and that look communicated ANBU needed to go. She flashed a few hand seals, and the 4 ANBU in the office left. Jiraya stomped his foot down and a barrier seal flashed to life. Tsunade opened her eyes wide, Jiraya put his finger in front of his mouth. Let me show what I've learned Hime.

Hair Bind Trap, his hair snaked into 2 strands. Shooting to opposite sides of the room, catching the Root Shinobi hiding in the shadows. Jiraya stomped on the ground again, the Barrier dropped. ANBU! take them to Ibiki and have Viper join him for the session. Yes Hokage-Sama the ANBU took the Root away in chakra suppression cuffs.

When ANBU left Jiraya applied the Barrier once again. You can place seals by touch now!? I can Hime, I have also finally perfected Sage Mode.

Ma' and Pa' are no longer required for me to enter. How strong are you now Jiraya? Low to mid S-Class, Low SS-Class with Sage Mode active. Tsunade's eyes were dinner plates again. Kakashi-Kun is in the same class as I am. He has a Toad familiar and The full Uzumaki Dragon Contract. As well as his pack of Ninken. He has mastered Kumo's Lightning Armor and had helped Raiken and now Naruto adjust to their Dojutsu. WHAT!? Explain yourself Jiraya! What the hell happened to my Naru-Kun!?

We were helping out the Rebels in Kiri, Naruto lost an eye to the Rokubi Jinchuriki. Apparently he was approached by Uchiha Itachi some time while we were in Uzu. He gifted him with a Sharingan eye. We believe this eye once belonged to Uchiha Shisui. Come again!? Tsunade barked out. Naruto also awakened the Rinnegan during that fight. If I know those boys, Naruto will have an understanding of his Sharingan, by the time they reach Suna.

You know I'm not very fond of that clan either. However the fact that we have Sharingan weilders. This is a blessing to Konoha, I won't look at it any other way. I agree Hime, they're very good! Better than we were at our prime. She opened here eyes wide again, you can't be serious Jiraya. I am Hime, deadly serious! Those boys are monsters, in tandem they could easily overpower Minato and Kushina.

I mean 9 tails Kushina, Kakashi and I can barely keep them at bay. Maybe 5 minutes before we are steam rolled. Sage Mode included! Because of the Dragon contract, The 3 boys are Dragon Sages Naruto being the only dual Dragon-Toad Sage. His upbringing and him keeping his purity through that adversity. Allowed his spiritual strength to be such, that he achieved Twin Sage Mode. The real frightening thing is, both boys made peace and kinship with Kyuubi. Together they can summon the Kyuubi No Kitsune to the world. Full Mastery!? Yes Hime, Jiraya acknowledged.

-Desert Borderline-

I have something planned but I can't do it with him awake. What do you mean put him in a genjutsu!? It has to be done! Just trust me Naru-Nii, this is for the best. He better not get hurt because of this! No, no harm will come to Kaka-Nii, just a nap. Kakashi?

Naruto flared his Sharingan behind the seal. Sleep *thud* they set him on his bed roll and Naruto heard the *poof* of something unsealing.

What is it? He turned around to see Raiken removing a few things from a box. What's this about? This is about our eyes, Kurama already agreed to this as well. Fine, what are we doing? Were evolving Kaka-Nii's eye to its final stage. And were bring a few new players into the mix. Something I was able to hold onto was this vial of blood I collected from Haku when she died. I wanted something to remember her by and I wasn't thinking. This is perfect as Raiken pulled out the Shinigami Mask. Activate your eyes, as he was flaring his Rinnegan and Byakugan to life.

Doing as his brother asked Naruto flared his own Dojutsu to life. Come over here out of the man's way, who? He did a few hand seals and the Shinigami appeared. Who dares summon me to the mortal realm?

I am Uzumaki-Namikaze Raiken son of the Royal Family. An Uzumaki!? What is it you seek from me child? He held his hand out to Naruto so he could hand him the blood vials. This person was innocent she simply followed the lead of her mentor. She is a love interest to my Fugato. I feel like she deserves a chance to do good. What is it you offer in return for this requested soul.

He flared his chakra revealing his Rinnegan. Ahhhhh I see, that is most clever young one. So very few ever have that set of circumstances set in front of them. Due to this, I must proceed, he removed the blade from his mouth and slashed his belly open.

While this happened Raiken used the vial of blood to create a new body for her soul. I collected some of Zabuza's blood from Kiri, . A few drops from Zabuza's sample was all that was needed to alter her genetic make up. The body got a bit taller, thicker, more athletic. Within a few moments the hair formed and it was a beautiful nut brown.

As the soul emerged from the Shinigami's embrace. Raiken took hold of her and set her in her new body. A small jolt of lighting chakra restarted her heart. *Deep gasp* her first breath of air in who knows how long?

Still not opening her eyes she covered her face asking, where am I? Haku? Haku-Chan? Is that really you? Yes it is but who are you? Haku-Chan, did you really forget me already? This question made her feel ill, why was this person's sadness make her feel like that? He is not Zabuza-Sama? Why is he important? Then it clicked, she removed her hand from off of her eyes and slowly opened them.

Na Naruto-Kun? But, how? You're so handsome with your two-tone hair. Why did I just say that out loud!? Haku-Chan you were dead, do you remember? Zabuza-Sama is dead isn't he? Yes Haku-Chan he is, I'm sorry. Please don't get up too fast, there's some clothes for you to put on. They sat in front of Kakashi, making sure he's still asleep. You're bringing Ka-Chan back right? Raiken asked Naruto. Yeah, I'm just nervous ya' know? Yeah Naru, I am too.

-Flashback Jutsu-

Baa-Chan? Quickly ducking the paperweight that flew over his head. Damnit Gaki, stop calling me that! Do you still have samples of blood from Ka-Chan and Tou-San? What the hell do you need something like that for Gaki? There's a possibility of revival Baa-Chan, we are willing to try. The Rinnegan is the only reason we are even willing to attempt something of this nature. Tsunade narrowed her eyes at Naruto, you better not be playing Gaki! Killing Intent pouring out from her in waves.

He put his hands up defensively, this better not be some Orochimaru type crap Gaki. I promise Baa-Chan it's not! Naruto squeaked out. Tsunade was frightening when she was angry. This wasn't an Edo Tensei or something of that nature! This is genuinely a revival, if the information regarding Rai-Nii's Rinnegan is correct. Naruto, I am going out on a limb here to assist you in this. Don't make me regret this Gaki! We won't Baa-Chan, you have my word.

She smeared blood on a seal behind Minato's Hokage picture. It revealed the vials Naruto was requesting. Thanks Baa-Chan! Naruto said before disappearing in an orange flash. Barely missing the empty bottle of Sake she chucked at him..

-Flashback Jutsu Release-

Naruto took a deep breath and released it. Activated his Dojutsu and placed the Shinigami Mask on his face. Shinigami Sama, Naruto bowed to the Death God. Shinigami Sama thank you for joining us again. Uzumaki San, you the Death God stopped and looked at Raiken. I see, you are the sibling, very well whom is it you seek to restore to life. Uzumaki Kushina, the Shinigami used his dagger to slash his belly again and pulled out Kushina. Handing her to Naruto, Thank you Shinigami Sama for your grace he bowed and removed the mask.

Holding his Ka-Chan he created a new body for her. Raiken and Naruto donating 4 tails of Kyuubi's Chakra during the creation process. Ensuring she has 4 tails of Kurama's Chakra permanently. The boys gave that mass sentience. Creating a secondary Yonbi, a 4 tailed fox with crimson tips and black fur. It's eyes and hers are the same color, her possession mark is her eyes glow and pupils slit. Using a variation of their own seal they made it so she had access to her new child. This sealing is what woke her, GASPS! What's going on here!?

The boys passed out from exhaustion and the surprise of Kushina waking up. The first person she actually laid eyes on was Haku.

A Yuki, she said without missing a beat. What is your name girl? You are correct Lady Kushina, I am Yuki Haku. Why am I here, I died. Who brought me back from the pure world? They did with you what they did with me, used a mask to summon the Shinigami and the Rinnegan to bypass the toll. Once for me and again for you. They made bodies for our souls to inhabit, flesh bodies! We are alive Lady Kushina, actually alive!

She felt the seal on her stomach act up. Wait, what is going on here? Umm that's something they will have to explain to you. She hadn't actually looked at the boys with her one on their sides. She could see blonde, and crimson hair. Alarm bells went off in her head in the best way. She nearly teleported to the boys. She gasped, what happened to you? She whispered to herself. She used her chakra to jolt the boys awake. When they opened their eyes she was shocked! Their blonde hair and Rinnegan were in opposite places Raiken's Rinnegan being under his crimson hair. Naruto's under his blonde half, Naruto, Raiken, I, please forgive us for leaving you the way we did.

For not being able to protect you from being stolen, Rai-Kun. For leaving you both alone without protection. I can only imagine what you must have lived my sons. She began tearing up and apologizing to them. Until they picked her up off the ground. GASPS! Kushina-Nii? But how!? When Naruto passed out the Genjutsu broke and Kakashi began to awaken. When he could focus again he saw the boys helping Kushina off the ground. Haku Yuki in the background worried about the boys.

What is going on here? How is Kushina-Nii alive!? Why is Haku alive again, Naruto! Raiken, explain yourselves! Kakashi barked out in a no nonsense tone. Kushina's eyes narrowed and her hair flared outward into 4 crimson tails. Bakka! You simmer down talking to my Sochi like that Dattebane! Or do I need to remind you of who your Nii-Chan is Kaka? Ok quiet, we're gonna make this quick, since we still have to get across the Suna Desert.

Firstly, notice anything different Kaka-Nii? Activate your Sharingan, tell me what you notice first? Moving his chakra to the transplant he first notes the Sharingan's activation. I cost him roughly 1/3 of the cost from before he was put under genjutsu. The vision was clearer and more like his natural eyesight. Yet sharper and cleaner, the way the Dojutsu was meant to be. Would you transition to Mangekyo? Raiken asked him, Woah! The activation cost is half! The partial blindness is gone.

Eyes wide open, Kakashi Hatake-Uzumaki looked at his Otoutos' faces. Genuine happiness in his normally blank face. What did you do to me while I was under genjutsu? I used genetic material from my own EMS to add to your Sharingan. Looks like Obito and Shisui were closely related. Because it worked! I numbed your eyes and took some genetic material from your natural eye as well. Using chakra we made it so you have your own Natural, EMS.

Shock, Disbelief, Happiness, Kushina hands him a mirror. Look at your eyes Bakkashi, returning his eyes to their normal state he noticed that his eyes were the same color. His natural color, amazing he said softly. He reactivated his Dojutsu, 3 Tomoe Sharingan flaring to life. He added more chakra, the familiar pattern of Obito's Mangekyo. Then as quickly as it appears it split apart becoming 4 blades instead of 3. A variation of the Uzumaki Swirl he said absently. Looking at Kushina smiling, I see it Dattebane!

In the name of the Uzumaki Clan, Kakashi go forth and give them hell. She said fist pumping the air, YEAH! Raiken and Naruto chorus. Uzumaki San, Haku said to Kakashi, you're quite a bit more powerful than what I remember. How did you get the other Sharingan? Clan secret Haku, I hope you understand. Naruto said without missing a beat. Well, then I guess this part is in order nicking his thumb Raiken flips through the seals and SUMMONING JUTSU YOROI-SAMA Kushina's eyes became plates, did you just say? Hatchling! The great dragon said upon seeing Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze.

Hello old friend, she said with big grin on her face. Bowing down towards her she walked up and hugged the Dragon. It's been far too long Yoroi, you've grown since I saw you last. You would notice that, Yoroi said in a childish hough. I suppose you should be able to summon father. Grinning again, Kushina nicked her thumb and flipped through the seals, and slammed her palm on the ground.

Summoning Jutsu, Kritias-Sama! When the smoke cleared a Dark green dragon twice the size of Yoroi was present.

Kushina! Is that really you hatchling? Yes Kritias-Sama, I am among the living again. You know hatchling? Somehow that doesn't surprise me the ancient Dragon said to his familiar. Kritias old friend, Do you still have it? I do the dragon grinned back, a mouth full of sharp teeth except for one fang. Summoning! The dragon called out, the tooth forged into a sword appeared from the smoke. This, Kushina said reverently, is Fang of Kritias. My strongest sword she finished with a huge grin.

ALRIGHT! Kushina said punching her own open palm. Grabbing the sword she placed a Hiraishin maker on it, and chucked it at a tree. Disappearing in a red flash the Bloody Habanero appeared next to her still flying sword. She used a chakra chain to grab her sword and landed summoning a pair of short swords. Uzumaki Swirl as the blade guards, looking like a scorpion ready to strike. Woah! Ka-Chan/Ni-Chan is Terrifying the Uzumaki men chorused. KA-CHAN!? YOU CAN DO THE HIRAISHIN!?!?

Uzumaki Kushina grinned at her sons, of course! How do you think the "Great Minato Namikaze" was able to completely comprehend the sealing? If your Tou-San had been an Uzumaki his sealing skills might have been able to surpass my own. Well now? We have to get to Sunagakure, don't we? Yoroi she bowed to the dragon, jumped on her own familiar and took to the air. Kakashi slapped the ground Summoning Jutsu Kirin! Taking to the air following his family into battle. Ha ha ha! Look at that, he shook his head. My family, I think I really like that.

-Flashback Jutsu-


Sasuke: HOW!? HOW THE HELL ARE YOU THIS STRONG? HOW!? Beating the sidewall of the crater he was inside of. Chidori activating, grinding his teeth spitting out blood from the last uppercut he took. Fine he said softly, almost hoarsely, have it your way. Rasengan forming in his palm and using a replacement with a clone. Naruto drove a low powered Rasengan into Sasuke's back.

While he was dazed he placed a stasis seal on the rogue Uchiha. You're lucky I promised to spare your life, this time. The puncture wound from the Chidori still sealing closed. Sasuke had a large bruise and some skin missing, from where the Rasengan hit him. Naruto turned his back on the traitor, I thought of you as a brother, when I didn't know what one was. He released all his killing intent, Now I know what it is, and I still want you to come back. Itachi will haunt you until you handle it.

-Flashback Jutsu Release-

Uzumaki Naruto leveled out in mid air next to Kushina the boys flanking their mother with Kakashi holding the rear. Rinnegan and Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan flashing menacingly. Rinnegan and Byakugan shining in Raiken's eyes. The left sides of their heads holding their natural hair color. Kushina would meditate on the way to Sunagakure, regaining her chakra control. Adamantine Chains occasionally shooting out of her back. Haku was sitting with her back to Naruto meditating. Getting to know his new power and her own.

Kushina shot a chain at Haku and wrapped her in it flying through hand seals. Secret Art; Uzumaki Adoption Sealing! Haku was held in place by her Mother-in-law to be. Until she came to,

-Haku's P.O.V-

Fuck! This burns so bad, what the hell did that chain do to me? Ugh. This... my chakra reserves are growing? Again! The chain shattered and Haku-Chan sat in place. Haku-Chan? Are you ok? Haku was indeed ok, Her reserves grew by at least 10 times. Putting her at Low Kage reserves, her scalp still stung. The nut brown hair now had auburn and crimson highlights all through it. So, Haku thought this is what Uzumaki Chakra reserves feel like. Her water and wind affinities strengthening exponentially. Her Bloodline becoming something to be feared.

She opened her eyes, I am fine Lady Kushina. I was inspecting the changes, this is incredible! Naruto pulled a water balloon from one of his seals. Turned around and his mouth fell open. Haku was even more beautiful than she ever was before.