
Kitsune of 2 Shadows: A Naruto Fan-fic

A twist of fate brought a recently passed Adam into the Shinobi world. Now as one half of it's main protagonists. Armed with Adam's knowledge of future events and his past life experiences. He hopes to change the fate of the Shinobi world. Another twist of fate removes the now named Raiken from Naruto's side within minutes of their birth. Raiken will escape his captors and return to his brother. Just in time to try and mitigate the damage of the worst of the events to come. Read along as the Uzumaki Heirs reclaim their lost legacy and restore their clan and their honor. Raiken has a unique knowledge of future events. How will this change the timeline?

F_Abe_41 · Urbain
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Chapter 3: Ero-Kyofu's Tutelage

-Hokage Tower-

*Knock, knock* ENTER, Morning Baa-Chan two voices said in unison. Both using a short burst Shunshin to move out of its way. Hime, Jiraya was saying as the paperweight hit him square in the face.

Naruto and Raiken rolling on the floor at their God-Father's plight. Ero-Sennin you ok? Baa-Chan got ya' really good with that shot. Ugh! Oy! Hime, why so hostile? Cut the crap pervert! I'm not in the mood for your shit this morning.

You will be tested this morning Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto. Grinning Raiken patted Naruto's shoulder. You got this bro! He said through their mental link. I'm glad you find it amusing Raiken-Kun! Tsunade said smirking. You will be his teammate for this exam. You will be facing Hatake Kakashi, Sarutobi Asuma, Maito Guy, Inuzuka Tsume, Yuhi Kurenai, and as part of their own probation period. Yugito and Samui Uzumaki will be assisting, as well as ANBU! A purple haired woman wearing a Neko mask appears.

Naruto walks up to the Neko masked ANBU. Neko-San, I don't know your actual name. May I give you a hug? The ANBU woman tilts her head to the side questioningly. You were the one that watched over me the most more than Weasel, more than even Inu. He said looking right into the eye of Kakashi. Thank you, for never having malice towards me. I believe my Ka-Chan would scold me if I were not to thank you.

It's ok Yugao, you can remove your mask.

She removed her mask, revealing a beautiful woman with a serious yet kind face. You're quite welcome Naru-Kun, Sensei would scold me if I would've neglected my Otouto. Even though I was bound by my oath as an ANBU agent. No harm would come to you on my watch. She said ruffling his half crimson half golden locks. The crowds were starting to gather at the edges of the training field.

All trying to get a peek at the changes the supposed Demon Brat has gone through. Jiraya! You're not excused from this testing. If this Gaki is as strong as suggested, you all have your hands full. Both Yugito and Samui scoff, and begin checking their supplies. That alone got Guy, Jiraya, and Kakashi to take notice also doing a weapons a check. The rest of the Jonin were in the dark as to who Raiken was. Samui and Yugito were notable but they wore leaf headbands.

Looks like they're not gonna hold back on us bro? The Uzumaki boys grin at one another, in a way that sent shivers up Tsunade, Jiraya, and Kakashi's backs. Hinata was watching her beloved and his brother. Taking into account that they are powerful. They were facing Jonin, Elite Jonin, and a Sanin. What The Fuck!? Are you trying to kill them? The grins they wore said, maybe the group surrounding them is really in danger, not the other way around.

A large cloud of smoke revealed 500 clones. 250 from Naruto and Raiken respectively. Both boys had the same thought, Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu. Red and blue flames come shooting out of each boy's mouth. That set of clones dispelled, Earth Style: Earth Bullets. Raiken shot a volley of compacted Earth Bullets at Kurenai, Asuma, and Yugao. All 3 having to deflect the incoming projectiles.

Naruto said, Water Style: Gun Shot! Hitting a Mud Clone of Jiraya and a Lightning Clone of Kakashi. DYNAMIC ENTRY! Guy came in landing a kick on Raiken's chest. Only to have the clone dispell, Such a youthful use of your Jutsu Raiken-San. Would you indulge me? The real Raiken came up from underground. Lightning Style: Dragon Flash Uppercut catching Guy clean in the chin. Reappearing in mid-air next to guy he flipped and kicked Guy back down towards the ground.

Guy landed in a crouch, Raiken landed with almost no sound. What a youthful technique I must feel more of your flames of YOUTH! Guy said, causing everyone to sweat drop. Raiken dropped into his own original Taijutsu based of Kyukoshin Karate, Muay Boran, Tai Chi, American Boxing and good old fashioned Wrestling. Guy moved into the Gouken opening stance. Raiken held a loose Muay Boran stance. Giving nothing away both men moved.

Blow after blow Uzumaki Raiken was in Maito Guy's face. He caught Guy with a few elbow feints. Guy was happy that someone so young was this dedicated to Taijutsu. This capable with it's intricacies, and so strong. This stance, this fighting style is so amazing. I must learn more of this! Guy thought to himself. Your Taijutsu is most formidable Raiken-Kun. What is the name of this technique? The technique is from a previous life, Guy-San. I would be happy to exchange fists with you any day! Your standing in the Bingo Book is well earned.

Both jumped back, shall we step it up a notch? Guy asked, Raiken nodded, Gate of Pain: OPEN! Oh WOW! The fabled Eight Gates Technique. I will gladly match that Guy-San. Everyone turned to Raiken, Seven Heavenly Breaths: First Activation. Second Activation, Third Activation! Both Shinobi emitting enormous amounts of Chakra. Naruto Shunshined behind Kakashi, his favorite technique already halfway formed in his palm. RASENGAN!

The Kakashi Clone popped out of existence. Only for Naruto to jump up and catch Kakashi's wrist. Pulling the Copy Nin up and getting a foot on his side. He sent Kakashi flying into a tree, before Kakashi hit. Naruto appeared and kicked him upwards, appearing next to Kakashi. Naruto kicked him down to the ground where there was a clone waiting to catch Kakashi. He was spun for a loop and sent flying through 2 trees before cracking the bark of the third.

The last second substitution left Kakashi wondering where Naruto had learned all this. Water Style: Water Whip! Yanked off his feet and sent flying a water clone splashed against a tree. Wind Style: Air Cutter! Asuma sent blades of wind flying at Naruto. Thinking he would catch him off guard. The almost invisible smirk before, Wind Style: Divine Shredding Dome. The Air Cutter being absorbed into the wind shield. Kurenai tried to use String bean binding on Raiken. Only to have the Genjutsu reversed before she could even activate it. Fox Glare, Raiken emerged from the tree.

Miss Yuhi, Genjutsu of that level won't even scratch my chakra. Chopping her in the back of the neck. Ending her participation in the test. Fire Style: Ash Pile Burn Asuma shot the flammable cloud towards Raiken. In a vain attempt at payback for Kurenai's defeat. Lightning Style: Dragon Flash Uppercut! Asuma was sent flying and met at the apex of his trip upwards. HEAVENLY FOOT OF PAIN! Raiken dropped the axe kick on Asuma's shoulder putting him out of the match as well.

Tsunade was wondering how it could be, Raiken knew her technique. Baa-Chan, Raiken said appearing next to her. Only to receive a smack up side the head. I know you're wondering how I know that, right?

Mito Sama's notes for the Creation Rebirth were among the notes in the Uzumaki Scroll of Seals. I am preparing a seal similar to it but specifically for Jinchuriki. As I am one, he said with a shrug. Tsunade raised an eyebrow, that's a tall order Gaki. You sure you're up to the task?

I've got this Baa-Chan! Believe it! He whispered Naruto's old catch phrase, and disappeared in a Lightning Shunshin. Oh yeah!? Well take this! Naruto hollered out as he jumped up saying, Fire Style; Majestic Destroyer Flame. A giant wall of blue flames came out Naruto's mouth as his clones were dwindling down. His clone using Wind Style: Divine Wind from the Mountain Top. Making it an unbearable fire storm, almost as hot as Amaterasu flames.

Jiraya had the fire seal ready Fuuinjutsu: Fukahoin. It took a few moments but the flames all disappeared. Samui and Yugao chorused, Crescent Moon Dance!

Blades of sharpened chakra came at them. Guy came back into the mix, Gate of Shock open! Seven Heavenly Breaths: Seventh Activation both men met in the center of the battle field. Shockwaves coming off of their clashes. Guy-San if we don't stop we are going to destroy this training ground. Hokage Sama will punt both of us to Suna if we do that. I understand, I shall restrict myself to the gate of Joy. Very well, Fifth Activation he dropped back down but released the seals on his body disappearing and reappearing by Guy. Catching the Green Beast in the chest with a flying knee.

He spit out a bit of bile and some blood. Snapping 3 trees and bouncing off the fourth. Still in mid-air from the ricochet, all Guy heard was. Lightning Style: Black Fist of Raijin and there was darkness. The rest of the crowd minus Yugito and Samui were brought to a pause. Maito Guy had been knocked out by a Black Lightning attack. When the dust cloud cleared, Raiken was still holding his Black Lightning encased arm up. He leaned into Guy's ear, Guy-San I hardly ever have to resort to that. You really are strong! I look forward to working with you, thank you for a vigorous battle.

Grabbing Guy up, Raiken set him down softly on a stretcher for the medics to tend to. The unmistakable sound of a perfect Rasengan forming. Brought everyone back to the moment. Naruto the held the Rasengan up and it changed. To an aquamarine color, with whispy contrails of chakra. Wind Style: Rasengan! He then threw the Rasengan at Samui. She channeled water chakra to the cutting edge. She swung her sword, the Wind Style Rasengan was cut in half. The two halves exploded, leaving 2 separate 5 foot in diameter craters.

Naruto was behind coming up from the ground behind Yugao. Earth Style: Swamp of the Underworld. Tch! Ero-Sennin! Earth Style: Solidifying Mass neutralizing Jiraya's attack. Oh! Gaki, you're quite skilled with Earth Style ninjutsu for someone with a primary Lightning Affinity. You'll find that we're full of surprises Kyofu. Fire Style: Rising Dragon Fist! Naruto caught the Sanin right in the chin. Only to have burnt dirt clumps hit the floor. The sound of thousands of birds chirping rang out.

Naruto's eyes widened, as he sank into the ground. Only to be met by Lightning Style: Raijin's Spear. The lightning attacks making the field electrified for a few moments. Both Shinobi shaking their arms out to offset the numbness. Lightning Style; Thunderclap Stomp! NARUTO, shows over brother. Last Call, as those words left his mouth he activated his Black Lightning Armor. While simultaneously summoning the Raijin No Ken to his hand and unsheathing the Black Saber from his lower back.

Naruto came up behind Raiken back to back to him. The wind picked up around Naruto and over his skin the wind gathered. As the film of wind grew thicker the howl of the wind increased. Wind Style: Armor of Fujin! At the apex Kubokiribocho made it's reappearance in the hands of Uzumaki Naruto. There were seals added to the blade. Turns out, this sword is an Uzumaki relic as well. Forged by my Great, great, grandfather Uzumaki Muramasa.

He then vanished without a trace, Yugito got her defense up in time to block. She was sent rocketing backwards from the impact. Only for the lightning clone to dispell against the tree it hit. Another Rasengan began forming in Naruto's hand it grew in size. Becoming more deep-blue it grew to the size of an Odama Rasengan. It began pulsing, check this out Ero-Kyofu! Water Style: Rasentorrent! Launching that mass of destruction at Jiraya and Samui.

The attack releasing an explosive wave of pressurized water. Cratering the ground and shredding through trees. NARUTO you completed the Rasengan!? Okay, okay, That's enough! Tsunade anounced, it's obvious that you two are skilled, and powerful. I'm proud of you Gaki's she said wearing a grin. She clapped Naruto's shoulder. It's nice to see what unimpeded growth does to a person. Don't you think so too Naru-Kun? Naruto could only widen his own foxy grin even further.

To answer your question Ero-Kyofu, WE completed the Rasentorrent. I don't think I will ever be able to use the Rasenshuriken out of Kyuubi Mode. But that's a small price to pay for what Naru-Nii created. That thing is a monstrosity! It's still 3 times more powerful than the Rasentorrent. Kakashi-San, no I can't even call you that. Kakashi-Nii. Can I have a few minutes of your time? Alone! Sure he said they Shunshin to the Uzumaki Clan Ground Raiken activated a privacy seal with his foot.

Kakashi-Nii I know about your Sharingan. I want to train with you as well. Being the only other person I know with a transplanted Dojutsu. Kakashi's eye widened in surprise, Raiken dropped the Fuuinjutsu covering his Byakugan. Kakashi's eye narrowed you're! Black Lightning ByakuRai. I only took back what he took from me, and what he took from Konoha. Kubokiribocho just so happened to be one of the Uzumaki relics that came from the era when Kiri and Uzu got along.

So I picked it up from Wave, when I found out that Naru-Nii was responsible for his defeat. I had a chance to speak in depth with Tazuna about the situation. The clothes Naru-Nii now wears, a gift from the people of Wave Country. I would like to learn Chidori and Raikiri from you. In exchange, I offer the technique to the Lightning Armor. I have a chunk of meteorite, Mifune-Shishou tells me. It's the rest of the metal used to form Hatake Sakumo's White Chakra Saber. Kakashi's eyes widened in surprise and he said.

You have this meteorite? I do Kakashi-Nii, I do. Pulling a scroll from his pocket and handing it to Kakashi. One more thing Nii-San! You come with us on this 3 year trip. I may think like Tou-San, but if I am anything like Ka-Chan? She would've adopted you into the Clan and taught you how to crush your opponents with Kenjutsu and probably Fuuinjutsu as well. Come on Kakashi-Nii!? You'll come back to the Leaf an S-Class Shinobi. I guarantee it! Raiken said wearing Naruto's trademark foxy grin.

-Time Skip-

Silently rushing through the foliage, the group of 4 was making their way to Tetsu No Kuni. Mifune was a friend of Jiraya, Kushina, and Raiken. Halt! What is your business in Iron Country, Shinobi? Jiraya dropped his hood first. Master Jiraya! I will inform Mifune-Sama you are in the city. Raiken, Naruto and Kakashi drop their hoods as he was speaking. Raiken having removed the Fuuinjutsu on his eye for the trip.

ByakuRai!? Is that you? Yes Sensei, Raiken bowed to one of his Kenjutsu mentors. What brings you here Gaki? He clapped arms around Kakashi and Naruto.

Outetsu-Shishou this is my Fugato Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto and Kakashi Hatake. Son of the White Fang! The man bowed to Kakashi! Your father studied with me under Mifune-Shishou. You are most welcome in this Village, Sharingan No Kakashi.

I see, It's nice to know my reputation proceeds me all the way out here. Thank you Outetsu-San, the Scarecrow returning the bow.

-Mifune's Office-

Jiraya! Mifune says opening his arms widely. Long time no see old friend! Oh! I see you've met young ByakuRai? He said mirthfully, Yes Sensei. I finally made my way home, Raiken said to Mifune. Did you now? Then I take it this must be Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. Yes sir, Naruto responded nervous to make a mistake in front of the leader of this place. I can think of 2 redheads that have responded to me like you just did Naruto. A mother and her 2 sons, Mifune said smiling at Cerulean eyed boy.

I'm pretty sure this isn't a social visit. You, he said gesturing towards Kakashi. You're Sakumo's boy, aren't you? You have his countenance, Mifune said with reverence. You honor me Mifune-Sama, Kakashi bows to the man. Did you ever manage to learn the Hatake Sword technique? I'm afraid I have not was Kakashi's answer.

I helped Sakumo create the technique that made him so feared. Come, bring me the broken white fang! Let us reforge it into YOUR legend Kakashi-San. Shishou! I wish to continue my training as a blacksmith. While Naru-Nii and Kaka-Bakka learn proper Kenjutsu. Also, he said tossing a scroll to Kakashi. Lightning Armor, Dragon Flash Uppercut, and the first step to infusing lightning into the Rasengan.

One more thing! Raiken and Naruto moved in unison, Kakashi was knocked out and the boys exposed his neck. A few hand seals later they drew the crest in their mixed blood. Both voices: Fuuin: Uzumaki Adoption Sealing. Kakashi's scream would've torn through the entire village. Had it not been for the privacy and silencing seals Jiraya put up. Jiraya knew they planned on adopting Kakashi into the Uzumaki Clan.

Watching the Kinjutsu performed, he shudders. That looks painful, a crimson streak begins to appear in his hair. Jiraya notices the jump in chakra reserves the Scarecrow had. Raiken puts another seal just above Kakashi's Sharingan eye. The seal allowing Kakashi to shut off the dojutsu. Allowing his reserves to take a break from the constant drain. Essentially tricking his brain into thinking the Sharingan was a natural part of Kakashi.

Having the white chakra saber, and a sword similar to Kubokiribocho forged was annoying but the new weapons would be worth the wait.

The day came and Kakashi was called into the forge for the last part of the process. Introduction of the weilder's chakra, he had already decided it would be named Millennium. The process was hot and draining but the end result was a beautiful blade. He would make his father, his otouto's, and his Sensei proud.

Millennium was the length of a standard Katana. However she was girthy, heavy, and able to chop the limbs off a horse if needed. Not quite as wide as a Zambato but not the sword you want to cross blades with. In the time it took for the sword to be completed. Kakashi rose to a high A-Rank Low S-Rank threat. Amazingly his Chakra reserves shot up to High Kage. Kakashi Hatake-Uzumaki was a force of nature. Kakashi Raijin Senko and Fujin no Naruto.

Jiraya managed to get better control of his Senjutsu. Not quite mastered yet but getting closer. They were having a collective meditation session. Naruto-Kun, you're presence is required at the forge. It was time to add Naruto's Chakra to the Fujin no Ken. The length of the new sword was short of 2 meters long. It was thicker than Kubokiribocho was but not as wide. The seals running down the length of the blade. Elemental Chakra Seals, Resistance, and weight seals, a Hiraishin marker. A reverse summoning seal to complete the masterpiece. The Kubokiribocho was no more, sacrificed to give life to Fujin no Ken. His blades were also sacrificed for a new dagger.

This chibi version of Kubokiribocho was an almost white blade. Capable of channeling Bijuu Chakra. Thus it was named Kitsune Kiba, and became Naruto's go to. The Gods swords were only used as a last resort. The reforging and consequent strengthening of Raijin no Ken came with the blade having elemental seals for the other 4 nature's added as well as a Hiraishin marker, and reverse summoning seal.

Raiken was happy to use the Black Saber as his go to. The Black Saber also being able to channel Bijuu Chakra. Jiraya grabbed a pair of butterfly knives as his blades weapons. Other than kunai, and sealing tags. He managed to learn the Rasentorrent from his godsons. Kakashi and Raiken were working tirelessly to finish the lightning Rasengan. Naruto was working on a side project he kept to himself. He saw the technique used by Kiri-Nin. He wanted to imitate it with his own primary element.

After months of tirelessly working and thousands of clone hours accumulated. YADDA! I finally got it Naruto declared enthusiastically. One more time! Holding his fingers in a mock victory/handgun pose. Wind Style: Air Pistol the projectile piercing through 6 trees and imbedding itself into a hill. Woohoo! Alright! This is the best move ever. He came rushing back into camp to show off his new Jutsu.

He was so excited that he couldn't stop vibrating with joy. The were near a small pond and there was a boulder on the opposing shore. See that boulder? Watch!

Once again taking aim and making the hand sign. Wind Style: Air Pistol! The projectile cutting through the air until the boulder shattered from the impact. All eyes on Naruto now, he was scratching the back of his head with a grin. More piercing power than Air Bullets has.

All 3 were speechless, what the hell did they just watch? How is it even possible!?

Did Naruto just make an A-Rank technique?You finally did it Naru-Nii, that's awesome!

Now I have a defensive technique and a Long Range attack as well. No hand signs, I made it with pure Wind manipulation. I used Water Style: Gun Shot as the template and built it from there. With Sage Mode I could probably pierce a Triple Rashomon Wall. Naruto said with a grimly satisfied face.

Working on nature manipulation Kakashi, Raiken, and Naruto, created the Fire Style: Burning Knuckle. Lightning Style: Spear of Raijin, a flying knee coated in dense lightning. Raiken was glad he had made a study of internal arts in his former life. Kakashi's knowledge of Hyuga Clan technique was astounding. It helped him form a bastardized version of Jouken. At least until he could learn proper technique from Hinata.

-Flashback Jutsu-

In the month leading up to the group leaving. Sasuke left the village bound for Orochimaru. These cannon events were unavoidable after all. The difference is they broke even, no Chidori through the lung this time around. Raiken was just glad that Naruto survived that one. Sasuke was just a spoiled silver spooned child. That was never told no after the Uchiha Massacre. Between that and the mind-fuck Itachi made him live through. It's a miracle he wasn't gone by the time I got to Konoha.

The group of 4 left the morning Naruto was discharged from the hospital.

-Flashback Jutsu Release-

-Yugito and Samui-

Tsunade married them before the boys left for their training trip. Currently Yugito and Samui were training with Hinata, Anko, Yugao, and Ten-Ten. They were the only Kunoichi that could keep up with their training. Sakura joined later the class later and though it took some time she soon caught up to the rest of the strong Kunoichi. Occasionally Tsunade and Shizune would make guest appearances.

Samui picking up Senju Taijutsu just from sparring. All the Kunoichi involved in these classes, picked up Medical Jutsu. It was Yugito that surprised Tsunade most. Being able to perform Iriyo Ninjutsu despite being a Jinchuriki. Yes, the return of Raiken was truly the blessing Konoha needed. Hinata took the time to write out scrolls depicting the kata for Jouken. In return Raiken sent back his bastardized version of Jouken for Hinata to study.

-Flashback Jutsu-

The girls were extremely surprised when the Shadow descended on them. They were preparing to attack when the voice rang out in her heads please do not attack me, I am an ally. Still tense the girls waited for this creature to land and explain it's presence. Greetings I am Yoroi a familiar of the Draco Clan of summoning animals. I am Lightning Elemental Dragon. Yoroi-Sama? Hinata asked, Who is your summoner?

I am am bonded with the Kuro Raijin, RAIKEN!? Both girls said in unison HOW IS OUR HUSBAND? The Dragon jerked back from his Master's wives, they were truly excited about Rai-Kun. Both shrank back at that, we apologize Yoroi-Sama, we haven't heard from Rai-Kun in almost a year. That was when Gama Kichi peeked over Yoroi's horns. KICHI! Hinata said in an uncharacteristically loud voice. As the dog sized toad jumped down into her arms.

Hey Hina-Chan long time no see! She pulled a small sack of candies and handed them to Gama Kichi. Oh! Hey thanks Hinata! You're awesome, I see why Naru-Nii is crazy about you. Causing her to blush furiously, do you have word from Naru-Kun? Oh! Yeah! He reached into his vest, here ya' go. Handing her the scroll from her Naruto. She went off to read what her love had to say to her. Kichi on her heels, probably wanting to take a response back to Naruto.

Yoroi asked the Uzumaki Clan Matrons, are you prepared to sign the summoning contract? The scroll appeared next to Yoroi and unrolled. There were the main contract holders, they signed their names right after Naruto's. Once the contract was signed they were instructed on what to do when finding a familiar. Then Yoroi was off in a cloud of smoke. Yugito and Samui left with a scroll in each of their hands.

-Flashback Jutsu Release-

Kichi appeared next to Naruto, Yo Bro! What's up? Hey Kichi! How's my Hime? He tossed the scroll to his summoner. That girl really does love you Naru-Nii. You should know she's really come a long way. Even embarrassed she didn't stutter once! Awesome! Thanks Kichi, tossing another bag of treats to him. He opened the scroll to find the storage seal full, there is was. Tossing the scroll to Raiken, catch bro!

Raiken turned the scroll over and saw Hinata's seal on it. He opened it and there was the everything he needed. 8 Trigrams: 16, 32, 64, 128, and 361 palms. Rotating Heaven, Twin Lions Dance. Even her protection of the 64 palms. She went way out of her way to get me this information. I'm glad I shared the Gods Palms with her! I look forward to testing her prowess with it.

Where to next Ero-Kyofu? Mifune-Sama wanted to test your technique Kaka-Nii. No longer needing to hide his implant. Kakashi raised his eyebrows looking at the group. I guess it's time to see how far I've come. Millennium strapped to his back, it was nearly as thick as a Zambato too thick for any normal weapon to even put a dent in it.

His Fuuinjutsu prowess was almost on par with Jiraya. He could definitely be considered a skilled adept in the art. Naruto and Raiken on the other hand, have exceeded Jiraya's knowledge. They only come to him for experienced advice now.

Mifune came in to the training field he assigned the Shinobi. The group bowed in respect towards Mifune. Sakumo Hatake was a dear friend of mine. I helped him develop the Shunpo Dance. I believe that Shisui the Teleporter. Was the only Shinobi from the Leaf, to ever come close to replicating it. Kakashi's eyes got as big as dinner plates.

With that, Mifune clicked his sword open and unsheathed. Struck, and resheathed his sword all before the energy beam reached Kakashi. His instinctive block split the energy beam. Mifune raised an eyebrow, Uzumaki Kenjutsu!? I see you've been adopted into the Clan. The streak of Crimson following the scar over his Sharingan eye was almost poetic.

Kakashi disappeared using Shunpo, and was in Mifune's face in a diagonal cut when he appeared. Mifune sidesteped while parrying the sword. They were almost impossible to follow at some point Kakashi activated his Sharingan. The Crimson glowing streak, adding a surreal effect to the battle they were witnessing. They clashed back and forth for what seemed like hours. Neither side giving an inch, Mifune paused.

Kakashi you have learned Sakumo's techniques well son. This was quite refreshing! Almost like Sakumo never left he finished with a genuine smile. This made Kakashi blush, because he had never truly been compared to his father's prowess. As the only living person to know Sakumo's technique. I am impressed that you move so much like him. I declare your training in the Shunpo Dance complete Master Hatake.

This is your art to teach now, Mifune bows. I will not ever swing my sword with this technique again. That was my oath to Sakumo Hatake, I have honored my end Kakashi-Kun. Go, make your father proud his prowess lives through you! So you know I find it rather ironic you ended up being adopted into that Clan. It was during Sakumo's stay in Uzushio, that you were conceived and born. You've been tied to them since you were born.

Lightning God, Wind God, you boys know? I trained your Ka-San in Kenjutsu. When she was younger than you are now. I can tell you from what I have witnessed from you during your stay in Tetsu. You have all of her in you, I had the pleasure of meeting blades with Yondaime-Sama once. As a request from Kushina-Chan, I couldn't refuse. You have all of your father in you too. Naruto, Kushina's personality is dominant in you. Minato's intelligence is running the show.

Rai-Kun Minato's persona is dominant in you. However Kushina-Chan's prankster nature, her ruthlessness are always on display. You two are the perfect blend of your parents you just exhibit the traits in such unique ways. It's a blessing just to have you here. Both boys bow, Thank you Mifune-Shishou. Enough of that! Come, show me how much you've grown. Both boys were off, sparks flying, blades crossing and clanging. The effectiveness of Uzumaki Kenjutsu could never be underestimated.

-The Next Morning-

Jiraya! Try not to be a stranger, Ha ha ha ha ha alright old friend. You have my word! The 3 younger Shinobi bowed while the older clasped hands in friendship. They left Tetsu no Kuni bound for Uzushiogakure.

Flying through the trees heading towards the coast. Were a small group of S-Rank Shinobi consisting of a Sanin, Elite Jonin, and a pair of Special Jonin. Jiraya put in for a field promotion while they were in Iron Country. These were Jiraya's thoughts as the port became visible.

Kiba Kitsune: an oversized Karambit Naruto wears as his back blade. Usually drawn left handed and in reverse grip. The curve of the blade makes it an excellent throwing weapon.

Fujin no Ken: is about a foot shorter than it's predecessor. The sword is thicker and it's off angle tip is great for piercing soft flesh.

Dragon Flash Uppercut: "Ken Masters' Sho Ryu Ken" substitute lightning as the dragon.

Wind Style: Divine Shredding Dome is the Hyuga's Rotation but with Wind Chakra.

Fire Style: Burning Knuckle, if you've ever played King Of Fighters you know where this is from.

F_Abe_41creators' thoughts