
Kitsune of 2 Shadows: A Naruto Fan-fic

A twist of fate brought a recently passed Adam into the Shinobi world. Now as one half of it's main protagonists. Armed with Adam's knowledge of future events and his past life experiences. He hopes to change the fate of the Shinobi world. Another twist of fate removes the now named Raiken from Naruto's side within minutes of their birth. Raiken will escape his captors and return to his brother. Just in time to try and mitigate the damage of the worst of the events to come. Read along as the Uzumaki Heirs reclaim their lost legacy and restore their clan and their honor. Raiken has a unique knowledge of future events. How will this change the timeline?

F_Abe_41 · Urbain
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: The Stolen Prince

-Z's Perspective-

Awwwww man! How much longer am I gonna have to be stuck in this tree huggers village!? Z complained to himself, he'd been in deep cover in Konoha. For the better part of a year, waiting for the birth of birth of the Namikaze child. If this wasn't an S-Rank mission I would never step foot in this shit hole. Any day now thought Z.. The night came and the events happened like in cannon. A twist of fate, and a meeting with Kami change the timeline forever.

-Adam Hutton's Perspective-

Boom Boom! You have gotta be kidding me!? A Heart/Lung shot like a fucking animal? WHY!?! Was the last thought in Adam's mind as the darkness of death took him. As he woke up in the void; Man what a ride! He said to himself as he felt his head.

Well at least I can't feel the death blow anymore *shrugs* that would suck! Indeed it would Adam. What the hell was that!? He whips his head in every direction, trying to find the disembodied voice. Who are you? SHOW YOURSELF! Very well, she said from right next to his ear. This got Adam to jump very high and land awkwardly.

To answer your initial question, I am God.

*deep sigh* Considering I was just shot in the chest a few moments ago that makes sense. What is it that you require of me my Lady? Bowing to the Diety in front of him. I require your assistance in something of utmost importance. You see Adam, my champion has had it very rough. Would you help me remedy that? I know you Adam, for you are a fragment of myself. All my children are. Who is your champion my Lady? Oh, him? She paused and spoke Uzumaki NARUTO! I loud whispered his name. Every single fan-boy instinct that I could possibly imagine came flooding to my mind at that moment. My Lady, I am but a soldier, How could I possibly help? The Diety smirks at me, a mirror appears out of the ether. I look into this mirror only to see Uzumaki Naruto. If I didn't have one Ice Blue and one Amethyst eye, or Crimson hair. Other than that? I was 100 percent Naruto Uzumaki staring back at me. Fine! I have requests.

Hmmm? The Diety raised her brow, Proceed. Isn't the Rinnegan an Uzumaki Dojutsu? I'd like to retrieve the Byakugan AO stole, and I want a Tenseigan out of it. To balance that Naruto will use Shisui's eye and implant it. I am aware that Itachi implants Naruto with a crow that bares Shisui's eye. How that happens is up to your grace. He will handle that Mangekyo well, I know it! Divinely powered primary affinities, I would ask for Lighting affinity. What I want is for US to be able to use all 5 nature changes, like Sarutobi. I will retrieve Raijin no Ken, and will have Fujin no Ken made for Naruto. Can the Sandaime train Naruto in Bojutsu?

Lightning, Fire, Water, Earth, Wind would be my order from strongest to weakest affinity. For Naruto it would be Wind, Water, Fire, Earth, Lightning. It would require both of us in sync to summon the physical Kurama. *Shudders* this makes God chuckle. I can see that you have put a lot of effort into your thoughts on this. Very well, this isn't out of the realm of possibilities. I have one more request my Lady. I am listening. The technique to the Seven Heavenly Breaths from Suna. Adam said with a smirk on his face.

Done, she said as the area they were in brightened even further. See you on the other side my child, be good to your brother. Please be strong my champions, she said as Adam finished disappearing from the void. Be good to each other *cough, cough* take care of one another. Have his back Naruto, and you have his back Raiken. Kushina was saying to her sons with the giant claw of the Kyuubi sticking out of it. Minato behind her impaled trying to protect their newborn sons. Raiken had crimson hair, fair skin, and three whisker birthmarks on his cheeks both he and Naruto. Raiken could see what was happening but he was powerless to help. Minato was going through the seals for the Dead Demon Consuming Seal. He split the Kyuubi in half and sealed it within his sons knowing they would be the guardians of Konoha when they grew up. Hoping for the best but dying in the process. There was a lot of smoke, fire, blood, and crying. Damn it! I wish I wasn't so useless That was when he felt the foreboding feeling in his gut. Right before he felt weightless, and was suddenly moving very quickly away from his brother. Away from Konoha, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!?

-Z's perspective-

FUCK! What the hell was all that!? Did Namikaze just seal the Kyuubi into his kids!? What the fuck!? Alright move, move move, move, move, he was screaming to himself as he ran through the smoke heading for the children. He was going to take them both but he felt the Sandaime's chakra headed their direction. He veered left, grabbed up the bundle he could reach and doubled his speed. Gotta get out of this place! Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go! Whatever you do don't cry kid! Was Z's thought process as he rushed out of Konoha with Raiken Uzumaki Namikaze. Sandaime Jinchuriki of Kyuubi's Yang half.

-The Sealing Alter-

Hiruzen Sarutobi was saddened by the events of today. So many lives lost, he thought to himself. He heard the whining bundle he picked him up the seal still evident on his belly. ANBU! I am retaking the mantle immediately. Prepare what's left of the council and have them in my chambers within the hour. The Boar masked ANBU snapped to attention and saluted Yes Hokage Sama. I'm so very sorry Naruto-Kun! Hiruzen said as he hugged the boy tightly to his chest. Shedding tears for the fallen, and for the hardship, this adorable infant would have to live. He disappeared in a Shunshin, when he reappeared he cleaned Naruto up. Dressed him and wrapped him in a nice blanket. The boy slept peacefully, no one would even know. He had that much power sealed in his tiny body.

-With Z and Raiken-

Well Uzumaki-Kun, at least you will be spared the tragic upbringing of a Jinchuriki.

We of Kumogakure treasure Jinchuriki as the heroes they are. The Shinobi was saying as he made his way towards Kumo.

Raiken could only listen and fume internally. Eventually after a few stops and a transportation Jutsu. I was in the Yondaime Raikage's office being inspected by the man. And you are sure this is the Namikaze child!?

Yes Raikage Sama! I witnessed the whole thing the Bloody Habanero named him Raiken. Before succumbing to the injuries from the Kyuubi. Hmmm A said with his hands under his chin deep in thought. Well, father was unable to acquire an Uzumaki but I succeeded where he failed! The scrolls we took from Uzu can be used now that we have an Uzumaki to open them! WHAT!? Spoils of war huh? You're gonna hate it when I take back what's rightfully mine! Raiken was thinking to himself as he was being talked about.

Alright, alright, get out of here! Take him to Mabui and tell her I'll be home later this evening. A few moments later Z handed the child over to the Raikage's wife. Lady Mabui A-Sama says he will return later this evening. This adorable infant is Uzumaki-Namikaze Raiken. Jinchuriki of half of Kyuubi, his counterpart is still in Konoha. Z said with a shrug. Very well Mabui said, we'll take very good care of you Rai-Kun.

-Time Skip-

Raiken Uzumaki he was called in Kumo. The Black Flash, due to his God like use of the lightning armor and the Black Lightning Jutsu he inherited from Darui. ByakuRai because the fight he had with AO of the Kiri Hunter Corps. AO never got the chance to activate the seals on his ears and that cost him his coveted dojutsu.

Raiken became a master of information gathering. So it was nothing for him to discover that he was actually descended from the Whirlpool Village and The Leaf. When Raiken found this out he was just short of 6 tails worth of control. That cost him months of work. When he finally mastered the Tailed Beast State he was certified as Kumo's third Perfect Jinchuriki. Upon completion of the training at Turtle Island.

-Raiken's Mindscape-

Well Kit? Are you ready to leave this place yet? We have Uzushiogakure to explore. Recover the Kubokiribocho. Go to Tetsu no Kuni for the swords. I just don't want to leave Samui-chan behind, ya know? Claim her, mark her, take her with you! Her and the Nibi Jinchuriki that cat wants you kit! The fox teased his host. Ero-Kitsune! Quit fuckin' around!

He made sure to not let anyone see the scrolls. He found them years ago and managed to learn all the Fuuinjutsu within the scrolls he was a level 4 of 10 Uzumaki Seal Master. Which wasn't much as far as Uzumaki went. For the rest of the world however, that was like a level 6 Seal Master. Someone roughly of Sandaime's Level of Sealing prowess. If he could find more Uzumaki relics he was sure he could get to full mastery in the Uzumaki Sealing Arts.

Sealing was like breathing to an Uzumaki. Raiken was no exception! Adept enough to place seals by touch alone. He had already replaced the real scrolls with fakes. Replicas loaded with enough explosives to level Suna in each scroll. With everything Raiken found out about the Uzumaki Clan, and what Kumo had to do with the fall of Uzushiogakure. He had absolutely no ill feelings towards destroying a vast majority of Kumo as payback for his Clan.

He made sure Yugito and Samui were put on a mission to negotiate with Wave. They would already follow him into hell. So starting from this side of things would be great. I like the way you think sometimes kit, said the grinning fox. Yeah, me too Kurama. Hey listen? You think you can enhance all my senses? Ya know, like an advantage? Maybe a Dojutsu? It sucks not being able to deal with genjutsu, and I know that as a Kitsune. Genjutsu would be right up your alley, right!?

You sly little kit! Correct you are, I can do this. As a fox I think night vision, long range vision, infrared vision, enhanced senses, and powerful illusions should be the standard of this power. All these things aren't difficult for you to do. *shrugs* I need to adjust to the changes before I actually meet my Fugato, Naruto.

13 years since I was separated from my Yin half. Yes, let's get to Uzu while they deal with your Blood Clone. Raiken was 10 miles away from Kumo when he detonated the scrolls and his clone. Fuck you A! For my clan, for my Ka-Chan, for stealing me, fuck you. Disappearing into the night never to be seen by Kumo again. He made his way to Wave country so he could catch up with his beloved girlfriends.

-Wave County-

This place is nice, all the vendors lined up across he paused as he saw placard naming this The Great Naruto Bridge. Having abandoned all the garbage identifying him as a Kumo Shinobi. Many of the vendors that got sight of him were entranced by his features. He looked so much like their hero Uzumaki Naruto. He looked very curious with his ice blue and violet eyes. The whisker birthmarks is the real reason for all the attention Raiken was attracting to himself. By the time he managed to make it across the bridge into Wave.

He was ran up to by a boy of about 10 Naruto-Nii? Are you wearing a henge?

I'm sorry? I don't know who Naruto is. I am assuming he is important here. To have this impressive bridge named after him. But, you look just like him!? Only both of his eyes are a sky blue and his hair is blonde. Otherwise, no different. Who are you Aniki? Me? He said pointing at himself. I am Uzumaki Raiken I recently made my way into this territory and I was looking for the leader here. Maybe you can help me? Inari the boy said with a big grin.

Are you related to Naruto-Nii? He asked with tears nearly brimming his eyes. Can you assist me Inari? Raiken asked again. Yeah! I sure can, my Grandpa is the Mayor of Wave Country. Inari said with a huge grin reminiscent of one he would wear as a prankster child. Grabbing Raiken by the wrist he pulled him towards Tazuna. Come on Raiken-Nii I'll take you to my Grandpa.

-Tazuna's Office-

*Knock, knock, knock* GRANDPA! Come in Inari, the door opened up and Inari entered with a young man identical to Naruto other than the red hair and two tone eyes he's the spitting image of Uzumaki Naruto. Grandpa, this is Raiken-Nii! I think he may be related to Naruto-Nii! I can see the resemblance Tazuna said with a smile. Inari? Go home, tell your Mother to cook for an extra person. She'll know what to do when you explain who is coming.

Now go. Tazuna said as he sent Inari to do as he asked. Raiken used his sensory ability to feel when Inari was gone. He was looking at Tazuna thoughtfully. He then went through a short series of seals. Putting up a privacy seal so we won't be heard or interrupted. Tazuna was a bit nervous but the boy showed no hostility towards him.

First of all, I want to thank you for being so grateful to my Fugato. Raiken said before bowing deeply towards Tazuna. Just know you are a friend of the Uzumaki Clan directly now. Tazuna could only stare at this young man wide eyed. I was stolen from Konoha the night of our birth between our parents dying and the chaos. The theif got away with me unseen. As I grew up I became exceptionally good at information gathering. After finding out everything I needed to know. I left Kumo along with all the stolen Uzumaki artifacts.

Speechless, Tazuna thought the runt had it bad before. Sheesh Gaki! I'm sorry you two have had it so rough. I'm assuming you're going to make your way to Naruto? Tazuna asked Raiken, yes but I want to pick somethings up first. Such as? Tazuna asked Raiken. Do you know where I could acquire some new clothes? The stuff from Kumo is rather uncomfortable to wear, ever since knowing the truth. I would like to retrieve Kubokiribocho from Zabuza's grave Maybe give them a proper headstone to mark the grave? Would it be possible to acquire safe passage to Uzushiogakure?

Why yes my boy, I can help you with all that. It's the least we can after your brother has helped this land so much. Well now that the details are out of the way, why don't you stay for dinner? We have plenty and room to spare, I insist Raiken. I won't say no to your kindness Mayor Tazuna. The ladies that were here for the negotiations earlier, where are they? Do you know what hotel they are in? They are no danger, they are my wives to be. Raiken said with the same foxy grin that Naruto always wore.

*cough, cough, gasp* Tazuna sputtered between drink and air. Would you look at that, the boy is grown up already. Thinking about the future of your clan? Tazuna said while wiggling his eyebrows at Raiken. Well yeah, Raiken said with a nervous chuckle. Almost as red as his hair was from embarrassment. Ok, ok, I will wait for you here while you gather them. Might as well bring them with you no need to pay. You can stay with us for free until your business in Wave Country is done.

Tazuna said as he handed the address to the motel to Raiken. Go, go, but be quick about it! Tsunami isn't kind when I'm late for dinner. *shudders* but I think she won't mind after meeting you. Now go. Raiken bowed to Tazuna and left to find the place.

He walked out to the street and activated his Byakugan. The veins not showing thanks to the Kyuubi and his Kitsune vision still working through the Dojutsu. He mused if the nature of the occular power would change once the Rinnegan comes into play.

Spoting their chakra at the same time as Yugito sensed the Kyuubi's chakra. He disappeared in a lightning Shunshin. Reappearing at their door as it swung open to reveal the narrow eyed stare of Yugito Nii. Hello beautiful Raiken said as she laid eyes on him. Walking into the room he saw Samui and hello to you too beautiful. Samui just deadpaned him, Why are you here Rai-Kun?

Sit down girls. He Sealed off the room so he could speak. That contingency plan? The one with collecting the Uzumaki Clan Relics and abandoning Kumogakure? He unsealed two folders and handed them one each. In the folders were the plans that A had for each girl. Samui was to be sold to a fat old merchant. Yugito was to be terminated and a better host for the Nibi found. I wasn't about to let that be your fates. He said after a long uncomfortable silence.

I just left Kumo as a smoking crater. Fuuinjutsu is the best! It will take them at least 20 years to recover from what I did.

Next stop, Uzushiogakure no Sado. But for tonight? We shall have dinner and stay with Mayor Tazuna. Cool Samui said as they began sealing their stuff. Yugito was silent but her features softened up considerably.

-Tazuna's House-

They were still at the old house, where Naruto and Team seven stayed. Raiken could feel the echoes of the Kyuubi's Yokai. They stayed in the same room as the blonde Uzumaki. They had dinner and the family told stories of Naruto. Raiken was glad to know anything he could about his Fugato. The next day Yugito and Samui helped Tsunami out with kitchen duties. While Raiken showed Inari how to throw a knife properly. And a few different ways to attack and defend with one.

He gave Inari his old hoodie with the inner pockets for weapons. A dozen knives and a whet stone to maintain them. It was up to the boy to develop the little bit of skill he was just given. Raiken made sure to remind Inari of such. Inari was gone right after breakfast off into the woods to begin learning to use his knives better. Raiken made his way into town and to the tailor that Tazuna recommended him to.

-Tailor Shop-

Welcome, I hope we can provide you with the garments you seek. The attendant said he had his back turned towards the door. When he turned around the man gasped audibly. Hero-Sama! How might this humble Tailor serve you? Please there is no need for that. I am not Naruto but thank you for the respect you show to my brother. The man's face dropped until he registered what the red head said. Naruto-Sama has family!? This is great news! Sir! Raiken said

I'm afraid that is something that will have to remain between us.

Of course, of course, the Tailor said. How many I serve you? Raiken, my name is Uzumaki Raiken. He pulled out a few sheets of paper with designs drawn on them. I will be leaving Wave for a few weeks I would take it that this should be enough time for you to complete the clothes? Yes, yes, I believe 3 weeks should suffice Raiken-Sama. Please, just Raiken I am not fond of honorifics. The tailor smiled you really are related to Naruto-Kun. Very well Raiken-Kun I will keep these safe for you until your return. Raiken paid for the job and left the store headed back to Tazuna's house.

-Tazuna's Dock-

Well Gaki, take care of yourself! Come back and see us sometime, ok? You like your brother are always welcomed in Wave Country. Thank you Tazuna, friend of the Uzumaki Clan. You have our loyalty in return, Raiken said placing his fist over his heart.


Beautiful Yugito said, So Cooool Samui said with stars in her eyes, yes it is beautiful said Raiken looking at his ancestral home. They dropped anchor and Raiken stepped into the water. As he closed in on the whirlpools they reacted to his chakra. The one closest to him shined brightly in the center and then showed the Konji for Uzumaki. The whirlpools died down and the waters calmed instantly. They pulled the boat in after Raiken and once they reached shore. The whirlpools began moving again as if they had not stopped earlier.

They set up camp near an outcropping of rocks and put up barrier seals just to be safe. They agreed that it was best that Raiken did the exploration alone. Fuuinjutsu was not to be trifled with. Especially not Uzumaki Sealing! He made his way across the island searching feeling for anything that might be off. He found a pendant with the Clan crest as a jewel. It shone brightly as he came in contact with it. He picked it up and put it on. He moved further into Uzu, finding corpses of Kumo, Kiri, Iwa, and minor village affiliations scattered throughout the remains.

It filled him with sadness, and rage. This is how his kin were treated, for being the best in their field? BULLSHIT! Raiken screamed out at the top of his lungs. That's when the voices began to reach his ears. The tormented souls of his kin begging for an Uzumaki to take revenge for their fallen. He wandered his way to and fro, it seemed like the voices were leading him somewhere. He wasn't paying attention until he kicked the pieces of the broken Uzumaki Crest.

In front of what was once the Uzukage Tower. Raiken decided he would explore the Tower. Perhaps there is something of value that only an Uzumaki can retrieve. Making his way through the tower, they really made their way all the way in here huh? Kumo has paid, now I'll make sure the other villages pay for their part in Uzu's downfall. Reaching the Uzukage Office he was impressed with the decor. He got to see paintings of the former Uzukage's and how they dressed.

In his rage he slammed his fists on the desk and was walking out of the office with his hands bleeding. The blood made it on the seal in the middle of the room and the staircase spiraling into view. Deciding to see where this lead he walked own the stairs to a small corridor that lead to dead end shaped in a wall sized Uzumaki Crest. He could see the components of the seal on the wall. Blood offerings, chakra offering, there's a room back there. Biting his thumb and spreading the blood across the seal. Then adding his chakra the seal glowed blue, then red, then the wall rippled as his hands passed through the wall.

Inside the vault room, he found Fuuinjutsu Scrolls for beginners, intermediate, advanced, and master level techniques. Techniques he never thought he'd get to see let alone learn. The avatar for the vault rippled into view. Greetings young Uzumaki, I am Genshin Sandaime Uzukage. Jiji Raiken whispered out. What!? You disrespectful cheeky little Gaki! I meant no disrespect Jiji! Except, you actually are my Jiji if you are Uzumaki Genshin then you are my Ka-Chan's father making you my Jiji.

You!? You're my Kushi-Chan's boy? One of them Jiji, he explained how Kumo acquired him what happened to Kushina, and how he and Naruto were now the Jinchuriki of Kyuubi. The avatar could be seen raging but it was powerless to do anything. Very well under me is the Black Saber, take it and everything in this vault. Then go my grandson, take your birthright. Go and make the world tremble at return of the Uzumaki Clan!

As the avatar faded Raiken was turning his back to the now empty vault. The Black Saber secured on his lower back. Tears, determination, and his birthright in a large scroll he marched back to his camp to the next step of his plan. He spent the next week and a half looking at the jutsu he could learn. He learned the Shadow Clone Jutsu and after reading the technique outline. It's like the jutsu was made for an Uzumaki!

SHADOW CLONE JUTSU! 1500 Raiken copies were now in the area he was using to train he devoured everything lightning.

-Time Skip-

Thank you again for your excellent work sir. Raiken thanked the Tailor again for their new clothes. After retrieving Kubokiribocho and leaving a proper headstone. The trio of Shinobi headed for Fire County. Next stop? Konohagakure No Sado and his Fugato.

Roughly 10 kilometers from Konoha the trio stopped and got freshened up by a stream. Raiken's hair was about mid back length. Samui fixed his hair while Yugito made sure Raiken looked as clean as possible. Making their way to the gates they were stopped by Izumo and Kotetsu. Halt! I am sorry to inform you that due to circumstances beyond our control. Konohagakure is off limits to visitors, try again in a few weeks.

Well, that was unexpected. Raiken said in a hough, ok we shall return in a few weeks. Girls, let's go turning their backs to the gates of Konohagakure. Izumo? Did you see that? The girls? Yeah! They were fine pieces of ass, weren't they? Well, yeah!? But, NO YOU IDIOT, NOT THAT! that young man. His voice it was almost identical to, the wind picked up and when it cleared

there were Uzumaki Naruto, Jiraya of the Sanin, and Princess Tsunade, hey aren't you Shizune Kato? KOTETSU!? Is that really you?

As they caught up Jiraya said, Ok Gaki! you're free to go I'll take care of things with Tsunade. You have about a week before we get our trip started. I'll inform you when it's time to go. Sweet! RAAAMEENNN could be heard as Naruto disappeared in show of pure speed.

-Naruto's Training Ground-

The trio set up camp while Raiken made a building out of earth for them to sleep in. He put a stasis seal on the building to make it last until the seal is removed. Perimeter, Barrier Seal, with a layered genjutsu over that and they were invisible. Raiken began pouring over the scrolls trying to absorb as much Fuuinjutsu as he could. Little did they know that they were camped out at the edges of Naruto's private training ground.

The setting for their fated meeting chosen by its own fickle finger. He was really starting to love the Shadow Clone Jutsu. He saw it would becoming the centerpiece of his fighting style the more he used it.

-Ichiraku Ramen-

Oy Ojii-San! Naruto said waving at Teuchi as he sat on his favorite stool. How are ya old man? Did you miss me while I was gone? Of course I did Naruto-Kun, I always want to see my favorite customer! Teuchi says with a kind fatherly smile. As the first bowl made it in front of Naruto, he inhaled the scent of the food of the Gods. ITADAKIMASU! 20 seconds later the first bowl was no more. 20 bowls later *burp* ahhhhhh! That's was what I was missing. Naruto said utterly satisfied, you're food is the best Teuchi-Ojii! Thanks a lot for your service!

Gotta go now, gotta train hard before I leave in my training trip with Jiraya Sensei.

See ya later Ojii-San! And just like that he was gone again *chuckles* that boy won't ever change! Looking up at the sky Kushina, Minato, you would be proud of the young man he has become. I know I am he said silently to ether while shedding a tear.

YO NARUTO! Choji said out loud as he was passing by. Team 10 and Kiba with them, Hey guys! Naruto waved at the crowd. What's up? We were on our way to Yakiniku-Que, wanna come? Oh man! Naruto pats his belly I'd love to but I just had my fill of Ichiraku's and I need a shower.

See ya guys later! He waved as he left the group. Hinata! Kiba said as she walked up to the group. Wanna come with us to Yakiniku-Que? Uhhh n-no thanks Kiba-Kun I have training to get to with Otou-San. I can't be late. She replied as she waved at the crowd and went in the opposite direction as Naruto.

One of these days those two are gonna see that they're perfect for one another *sigh* Ino said after Hinata left. Ugh! What a drag! Troublesome blondes always starting things. WHAT WAS THAT LAZY ASS!?! *Sigh* Troublesome!

-Naruto's Apartment-

Closing the door to his dwelling, he took his shoes off at the door. He bent over in a quick stretch then reached up high popping a few joints with the stretch. Shadow Clone Jutsu! He nodded at the clones while he went to the floor boards of the living room. Clones cleaned the apartment while Naruto packed his training supplies. Once packed he grabbed his supplies and after locking his door he disappeared in a burst of speed towards his private training ground.

I have one week to improve my Taijutsu, Kawarimi, Rasengan, AHHHHHHH! I don't even know what my chakra affinity is! Naruto was complaining as he came out of the forest into his training field. Kit! Kyuubi grumbled, do you feel that?

Highlighted/Italicized font is denoting a Diety speaking.

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