
Kissing the Crown of the Head

"It's too late to go back, Inessa brown." “But I still think it's wrong" "“It's better when it feels wrong. Now shut up, be a good girl and spread your legs.” Inessa brown a corporate 24 year old worker from new York. growing up as backstage crew of her life thought thing finally changed when she met her long term boyfriend. But after years of dating their love somewhere disappear. That's when she discover Matthew was cheating on her. But she still decided to stay and would be getting married very soon. Why? Because there was much more than just that. But what that could be that made Inessa to still be with Matthew even after knowing it. Rafael Anderson, young entrepreneur who started his new technical company cross road with Inessa at a club and ended up sleeping together. When Inessa was planning to end it up terming it as one night stand, Rafael was planning more than that. Betrayed by her first love and long term boyfriend, Matthew, Inessa decided to take the revenge. USING RAFAEL? Maybe. When a friend with benefit relation become way more complicated than that what would Inessa do now? Will she give up her revenge and plotting towards Matthew, breaking up with him and loving Rafael wholeheartly or she will continue? A urban romance novel about love, betrayal, jealousy, hate, and a lot of smut, which brings you the realistic scenario of time and evil people have become for materialistic success. Kissing the Crown of the Head. This story is entirely mine and not copied from anywhere else. So I hope nobody try's to copy it or I'll take legal action on them. Except for the cover I own everything.

Jutishmita_Saikia · Urbain
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11 Chs

Chapter 10: Why universe?

"Hey buddy. You look good, man." James said, giving him a side hug. Giving "Rafael" a side hug.

I remembered everything. I freaking remembered everything and he is standing in front of me. What should I say? Hi, how are you? Hey last night was way too much? Ugh this is way much to handle. This is not how I wanted it to end. I obviously can't sit in front of him reacting as if nothing happened. I am not yet that hard hearted person. Everything I feel is always visible in my face very clearly. Even a person who has never seen me before can read me like a thesis they have been working on for two years. Should I just pretend I don't remember? I mean I actually didn't, it's just a moment ago I did. It won't be that hard I guess.

"Hey! You too" he replied with a slight smile on his face. I was still seated and wasn't looking at him as if he didn't even exist. I mean I did take a slight peek at him. But he didn't notice. Thank god.

"And this is my friend, Inessa." James introduced me. Why, why, just why. Why always me. Should I cry, scream or just simply jump off the building.

"Hey Inessa, nice to meet you." he said, forwarding his hands for a shake.

Is this guy really kidding with me. Nice to meet you?? Bitch we fucked last night. And that too, badly. Don't you think it's too much of an unappropriated sentence you are saying right now? Or he wants to pretend as if nothing happened? Then why is he here? Why does he know James? I think I need some alcohol. Or maybe some pills. But I decided not to take them anymore. Alcohol is much better.

"Inn what's up? What are you thinking?" James said, shaking me a bit.

Yes, who cares what he thinks. What matters is what I think. And I am going to pretend like I don't remember anything. Don't you think that's too much of a big sentence for the decision you took. Mini me wont leave a single chance of proving me dumb.

"Oh..oh...oh hey. Nice to meet you too." I replied with a wide smile hiding my misery as much as possible. You are doing good, girl. Few more minutes than you can run.

And we all sat at that round table which was somewhat appearing small to me now. And James wasn't pausing for a second. And he was replying to him too but not that much. And I was sitting there saying nothing looking at my phone as if I just stepped on an explosive in the minefield. And the moment I say something it will blast.

It's already been 20 minutes and James is still going. How the fuck can he talk so much? If talking was an Olympic game then James would have won all the gold medals. I can't sit here anymore. I can feel my legs are now sore because of the tense I am in.

" You guys carry on, I am going to the washroom." I said and stood and left without even bothering with their reply. And the moment I entered the washroom and closed the door I think that's when I took a breath. Is it that hard? I mean it is. It's not like I am familiar with this kind of situation. Let's take some deep breaths and leave this hell.

I took a few deep breaths and walked out.

"So you remember." a voice followed me. And it didn't take much effort to understand who that was. God, can I even escape? I know you hate me but this is too much. Why universe? I turned around and he was leaning on the wall outside the washroom. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't see him.

"I thought you don't remember anything that's why you greeted me like that but seeing you quietly sitting there and not even daring to look at me, I understood you remembered." " I thought I have to do everything again to make you remember but…now." he said to me with a wink.

"Do what again?" I asked him, almost looking mortified.

"Everything that happened yesterday." he replied. His voice almost gave me shock all over my body. Nope my heart didn't flatter but I did feel disgust. Isn't he a bit too over the moon about himself. The kind of person I hate the most is him. But he is also the kind of person that can make you feel like that. You know what I mean. Mini me is being way too talkative now.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I gotta go." I said and tried to get away but he held my hand, pulled me inside the bathroom and locked the door. He was pinning me onto the bathroom door blocking my way.

"What do you want? Let me go." I ordered him, almost losing my cool.

"Why did you leave in the morning while I was asleep? You didn't run away did you?"

"I am not a coward to run away because of such a small thing."

"Oh you sound very experienced in this area?" he asked. Does he love teasing people who clearly hate him? What's up with this guy?

"Shut up." I tried to move but he didn't let me.

"Good if you think that way. Don't do that again, okay?" he said to me softly patting my head as if I am a dog.

I removed his hand from my head and said, "don't worry we won't be in that situation again."

"We'll see." He held my hand and walked out. I removed my hand from his and stood still so that he could go a few minutes earlier than me but he didn't. He came back and held my hands again. But I removed it again.

"What's wrong? You don't want to hold hands?" he asked as if I begged him to hold hands.

"Why would I?"

"What do you mean? Didn't we last night.." he asked me confused and his smile was gone. Was he expecting something from me? Wasn't this also a one night stand for him too? Wait, is he asking me to take responsibility? He looks like someone who sleeps around a lot with women. Why is he still lingering around me then? Let's both of us walk our way now.

"Look, whatever happened last night it was because we both were drunk. I.. …am not saying it's your fault, it was mutual, I agree. But that's it. Now we gotta move our way. You get it. I have no idea how you know James and I have no problem with you being close with him but let's not cross our way from now on. I am pretty sure when you came here you were expecting me to be here, but I hope this will be the last time this happens. Do you get it?" I said without letting him interrupt me even though he wanted to a few times. And then I tried to walk away but again he didn't allow it. But this time…..

He kissed me.

Every moment his lips were touching mine, every moment of last night was coming to my mind. My eyes were shut without even realizing as if they were trained for this. I was kissing him back. But I shouldn't.

I shouldn't. As if all the courage I had built till yet were broken into pieces with the single touch of his lips.

"Look, that's how hungry you are for my lips and you're still saying that we should not cross our way anymore? Darling didn't I say yesterday it's too late."


"Shushhh… stop denying just because of your high ego."

"No, I am not denying it because of my ego."

"Then tell me the truth. Don't you feel different when touch you, kiss you, fuck you?" he asked as if he knew me too well. But he didn't. No one knows me more than myself. But did everything he said was true? Sadly yeah. But will I accept it? Impossible.

"You are getting too ahead of yourself." I replied.

"See, you lying again. You know what, that doesn't matter cause there is no going back anymore Inessa brown."

" But I have a boyfriend." do I? I mean I can at least use that bastard for this. And we haven't broken up yet either. So technically I do still have a boyfriend.

"If you have a boyfriend he would have picked you up yesterday and more than that he won't allow you to go to a club with two male friends. And if he allows, maybe he isn't concerned about you at all." he replied as if he had prepared all kinds of answers for all the questions I am going to ask him.


But he wasn't wrong either, Matthew never cared about me going to clubs with James and Stefan neither when I was drunk. All he used to do was gossip about them when we met and flex about his parents giving him the company completely.

"Look, I really do have a boyfriend. It's just that we are in a long distance relationship." I tried to convince him. But he didn't reply to me, instead he kissed me again. And again I kissed him again. But this time it was getting more intense. I pulled my lips from him.

"We gotta stop, there are people outside. James's waiting too." I said and opened the door to walk out but again he pulled me back. Swear to god, I want to tear out this damn person right here.

"Where do you think you are going?" he said and kissed again. But this time his hands started to explore too. And I was moaning already.


Am I that easy to please? Okay now this is embarrassing.

"People can hear us," I said to him with a shaking voice.

"Then you better be quiet." " do you know I can't stop thinking about your mouth and it's driving me crazy" he said almost whispering.

Do you know what? Me too.

(to be continue)